Apocalypse 101

Ian feel asleep up on the roof, not that he wasn't safe, he had the fire escape door barricaded and it was at least 50 floors high.
Fey rabbed her bat and swung her bag on her shoulder, before following them. ”Walking or vehicles?” she asked quietly. She stared at a zombie lumbering down the street, one that had not yet noticed them. As a habit, she searched the face before walking briskly up to it, grabbing it by the back of the head and breaking the neck before ripping the head off. She stared at the head expressionlessly, before dropping it on the body and walking back towards the others, numb of all feelings. ”That was my neighbor. Mr. Stewart.” she said softly, before turning and walking towards the store with the questionable gun shots. 
((zombeh neighbor :P <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be00173bb_RE011Resident-Evil-Zombie-Posters.jpg.8560d787669f3617be0e685afedbdbba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4864" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be00173bb_RE011Resident-Evil-Zombie-Posters.jpg.8560d787669f3617be0e685afedbdbba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>))



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Alteriel shook his head in response, "No vehicles...I think we have all found out that they are attracted to noise. Best to keep to the side streets and rooftops." He saw her approach the zombie and quickly corrected her, "That wasn't your neighbor." He said firmly, "He may have been at one point but now...he is just another monster. Remember him for who he was." He said kicking the zombie's head off to the side, "Not for who he is now." He finished and turned sharply into an ally and ducking behind a dumpster. He peeked over the top. There were three more just moaning about and a dead guy leaned against the far wall where the ally intersected with another. He silently waved them over and pointed up to a lifted fire escape, "We can get to the rooftops from there." he said, "It will be quicker and we are less likely do draw the attention of the dead." He whispered.
Thomas quickly turned a corner from an alleyway into another street and saw two walkers, and he quickly disposed of them with two shots to the head. He turned around and looked into another alley and saw two humans. He quickly ran to the other side before they could turn around and pointed his weapon at their back and said "Freeze".
Alteriel heard the sound of a person's voice. He placed his .38 back in it;s holster and put his hands up to the middle of his head as he stood slowly Fucking raiders already...He thought to himself, "Look all of our stuff is at our base camp." He said turning around slowly. He saw a man in military uniform and gear unbelievable... He thought to himself. Being a uniformed man himself he couldn't believe that the military had stooped this low. I'll take you there if you..." He started to say as he took a few steps forward. About mid-step and lunged forward. He smacked the barrel of the rifle down and to the left then grabbed the man's wrist using an outside wrist turn to force him to drop it, "We don't want to have to fight you!" He exclaimed backing away once the man's rifle was safely out of his hands. He put his hands up in modified weaver stance with his hands open, "Those shots your firing are attracting all kinds of dead!" He said hearing the moaning now coming from both sides of the alley shit... He thought to himself.
Thomas removed his shemagh quickly, saying quickly. " Military is all dead.... In this area atleast, a few survivors, couldn't reach them however. I'm not here to hurt you... Making sure you weren't raiders, I'm looking for survivors myself. " Quickly he took a deep breath of fresh air and kept his hand on the side arm. " I was looking for supplies, now you can either let me get my rifle and take care of these dead, or are we going to sit here all day long, and let us get eaten? "

He picked up his rifle, and looked towards the rear, waiting for the walkers to show up, ready to fire." Yeah we gotta get out of here quick. " He put his shemagh back on.
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((Lol i didn't even get the chance to read your last one xD ))

Altreiel nodded stepping back so he could get his rifle, "We were doing the same we heard gunshots and were hoping you weren't a psychopath." He said, "Good to see at least SOME of the military's dignity is in tact." He added before pulling his shotgun off of his back and pulling it up to shoulder, "This alley is going to be overrun if we don't act quickly." He warned as he observed his party, "Sam, Fey, get up that ladder." He said firing a slug into a zombies head. Both ends of the alleyway were now swarmed by the dead, "I am Sgt. Dedecanius by the way." He said observing the mans uniform quickly to check for any brass.
" Corporal Williams, US Army, 101st Airborne, I know there's one detachment left far north of here. That was 2 weeks ago, when my radio batteries died out. " I reloaded my pistol with a fresh mag, and put the used mag back into the pouch, on his tactical vest. I kept my rifle pointed towards the exit of the alley way, and fired 2 rounds into two walkers heads.
Alteriel fired off another round pushing the walker into another to slow their rate of movement, "You know what frequency they were on?" He asked motioning slightly to the radio on his hip. He had left it off for a long time so the batteries should still be good. He hoped.
Williams opened his mouth quickly underneath the shemagh saying. " 282, could be a different frequency now may need to scan. " I fired another round into a walker's head, and got on one knee and dropped a magazine into my hand and swapped it for a full one, loaded it, and pulled the charging handle back.
Sam began to climb the ladder up to the roof. She wasn't sure why she couldn't just walk on the road, but she figured Ariel was smart and she might as well just follow his lead.

"I have batteries in me!-" She began, but then saw he had a radio of his own.

"Hi new guy!" She cheered "I'm Sam!"
Thomas didn't really respond as he was busy focusing on the zeds. That's what the unofficial military term was, who was he kidding, he was hoping that he would run into someone from the military sooner or later. He drained a shot right through the dome of a walker as he looked up at Sam, his sunglasses blocking the way of the sun, and then looked down.
Sam frowned, no one seemed to want to talk to her anymore. She climbed up the ladder and sat on the roof waiting and pouting. She was better off alone when she was around people she felt weird and awkward.
Alteriel shot another but they were closing in, "Williams, get fey and get up the ladder!" He hollered over the groaning, "I'll be right behind you!" He said firing his last shot into the nearest zombie As long as they get up there... He thought to himself, "Just grab her and go! trust me!" He said slinging his 12 gauge back over his shoulder and drawing his .38 to hit two more.
Fey walked slowly over to a walker and watched it fumble to get to her a moment, before sighing and breaking it's head open with her bat. ”You grab me buddy, and it may be the last thing you do.” she threatened the new guy, before going up the ladder herself.
Williams chuckled for a second, he figured she would say that. A girl wasn't anything that he could handle he just didn't do it. " Go, get up the ladder Sergeant. I got you covered. I'll be right behind. " Quickly I fired a few more shots into the heads of the zeds as they started to get closer and closer. I was running out of ammo, and I had to switch mags quickly, but I didn't have time.
No prob lolz, Fey got herself covered :P )) 
Fey saw a zomb in perfect position behind the new guy, and looked up the ladder then back down, biting her lip. She jumped from her halfway point up the ladder, landing on the zomb and taking it's head off immediatly. She smiled, looked at him. ”Better watch your back better Mr.” she said, mock saluting before shimmying back up the latter and on the roof.
Sam looked down at the man clearly being cornered by the zombies. She whished she had her bat to be of more help. Why would she want to help him anyways? He didn't even acknowledge her. The still slightly sane part of her mind was telling her to help the man though.

Just as she was about to act Fey took over. Sam stood up and looked at Fey smiling.

"You guys do you know where we are headed?"
Fey emiled back at Sam. ”Wherever is safe i suppose.” she said with a slightly amused expression, before looking down the ladder. ”You guys get up here before you get chewed on.” she called, laughing. Then she turned and threw her arm on Sam's shoulders, and whispered in her ear. ”New guy's kinda cute, iI could see you two gether.” she giggled, before skipping farther across the roof.
(You guys all act as if this guy is really that bad... He was in the army. ) 
Thomas watched as the sergeant climb up the ladder, quickly he took off his helmet and threw it at one of the zed. Stunning it. Quickly he pulled out my hand gun and fired a couple more shots as the zeds got into arms length and jumped up to climb the ladder. He climbed as quick as he could, removing his shemagh in the process, breathing. The rifle being strapped around his chest. He smiled after, looking down at all the hungry zeds below. He flipped them off. " Won't get me this time you bastards. " He chuckled for a second. " I can handle my self you know. I survived the initial outbreak when the quarantine failed. " He remembered, his brothers in arms being eaten alive, it was a massacre, they didn't aim for the heads, instead they aimed for the bodies, which was their gravest mistake.
((I don't think he's bad Sam just has the mentality of a child x3))

"My house is safe!" Sam replied watching Fey call to the boys

"I uh what?!"

A blush grew on Sam's face at Fey's remark. No way would she be with one who didn't even say hi! Then again he was kind of cute- no never mind. Sam followed after Fey stuck in her own mind.
(We get that, we're just playing our characters. ^^)

Fey laughed at Sam and walked over the the new guy, Thomas. ”I'm Fey. We haven't been properly introduced, at keast iI don't think the whole 'Grab fey!' was a proper introduction.” she giggled. ”Oh and don't worry, if you had iI wouldn't have really killed you. I would have just made you eat your toes.” she said with a serious expression, before giggling more and patting his shoulder to let him know she was joking. 
brb guys gotta take my rot for a walk)
(Look in my avatar thats what he was looking like slightly. Except now with a hat. Feel free to look up MRE's to find out )

Thomas who was a pretty serious guy, raised his sunglasses, and removed his shemagh slowly. Thomas was slightly sunburned. He smiled as he took his rifle, pointed it downwards, removed the empty mag, and put it inside a pouch. "Name is Thomas, Thomas Williams Corporal, US Army. " His Multi-cams usually had rank on them, but the tactical vest hid that. He took off his carry all pack, as he took out his CamelBak mouth piece and drank a couple gulps of it. He opened his pack and took off his Camelbak, and took out a poland springs water bottle and poured it in the reservoir. He then took out a couple full mags, only realizing he had 3 left, and put the 3 empties inside his bag. He had two MRE's he opened one up and offered food, which was crackers, sphagetti and meatballs, bread, M&M Candy, and vanilla pound cake, along with the juice mix to anyone. " I had boxes of these saved up from my deployment to Afghanistan. "
Fey stared at the m&m's mouth watering, but shook her head. ”No thanks.”she muttered looking away, before pulling out her water bottle from her bag and taking a sip. ”We should head back over to Sam's place. There is a clear trail along the rooflines, we can make it.” she said smiling slightly, before replacing her water and hiking her bag back on her back.

(I swear, iI don't walk the dog, the dog walks me xD )

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