Apocalypse 101

Winnie looked down in surprise as the kitten she put in her bag meowed and crawled out onto her lap. She looked around sheepishly, remembering she didn't really even tell th others about it. ”P.S., i got a pet.” she said, giggling. She pet the cat, smiling as it purred and went back to sleep in her lap. She suddenly pulled out her phone, and stared at it. It had died. She threw it out the window silently, before staring at her hands.
Sam let her self be shoved in the car with a group of strangers. She was still thinking that she was in a dream. At random moments she would close her eyes and say something in her head to happen, just to test her theory. Obviously they didn't happen or else, the streets would be filled with Godzilla's. Maybe this is just a weird dream that she couldn't control?

"Uh..." was all she got out in response to the girls question.

She saw one of the men knock a zombies head off and sighed. Really brain, this is the most creative thing you can think of? A zombie apocalypse? This new personality of hers was well, new. It had never surfaced before.
Alteriel looked back at Fey, "Does he have a radio?" He asked and without waiting for an answer he chucked his behind him into the back seat. He then slowed the truck down a little, "If you think they could have held the line we can head that way and check!" He hollered to the back while changing direction.
Fey stared at the radio dumbly, not knowing how to use it. Then she heard it, a whirring loud chopping sound. She looked at Alt. ”Does the prison have a landing site?” she randomly asked.
((Are you leaving?)) 
AT alt's affirmitive nod, she threw herself halfway out the window, the kitten falling back into her bag still asleep. She saw the black blob in the sky, recognizing her father's Copter. She waved her arms wildly, and saw it make a slow turn towards them. She grabbed the radio, and pressed the button on it. ”Meet a the prison. There's a landing pad.” she said into it, letting go of the button. ”10-4.”was the reply, before it went back to fuzz. She switched it off.
Alteriel turned the vehicle around again and headed towards the prison, "If they're having trouble we are in no position to help them." He said to Williams, "We can suit up at the prison then head there when we are better suited, a few days at most." He said finishing his sentence then turned to Fey, "So whats his name?" 
((Lol sorry capsplosion))
Fey loked up, suddenly surprised. ”Who? Daddy? Jameson. But Erik, Stek, and Finn will be with him. When they land don't point any weapons their way, their policy shoot first ask questions later.” she warned, rubbing her hands togwther nervously. Here we go, she thought to herself.
Ian glanced over at Thomas, his voice turned slightly cold "Don't think I was asking because I'm impressed, if anything I'm the exact opposite". He looked at Sam, he still didn't say anything but he was fairly certain what was up with her.
Fey saw the prison come into view, and saw the helicopter already on top. She made vague figures of people standing around it, and starting breathing a little heavier. ”Oh god...” she gasped. Her father had brought Styles with him.
Ian turned from the cold stare he was giving Thomas and looked at Fey, noticing her discomfort. "whats wrong?".
Fey turned her pale face to Ian, close to tears. ”Just someone I know that is with my father. We don't get along well.” she said, smiling weakly as she rubbed a faded scar on the side of her neck.
Alteriel shook his head at Ian's comment, "So what exactly have you fought for son?" he said then looked at the chopped on the helipad over the administration building. He pulled up to the sallyport and stopped the car, "Stay sharp." He said and flicked his I.D. over the I.D. reader, "Authorization A. Dedecanius 66135769." The computers beeped and the sallyport opened moving the giant concrete block that was blocking the sallyport. The gate moved with it and they entered the second gate. The same sequence opened the inner gate. Zombs were everywhere having 2000+ inmates, most didn't get out. A lot of them he recognized, "How could this have happened." He said disgusted as he drove through the yard as quietly as possible attracting very little attention to himself, "Shit." He said as he saw a zombie approaching the admin door, "Someone kill that thing, now!" He said but it was too late. The alarms went off and the zombs acted crazily as they charged the truck, "Everyone hang on!" He said as he sped the truck up.
Fey, glad for a distraction, grabbed onto a handle attached to the roof. She got major whiplash, trying not to fall over on anybody. She wished she threw on her seat belt, trying not to break her neck. ”Like rocking a baby to sleep.” she said sarcastically.
Ian glanced over at Alteriel "I don't fight for what isn't my business, and thats all military is". He saw the zombie and went to throw his knife, he didn't bother, he wasn't going to make the shot in time and he'd just lose it if he tried.
Fey rolled her eyes at the boys, and sighed. She turned to Sam and grinned. ”Fighting like a bunch of preschoolers, huh Chaos Monkey.” she whispered.
Fey turned to Ian confused. ”What do you mean?” she whispered back, giving him a funny look.
Sam watched the things chase the car they were in. She was lost in her thought when she started hearing the two next to her talk. Who was Chaos monkey? Were they talking about her? What wouldn't she understand? She wondered whether or not she should say anything at all.

"Uh.... what are we doing?" Sam asked the people she thought were in her dream.
Fey stared at Sam, really stared. ”Sam.....are you okay? You're acting so not you. Like usually youre your fun hyper self.” she said slowly and carefully.
Alteriel slammed on the brakes as they reached the administration building, "Everyone load up!" He said looking around the truck, "Preston, your with me." He looked over to Fey, "Take Sam and meet up with your dad, we'll cover you." He said then looked at Ian, "You can do whatever, i'm not your babysitter." He said then hopped out of the truck. He slammed the door into one of the zombs' knocking it back then he pushed his knife through it's skull. He pulled out the knife kicking another back as he did. He whistled to Williams to provide cover fire as he pulled his .38 out and fired twice hitting on zomb in the head and another in the chest.
Fey grabbed Sam's hand and dragged her in the building. She ran through until they reached the roof, and she slowed, releasing her hand. She smoothed down he skirt and shirt, before slowly setting down her bag and bat. She lifted her hands in the air and slowly made her way to her dad and his men. She went pale when Styles went up to her grinning. ”Hey toots.” he whispered,and patted her down grabbing her innopropriately She stared straight ahead, tears blurring her vision. When he was done he turned to her father and the others. ”Clear!” he called, and in a moment she was hugging her father. He hugged back, before releasing her and holding her an arms length away. ”Oh thank god you're aright. Who are the people you're with? And where is your mother?” he asked looking confused. ”They're friends, they saved my life. And momma......she didn't make it.” she whispered roughly, looking away. Her father cleared his throat, and just nodded. ”I see.” he said. She turned to the other.
Ian sighed and kicked his door open, knocking a zombie down. He followed a little behind Fey and Sam, he figured he couldn't leave now with all these zombies and These three had down here covered. Plus he wasn't sure if this side of Sam was very friendly or not and if she wasn't, well then Fey was in a bit of trouble .

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