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Fandom AoTRP OOC

Sorry I've not been around too much of late. Work has been kicking my ass. I'll try to remain more consistent going forward.
Loki The Trickster Loki The Trickster sr901 sr901 Appawlezz Appawlezz mindheist mindheist Bum Bear Bum Bear Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams Flame Demon Flame Demon Harley Quinn Harley Quinn Allo Allo Coco Adel Coco Adel

Welcome. You're all invited to the second chapter of Attack on Titan RP. Get ready for the action!

Wall Rose / ウオール・マリア
shiganshina district / シガンシナ区

past; late eighth century

Foxes make a meal of a dead man's arm. One rends the meat from his elbow with a spurt of blood, fur of the snout washed red in human gouache. Another has at his legs like a raw entrée, the thighs torn from the bone, strings of sinewy muscle sewn between the fox's fangs. Over these fangs the fox runs a bloodied tongue.

“Shoo,” exclaims a Scout Regiment soldier as he lurches into the street. The foxes scatter into some alleyway close by. “Shoo! Damn scavengers. Having at its scraps, eh?”

“Seems that way. That's how it is,” responds his companion, a doctor in a white hospital uniform with a clipboard in between her arms. She holds onto it tightly. “That's the food chain for you. Can't be helped. Doesn't seem like any of this can. Never mind that. This one, here. Can you identify him?”

He shakes his head. “Military, though. Look, the uniform. Garrison, looks like. Add him to the count. Terrible what happened here, ain't it? Happened so fast, too. Those cultists let one titan in... and look what it did. Was lucky to evacuate as many civillians as we did, though.”

“Hard to see the rose insignia with all the blood—wait! Can you see that? No, not here. There! Is that a person? A woman! Look,“ The doctor points, “beneath the rubble. Come on. Quick!”

The Scout Regiment soldier tries to wrench the woman's body from underneath the debris... only to find she has none, the discovery evoking a frightened gasp from the doctor, “Dear Wall Sina!” The woman is a head, only a head. A dead head. When the Scout Regiment soldier moves her slightly to the side, trying to gauge her identity, her mouth opens, as if to say final words, but her tongue, frothy as a rabid Rottweiler's, only rolls out, silent as sepulchres... (Attack on Titan Roleplay for more)
Even whilst I'm watching this thread I never get notifications for it.
I'm basically new to the roleplay. After you pmed me Two Fives Two Fives I made a cs.
However I am unsure of how I can kind of just wiggle into the plot... *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`)
Do I have to read all the before roleplay as well? I have no problem reading about the current scene, but would it be better if I read the entire thing?
The roleplay seems legit so I really do want to slip in. But, is that okay?
Idek, thanks! In advance.
Ella Victoria Ella Victoria Just wiggle in :P You don't have to read everything but I have made a tl;dr summary of everything that's happened so far on the first page that should only take a minute or so to read. We're currently at a camp outside the walls on an expedition. Don't worry about slipping up. Admittedly I've been kind of busy this week so I haven't been able to keep things fast paced but that's going to change soon and there's going to be some titan action and plot progression
After this episode there's going to a slight change to the titan combat guide. In canon titan weak spots like the eyes or Achilles tendons could be targetted to make killing the titan easier. I'll play around with percentages a little bit and make it so that doing these things, weakening the titan in a post or two before you kill it, increases your chances of success

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