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Fandom AoTRP OOC

I have an exam tomorrow, so I'll probably be a bit absent until then. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Excuse me, but do you think the timeskip
is a little bit abrupt? I mean I understand why it's
necessary, but it's kind of weird to have met the drill sergeant on your
first day, go to the cafeteria and meet your other
fellow cadets to just immediately have them go through seven
weeks of training. Everything happening all within the few hours in the morning.
I understand what you're saying but I promise you it's all necessary. This will be a RP that lasts long but at the same time I want to maintain a fast pace to keep everyone on their toes as well as keep the RP from stagnating. Cadet Corps training takes three years give or take in canon so there will be lots of time to familiarise yourselves with other characters and develop your character's relationships with them
Oh I understand that as well, I just thinking that it may have been
best to have done it after the first day and then move on with the timeskip.
I get not wanting to have the rp be stagnant, but it can also feel a bit rushed too.
That was my only concern.
Actually, second thoughts, instead of arriving at the location immediately we can roleplay the travel there. That way there's more time for characters to develop before the action happens. I'll make a note of this in the main thread
Some ideas for Chapter 2, lemme know what you think, have anything to add, ect

The main story starts with the 88th Cadet Corps after they've concluded their training and chosen to enlist in the Scout Regiment. The Scout Regiment, as a means to make their future expeditions more efficient and effective, have decided to map out the areas Beyond the Walls, making note of rivers and ranges, fields and forests, anything and everything. Of course, this is no easy task... titans are here, there and everywhere at all steps of the way. For humanity sacrifices must be made.

Side stories include...

Working in the streets of Wall Maria, Rose and even Sina is an ominous organisation, a criminal syndicate of thugs and thieves. They hide in the dark of alleys, the shadows of streets, the blacks of night, always there, always watching. This is the Perona Non Grata, a network of Marixst terrorists intent on overthrowing Sina's monarchy. The Robin Hoods of this universe, if you will.

Everybody reveres the Church of the Walls. After all, who can fault a priest, one who has devoted their lives to the holy Walls of Maria, Rose and Sina? Rumours are spreading far and wide that in the sleazy slums of Wall Rose's districts are priests who work miracles. Super strength, super speed... and even the healing of the sick. These miracles aren't the work of God, however, but the work of something more sinister, perhaps the Devil.

Ask any doctor and they'll know exactly what you're talking about. That doesn't mean they won't deny it with all fibres of their being. The Royal Government will have their careers if they so much as speak a word of it. There have been several unexplained cases in hospitals from across the Walls, medical anomalies that nobody, even the smartest scholars, can explain. A disease? A genetic defect? A mutation? Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, swelling... growths, limbs becoming as large as tree trunks... cravings for human flesh... and, lastly, death. Nobody knows the cause.
sure, that works, who's be in the top 10 though? And I imagine they'll go through major personality changes too if we skip a few years in the future
During ODM training the idea was for everyone to roll a d100 for balance. The highest roll will be first, second highest second, ect. Seems like a fair way to do it. And, yeah, characters will change too for sure
Rolling a dice really just doesn't seem like it'll work all that great if I'm honest, maybe we can each have a skill set, like one is good at coming up with strategies while not doing so great in battle(Armin for example) and someone else would be the opposite of that
My idea was to introduce a ranking system after graduation. Cadet->Corporal->Sergeant->Lieutenant->Captain->Colonel->General, a certain rank needed to kill a certain metre of titan. Depending on how much you contribute to episodes, officials will see this and promote you - promotions come with increases in skill sets, swordsmanship, ODM mastery, horsmanship, ect. Everyone at the moment starts at the same ability. At some point down the line I'm intending to introduce families like Ackerman and Arlert that might be more naturally skilled in certain areas than others but not so much as to give them an unfair advantage, will balance it

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