Apocalypse 101

Thomas coughed for a second as he looked around and picked up his radio. " Sergeant, where am I going ? " He swapped out his two mags and took a drink from his camelbak mouth piece and took a deep breath. He took off running with his rifle towards the vehicle he thought they were talking about.
Fey smiled at Sam, and grinned at Ian, now ignoring the pain. ”I'm fine Sam. It's just a fesh wound.”she said, hopping up and trying to hide her dizzyness from the others before looking at Ian. ”You came back. You saved me.” she said softly, biting her lip and smiling, before turning to the others. ”You all helped. Thank you, and Hello Preston, I'm Fey.” she added, smiling at him in a friendly manner. Then she had to sit, or she's pass out. She lightly touched her head, and faked a smile. ”Bit of a pickle we're in, huh Alt?” she sai softly.
Sam watched Fey stand up and talk. She thought she should sit down, but Fey was to stubborn to stay down for long.

"Hehe, I'm not in a pickle! I'm in Earth silly!" Sam cheered and then began singing the phrase 'In a pickle'
Fey grinned at Sam and hugged the girl out of no where. ”God iI wish you were my sister Sam.” she said giggling. She had always wanted a sister, and hated being an only child. It was why she was so spoiled. Then she suddenly realized something. ”I have to go for a minute guys!” she yelled, heading for the ladder quickly before she passed out again.
Sam let the comment of Ariel finally sink in. Her own family abandoned her in that house because of her refusal to leave. She knew the house was safe! Nothing would tare her from it.

"No Ariel! We can't leave my house! Everything I own is there!" Sam yelled looking up at him with sad and angered eyes

Sam jumped as Fey hugged her and smiled. She nodded as she had she had to go.

"Where to Fey? Can I come?!"
Fey turned. ”Why don't you jus wait here, i'll be back before you know it.” she smiled, before jumping off the building so no one could stop her. She disappeared through the horde, kickng and hitting her way.
Preston nodded, letting his hair fall into his eyes. "Yeah I can shoot. Don't got a gun on me sir. Just a lucky bat and a couple of knives." He grinned, and held his bat with a sturdy grip. He stood tall, being the thin and lanky guy he is. "Could I be a service to you?" He asked, noticing one girl introducing herself. Small group. He thought to himself, biting his lip.
Fey appeared moments later on her motorcycle, and went crashing through the window of the buiding, going throught to the stairs taking them all up to the roof, peeling out by the group. She picked up a bag and tossed it t Sam. ”I grabbed some stuff frm your house for you.”she said, before realizing what Ian said. She stared down at the ground, kicking the bike's stand out and getting off. ”God, leave it to me to get a crush on the kid who's a runner.” she muttered to herself
Preston bit his lip, and asked "Is everything OK?" He was sort of worried, but didn't know the group that much. He didn't know what to make of it. He cracked his knuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "Um." He said, wrapping his arms around his neck, not knowing what to do or say or what. Confused, Preston was. Ever since his family died, Preston changed. A lot.
Fey turned to the nervous Preston and forced a smile. ”It's fine, we just need to wait for whats-his-face to vet back with the truck.” she said, staring down at the zombs and sighing, a tearslipping down her cheeck.
((I dont think he is getting the alerts, i wasn't @rifleman223 ))

Alteriel shook his head. He knew working with sam would be hard but this was so much to handle, "Here." He said and tossed his 12 gauge to Preston, "The shells are on the side, i've got two slugs and four buckshot left, conserve your ammo." He said then laughed a little, "And don't lose my gun, or i'll kill you." He said then chuckled again and watched fey take off. He knew he wasn't going to stop her but a little more caution would have been nice, "Willams." He said picking up his radio, "Check in."
Ian leaned against the wall muttering to himself, noting that Alteriel had ignored his comment. He adjusted his hoodie again, more cautious this time, being around him.
Fey turned and looked at everyone, before walking away to the other side of the building roof. She looked down and stood on the very edge, watching the zombs move around down there. She leaned foward, closed her eyes, and opened her arms wide like a birds wings. She leaned foward almost to the falling point. She let the wind whip the bottom of her dress around, and smiled slightly.
Ian moved forward and grabbed her by the back of her top, he pulled her back from the edge. "really?" "one gust of wind and you'd be painted on that road".
Fey blinked and looked up at him. ”Like you care.” she muttered, pulling away from him and stalking away. She sat on the edge a ways away, feet dangling over, teasing the zombs. She watched them reach up as if they were trying to grab her. 
Suddenly out of nowhere, there was a ringing sound coming out of Fey's bag. She stared at the bag, confused. Then she realized what it was. ”My phone! It's working. ” she exclaimed, yanking it out and answering it. ”Hello?!.....Daddy! Where are you? What happened?.......you're breaking up!” she started crying as she heard his voice warble through the phone, going fuzzy at times. ”Don't....home......meet at.......train station number......” the phone suddenly beeped as his voice disappeared, and words flashed on the front. Call Lost. Shethrew the phone down in anger, and buried her face in her hands.
Alteriel walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder, "At least you know he is alive." He said then asked, "Did he say the train station?" that place is overrun like mad... He thought. No way that guys is going to live until tomorrow unless we go help him. He picked up his radio, "Change of plans Williams, meet us at the train station." He said then stepped back, "Wait here.' He told the others. He looked around and saw some rope quickly tying it around his can of OC spray to make a make-shift pipe bomb, "You guys are going to want to stand back, and cover your mouths. This stuff is like drinking lava." He said then looked over at Fey, "We'll save your dad." He checked his .38 and made sure it was loaded, "Here" He said handing it to her, "There is only 12 shots, i'm going to throw this that way." He said pointing towards the store, "When it hits the ground i need you to shoot it ok?" He asked handing her his last speed-loader, "If Williams is alive he will meet us at the train station." He said hoping he still was. Then Alteriel pulled the knife from his boot and flipped it over to use it more stealthily, "I'm going to get us a vehicle." 

Dedecus said:
Alteriel walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder, "At least you know he is alive." He said then asked, "Did he say the train station?" that place is overrun like mad... He thought. No way that guys is going to live until tomorrow unless we go help him. He picked up his radio, "Change of plans Williams, meet us at the train station." He said then stepped back, "Wait here.' He told the others. He looked around and saw some rope quickly tying it around his can of OC spray to make a make-shift pipe bomb, "You guys are going to want to stand back, and cover your mouths. This stuff is like drinking lava." He said then looked over at Fey, "We'll save your dad." He checked his .38 and made sure it was loaded, "Here" He said handing it to her, "There is only 12 shots, i'm going to throw this that way." He said pointing towards the store, "When it hits the ground i need you to shoot it ok?" He asked handing her his last speed-loader, "If Williams is alive he will meet us at the train station." He said hoping he still was. Then Alteriel pulled the knife from his boot and flipped it over to use it more stealthily, "I'm going to get us a vehicle."
((@Renee ))
Fey stood, completely calm. She had dried her eyes and looked at Alt, handing the gun back to him. ”My dad is capable. I'm going alone, he probably has his men with him. He never leaves without them. You don't know my dad, honestly iI wouldn't be surprised if he were the one who started all this.” she motioned to the zombs. She loved him to death, but he was quite mad. ”I don't want you guys to get hurt. The men will be there, and they don't trust anybody. But if you must go, don't worry about the zombs, they won't be a problem.” She patted her bike, before hopping on and turning to the others. ”It's my father and his men you need to worry about.” she mumered, taking a turn to stare each person in the eye to get her meaning across, but once she got to Ian she blushed and averted her eyes quickly.
Ian leaned against the wall and made another sarcastic comment "Great idea!, Go without anyone to the most overrun place in this entire town!" he felt slightly annoyed with her "while your at it why don't we go jump off this building?".
Fey slammed her hand against the bike and looked at Ian. ”Do you have a better idea? It's not like you're gonna be here long anyways. You'll probably slink away while all of us are looking the other way. Oh and for jumping off the building, great idea.” she said with a smirk, she started the bike and turned it to face a board that was laying against the edge, forming a ramp. She took a deep breathe, and made sure her bat and bag were on her. 
Fey paused and looked back. ”I know what you are doing. Pushing people away because you are scared to care. It hurts, iI know. But that is no excuse. We are not going to disappear or die on you, we are here for gkod. Think about it.” she said to Ian, before turning to the others. ”I'll be back soon, if you'd like you can come with. I can wait until you get a vehicle of your own, or we can just meet there. Either way, i'm going with or without you. And Alt, please take care of Sam.” she said, deciding to head off now (@Ian Drake @Dedecus @Jazzylegs @RadioActive )
Fey paused, and turned to look at him. ”Well Ian, I'm Feyleria Darious. But you can just call me Fey.” she said, smiling slightly. It's about time, she thought to herself. ”Also, that hoodie is so not your style.” she added, before turning abck to the ramp and hitting the gas. She flew off te building, airborn for a few seconds. It seemed so slow motion to her, her hair flying around as she saw the hordes below. Then she hit the roof of the next building with a crunch as she peeled out and went sideways, the bike and her both sliding across the loose gravel of the roof. She lay there pinned, and noted how pretty the sky was. That didn't go as planned.
Ian shook his head, he jumped over the ledge of the building and caught the edge of the fire escape on the other side. He pulled him self up and pulled the bike off Fey. "smooth" he commented sarcastically "you hurt?" He put out his arm to pull her up.

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