Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Daniel moved out of his dorm preparing himself for the class slowly moving to the green house in the gardens. He knew he was going to do something new in the class today, he caught that much whilst he was half asleep in the class.
(I'm starting with my other character!)

Claire got up, putted her uniform and got her hair back in a ponytail. She took her handbag and quitted the dorm to go to class.

Galen looked at his schedule. Elemental class. He walked in an hall, nervous and looking at his schedule. As he was walking and bumped into Claire. He stopped looking at his schedule and saw Claire. He quickly went to help her getting up and felt bad for her. "I am so sorry!" " Are you okay?" "I am Galen, Galen Storm... Water elemental." "How about you?"

As he helped Claire getting up, she realised that he felt bad. "It's not your fault ," she said, looking at him. "I don't think that someone bumping into me will kill me," she replied and smiled to him. He smiled back to her. "Claire Sparks Valentine, water elemental too," she said.

As Galen saw her purple mixed with silver eyes, he felt relaxed. "So we are in the same class, that's cool." "Talking of class, let's go." Claire nodded and went for the class, followed by Galen.
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Olivia's hair was practically dry now and a tangled mess. She combed through it with her fingers to get the knots out. "I can't believe I left my brush in my room." she mumbled as she walked towards her first class.
Claire and Galen entered the class room and they sat next to each other. They introduced Galen to the teacher and they talked with each other waiting for the class to begin.

"Hummm..." The teacher started. "Are you two a couple?"

Claire started to laugh. " No, we just met."

Galen looked a bit incomfortable with the situation but smiled as he heard Claire. 'She haves the words,' he tought. He started reading his book when Claire looked at him.

"What are you reading?"

"The Dead Chronicles... Have you already read it?"

She smiled.

"Yeah! I like that book!"

They talked about books and heard the ring bell.
(It's okay, we all wanna have a more role playing)

Olivia walked into class just as the bell rang. "Sorry I'm late," she panted. When she looked up she realized she was in the wrong classroom. "Uh, can I have a note please?" Olivia asked the teacher while her face turned bright red. The teacher wrote her a quick note and Olivia left the classroom heading towards her own.
(Your character is just so cute!)

Claire already knew about what the teacher was talking about but Galen looked like listening. He sighed and took a paper. He writes something in it and slides it towards Claire. She looked at it and smiled. She writted something back and slided it back to Galen. He read it and smiles.
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Daniel sat there cheek hanging by his hand as his head slid down. He was so sure they would do something new, but all they were doing was plant movement and since he was specializing himself in using the earth to manipulate items this was completely useless. As the group of students walked around the gardens Daniel switched his path from them to walk into the school halls and to the bathrooms to sit around. "Third school day and you are already bored of this class to the point of fooling around?... Yep!" Daniel entered the bathroom after talking to himself and sat around the sinks lifting up the tiles in front of the stalls for the poor suckers who would trip on the now loose tiles.
Saying her goodbye to the boy the other night, she went up to her apartment. Throwing her bowl in the sink she washed it, jumping in bed right after. Waking up she looked at the clock, seeing it 8:15 she smiled tiredly, jumping up she grabbed it raising it closer "EH! NOT AGAIN!!!" She ran through the bathroom, brushing her teeth and changing into her uniform, she fixed her hair. Running to class, she realized she forgot her book "ahhh ehh how can my day get any worse!" She ran back , searching for her keys, realizing that they were inside. "NOOOoo" she took off again now defiantly late. Runs hung through the halls, she made a quick turn, reaching out for the handle she missed running straight into the door" EMf.." She winced getting back up "owwww..." She rubbed her head, walking in. Mr Gard was About to say something but she just walked by saying "I know I know..." She walked over to a desk.
Galen writed something back on the paper and slided it again to Claire who smiled again and blushed a little. He smiled when he saw her blush. She writed something on the paper and slided it to him again. He read it and laughed silently.

~Time slowly passes~
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After loosening the tiles in front of the stall doors Daniel made his way back to the classroom in the hopes that the teacher was not back yet and everyone was still wasting their time. His wish was granted as the classroom was empty. He took his sketch book out of his backpack and started sketching until the bell rang for everyone to leave. Daniel didn't know what he was drawing he went from manga characters to sun bear masks just to be interrupted by the great clang of the bell.
Claire got up as the bell rang. She left the class room and went into another class. Galen went to his room in the dorm to have some sleep. She took out her notebook and started drawing what was in her mind. After she stopped drawing, she looked at what she draw. It was a 6 years old child out at the rain, crying at her parents graves. Claire had some tears in her eyes. It was her on this drawing. She continued looking at her drawing.
Finally the bell had rung and class was over. Olivia had only missed the first couple minutes of it so she had no work to make up. She walked silently to her next class, which was in the gardens. She hummed to herself and a cooling breeze blew throughout the garden.
Even though he's been going this route to his second class for these two days Olivia going to the gardens at this time was new to him. His head shifted looking at her and continued to follow behind her before he crashed into a group of people hopping his way forward one foot. "Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry!" he exclaimed a few times before balancing not making eye contact with the now angered group. It was not long before he hit his second class this one actually had nothing to do with his element it was computer science/programming, this was yet another interest of his.
Brandon arrived at chemistry class and opened the door to see he was late. He looked at the clock on the wall and pulled out his phone to compare the times. His phone was off. "but.." he stutters to the teacher. The bell rings a second later. Mr. Gard shook his head in disappointment "come get your work Mr. summers". Brandon shuffled over to him and grabbed his work and left for his dorm.
(Hahaha still late?)

Galen tought about Claire for a moment and smiled. "She's nice for a girl who haves a dark past like her."

Claire drawed a girl reading a book in a tree. She was proud of her drawing.
( he doesn't have the best of luck)

Brandon looked out a window in the hallway and saw a bright blue sky with small swirling clouds slowly floating to the left. He smiled and checked to see if he could open the window. After he found it to only be a piece of glass he walked out of the building and almost exerted most of his strength forcing his body weight up against gravity to reach the roof. He fell on his back when he reached the roof and let out a tired sigh. "I should change the time on my phone" he said out loud while pulling out his phone. Brandon changes the time and pulls out a pencil to work on his chemistry paper.
(Yeah, I saw that :P )

Claire listened to what the teacher said with distraction. 'If only there could be rain...' she tought. She continued drawing.
Daniel was nearly through his class as he had finished his journal and program for the day. He was looking at the time on the display 11:58 AM the time read. He was starving, because he forgot dinner due to his little crash in the trees yesterday and missing out on breakfast this morning. As soon as the bell for lunch came he rushed out for the cafeteria to be at least somewhere in the middle of line. He was mistaken even with pacing his classroom had such a distance he had to go through the gardens to get to the cafeteria, so he was once again nearly last.
Brandon finished his work and looked to the sky to see it had grown dark. Dark swirling clouds consumed the small white clouds that traveled across the sky. A drop hit his face and ran down to land on his chemistry work. Brandon put the papers into shirt and was about to jump of the roof until he noticed that he didn't have enough energy to force the wind to hold him in the air. He ran to the door to roof and tried to open it, but it was locked. "this isn't good" Brandon muttered. He ran back to the edge of the roof again and saw that he might be able to scale down the wall. The rain started to pour as he slowly climbed down to his window. Soaking wet Brandon climbs into his room and closes the window behind him. He pulls out his work to see they were only a little wet. He lays them on his night stand and rushes to the bathroom to dry off and change clothes.
Claire smiled. It was raining! She went outside as she heard the bell ring. She walked at the rain. When she touched a water drop with her hand, it becamed ice. She laughed.
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Once he grabbed his lunch all packed up Daniel began to make his way to the hill from yesterday. "She probably forgot anyway." he said to himself as he walked through the groups to the end of the hall. He threw his hand up hitting a piece of dirt up throwing him to the top of the hill next to the tree. Sliding down the hill whilst protecting his food he began to slow himself down and sit. He lied down waiting for Olivia, and hadn't started eating to be polite. His hunger and fatigue from insufficient rest began to throw him into a deep sleep.

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Freshly clothed, Brandon walks to the cafeteria to eat. "A quick lunch and back to my dorm for a nap" he tells himself while he thinks about how his wet chemistry papers will look tomorrow.
((I am just going to jump in. :P ))

Calypso was walking outside as the bell rang. Suddenly she felt little water droplets fall and splat on her skin. Calypso happily titled her head up in the refreshing rain. She hurried to get her lunch and then walked back out. To protect her food from the rain, she put a little protective bubble around her food tray. "God this feels wonderful." She exclaimed joyfully.
Claire continued walking in the rain, very happy. Her uniform was all wet but she did not mind.

Galen went outside and tought he saw a ghost but it was in fact Claire. He went back to his dorm and took his trench coat before getting out again.
Daniel lied there under the trees shroud completely forgetting his food and just sleeping as rain poured around the tree. As a drop came through the fort of leaves and hit Daniel's face in his sleep, he quickly knocked the ground building up a small shelter of stone around him still sleeping.

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