Apocalypse 101

Sam came busting out of the front door.

"Feeeeeeeyyy!!-" She began, but stopped as she noticed the new man "Fey there's a stranger on the porch"

She looked at the man momentarily, studying his face. She then let out a big grin. She knew Fey would only let good people near the house.
Ian jumped at the loud, noisy girl. "do you want to attract every zombie in the entire area?" he looked at her with a slight look of annoyance.
Fey whirled to glare at Ian. ”Shut up and leave her alone.” she snapped, hurrying back to Sam. ”Sorry, had some things to take care of.” she said, grinning at the girl, all unhappiness and tension melting away.
"OK I'm asking because this needs to be asked, what is up with her?" He indicates towards Sam. "she acts like a 6 year old!"
Fey turned to Ian. ”Ian, this is Sam A.K.A the Chaos Monkey. Sam meet Ian. I have yet to come up with a nickname for him.” she giggled , before leaning in to whisper to the girl. ”He...is...divine! But if only his attitude were as hot as his looks.” she laughed. ”And Sam is just...Sam.” she said lou enough for Ian to hear her.
"Yea he acts like a dumby!" Sam whispered back but emphasizing dumby for him to hear.

Sam looked at the man again now slightly noticing he was attractive.

"Can we go inside now it's kinda cold." Sam rubbed her shoulders.
Fey shook her head and rolled her eyes. ”And we were actually going to be heading down the street for a bit if you'd like to come. I think our gaurdians fell asleep.” she said, meaning Alteriel and Thomas. She turned to Sam. ”Yeah, we can. We'll need to dress warmer before we go though.”
Ian shook his head again "she calls ME a dummy" he muttered to himself. 
"oh yeah" Ian said slightly coldly. "your "military guys" right?"
Sam stood behind Fey glaring at the man. Sam was slightly shorter then Fey so she was on her tippy toes. She did a motion with her fingers pointing to her eyes and then the man as if to say she's watching him. Then she headed in her house to her room where she put on a blue t-shirt, a thin jacket ,and skinny jeans. She then headed back down stairs to wait for them.
(why did my post double post when you had posts already after it??) 
"oh yeah" Ian said slightly coldly. "your "military guys" right?"
(haha idk O. o)

Fey laughed at Sam's actions, before ignoring Ian and disappearing into the bathroom to come back out wearing tight black jeans and a black sweater. She usually wore white, but white clothes would be a little to showy out in the dark. Although the zombs can't really see, it made her feel more secure. ”Yeah our military guys.” she mocked in a whisper. Then she turned to Sam. ”Ready?” she asked excited. She wondered what clothes would be left at the place they were going.
Ian leaned against the wall. when they went inside he pulled out a knife and looked at the engraving in the blade. He sighed.
"Super ready!" She exclaimed and ran out the door waiting on the porch "Are we going to wait for Ariel and the other guy or just go?"
Fey looked back into the front room. ”Lets just go. They'll still be here when we get back.” she said, leaving Ian inside as she hopped on the motorcycle. ”Hold on.” she warned, before taking off super fast down the street, swerving to avoid a couple zombs.
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Sam ran to her garage and opened it. She pulled the keys out of her pocket and hoped in. It only took one turn to start up this time.

"Hey poophead wanna ride with me?" She asked the man.
Sam smiled at him already forgiving him. She in truth wasn't even sure why she was mad in the first place. She reached over unlocked the door and patted the passenger seat beside her.
Fey got to the place way before the others, and parked her bike outside on the sidewalk. She looked around, happy to see no zombs. Then she opened the door to the Boutique, wincing at the chiming bells. She slowly stepped inside, only to be tackled by a zombie. Without meaning to she let out a scream.
"To get new clo-" Sam stopped her self and smiled cheekily "I mean to clear out some of the stores of zombies!" She back out as soon as Ian was in the car and sped off after Fey. When she head the scream of her friend she drove faster. She got tunnel vision and knew she had to be there to help Fey.
Fey threw the zomb off of her, then noticed Sam. ”Stay back, iI got it. There's only one anywhos so we're good.” she said quickly, before grabbing the nearest high heel and slamming it into the head of the zomb. Then she noticed the heel. ”Awwwww man that was cute!” she cried.

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