Apocalypse 101

Fey watched everything from the corner of her eyes as she shot each zomb. At the pleading look from her father she didn't move to protect him like she did her whole life, just continued to shoot. ”You know dad, mom gave her life for me. There was nothing iI could do, iI took off on the bike confused and disorientated. I made my first kill when one tried to kill me, than killed many when saving Alt.” she paused, and took her time aiming at a runner as it zigzaged without meaning. On an exhale she squeezed the trigger and watched it go down. ”Usually i'm up defending you, a father can do no wrong right?” she laughed sarccastically. ”Like that time at one of your speeches iI took a bullet from a sniper for you? Almost died then. But guess what daddy, i'm done. When the others get back, you leave. And if you try to talk us out of it, i'm not sure if your men and iI can hold Alt back. ”She suddenly whipped the gun around and aimed it at her father, and watched when Finn quickly pointed a small pistol at her. ”And i'm not sure iI can hold back my own anger.” she said softly, before turning back to the zombs like nothing happened, not bothering to wipe away the tears spilling down her cheeks.
Fey turned and looked at Ian, exasperated. ”I don't know why iI even try Ian, every time someone tries to get close to you, you run. I get that this whole end of the world thing rubs on peoples feelings and nerves, but come on. There is a group of people that care for you, and you're just going to walk away. You may not need us, but we need you. Please Ian, just stay. Stop running, or your whole life you'll end up running.I get how you feel, iI really do. My whole life people either left, or hurt me. My mom dead, my dad the cause of all this, Styles my ex who cheated on me for some dollar sleaze, and now you're walking away.” she lowered the gun, and stared at him. She was tired of it all. ”I just......please don't go Ian. I need you....we need you.” she motioned around before looking out over the prison, wiping away some tears.
Ian sighed "well i don't need this crap, you and "Mr. don't tell me what to do" over there threatened and tried to kill your father, I got a frekin blow to the lungs and since NO ONE else noticed Sam has MPD, so you've been completely ignoring the fact she has no idea whats going on and left her with no clue where she is or who she's with, which probably isn't very fun, so sorry but I'm outta here."
Fey turned to look at Sam, then Alt, then her father, right back to Ian. Her expression hardened. "Don't bother leaving, I'm out." she said, shoving the weapon into Alt's hands. She then made sure she had her bag and baseball bat, before walking past Ian and towards the roof door. She paused and turned. "Just an FYI my father won't stop. When he leaves he'll probably mutate the virus string and release it, to see what happens. To him this is all a game, right daddy?" she asked, and nodded when he just looked away. "Sam protect yourself and stay strong. Styles, go die in a hole. Finn, leave dad before he destroys you. Alt, get your shiz together before you destroy yourself. Ian, good luck. If you guys stay together, learn to work together." she said, biting her lip, before ducking out and making her way through the prison, silent as a ghost.
Alteriel took a deep breath and swallowed his pride. His anger would cost him these people, "Hold on." He said pulling his head up and looking at them both, "We haven't known each other long, i get that." He said breathing deeply again, "But if you two try to walk out of here, you will die." He said holstering his weapon, "Regardless of what everyone is, has done, will do. Our best option is to stick together, at least until we are stable enough to be on our own." He said then walked over to Ian first, "I am sorry, i lost it. It is difficult to see the things we have all seen and that is not your fault. You'll die out there. I know you think you won't but you will. I have no right to say who you are or what you can do, but i think we should stick together." Then he looked over at Fey, "You said it yourself, your dad won't stop." He said then took a breath to keep his composure, "You should stay here with us, at least here we can be fortified and safe for a time." He said then looked at Sam, "Clearly she doesn't even know who she is, she needs our help to understand, she needs your help." He said looking back to Fey.

((@Rifleman @RadioActive You guys still playin?))
Fey froze, and slowly turned to look at Alteriel. "Oh i already know I'll die out there, but it's better than dying up here with a bunch of people that won't even work together. But i'll stay, but only if Ian stays too." she said, turning to look at him. "I get it's hard Ian, we've all lost loved ones and friends. But like Alt said, we need to stick together otherwise we'll all die. Yes, i am cheating by saying i'll stay if you stay. But we both know neither one of us will make it out there alone. I apologize also for being rude and uncaring. Stay?" she asked, just as a helicopter over head appeared as her father's men we're back. As soon as they landed her father and Finn climbed in, and they took off again. "Crap." was all she said.
( Radioactive is busy alot, I've been busy for the past couple of days. )

Williams pulled the bolt back as a bullet came flying out of the upper receiver, he caught it in mid air and put it inside a magazine. He was surprised his weapon didn't jam that much, however he was running out of ammo, he had three full mags left in his vest, two mags that had some ammunition left, he decided to combine those, and one spare mag back in his bag. He had a little bit of water left, his camelbak was at half way, and he had a single MRE left. He took off his patrol cap and brushed his hair slowly and smiled as he dusted off his multicam acu's.

" I need ammo, soon, running out. I got enough for my side arm, I can make do for a little while. "
Fey sighed and hurried back over. "I don't think this place is safe anymore. I might have an idea of where we can go though." she said to Alteriel, watching the zombs slowly making progress of getting past them.
((Alrighty good to know :D just making sure everything was alright))

Alteriel looked over to Williams, "There is some 5.56 ammo for your rifle and about a dozen spare guns. Last time i checked the armory was stocked so we should be good on ammo. There are abour 6 spare 12 gauges and about a dozen .38s." He said then he felt his own exhaustion creeping up on him, "There are some gators((Over-powered golf carts lol)) on the yard. There is no keys so we just need to hop in and hit the ignition..." He looked around then looked back at Williams, "You should probably go with Fey and Ian if they stay...I'll take Sam and Preston with me." He said looking over at the confused girl and the young man, "The armory is there." He said pointing from the roof to the northeast corner of the prison, "After we get loaded up, we should clear the kitchen. Almost all of the food there is non-perishable so it should still be good." Then he walked over to Sam, "Are you doing alright?" He asked noticing the change in her. 
((there is going to be an incident here before we head out :P Besides i figured we could all get at least some kind of firearm as well.))
Fey watched Alt take over, and frowned. "I'm going with you Alt. I'm not leaving Sam." she said stubbornly. She turned and looked out to the armory. "There are a couple runners near it, so we have to be quick and careful." she noted, wrinkling her nose at the things. 
((GTG, be on later though. Bunny meh!))
Ian stopped "fine I'll stay, but ONLY until we get into a less zombie populated area got it?" then He stopped..."if we can get out of here, i know where we can go, its definitely empty and we can stock up, but once we're in we won't have long before the zombies can get in too"
Sam caught her self just before the girl did. Was she really going to attack some boy for a random girl she just met? That was unlike her, it was like someone else took over her body. She stood silently in the background watching what seemed like a soap opera unfold infront of her eyes. Everyone was fighting and why?

Sam started to blink her eyes tightly trying to 'wake-up'. She was still hoping this was all a dream. She pinched her skin trying to shock her self awake. Nothing, happened. She slowly moved to a corner opposite of everyone and her eyes filled with tears. What was happening to her?

When the boy named Ian brought her up in conversation she was dumb-stuck. How could this boy talk about then not notching her while, he didn't ether? What was he talking about MPD? She had learned out that in phycology one year. Wasn't that like, when people have multiple people living inside of them? Why would he say she had that?

Tears started to fall faster down her cheeks. 'Please let me wake-up...' Sam thought to her self, begging.

"No one is taking Sam anywhere.." Sam chocked out in reply to Altriel and Fey talking "Please explain to me what's happening..."

"No, I'm not okay. I just want to wake-up"
Alteriel nodded and breathed out, "Your home, my home, our town, our families are all dead." He said, "This is not a dream, this is not a fake reality, this is real and if we do not get somewhere safe soon, we will all die." He said, "I promise i will explain everything more later." He said placing a firm hand on her shoulder, "But for now we need to get somewhere safe." He said forcing himself to smile a little.
Sam shook his hand off and her eyes filled with rage. Her family was dead?! How could he say that with such ease?! Her mom and dad and brother were gone? She didn't know what kind of cruel joke this stranger was playing, but it wasn't funny.

Her tears quickly dried. She was to mad to cry. Her body shook with anger and she started to pinch her self all over. She wanted to wake-up. She wanted out of this place. She wanted to be in the loving arms of her mother. Her rage grew deeper with his smile.

"Leave... me alone..." Sam managed her tears starting again.

She took off running. She didn't know where to. She just knew she needed to be alone. Sam was the fastest runner in her school. Gymnastics helped her with that. She knew none of them could catch up to her. She ended up in a dark room.

Sam fell to the ground and brought her knees to her chest and started balling. She was being loud, not realizing what danger it would put her in. Slowly she heard a noise, like a groan.

"I-I said leave me alone!" Sam yelped sobbing.

Suddenly there were more groans. She closed her eyes trying to wake-up. If she were to open them she would see she was surrounded, by walkers.
Ian bolted after her, she was fast, but so was he, he saw the walkers and pulled out his knives, he stabbed the first two then kicked one into the forth, they toppled over and he slammed the door, decapitating them. "man I seem to be doing a lot of this today". He quickly walked over and dropped down beside Sam "hey you ok?"
Sam opened her eyes as the groaning's got louder. She luckily let out only a gasp, going against her instinct to scream. This is when she was the boy walk into the crowd of walkers and saved her.

"No..." She said quietly whipping her eyes "What's happening?"
"nothing your ok," he spoke softer "I know its a lot to take in Sam, but you need to trust us, please come back"
"I-uh... This isn't a dream is it?" Sam asked quietly

She wasn't sure how to reply to him. She knew if it wasn't a dream teaming up with them was her only was to survive. She knew this, but some part of her still had a hard time going back. She wasn't sure why she was hesitant.

"... Is my family really dead?" Sam asked hugging her knees tighter.
Sam sucked in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. She wanted to cry, but she had already done to much of that. She stood up quickly and whiher face off. Her feet felt wobbly.

"I'll go back... but answer me one more question please..." She started "Why don't I remember anything?"
Ian grabbed her arm and steadied her"because its like your a different person, almost like a different mind, kind of like trying to get you to remember stuff of my memory, you can't" He started walking back towards the others "now come on, we should get back".
"I ... okay.." She mumbled.

The thought of another person, maybe more then one, trapped inside of her scared her. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind though. This Sam didn't want to be caged in her mind again, and her new goal was not to be. She followed Ian back to the others shyly and apologetically making eye contact with the man she told to leave her alone.
Alteriel nodded in respect and understanding to Sam and Ian, "Alright then, Ian you got anything other than those knives?" He asked once again handing his .38 to Fey, "Welcome back Sam." He said with a smile. He looked over to Preston, "Make sure you keep the gun loaded.' He said motioning to the 12 gauge in his hands. Then he looked over to Sam, "You got anything to fight with?" He asked, "Don't let them bite you and try not to let them even get close, i'm not for sure if its spread through scratches or not, better safe than sorry." He said then looked over to Williams, Fey, and Ian, "We'll take the gator on the right, you guys go for the one on the left. There is a ladder on each side of this building but it is locked." He said and tossed Fey the key, "Here is the key to that one." He said glad for once in his life that he had worked here.
"Uh... thanks." Sam mumbled shyly to Alteriel "I don't.. we're fighting like ... zombies right?"

Sam was still more-or-less confused as balls, but she wasn't going to complain. As long as these people caught her up she'd be all good!

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