Apocalypse 101

Alteriel looked out the door, "Its getting dark..." He said quietly, "We would have to go in fast and quiet..." He added, "But yeah. I can do that." He turned to Matthews, "sound okay to you corporal?" He asked.
Sam let out a happy quiet laugh of excitement. She couldn't wait and Fey was so smart disguising it as a clear out mission. She wondered how they would hide their real plans from the boys.

"I can't wait we really should go today!! I'm so happy!! Besides the dead guys might be asleep in the night!" Sam explained.

She didn't yet understand the concept of the zombies actually being dead. She kind of thought they were human in a way.
Fey smiled at Sam, and squealed happily. ”Plus, the things react to noise so we can go on foot, we just have to be really really quiet. I mean, i've literally walked right past one once, and it didn't even move a muscle.” she said grinning. ”Plus, we might find more survivors.” she added.
Alteriel nodded hopeful that there might still be survivors, "Thanks." He added tearing open the can of fruit with his combat knife. He made a small cut and then basically just ripped it in half. He ate as calmly as he could without looking like an animal, "I think if we stick together and keep our heads on straight then we will be just fine he added with a smile. The sun was down now, it was twilight, "We should hurry though..." He said looking through the cracks in the window, "We may need to find a bigger place too...maybe somewhere more fortified..." He thought of the prison. The armory was still stocked and the only way in was through control center. The other officers either ran or died in the initial attack. His mind wandered to McKnight, his partner who had died in there to let him escape. Then to his wife and child. He teared up a little but chocked it back down quickly.
Fey nodded and turned to Sam. ”I'm going to take a quick shower, i'll be right back.” she said, before disappearing into the bathroom with her bag. She was lightning quick, and this time let her hair stay down. She stared at herself in the mirror, and remembered a time when the only way she would allow herself be seen in public was with makeup on. Now, she didn't care, other things were kinda happening. She sighed, and quickly got dressed, before realizing what she was wearing. It was the dress her father bought her before all this happened. She hit the sink, and choked back a rogue sob. She quickly wiped her face, trying to hide all signs of her weakness before grabbing her bag and walking back out to the living room. She didn't trust herself to say anything, in fear she'd break down. She took a moment to get her bearings before speaking. ”I'm ready.” she whispered, not meeting anybody's eyes.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_m5bx5tSRvw1roto8oo1_400.jpg.1df6a152cf2568d85ba363d84171541f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4941" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_m5bx5tSRvw1roto8oo1_400.jpg.1df6a152cf2568d85ba363d84171541f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ian saw it was getting dark. "Idiot" he muttered to himself. He should have stopped looking at least an hour ago. He hurried towards the old building he had been hiding on the roof of, it was a fair distance away.
Fey finally couldn't do it. ”I'll be outside...” she gasped before stumbling out. It felt like the walls were closing in on her, a snake wrapped around her lungs squeezing tighter and tighter. She found her way to the end of the yard by the street, bent over with her head between her knees while gasping for breath. She finally straightened, and hug herself while looking around. Then she noticed the figure of someone sneaking across the street, a little farther down. Too quick and coordinated to be a zomb. She looked back to see the others still inside, before turning and hurrying towards the figure. When she got to it she realized it was another survivor, a teenage boy. ”Oh....hi...”she said, suddenly feeling awkward around him.
Ian turned and looked at Renee. "what do you want?" He felt bad about being so aggressive with his tone, after all there can't be many people about anymore but he had told himself before, get attached to no one anymore, they were gonna get hurt or leave and he'd just be alone again.
Fey looked down. ”My name is Fey. If you would like, there are three other survivors living with me. We're...er....a group I guess you could say. But anyway, you could join us. We have food, water, shelter,and weapons. Two military men are there. At least stay the night so those don't get you.”she whispered, nodding her head towards a bunch of walkers across from where the two stood. The echos of their talk must have attracted them.
Ian look at the fast approaching darkness, then in the direction of the old building he had been "camping" on top of. He didn't see much of a choice, he wasn't going to get there before it got completely dark. "yeah OK" He walked over "...thanks..i guess".
Fey immediately snapped out of her state of weakness. ”I didn't do it for you, iI just don' t want you to be stupid and attract raving masses of zombs. Now there is Sam, she owns the house we're going to. Then Alteriel, a awesome guy who's all military, then Thomas, a badarse military man who is a no bs type of guy. Also very very attractive. Just saying, but iI think he's straight so you may be out of luck. Well, if you're gay iI mean. Not that iI think you are, just in case measure.” she said as she walked towards the house, pausing to crack a zombie upside the head with her bat and watching it crumple, before continuing. She opened the front door, and made a sweeping gesture with her arm. ”After you.”
Ian frowned at her and replied angrily back "well i didn't accept to spare your feelings" He walked in the door
Fey glared at his back, and walked in angry and fuming. ”Well iI couldn't care less if you did or not, because iI honestly didn't care if you were eaten by a.....” she stopped midsentence, and felt angry tears run down her cheeks. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before running a hand through her hair. ”We got off on the wrong foot. I apologize.” she said softly, before turning and walking back out and collapsing in the grass, staring at the stars and thinking about her father.
Ian felt sympathy for her and went to go out to her then stopped. "don't get attached to people Ian" he muttered to himself. "you better get in before you get killed it'll be dark in just a few minutes. He adjusted his grey hoodie to hide what was under it and turned away.
Fey sighed, and looked around at the streets. All the zombs were just stumbling around, not noticing her. ”Grrrrrr...” she grumbled to what Ian said. She flipped over onto her belly and looked at his back through the door. ”They don't even realize i'm here.” she said before studying him more thoroughly. As if she just noticed what he looked like, she flipped back on her back with wide eyes. ”Sizzle...” she muttered. He was hotter than she realized.
Fey flipped on her belly again, blowing some hair out of her eyes. ”Just asked how old you are.” she covered up easily.
Fey shrugged. ”Just wondering. You're the first person iI met that's near my age besides Sam. Makes me wonder if they're all gone, wiped out.” she whispered sadly, wiping away a tear. ”By the way you wouldn't know if the Mayor survived at all, do you?” she asked randomly.
Fey sighex and grumbled obsanities as she slowly got up. She then froze when she heard something from behind her. ”Ooooh crap...”she whispered as she slowly turned to see at least five zombs a few feet and closing fast. She grabbed her bat, hitting the nearest one into the others, knocking them back. She stabbed the back of the bat through one's head, and whirled to face the others. ”Two down, three to go.” she muttered, grinning.
Ian grabbed one of his knives and threw it, it hit a zombie, knocking it over, he threw the second one, it hit the zombies chest, it staggers but doesn't fall. Ian pulls out his bow and fires a arrow, the zombie goes down, 1 zombie is left.
Fey saw the last one get a little to close to Ian for her liking, so she tackled it andI grabbed it's head careful of watching the teeth, before twisting it with a sickening crack. She looked up at Ian, worried. ”You okay?” she asked quickly.
"I'm not the one who was lying out here in the dark, you'll get yourself killed at some point if your not careful" Ian has a slightly cold tone in his voice. 
He pulled one of his knives from a zombie and looked around for the other.
Fey shrugged and smiled at him. ”I usually do it. Not like anyone would miss me anyways.” she said easily, grabbing his knife from a corpse an tossed it to him before turning and heading to her motorcycle. She grabbed it, before pushing it to the side of the house. Don't want them heffers to get near it, she thought. Then she skipped back and twirled around making her dress billow out, glad it was still clean of blood.

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