Apocalypse 101

Ian picked up his bow and hung it on his shoulder, he then noticed that part of his coat was sticking out from under his hoodie and quickly hid it again before walking back over to the others.
Fey turned to Sam, holding the keys tightly and smiled. ”Yeah, zombies. Hit the head to kill them, and they react to sound. Only some can actually see you,but it's rare. There are runners, which are fast and agile, then walkers who are slow but once they grab you it's hard to make them let go. ” she told her quickly, before leaning down and fixing her shoes. last thing she needed was to trip on herself.
Alteriel smiled, glad they could finally work together, "North east corner of the prison, its an armory building so there should be lots of ammo. We had slats of .38 ammo, 5.56 and 12 gauge scatter shot it was insane." He looked at Ian @Ian Drake and Fey @Renee , You guys can go with Williams @Rifleman , he has quite a bit of firepower on him already." He said, "I'll take Preston @RadioActive and Sam @ClassiestRobin with me." He said, "We need to move fast though, if we slow down were going to get swarmed." He said unlocking the ladder on his side of the building, "Fey, pop your ladder too, you still have the key right?" He asked. 
((It is now EVENING and getting rapidly darker outside!))
Ian turned around and pulled himself up on top of the rooftop door, he looked towards the north east corner, almost instantly memorizing the layout and noting where zombies were. "fine but I'm driving" he jumped back down.
Fy nodded and quickly unlocked her ladder. ”If you make us crash, Ian, iI might just have to attempt to kill you.” she said as she did so, then turned to Alt. ”Everyone ready?”
Fey smiled at her. ”Just stick close to Alt and if any zombs get to close, rip their fucking heads off.” she said before laughing.
((Radio is out so i am going to create an epic death scene for Preston! xD ))

Alteriel turned towards the ladder where Preston was standing with the shotgun slung over his shoulder. He looked just past him to the ladder and noticed something odd, "What the..." He started but was cut off as a zombie lept up over the roof going at least 15 feet high and screeching like a falcon, "Preston move!" Alteriel screamed running towards him but it was too late. The zombie landed on top of him breaking his rib cage instantly. Preston spewed blood from his mouth then the Zomb began tearing his chest open with it's bare hands, "NO GODDAMNIT!" Alteriel yelled and tackled the beast off of Preston and onto the concrete roof, "Die you bastard!" He screamed at the zomb before slamming his already drawn knife through it's skull. He immediately rolled off of the dead zomb and knelt by Preston who was now quivering in pain, "I don't...want to die..." He uttered as his chest spasms one last time and his body lay still. Alteriel's eyes teared up a little. This kid was barely out of his teens if he was at all, "They have no right to do this..." He said hanging his head. He removed the shotgun from Preston's body and closed his eyes, "He's gone..." He said before standing up and facing the others. Preston's blood was on his hands and uniform and all he could feel was sadness, the kid didn't deserve to go out like that...Alteriel heard a gurgling behind him and then his eyes widened as he turned around. Preston had turned and not only that but he had ahold of his leg and was chomping down! Alteriel fell backwards as Prestons lifeless form bit his leg. He kicked him in the head then Preston climbed up Alteriel's body organs falling atop Alteriel's uniform, "Dear god!" He yelled as preston snapped his jaws at Alteriel.
Ian thought fast, arrows were too light, knife wouldn't hit hard enough, taking that into account he grabbed the ledge on the door and used it to swing and kick preston off of Alteriel, preston landed onto the ledge, Ian hit the ground and fired a single arrow, just enough to throw prestons terrible zombie balance off and he tumbled off the roof. Ian dropped down beside Alteriel "you ok?"
Fey watched, shocked.Before she knew what was happening she found herself in front of Sam, bat at the ready in a protective stance. When it was over and the boy was off the roof, she made her way to Alt quickly kneeling by him. ”Oh my god Alt! Are you okay?You're going to be okay.” she whimpered.
Alteriel rolled sideways as Ian kicked Preston off of him. He was in a sort of shock, he had seen blood, hell he'd shot a man before, but this was different, "He didn't deserve that." He said his hands shaking a little, "He shouldn't have died..." He said. Then Fey and Ian were at his side, "I'll be alright..." He said his hands starting to cease shaking, "You guys should step back though..." He said, as the sun set in the distance, "I think i was bitten..." He said sitting up as Preston's organs fell from his chest, "Can you check?" He asked Fey, "My left leg, under my BDUs." He said then looked to Ian, "If i am bitten, kill me." He said hardening his eyes, "I will not burden you with my death." He said, "Don't think, don't ask, don't warn me." He said sternly, "Just do it if she says it is there." He said then added, "Please."
Sam watched the scene go down in horror. This Sam had never seen a person die. She let out a whimper.

She hid behind Fey as she jumped in front of her. Sam put her hands on Fey's shoulder using her to steady her self on her tippy-toes to see over her. Her body shook slightly and she felt like she was going to puke.

"Oh my god..." She whispered when Alt got bit.

She quickly ran over to him.

"If we cut circulation maybe... the infection wont spread?!" Sam yelled almost begging
Alteriel smiled a little at Sam, "If i am bit, i might as well be dead." He said looking her in the eyes, "Don't be afraid for me." He said his smile fading as Fey pulled his pant leg up. He looked at Ian nodding for him to have his bow ready. I'm bit...i know it... His mind told him. His BDUs were thick and heavy, they had to be for the prison but at the same time if it had gotten under it...or through it...Alteriel let out a heavy sigh hoping that if he died he would be re-united with his wife. As Fey pulled his pant leg up he closed his eyes, he heard Ian knock his arrow and he heard Fey let out a short gasp. He opened his eyes and hoped he would be facing down an arrow head but instead he saw his leg. Preston definitely tried to take a bite our of him, tried so hard it actually tore some of the fibers from his pant leg. But in the end his BDU's held up and he was left with an impression of teeth marks and no broken skin. He fell backwards and let his head hit the concrete with a sigh. The sky was dark now and it would be dangerous to go anywhere else for the night. They had to get to the armory. His stomach growled reminding him too that they had to get some food. ((Everyone will feel the effects of starvation if they go 2 days without eating, i'm trying to keep this as real as possible without it being too burdening so i won't include a water system :P But we do have to rest and actually fins food, if you guys want to scavange somewhere just let me know so i can sort of *host* the mission and dictate if you find anything, what you encounter, etc. If everyone is good with that, that it.)) 
((gonna have to deal with this @RadioActive zombie now! Preston is our first official stalker zomb xD ))
Ian lowered his bow, pulled the arrow out and hung the bow off his shoulder again, he shook his head "its not a good idea to stay here they're too many zombies, but... i do know where we CAN go. Its secure so I'm positive there aren't any zombies there and we can stock up on weapons AND food, but we'll only have an hour to get in and out before they get in".
Alteriel shook his head. He hated the idea of leaving all the ammo behind but it really wasn't worth the risk, "Alright, but we need to come back here VERY SOON." He said feeling sad as he saw his old partner in the horde, "McKnight..." He sighed, "He saved my life once..." He thought with a slight smile, "I'll follow you." He said standing up. The dark made it harder to see but he could still see most of it because of the lights on the prison, they ran on a back-up generator however so they were slightly dimmer.
"right" Ian looked across at the gates out of the prison, he turned to Alteriel "If I can get us to the admin building can you run?"
((we're on top of the administration building. To the East across the yard is a building labeled IDF or food sevice. There is a vocational automotive building with another sallyport at the north west from here. To the southwest to this building across the yard is the main sallyport. To the Southeast are offices and other building and there is a secure exit to the outside under us in the admin building, just so you guys know the layout :P ))
Sam let her self hug Alteriel when she saw he was okay. She let go quickly though and sighed. She was a little scared to loose him, he seemed to be the only one around here who really held the group together. Sam's stomach let out a loud growl and she blushed. She didn't realize it before, but she was really hungry.

"What do you guys need me to do?" Sam asked shyly
Alteriel sighed and looked across the yard. The IDF building was right there, "We could probably get in but we would need to be very stealthy." He said sighing, "I don't think ANY of us will make it much farther without food, plus there is a freezer in the back that we could use to keep safe for the night. When we're on emergency power there is little power to it anyway, so we won't freeze to death." He said observing the horde. There had to be at least two hundred of those bastards and he still had no idea where Zombie Preston got off to, "Whatever we do, we need to move." He said moving over to the side ladder again, "You guys head down this ladder, i'll keep them distracted and meet up with you guys there in a few, it's the only option we have." He said looking at Ian, Fey, Sam, and Williams.
"I have an idea" Ian turned and ran back to the room that Sam had hid in, there was an old steal cable in the corner, he examined it, it was pretty strong and there wasn't much chance of it breaking, and several metal hooks, he brought them back to the roof and tied the cable to the door (which opened towards the inside) then he attached the other end to an arrow, one of his best iron tipped ones, and fired it towards the IDF building, it embedded deep into the thick door on the other side and held tight. then he took a large rope from his bag and cut about an eight of it into short lengths, he tied a knot in each and tied the top to each hook, he placed the first hook onto the rope and held it by the knot. "you guys trust me?" he looked at each of them in turn

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