Apocalypse 101

Fey shifted her feet as she released the heel and let the zomb fall to the floor. ”No, we are clearing this place of zombies.” she said retortly.
Ian looked at Fey "yeah sure" he replied in a sarcastic tone "and clearing the place of clothes too" he muttered under his breath.
Alteriel woke up as soon as he heard the door shut, "The fuck..." He asked the darkness. Williams awas kinda hard to see at the moment but he could still notice his rifle and part of his clothing. He pulled his personal logbook out and jotted down the coordinates of the store where they were and added 'En-route' to the bottom of the note to let him know that it was where he was headed as well. He loaded the shotgun back, two shells free and four chambered. Then he made sure his .38 was fully loaded and that the speed loaders were as well. He slipped out of the front door quietly and saw about fifteen of them roaming around. They didn't notice him thankfully. He wasn't so sure about the sound, it definitely attracted them but...He noticed one of the zombies appeared to be LOOKING right at him, "You have to be kidding me..." He said. It started after him shifting slightly. He made a quick turn into the side yard and peeked around the corner. There it stood looking around again, "Well SOME of them can see i guess..." He whispered to himself. They can't have good eyesight though, the thing could barely follow where he was. He saw a satellite dish about mid-way up the 1 story house next to him. Grasping it tightly he yanked to make sure it was good and pulled himself up onto the house, "God i am out of shape..." He huffed sweating into his uniform. He started towards the shop following the noise of the vehicles. He quickly lost the noise though, "Good thing i live here..." He mumbled figuring out rather quickly which store they were headed to and made his way there by rooftop.
((Man, I keep missing so much! I was gone camping. So yeah... :P ))

Preston realized it was getting dark out. He glanced behind him, and quickly grabbed everything he needed. Food. Check. Water. Check. Weapons. Check. Clothes. Check. He was good to go. He kicked open the door, his bat in his hand. He was quiet, creeping around the road. "I need to find a place to crash for the night." He said, under his breathe. Keeping a look out, and jogged down the road, making a quiet sound, making from everything in his backpack. He heard moans. He had to hurry. "Come on. Come on." He said, pumping himself up. He began running. Whipping his head around like crazy, he began breathing hard. They were all around. The Walkers. He stopped in his tracks, doing a 360. "Hi-yah!" He yelled, and hit the nearest walker. It fell to the floor, not moving anymore. He turned back, tons more around him. "Come and get me!!"
Ian leaned against a wall watching Fey and Sam, he groaned, "typical women" he though to himself "frekin zombies everywhere and they go...clothes shopping"
Alteriel saw some idiot in the middle of the road trying to fight off the zombs seemingly bare handed He watched from the roof of a single story house. He knelt down and pulled out his .38 Blasting one of the heads clean off of the zombs shoulders. He whistled loudly and waved him over to the porch roof. Hired another shot into the chest of one knocking it back just as it was about to grab him then holstered his gun and laid down letting his arm swing to pull the other person up.
Ian stopped, he thought he had heard gun shots, the listened again:................*BANG* another shot. He pushed the door of the shop open and looked out. He saw a guy in a crowd of zombies and another guy on a rooftop shooting the zombies, clearly trying to help the first guy. 
Ian sighed "getting involved again are we Ian?" he muttered to himself. he pulled his bow off his back and fired a few arrows those arrows hit a few zombies and those few zombies fell. He smirked as it was a pretty far distance.
Fey hurried to the door. ”Alt! Careful!” she yelled, watching with fear and concern. He pulled the other guy up...then the zombs turned and started towards her and the shop. ”Me and my loud mouth.” she muttered, gripping her bat and hitting each zomb that came too close.
Fey froze a moment...and lost it. She screamed a war like cry before diving into the horde, kicking and clawing, hitting and wacking until most were dead. She tackled one, ripping it's head off then turned to another. ”This is for Mom!” she yelled, kicking it in the chest and knocking it down, before smashing it's head in. She turned to the last two, and hit both with the bat in one swing as all went silent.
Sam was midway thought picking up a cute tang top when she heard the gun shots. At first she wasn't sure what they were. She stuffed the tang top in her bag and ran out almost expecting to see fireworks. She was sadly disappointed. She ran after Fey though knowing she might need help.

Sam was smart enough to grab her gun a nailed bat before going though. She was a second behind Fey and as she was fighting Sam ran in to help. By the time she got there it was too late the zombies were taken down.

Sam ran and embraced Fey

"Are you okay?!" Sam asked.
Fey took a deep breath and hugged Sam. ”I'm fine. Just had a temper tantrum.” she said, laughing uneasily. ”Now that that's over, lets go shopping.” she said, forcing a smile before turning and going back into the shop, brushing against Ian and pausing a moment. She opened her mouth as if to say something, before looking down and continuing inside.
"Okay dokie Fey!" Sam said and smiled following her "You boys can come to Ariel and new guy! By the way I'm Sam!"

She walked into the shop but not before sticking her tongue out at Ian as if to say 'so what?'. She walked to a section with long sleeve shirts. The rational side of her was pushing her to them. It would be cold soon and she needed to keep warm.
Fey paused, and turned slightly. ”Ian....want to help us pick out clothes. We can have a catwalk and you can tell us what you think.” she said smiling sweetly at him.
(point i should make, i have never said my name so far to someone) Ian looked at her "i think i'll pass on that" he turned again and continued to walk
"That sounds super fun!" Sam cheered.

Her mother had put her in pageants as a child. She was a cute kid, but wasn't cut out for it. It was too much work she would think.

Sam pulled a few items off the racks. A dress, two sweaters, the tang top in her bag, and a pair of jeans.

"Please?" Sam begged making a puppy dog face.
Fey watched him go, before turning to a rack numbly. She grabbed random items, a dress, some jeans and sweators. She took a apairbof high heels and turned to Sam. ”I'm trying the dress and heels on. Be right back.” she giggled, back to normal in an instant. Toughness and giggles were how she protected herself from being hurt. She disappeared into the dressing room with a fake smile plastered on.
Sam was a little confused with the way Fey replied, but she wasn't going to question it. She looked on the racks feeling kind of alone in the store with poophead leaving and Fey running away.
Looking around, Ian looked pulled himself up into the rusting fire escape of an old building nearby and climbed up to the top of the building.

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