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Fandom Anything, forever accepting

Solomon the Prophet

Involuntary Immortal
This is an RP for odds and ends of characters all mashed up into one. They can be Fandom characters, original characters, or random characters that you want to use but haven't found a place that suits them. All twists and turns are allowed here and anyone can shape this world to have whatever it is they like. For example, if you have a dragon character like I'm going to have, then you can put a mountain where ever you want to put it, unless you're going to crush a town with it. Let's try not to crush towns with mountains. Of course I do have to ask that you don't have a character that's all powerful, unless of course you have a back story as to why s/he's that powerful in which case run it by me and I'll think about it.

I have to say it, but there are some rules I have to address. (Protocol only though.)

1: Don't kill another's character without their express permission, it's not nice. Because if they're like me their going to be real upset for a long time. Dead characters are sad characters.

2: Do use the Fade to Black during "it" scenes and birthing (should that happen)

3: keep cursing to a minimal if not none at all. I'm sure doing **** or %#$@ in place of cursing is okay, just let the imagination fill in the blanks, kay?

4: This is an Anything RP, but all site rules need to be followed. Like bunnying, I did't know it had a term, but I'm going to use it much more often now. Bunnying sounds funny. I like it.

5: Once one character has been accepted then the rest are accepted, but let me know you have another character though PM. I don't bite, promise, you can PM me about anything.

6: Please include everyone. If someone's constantly asking if anyone is open, let them join your character, at least until they decide to peal away off with some one else.


(If for some reason I need a co-owner then I'll contact you to see if you want to.)

Oh, wait, one more: Rule 8: If someone asks for a repost or a recap, don't ignore them. Peoples don't like being ignored. It's not fun.

Name: The Watcher ((Unknown facts: Father of All dragons.))

Race: Appears to be Hajour (Hajour are Human in shape with scales along arms, legs, sides, hairline, neck, belly, lends armor to vital areas. All have curly hair, are 6 to 7 feet. normal Hajour do not wearing clothing and are sexless. The Watcher is male and wears pants.)

Colors: Skin is deathly pale, hair and eyes both appear to be white but are opalescent.

Skills: Varied.

Looks: Wears loose black pants, a belt woven of bark holding a sword. He carries a long bow, but no quiver or visible arrows. Very fit

http://www.recurvebowshop.com/pictures/traditional recurve bows/longbow+Grozerarchery/longbow10.jpg (Long Bow)

http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server3300/e08a1/products/2928/images/3394/Dragon_guard_Fantasy_Sword__17738.1405341988.1280.1280.jpg?c=2 (Sword)

Name: Lilly Sune (pronounced Sun)

Nickname: Lil

Age: 17

Appearance: She’s got sweet pea green eyes, red hair in a long braid with ribbons in it, and thin rim glasses hanging on one of those chains that catch your glasses if they fall off your face. The chain's beads have pained flowers on them.

Race: Witch

Sexuality: undecided, she could go either way at any time.

Birthday: November 11th

Gender: Female

Height: 5 foot 4 inches

Blood Type: 0-

Favorite Subject(s): Science and English, and choir but she'd never admit it. She'd say her parents got her into it.

Favorite Food(s): Strawberry shakes, and Vanilla bean frapacinos with exta whipped cream.

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior? : Junior

Personality: She's one that's comfortable in her own body and she knows she's not much of an hourglass figure but she could hardly care. She hates dresses and skirts so she wears the boy's uniform, and can get a bit rude if someone pesters her about how girls need to wear dresses and makeup. She'd sooner ride a skateboard down the halls in a T-shirt and jeans rather than hang out sipping tea with the ladies.

Other: She gets sappy when talking about her dog


Name: Daemon Sune

Age: over 5000 years old (By this point I'm only guessing.) Looks 28ish

Race: An Immortal "Sun Blessed" being (He used to be human until he became the sun's warrior)

Appearance: He's got shoulder length black hair that Lilly likes to braid with ribbons. She still does it since he really don't care and somehow he manages to looks seriously intimidating even with the braid. His eyes are red and sometimes flash gold with Sun Fire. He's quite strong and has a muscular build and carries a sword with runes etched into the blade. He tends to wear mostly black but for formal occasions he wears a suit that, when he moves, looks like flickering candle light. Ah, the wonders of Magic. The suit was Lilly's idea, but he's qte taken to it.

Gender: Male

Personality: He's rather serious and protective. He's

Other: "Sun-Blessed" is a term I use in a story of mine. Lilly's great-great-great-great . . . grandfather . . .


Moderator Character


Name: Diana (Any Neutral)

Age: How about eternity.

Race: Star Child (Spirit) Deity

Powers: Space/Time/Realms/Temporal Rifts. (She exists in many places at once, but her physical body is only where important things are happening. For our purposes, she resides in this thread, for now)

Other: Her rabbit can come alive


Name: Mathias the Father (Any Good)

Race: Deity

Powers: Anything to do with Light and Good


Name: The Master (Any Evil)

Race: Deity (Lives in the Spirit Realm.)

Powers: Anything to do with evil and dark
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Name: Nathaniel Hawkins

Nickname: Nate

Age: 17

Race: Revenent (undead)

Appearance: he has white skin, because he's dead, black hair, and red eyes.

Birthday: May 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5 foot 9 inches

Blood Type: no blood anymore

Favorite Subject(s): (magic?) he likes to study people and there relationships, kindof like physcology

Favorite Food(s):Doesn't have to eat, but Ice Cream

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior? : Junior, age wise

Personality: very shy and reclusive as people don't like his apperence. but caring and patient

Other: doesn't have to eat. breath, drink, or sleep.

weapon, katana and magic
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Alight, let's start in a town next to a blue ocean. 
The town, let's call it Sakura, because of all the cherry trees. The houses can be small cottages, there should be some farms along the out skirts. of course there should be a market place as well where anyone can come set up a stall and sell wares. Sakura has all the regular laws that keep law and order and is a fairly peaceful place. Let's also say that this town is under the law of a prince in a nearby castle standing on an island in the middle of a grand lake where the townspeople can get water and fish. The streets shall be cobblestone, worn a bit from the many walking feet, and there's a fountain in the middle of town square where the housed shops are. let's say it's late in the afternoon, people still mill about the market and town square as it begins to cool. A quiet breeze sweeps through town, whisking the cherry blossoms along in it's wake, swirling them like small dancers. Children run around town, getting underfoot and causing mischief, but acceptable mischief. They stray from the girl sketching on a bench, a girl with red hair braided with ribbons that dangles over one shoulder, her sweet pea green eyes locked on the paper as she perfects the fountain's shape and the water ripples. For now, her thin rim glasses perch like a dainty bird on the end of her nose, an inch away from falling off.
The boy watched the girl through his window, she looked so peaceful, just sitting and drawing. He turned his head back to the magic book in front of him to continue reading, he was practicing a new spell that required some fancy symbols...... the symbol for.... "I wonder what she's drawing?" he thought to himself, looking back out the window... no .... focus ...... he slumped his head down.... "I guess i'll try this again later." He went over to a battle dummy to practice with his Katana....
(Added race to my forum)

Sensing someone watching her she turned a page and tried to draw blind the person she thought was watching her. Despite her attempts, she only creates the shadow of the figure, from that she concludes that the watcher is a he, but that's about it. Shrugging to herself she goes back to the fountain, but adds the shadow man to it, sitting on the rim of the pool, looking at the water. Around this she perfected the fountain and the stray flowers poking up through the cobblestones. She wondered where she should draw herself in the picture. Sitting or standing next to him, across from him but looking away, standing atop the fountain with her arms to the sky? She smiled at that last one, it was fun, even though she could only get up there at night when the water had stopped flowing. If she could get up there while the water still flowed, she could sit atop the spray and grin at passersby. Of course that would be . . . out of the question. She couldn't do it, the Laws of the Mages forbid showing magic to humans.
(awesome, and we can't show magic to humans.. awwwwwwww, humph well at least we can still show each other...)

The boy practiced until his arms where tired, then he went back and looked out the window at the drawing girl, she looked so serene, just sitting there. He thought the ribbons where a nice touch to her hair (not romance,) to bad he could probably never go and talk to her because Humans tended to hate his pale, dead appearance. of course.. he was dead, but the humans didn't know that. he went back to reading his magic book, trying to memorize that fire spell he wanted to learn....
(Yes, although that's the Mage's law, not everybody's law. She's a witch so she falls under the jurisdiction of the Laws of the Mages, your zombie guy that does magic on the side falls under the Zombie king's rule, and since we don't have a Zombie king/prince/Queen/princess, then you can do whatever it is you want.)

The girl almost looked up when she felt the eyes on her, but this time her magic was on guard and captured more than just a silhouette. She quick erased the shadow and replaced it with the few features her powers had captured before he'd looked away. There she had him, a boy 5 inches taller than her, her age or thereabouts, he had a dark look about him, something she'd place in the magical world, but then again some cults of magicless humans have dark appearances, like Hitler, he belonged in one of the cult groups inside the magical world but he was only a human mortal with no sense of the true magic in the air around him. "mass destruction, and I thought the Fae were bad," she said, using the term Fae as a referrance to all the magical world. She stood and walks over to the fountain and held her sketch book in the crook of her arm at just the right angle not to be sprayed by water, and giving her phantom onlooker a good view of her picture if he had at least mediocre eyesight.
(Awwwww yyyeeeaaahhhhhhhh!!!!, anyway, huh interesting,)

The boy saw her turn towards the fountain and took that moment to look at her picture, there he saw, sitting around the fountain, a likeness of him..."huh that's interesting" he thought... He drew the symbols for thought and message ( in the air) and thought to the girl..... " we'll, since you seem to know what I look like, I'm assuming your using magic.... Also nice drawing!"
She grins and turned to a blank page. She scrawls a few symbols and relays her thoughts to him. "i'm a witch, yes, and thank you." She tries to pinpoint his location. "I can tell you aren't a witch otherwise you would have shown up on the radar, so what are you? And who's your magic teacher? Or do you just have a natural affinity for magical arts?"
The boy drew the spell again and said " yes, I do have an affinity for magic, and I learn from books, also I didn't show up on your radar because technically I'm dead. I'm called a Revenent.... And I'm in the house right behind you.... Although.. From the looks of it, you and I do magic using Similar ( edit my b) methods, with symbols..."
She pinpoints him and draws a similar, but different spell and disappears. She reappears just outside his door and knocks. "Mind if I come in? I'd like to finish my drawing. And yes, but that is just a type of magic."
The boy jumps, " woah, uh yeah I guess." He goes and opens the door. " welcome!, please, * motions to chair at table by window* have a seat"
"Thank you," She walks inside and sits on the floor, mostly because the wants to, partially because the magic flow in his rooms was . . . unaligned and chaotic. She opens her sketch pad against and starts adding the finer details. "How long have you lived here? It's a nice place and seems to be filled with the kind of magic i've so far witnessed you doing."
"About half a year or so by now" he says, " and thank you, it's enough for me to practice my magic and with my weapons," he leans over her shoulder, " do you draw a lot?"
"yes, I do, and I can tell youve been practicing magic because the left overs are interferring with my own magic." She looks at him, "I'm Lilly, Skill Rank 13, and I don't need to be rude but the magical left overs are a beckon to any Fae hunter within a hundred mile radius. You need to clean house, and I know just the spell you help you along too."
"Uhhhhhh... 0-0 ok, well, I'm Nate, skill rank ok... I guess, sorry about the 'leftovers', can I get you something to drink? I'm sorry, I don't get visitors very often"
"Oh I'm fine," Lilly stands up and writes the spell in careful strokes so he'd be able to read it. Then she tears out the page and hands it to him. "These together will cleanse the air and allow the natural flow of Chi in this room."
"Huh" Nate says. " I've never seen some of these symbols before" he holds the page up, with his other hand he begins drawing in the air. Blue runes appear and when he is done, he closes his eyes and does the spell. "Thanks, also, how does your skill ranking system work???"
"Skill ranking depends on the hardest spell you can complete without injuring yourself in the process, this would in cloud sour throat, sudden exhaustion, passing out in extreme cases, or dying because you're a noob trying to complete a rank 20 spell to impress your peers. Basics are levels 1-5 those you draw in the air, medium spells ranks 6 through 10 that you have to speak or sing the symbols or runes. Medium spells mostly just help around the house or to attract mates in some cultures. not the one i come from but there are a few that sing to each other showing off their magic prowess. Ranks 11-15 are hard spells that take a bit of concentration to complete effectively, these include fighting spells like fire breath, spell traps, and the likes. Ranks 16-20 are master spells that can do any number of things from resuscitating a dead body with the soul of that same person or someone else to tearing out a soul and giving that person a quick ride to the after world. From what i've seen you'd maybe be a rank 5 or 6 unless there are any harder spells you can do without hurting yourself, even a little bit."
" well," Nate said. " what about this??? He started to draw a dragon in the air, then a Ring of runes around it, some purple, some red... He spun the runs wheel, and suddenly the dragon moved. He used his hand to guide it over to her shoulder, it swirled around her head leaving a wreath of purple and pink illusory flowers. Then he sent it over the the weapon dummy in the corner and the dragon breathed a small tongues of flame.. Then disappeared... He put his hand on his forehead, "woah,,,, I invented that... By the way" ( sorry if op, the idea is that his magic, although using a known system, is unique and unpredictable")
(Indeed, I'm making this up as I go along.)

Lilly thinks about it, "it's unorthodox and has no boundaries except for the ones the caster gives it. i would say be careful of untested magic and your Rank would be around a 6 or 7 since it's a combination of basic magics to create a bigger harder magic, so yeah, you're definitely in the 6 to 10 range but I won't know for sure until you use one of the written spells. Still, it's good for someone who learned from books, I never would have thought of that."

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