Apocalypse 101

Fey turned when she saw Erik and Stek get back in the copter. Her dad grabbed her and pulled her away from it as the two took off in it. ”They are going to get some backup from some friends.” her dad informed her, before turning and looking at Ian and Sam. ”Introduce me?” he asked her. Fey smiled. ”Dad this is Ian and Sam, guys this is my Dad.” she said. ”Please call me James.” he nodded, grinning. Finn and Styles stepped up. ”Introduce us babe.” Styles whispered, leaning in close from behind her. ”This is Finn, aswesomely nice guy, and this is.....” she stopped and took a deep breath, automatically rubbing the long jagged scar on her neck. ”Styles. ” She finished in a whisper, staring at the ground.
Ian extended his arm and shook Finn's hand, he just nodded at Styles, not bothering to shake his hand, he had his impression and his impressions were fairly accurate.
Fey watched Ian and smiled at him. Styles saw the smile and immediately glared at Ian, cracking his knuckles menacingly. ”Nice to meet you man.” Finn said grinning a sloppy smile that usually had girls tripping all over him. Fey couldn't help but hit Finn in the shoulder, and giggle when he threw her over his shoulders and spun her around.
Ian looked at Styles with a bored look, he didn't scare him, He looked like a guy who thought he was the best and the most feared. Ian hated people like that.
Fey shrieked in happiness, and when Finn put her back down she used Ian's arm to steady herself, giggling like a little girl. ”So dizzy.....sorry.” she said, trying not to sway.She felt Styles glaring at where her hand was on Ian's arm, and quickly removed it but almost falling in the process.
Ian caught her under the arm to steady her, when she was balanced again he let her go and adjusted his hoodie.
Sam ran with the girl. She wondered why she was even bothering. If she got hurt she could just wake up right? For half a second she paused and tried to wake up, but she couldn't. She kept trying along the way to the roof. What was the matter with her? She started to freak out. Sam decided to stay calm. Freaking out wouldn't solve anything.

Sam saw the 'exchange' between the girl called Fey and the boy named Styles. She let out a gasp. What kind of dream was this? She noticed the girl seemed afraid of the man. Standing on her tip-toes she whispered into the man named Ian ear.

"What is happening?" She asked nervously.

She had noticed from before this man had some sort of idea of what was happening. Wether it was her predicament or the whole thing.
Fey smiled at Ian. ”Thanks.” she said, smoothing down her skirt hoping she didn't flash anyone on her spin. Her stomach growled loudly, and she blushed. ”Styles, why don't you take Fey to find some food.” her father ordered. Styles grinned and nodded, as Fey went white as a sheet again eyes widening in alarm.
"Uh... okay.." Sam whispered.

Sam had just barely caught the end of the command Fey's father had given. When she saw the look on the girls face she had no choice, but to join in and try to help. Dream or not -and it was looking to be a not- she could not let someone be alone with someone who scared them that much.

"Hey, you know I'm hungry to... Maybe I can tag along?" She asked in a monotone voice pushing her hair from her face.
Fey sighed as Styles grabbed her by the arm, squeezing harder than he should.”You stay.” he said to Sam. She looked back at the others as he dragged her towards the roof door, out of sight of the others. ”I've missed you babe. Still don't see why you broke up with me.” he said, grinning. She ignored him, and leaned against the wall. ”Not hungry. I'll stay up here with the others.” she muttered. ”Like hell you will! Me and you needs to talk.” he said putting a hand on each side of her head, trapping her. Then he put his face inches away from hers. ”Scared? Should be.” he hissed, hitting the wall beside her head.
Sam opened her mouth to talk, but they were gone before she could. Slowly she followed after them. Something inside of her clicked into motion and she felt almost ill. She took a moment to recover and when she came back a wicked smile grew on her face. She walked toward where she heard the mumbling of talking. She stood behind the man holding Fey and tapped his shoulder lightly. Though he towered over her, she wasn't scared.

"Excuse me... You have 3 second to let her go" Sam began "1....."
Fey saw Styles turn to face Sam, and something protective opened inside of her, and she was no longer afraid. ”Don't you dare touch her.” she warned, stepping out from behind him and shoving him back. ”Let's go. He can go find food by himself.” she said to Sam, grabbing her and pulling her back to Ian and the others. At her fathers questionable glance, she explained. ”Styles was worried there would be walkers so he went alone. Didn't want us getting burt.” she lied.
Fey looked at Ian with a frown. ”What's wrong?” she whispered, noticing how wierd he was acting. As if Sam were dangerous, not likely though. Sam was like a sister, she thought confusedly. 
Alteriel climbed up the ladder dragging Preston @RadioActive behind him. He knew that Williams wouldn't be far behind. He reloaded his .38 and checked his rounds, "8 left..." He grumbled putting the two loose bullets in his pocket, "That fool is going to get himself killed." He said talking about Styles, "Anywhere from 500-800 inmates in IDF at any given time, might want to tell him to get back here." He said looking at Fey's father with tired eyes as he holstered his pistol. Alteriel sat down on the now cleared helipad and ran his hand through his hair. It was longer than normal and shaggy brown. Most COs were bald or short-haired out of fear of getting grabbed by an inmate, "I am Sgt. Alteriel Dedecanius." He said to fey's dad, "Your daughter saved my life once." He said smiling over at Fey. Then his eyes went dark when he remembered the horror-scene at his own home.
Fey smiled back at Alt, and hoped her father didn't call Styles. back. May the the jerk would be eaten. Her father stepped forward, shaking his hand. ”Nice to meet you son, the name's Jameson, call me James. Nice to see Fey found some people to help her with the Z40 virus. My girl's a special one.” he said, not noticing his slip up as he smiled at Fey. She wrinkled her nose in confusuion. ”Z40?” she asked. Her father suddenly looked wary. ”Work stuff honey, a small mind like yours wouldn't understand it.” he said waving it away.
Ian make a slight mock, laugh noise "great parenting there, tell your daughter she's stupid". He leaned against a wall, sharpening an arrow tip with his pocket knife.
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Alteriel turned his head slightly, "You do realize that we are in the middle of the god damn apocalypse right?" He said angrily, "I think secrets are the last thing..." He was cut-off when he looked out on the yard and saw a few runners. He took a knee and drew his .38 raising it, "Hate wasting ammo..." He said angrily, "We need to clear these runners then find a way to make it there." He said nodding across the yard to the armory.

@RadioActive @Rifleman @Ian Drake @Renee @ClassiestRobin ((There are somewhere around 1200 on the yard and there were around 2000ish inmates and officers combined just as a heads up, make sure to keep it realistic :D ))
Fey was frowning,and looked from between her father and Ian. He really did just call her stupid. ”Look dad, iI watched mom be killed, iI ran from zombies, iI was almost killed many times, iI survived. If anything, i'm not the same bubble head you knew. Now, explain yourself or i'm walking away and you won't see me again.” she said crossing her arms, and glaring at him. He sighed, and ran a hand through his thinning hair. ”The Z40 virus was a fluke, an accident. My Biologists were testing some rats, seeing what affected what. Then they discovered a weapon, the virus. There was an accident, a rat got loose. After that everything turned to chaos.” he said, staring at the sky. Fey shook her head and stepped back, disgusted. All those times he missed her birthdays.....he couldn't come because of work....he was building this, she thought, looking around at the zombs hitting and grabbing the fences surrounding the prison. 
Fey turned her head at what Alt said, before turning to her father. ”You need to leave when your men get back. Or so help me....” she let the threat trail off as she turned and stalked to where Alteriel was. ”Need me to do anything.” she asked, watching the runners. ”Never shot a gun before but iI can sure learn.” she added.
Alteriel stood up and spun the .38 over in his hands seemingly unaffected by her father's words., "Take this." He said placing it in her hand without her asking. There are two steel prongs sticking up at the end of the barrel. At the end of the barrel PAST those is an orange marking. Line the marking up with your target. Use very small circles and circle the area you want to hit. Do NOT yank or pull the trigger. Breath out slowly and squeeze it, I'll keep them off of you." He said pulling his knife from his pocket, "Kneel down on one knee and use your bent knee to stabilize your arm." He finished by showing her the way simulating it with the knife, "If they get too close, move back." He said then stood up. Before anyone could react and before anything else happened seemingly in a fit of psychotic rage Alteriel screamed an charged into Fey's father takling him to the ground, "You son of a bitch!" He screamed slamming his fist into the side of his face, "I watched my wife EAT my daughter you demented bastard!" He screamed. He knew his men were armed to the teeth so he rolled the man over on top of him placing his free hand behind his head and pulling him close to place the knife at his throat, "If i were you...I would kill you." He said then looked to the guards, "Put your fucking guns on the ground then come here, take this son of a bitch, get in your goddamn helicopter and get the FUCK out of here!" He ordered.
Ian took a shot with his bow, it hit the knife in Alteriel's hand, knocking it to the ground; He then moved forward and pulled Alteriel off Fey's dad and pushed him into the wall. "Thats enough!" he shouted "Have a breakdown if you want, but don't do it here".
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Alteriel put his foot behind Ian's legs and pushed his body up against him to knock him on the ground then proceeded dropped on top of him landing one knee into his solar plexis to knock the wind out of him, "Don't tell me what the fuck to do little boy." He said then stood up and brushed off his uniform, "You're just lucky i didn't fucking kill you both." He said looking at Fey's dad, "The one who started this." Then his eyes shifted to Ian on the ground, "And the one defending him." He scoffed and picked up his knife. He flips it over backwards in his hand then goes and stand back over by Fey to help her with the now imminent runners.
Ian managed to get his breath back pretty quick, if his dad had thought him anything it was how to get back pretty quick from a hit you couldn't block."I'm not defending anyone, but attacking him won't bring anyone back or stop this, but then again why should you listen to a "little boy" like me, because no one else lost anyone did they?". Ian's voice went completely cold with a sarcastic tone again, he was angry. "and if you were half the man these lot think you are (Ian gestured to Fey and Sam) then you'd have more sense then that". He lowered his tone "but obviously your not".

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