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Fantasy Anthrian Experiment (OOC)

I suppose it is a bit funny how it has ended up like that. Though the reason it ended up that way could just be that the majority of the whitecoats being human makes sense as I wouldn't think many other humanoid animals/mutants would like to experiment and test on others of their kind.

You make a good point there.
I have a question regarding my characters' backstories ;v

For Klaus, would it be possible for him to have once been a captured test subject? He wouldn't be fully mutated, and would've somehow managed to convince whoever was working on him that his skill in psychology would be better put to use as a whitecoat than as a mutant. He would still retain some health issues and maybe some minor power as a result of the experiments, but would look mostly human aside from a few details.

Aaand for Vincent, are prosthetics advanced enough to allow him to have a robot arm? Nothing like a giant laser cannon or anything, just something kinda like automail from fma, if you want a comparison. Sorry I'm taking so long writing these ^-^'
I have a question regarding my characters' backstories ;v

For Klaus, would it be possible for him to have once been a captured test subject? He wouldn't be fully mutated, and would've somehow managed to convince whoever was working on him that his skill in psychology would be better put to use as a whitecoat than as a mutant. He would still retain some health issues and maybe some minor power as a result of the experiments, but would look mostly human aside from a few details.

Aaand for Vincent, are prosthetics advanced enough to allow him to have a robot arm? Nothing like a giant laser cannon or anything, just something kinda like automail from fma, if you want a comparison. Sorry I'm taking so long writing these ^-^'

Both of those things are alright with me.
this is real intense yo! Gets tackled "Ouch...I think you broke my Oathkeeper..."

im kinda lazy...what you have here is real involved and idk if I'll be much good
this is real intense yo! Gets tackled "Ouch...I think you broke my Oathkeeper..."

im kinda lazy...what you have here is real involved and idk if I'll be much good

Whoops. XD

You'd be fine. I've been writing/RPing with you for years now dude. You're hella great.
i know you hate it when ppl use the group posts for messaging, but the stupid site keeps not sending my messages, so thats why im doing that
i know you hate it when ppl use the group posts for messaging, but the stupid site keeps not sending my messages, so thats why im doing that

It's okay. I can understand it messing up. It's been doing that for me too.

I'm literally almost done with Rosco for you. XD

Just gotta do strengths, weaknesses, and if he has any powers or not.

And that I need your lintel on. XD
he's just normal. He can change size for better playing but um...idk?? WQeaknesses? like what? he can get burned, drown...you know all the normal stuff.
I also wanted to reuse a character, the lovable and coniving Tix tthe crimson fox!

Also I kiiinda wanna bring in a villian from another rp im doing with a friend. He's a scientist named Hyde. He loves pulling things apart and cutting things up...and stuff. He has a tick that he repeats some words twice in a row at the end of sentences.
I also wanted to reuse a character, the lovable and coniving Tix tthe crimson fox!

Also I kiiinda wanna bring in a villian from another rp im doing with a friend. He's a scientist named Hyde. He loves pulling things apart and cutting things up...and stuff. He has a tick that he repeats some words twice in a row at the end of sentences.

I mean hey, I reused Teles for this. You're welcomed to use Tix for it if you want. XD

As for Hyde, you're welcomed to use him for this as well.

Also, I sent you the thing on SW.
I'll be able to get that fennec up tomorrow. Very tired right now, the weight room hit me hard.

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