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Fandom AoTRP OOC

ok one last question I as in eye-za (warudo) or as in the leaning tower of piza with a silent p?
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Interested in joining. What's going on rn in the story. Sorry to be lazy but it would be awesome if someone could give me a three sentence TLDR version of what's happened recently, not looking for a massive summary.
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Story's set fifty or so years before canon. Right now the Scout Regiment's on a mission outside the walls. Their mission is to map out a forest and investigate the source of a strange radio signal that sometimes reaches Wall Maria. Was a titan ambush earlier. There's a tl;dr on the main thread's first page that summarises everything that's happened so far in the story Uncultured Uncultured
Can someone give me a rundown of what happened and where I should join in
The mission from the start was to map out the areas Beyond the Walls, including this forest we're currently in. Divided into units, the scouts were tasked by the captain to look for the source of a strange radio signal that has been known to transmit from this forest too. There was also a titan ambush in the forest on our unit not long ago but we managed to survive without casualties. Right now we're riding towards this radio signal Midrick Midrick
Two Fives Two Fives could you slow down? I was about to post pretty much the exact same post as you. I know you don’t really have any sort of posting order here, but it’s really hard to get a reaction in edgeways if you make up every other post. :/
Guys lemme know your feedback, if you think anything should be changed, anything from pacing, description, suggestions or plot ideas, ect, I'll take it on board to better the rp experience
I kind of feel like 5 uses is too low and that maybe it should be 10, 15 or maybe 20 or something especially with the cost ratio. I'm just saying unless it's like Attack on Titan 2 where they build resupply stations out in the field and stuff I feel like everyone would very easily run out of gas all the time and get little to nothing done. I like the idea of the there being a gas limit so people don't have unlimited gas, but personally, I see no reason that why everyone's gas management is so terrible. Just my two cents, I don't want to make the number too high so that the gas limit doesn't pose a problem but I do feel it needs to be higher than that.

Two Fives Two Fives
Coco Adel Coco Adel Alright I'll see what I can do to balance it out and make it more viable
I agree with Coco. I think 10 uses would be fair with the cost totals remaining the same.

Otherwise I have only one question. Is there any way to rank up our characters strength level? I'm assuming I'm at corporal right now, which is completely fair, just wondering if there's a system for growth other than getting my character axed and pulling th bonus on the next one.
After missions like these I was thinking people who showed initiative during the mission would get ranked up, maybe other stuff too like whoever killed the most titans, for medic characters when we get some whoever healed the most ppl, most contributions ect Uncultured Uncultured And with rank ups there's a boost in our character's ability all around in general, including stuff like strength, speed, how well you can use ODM gear, horsemanship ect
You've gotta post first, then edit the post. Should see an option to throw dice. Edit the parameters to 100 sides and 1 roll and you're set to go

I know it's two posts for a solo kill so I'll get on that one as well. Just gonna give everyone else time to do their first posts in the fight.
Alrighty. You didn't have to roll for the weakening shots, you've only gotta roll for the kill. But you were successful with the roll anyway so it's all good

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