Apocalypse 101

Fey noded at Sam, before peeling out and heading back to Sam's place. When she pulled in she quickly opened the garage for them and waited for them to pull in and get out. ”Hurry, don't know if the sound attracted any.” she said looking around.
Sam started towards the car. Chaos monkey? Well that was new. She jumped in the drivers seat and started the car having to twist the key twice to get it going. She peeled out and hit a zombie on her way. "Shit" she mumbled.

"Anyways Like she said I'm Sam and you are?" She asked driving toward her house. Soon they were there and she pulled the car in the garage and got out.

Click. Her moment was over. She looked around freaked out. "Fey... who is he? Why is he in my house?" She asked looking down "Why am I covered in blood?"
Fey suspected Sam was a little off. ”Ssssh, it's fine Sam. He's a friend, and you're covered in blood cus we just saved his arse.” she said soothingly, leading them both inside after shutting the garage. ”Why don't you go clean up, I got him.” she said softly, lightly touching the girl's shoulder.
"Alright!" She said quickly getting over her confusion "My name is Sam by the way!" She said to the man unknowing reintroducing her self.

She ran up the stair of her house and into her room. She grabbed a change of clothes and went into her shower. She had a back up generator for her house and filled the water heater every time she had a moment of clarity. The bottom of her shower quickly turned red with zombie blood. She scrubbed it out of her hair and off her body.
((Aawbye, we're probz gonna play as if you resting on couch or somethings)) 
Fey laughed as Sam left the room, and grabbed her bag before collapsing in a chair in the kitchen, while staring at the now asleep man on the couch. She yanked out a can and used her knife to open it, before stabbing it through a pear and taking her time to eat it. 
((Aww iI gtg too, bye. I'll probz be on later))
Alteriel stood awkwardly and looked around the dimly lit home. It seemed like dream...or a nightmare, "What is going on around here?" He asked his hands as he stared into them.
Sam finished washing up quickly and dressed. She walked into her room and sat looking into the cracked vanity mirror in her room. She picked up her brush and combed her hair, wondering why the mirror was cracked. In truth it was from her first moment of clarity. She was scared of loosing her self and took her anger out on the mirror. She slowly got up humming a childish tune to her self. She walked down stairs and saw the man they had met standing.

Sam was very nervous about meeting new people.

"Hi I'm Sam!" She blurted out for the third time
Alteriel looked at her strangely. He had seen this kind of thing before, a lot of inmates had mental health cases, "Hello..." He said eyeing the room to take a quick survey. For a moment he wondered how someone with such a disability could have survived this long. The thought quickly left as he realized it didn't matter how or why it happened, but it did, "My name is Alteriel." He said a moment later. His name usually brought odd stares but he was proud of it regardless, "How long have you lived here sam?" He asked choosing his words carefully.
"We'll um since I was..." Sam began to count on her fingers

"6!" She said proudly holding up 6 fingers.

This had been Sams family's home. She had lived here with her 2 brothers and mother and father. They left after this while stubborn Sam decided to stay. After they left it didn't take long to find her "family". They were zombies. When she found them that was around the time she snapped.
Ian was sitting on top of a building, he had made it a kind of temporary camp, he was used to moving every 2 or 3 days. He watched the empty street below, while spinning his knife around in his hand, he tended to do that when he got bored.
Williams kicked in the door of a local convenience store, hoping to raid as much supplies as he could, he was running out of MRE's and he was on his last supply of water. Quickly he got in as he tried to clear the building as fast as he could, he learned now was that it needed one shot to the head for each target of his. He still couldn't believe how fast this happened. Williams realized that the convenience store was somewhat already cleaned out, with few supplies left, survivors or something must of been near by or looters have already hit this place. He had to be aware of what was going on around him, but his anger grew to increasing levels as he smashed his fist from his Kevlar gloves onto the cashier counter.

He heard something scratching in the backroom, he figured it was what it was, he took out his pistol and moved towards the back door, checking every corner, then he kicked the back door open and waited for a second to see if someone was going to pop out of a zombie was going to attack. Then next thing he knew one came walking out towards him as he unloaded a round into the back of his head. Williams then grabbed what he could, which was 2 bottles of poland springs water, a few granola bars, and one can of soup into his CarryAll Pack and walked out with his rifle strapped across the chest, he knew the sound of the gunshot would attract attention soon, so he had to get out of there quick as he started to see some walkers starting to approach.
Fey came from the kitchen smiling at the man. ”You're awake. I don't remember, did I get your name? Alteriel, right?” she wrinkled her nose before she threw her empty can away and shoved her pocket knife back into her bag. ”Well, anywhos I'll probably be leaving soon. I have to find my dad.” she said smiling, before sitting and going through her bag. 
Fey looked up quickly. ”Did you here that? Sounded like gunshots.” she mumered, hopped up and looked out the boards on the windows.
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Williams was moving down the street, he quickly removed his shemagh, however to catch a breath of fresh air, he turned his head, with the sun glaring down on him he looked up with his sunglasses bouncing the suns reflection off. He looked into an alley way and two walkers randomly appeared, one closer than the other quickly he held his rifle and opened fire on both of the zombies, putting them both down with one shot. Quickly he took a gulp from his Camelbak and put his shemagh back up and moved forward, trying not to attract more attention from the undead walkers.

"Shit" He told himself, but he had to make it back to his hideout where there's booby traps all over the place. Moving down the street, he turned his head quickly as a group of walkers appeared, probably from the gunshots. Quickly he was wide open, as he noticed that multiple alley ways were blocked off, he hesitated for a second and thought that he had to make his stand as the walkers were getting closer to him.
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Alteriel smiled at fey, "I am Alteriel Dedecanius." He said, "I was at work when all of this went down. I didn't know what had happened until 16 hours had already passed." He said finishing his statement. He snapped his head to the direction of the gunshots, "Sounds like they came from Pop's." He said naming the small convenience store just down the road from where his car had crashed, "I'm going to go check it out." He said pulling out his .38 revolver. He checked to make sure the chamber's were clean before dropping in two more rounds to replace the ones he had shot off. Twelve shots here...and 6 left for the 12 gauge.He thought to himself as he threw the strap over his shoulder, "You can follow if you want to." He added before slipping out the front door and making his way towards the store.
"I'm coming!!" Sam sang dancing out of the front door behind Atlelriel.

She started walking beside him. Gently she tapped his shoulder and looked up at him.

"Can I call you Ariel? Atelblahblah is too hard!" She frowned.

Sam touched the side of her thigh to make sure the holster and gun were there. They were and she smiled. She wished she hat her bat though. That made it so much more fun.
((I guess I'll just jump in... LoL. Correct me if I'm wrong with my post. :) ))

Preston held his lucky bat, his bag thrown against his back. Just days ago, his family died. And Preston still had no idea where the rest of his family was. He was alone of the rode. Or at least that's what he thought. I mean, every once and a while a walker came. But, Preston could take them out quick. He bit his lip, keeping his eyes to the ground, which was -in my case- stupid.

Preston watched as the ground beneath his turned weak. Being walked on so much, it has aged, and has many cracks in it. Kicking pebbles around, Preston became bored. He swung his Base-ball Bat around, hearing the moan of a distant walker. Spinning around, he throw his bat at the walker. He missed. Typical. He grunted, and threw another hit. He hit it, thank god. And right on the mushy skull. It's see-through skin broke, blood spitting everywhere. It fell to the ground, just like a usually dead body. Preston hit the face, breaking it more. "Bitch." He said, shaking his head at the poor body. He cleaned his bat on the glass, and continued walking.

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