Apocalypse 101

Alteriel smiled at Fey, "Looks good!" He hollered then he heard them. The spasmatic flailing of the runners, "Look out!" He screamed but it was too late and he was too high up they were still coming then he heard is radio. Before he could even respond Williams showed up, "This guy..." He smirked, "WILLIAMS!" He hollered flagging him over to him, "Bring'em in, we need to move!" He said loudly. The horde was getting worse and worse but he didn't have a choice. He re-loaded leaving him with 12 bullets and holstered his .38. After this he slung his 12 gauge off of his shoulder and took a knee. He held the shotgun in one hand and offered his other down to help the others as they made their way to him.
Preston heard gun-fires. He looked up, and saw people shooting and hollering. Maybe some might be on walkie-talkies too. Preston hid behind a tree, balancing his breathing. He gulped, and got out his knife. It was twisted and sharp to the touch. Shining in the sun. Preston turned around, waiting to find zombies eating everyone. But, he wasn't sure what was going on. He raised an eyebrow, watching as everything happened.
Sam followed Fey as she ran out the store. Her hand grabbed her bat just before leaving. As Fey fought the Zombies Sam did to. She ran up to one and hit it with her bat. There was a cracking noise as it's neck broke and the beast went down. She watched it fall and smiled. If anyone were to see her they would see the innocent Sam fade being replaced by a killer.

She whipped around quickly elbowing a walker in the face then kicking it down. In a quick movement she brought her back down splattering zombie brain all over the road. She continued to fight her way through the horde, forgetting where she was and what she was doing.

When a more conscious Sam came back she was on top of a roof. Looking down she saw Fey with a ripped dress and Ariel in the distance. She hopped off the roof landing perfectly and gracefully on her feet. She ran to Fey and gave her the jacket she was wearing

"Are you okie dokie Fey?"
Fey nodded and smiled at Sam. ”Okie-dokie Sam.” she said, grinning. She took the jacket and put it on glaring at all male people as sh did so. God this was embarressing she thought. Suddenly her eyes went wide, and she threw her brick at a runner behindbSam, hitting it directly in between the eyes. She sighed, and turned and ran into the shop, grabbing her own bat and bag before running back out. She grabbed Fey's hand and ran towards a building, hitting and smashing her way through the horde. Then she pushed Sam up the fire escape and to the roof, following her up.
Thomas breathed in and out as he quickly reached into his magazine pouch, pulled out a fresh magazine and loaded it into his weapon, and placing the empty into another pouch. He smiled. He then removed his shemagh, and placed the mouthpiece into his mouth. " Nothing, better than water.... " He chuckled for a second. he found a backdoor however, it was locked, he kicked it down, looking inside finding the corpse of a US Army Soldier that died, there was a note next to him. Thomas Put his shemagh back on as quick as he could covering his mouth and nose. " Fuck! ". He grabbed the note, and walked up to the soldier, knelt down, and ripped off a dogtag and walked out. Damn...
Sam's eyes grew wide when Fey threw the brick thinking momentarily she was aiming for her. She wasn't angered by that thought though just disappointed with her self for doing something that would make Fey do that to her. Luckily the brick went towards a walker and Sam smiled. Sam followed where Fey was directing her and shimmied up the escape ladder. She sat on the roof looking at Fey.
Fey grinned up at Sam as she climbed the ladder, but her expression changed to confusion as she was pulled off the ladder by a runner, her head hitting the bottom rung as everything went black and she went limp. She hit the ground, and the runner went at her withsnapping teeth.
An shoots and hits the walker, it hits the ground. Ian grabs Fey and pulls her up the ladder

(i wont be around for a few days, only like 3 though)
(ok then)

Fey felt somewhere deep in her mind someone carrying her, but was to out of it to wake up. Her head throbbed where she hit it, and she felt something warm trickle down the back of her neck. Blood...she thought wearily as she drifted back unconcious.
"Fey!" Sam yelled not thinking about the consequence of yelling in a situation like this.

Sam ran to Fey as the man carried her up. She knelt down behind her head and rested it in her lap. Reaching in her bag Sam grabbed one of her new clothes and ripped a piece off. She then wrapped Fey's head in it. Sam applied pressure to her wound.

"Do you have any water?" Sam asked the man.

She didn't know exactly what to do in this situation ,but she was trying her best to help. She caressed Feys face trying to calm her down and smiling down at her.
Alteriel jumped from roof top to roof top quickly reaching Sam, Fey, and Ian, "Hold her head still." He said kneeling down next to her. He took his shirt off quickly and tore off the sleeves of his under-shirt to make bandages. After that he dumped some of the water from his canteen onto the wound to clean it a little at least. He wrapped the bandages around the top of Fey's head where the bleeding was the worst, "Alright now hold that there." He said to Sam making sure that the wrapping was nice and tight, "We need to get moving." He said, "There is an infirmary at the prison, it's only a few miles out of town." He said, "If we can make it there we could have bullets, guns, food, and medical supplies." He said lifting Fey up in his arms to carry her, "We are going to need a bigger vehicle though..." He said and looked over to Matthews who had just exited the building, "Matthews!" He hollered, "We need a vehicle, pronto!" He yelled to him. The yelling got the zombs all riled up at the bottom of Alteriel's building giving Mattews a clear line to run through, "We got one injured, Get us a truck from the lot over there!" He said pointing to a nearby car lot, "I'll cover you from here!" He said setting Fey down gently and pulling out his .38 to take aim as best he could. 
((@RadioActive You with the group yet? lol))
Sam watched as Ariel took over. She followed his orders to a T. Even when he picked up Fey she didn't stop applying pressure to her wound. She stood their staring at Fey and Ariel.

"Ariel... is Feys booboo okay?" Sam asked sadly

When he placed Fey down again she sat at her side making sure she was okay.
Fey was only slightly aware of what was happening around her. She felt them wrap her head, pick her up and carry her somewhere, then heard Sam's concerned voice asking about her. She tried to open her eyes, and it took a couple tries, but when she did she looked around taking stock of where she was. ”I'm finne...” she slurred, trying to sit up but falling back with a wince as a shooting pain went through her head.”Who was the bozo who hit me in the head with a sledge hammer?” she asked, laughing but the wincing from it.
RadioActive said:
((Well @Dedecus, I'm at the roof. By a tree, watching everything happen. You guys ARE by the roof, right? Or am I seeing things? LoL))
We are currently on the roof lol. Fey is hurt and Sam and Atriel are tending to her.
((Okie Dokie! Be there in a snap!))

Preston heard something. Like someone was in pain. He turned around, bat and knife in hand. He expected someone being attacked by a zombie, but it was a girl. She was hurt. Maybe she was bitten by a zombie. Preston had no idea. He put his knife in his backpack, and held his bloody bat in hand. "Is everything OK?" He asked, walking closer. He was curious. And he hadn't seen a human in days.
Alteriel nodded, "You'll be fine Fey." He said then turned to Preston eyeing him cautiously, "Who are you?" He asked completely ignoring his question.
Preston stopped, nodding in understanding. He cleared his throat. "I'm Preston." He said, and gave a half-hearted smile. "I just... haven't seen a person in days." He said, gesturing to everyone. "I just..." He began, and closed his mouth. He bit his lip, and kept his eyes to the ground.
Alteriel nodded. He could see the pain in his eyes, "It's alright, we've all been through a lot." He said then wiped the majority of Fey's blood off of his hand and stuck it out, "I am Sargent Alteriel Dedecanius." He said, "This is Sam, Ian, Fey, and the man down there running around like a maniac is Corporal Thomas Williams." He then picked up his radio, "That was a compliment Corporal." He said chuckling, "As you can see, we are in a bit of a bind right now." He said motioning to the horde below, "I think Williams is going to be able to get us that vehicle but i hope he gets here fast enough." He said his voice trailing off, "Can you shoot?" He asked Preston.
Sam jumped and hugged Fey lightly when she became slightly more conscious. She let go of her gently not wanting to hurt her further.

"Do you need anything Fey?" She asked and smiled.

As the new guy named, Preston approached Sam became curious. After living in solitude for months she was all of a sudden surrounded by people again. When Ariel introduced her she let out a big smile.

"Ariel is there anything you need me to do?" Sam asked her small voice cheerful
Alteriel shook his head, "You doing great Sam, Just keep taking care of Fey." He said then thought about how quickly everything went down, "This is horrible..." He said looking at all of the people going absolutely bonkers, "How did this happen..." He asked the horde. Then he looked over to Sam and knelt down next to her and Fey, "We might not be able to go home now Sam, it might not be safe..." He said quietly.

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