Apocalypse 101

Fey grabbed his arm and pulled herself up. She still had ahold of his arm, and looked at it wide eyed, feeling the muscle. Then she realized what she was doing, and quickly let go. ”I'm fine. Although iI think my back and side are shredded. I now know what cheese feels like when it meets the grater.” she winced lifting up her jacket to reveal her ripped up dress to show her raw and bleeding skin. ”Man, iI need to stop getting hurt. Being the damsel in distress is so distressing.” she said, then blushed when she realized she was basically flashing him. She yanked the jacket back down, wincing as it rubbed against her skin.
Ian again adjusted his hoodie, and looked at her "how much stuff did you take from that shop?" cus you might wanna change" He Smirked
Fey blushed fiercely znd looked down. ”Iwould if iI had somewhere to change and the time to. ” she said as she grabbed her bag and bat from the wrechage of her bike. She felt a pang in her heart as she looked at it, sad. She looked into her bag and pulled out a skirt and shirt. She gave Ian a warning glance, before going behind a conditioner vent to the building. She quickly changed, and as she pulled her shirt on she heard a rustling from the side of the vent. She peeked around and saw a little kitten. ”Aw hi little guy, here kitty kitty.” she coaxed, putting out z hand for it.
Ian knocked on the side of the vent, "hey, you nearly done?" "spending the night on a roof isn't what i had in mind"
Fey glanced back, swooped up the tiny orange kitten before walking out from around it. She tickled the kitten under the chin before grinning at Ian. ”Isn't the little guy cute?” she asked. Shehiked the bag farther up on her shoulder before letting the kitten sniff her nose and nibble it. ”Well then. Guess iI taste yummy.” she giggled, watching the kitten crawl up on her shoulder.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/orange_kitten(1).jpg.98b7b5ada5813eb2ecde82736c4f567b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/orange_kitten(1).jpg.98b7b5ada5813eb2ecde82736c4f567b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Fey hit him on the shoulder, giggling. ”Don't listen to him Whiskers, you're perfect.” she whispered to the kitten, and grinned at Ian. Her smile disappeared when she stared behind him. The kitten hissed and clawed it's way trying to get out of her arms. Her mouth fell open in shock and fear, as a deep growling came from behind Ian. ”Don't make any sudden movements, cause iI just realized the building we're on is a pet store. And that is a huge dog. German Shpehard by the looks. Might be infected, covered in blood.” she whispered, slowly reaching for her bat at the same time as stuffing the kitten in her bag.
Ian froze, He stopped, then he smirked. he spun around and threw a knife, it hit one of the dogs eyes, blinding it from the side, then he pulled fey around to that side of the dog.
Fey made a small squeak of surprise when Ian pulled her to the otherside of the dog. The dog was whimpering, growling, and going plain mad. It suddenly charged at Ian, and Fey grabbed it by the back end of it's legs, swinging it over and off the building with a crack. She ran to the door keading to the stairs and used a wood plank to wedge it shut and block any other surprises. She turned and smiled at Ian, breathing heavily.
Ian smirked and then quickly adjusted his hoodie again "come on, we better get back over to the others again"
Fey glanced back and saw the others still talking over plans on the other roof, and shrugged turning in the opposite direction from them. She ran and jumped last minute, ckearing the space between the buildings easily. ”I'm finding my dad. They're taking to long, and chances are he has the helicopter with him.” she yelled back, jumping to the next building a couple seconds after. She stopped to catch her breath, looking back. ”Probably would be safer if you stayed.” she said, though hoping he'd join her.
Ian sighed and shook his head "yeah whatever" he turned and started walking towards the side of the roof facing the others.
Fey bit her lip and watched him, suddenly feeling sad and very very lonely. ”But iI would really like it if you joined me.” she whispered, figuring he couldn't hear her.
He didn't hear her, He jumped from the edge of the building, grabbed the opposite fire escape and pulled himself up onto the roof beside the others.
Fey sighed and kicked some rocks, turning and running across the roof before jumping to get to the next roof. Or so she thought, it was alot farther than she realized. She just missed it, falling between the buildings with a shriek. She landed on top of a dumpster, twisting her ankle and falling sideways. Before anything else, she checked on the kitten which was curled up around her bottle in her bag asleep. She looked around, and saw that the alleyway she was in was clear. She didn't have far to until she got to the train station, just outside of town. She jumped off the dumpster, wincing at the burning pain in her foot. Suddenly her phone was ringing again, and she yanked it out answering it, while yelling up at the others atthe same time. ”Ian! Alt! My dads on the phone again, iI have signal down here!”

Sam had been lost in her mind after the conversation Fey had with her father on the phone. She was having an episode where the normal and more rational side of her was trying to come out. Her head was like a prison for two, maybe even more, and they had to share a cell. Sam more then likely had MPD.

After a long battle the rational Sam came out. She heard Fey yell and jumped. Where was she? Who were these people? How long was she out? She walked over to where Fey was and said in a very monotone not as cheery as the Sam before, voice

"What's happening?"
Fey looked up fron the alleyway she was in at the sound of Sam's voice, and saw her on the roof above. ”Hey dad.....yeah.......pet store downtown. See you, be careful.” she said into the phone. She quickly climbed the firesescape and got back to the others dragging Sam with her. ”My dad is coming. He'll be here soon.” she said, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
Ian pulled Fey up the fire escape. "you ok?" he asked. He didn't say anything but he noticed the change in what he figured was usually Sam's cheery voice
When the girl tried to drag Sam along she shook her off confused and gave her a silly look. Who was this girl? Sam followed after her. She thought perhaps she was dreaming. What a funny dream it was.

Sam looked around with stern, and hard eyes. She examined the faces of the people around her.
Ian glanced at Sam. She looked confused, like she was unsure of where she was and the tone of her voice had changed. Ian had two possible reasons for this, but still said nothing.
Alteriel pulled up to the building in a large f-150 pick-up, "Get in!" He yelled honking the horn wildly. He jammed his blade through the skull of a zomb trying to climb through the back, "Dammit!" He said jumping out of the truck leaving it running. He flies up to the top of the building and fireman carries @RadioActive down and throws him in the back of the truck. He then hollers, "Lets move!"
Ian carries Fey down and puts her into the truck, then shoves Sam in after her. He was about to leave an head off when he noticed just how many zombies there were. He groaned and jump in, slamming the door behind him, knocking a zombies head off. 
Ian looked at Alteriel. "so you were in the military?"
Alteriel shook his head and hit the gas running the ones blocking the truck over and driving out of the parking center, "No." He said bluntly and took a sharp turn around the corner. He saw williams and whistles having him jump in the back as a gunner, "Take care of us back there @Rifleman " He said taking another corner and heading in the direction of the prison, "Alright, ideas?" He asked looking around the truck quickly.
Fey was in a daze, looking around wildly. Ian had just swooped her up and carried her like in the movies. Suddenly a wild giggle escaped, and it was her turn to become crazy. She covered her mouth to suppress another crazed giggle, then took a deep breath. ”I'll need to figure out how to get a messae to my dad. He was going to get us at the Pet shop.” she said suddenly serious, avoiding all glances at Ian. Then she automatically knew something was up with Sam. ”You okay Sam?” she asked, concerned.
Thomas carried his rifle saying out loud to Ian. " He's not military, I am... " He looked backwards as he was sitting inside the bed of truck, getting a drink of his camelbak saying out loud to Alterial. " Slow it down, I don't want to get tossed over here! " He wondered where they were going, looks like the prison. He responded to Alterial's question saying. " We could head north and try to find the military outpost, if its still there! "

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