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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


The boys eyebrow rose when Yumi called out to him. He leaned up off the bleachers and began her way; slowly though.

Once he reached her he held out the water, "Here. Again..." he focused his gaze on something else to avoid eye contact and waited for her to take it.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi
Yumi stared up at the water bottle before taking it from his hands. "Ah, thank you!" She undid the lid of the bottle before raising it to her lips, taking a long sip. The liquid immediately cooled her down, and she closed her eyes as the cold sensation ran through her system. On instinct, her mouth opened to ask how she could pay him back, but she stopped as soon as his comment from before came to mind. Yeah, it'd probably be best not to ask that again. "Were you waiting long?" Yumi asked as she took another drink, looking up at him.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki watched as the girl drank the water. Once she was done it looked as though she was going to ask him something, it occured to him that she was going to ask how to pay him back. The boy was going to tell her she doesn't have to when suddenly she spoke up again; questioning how long he waited.

With a shrug he shook his head a little, "Nah...not really. Where'd your friend run off to?"

He pointed towards the door with his thumb; eyes still locked on Yumi.

@Leaf Fi
There was a Brief Moment of Silence, before Riika managed to spot Matoko. Hey... maybe she didn't notice me after a- When suddenly, The Girl started laughing, loud enough for him to notice. Yup... Scratch that He could hear her footsteps, as she was approaching, and when the girl finally arrived, she offered him Food. I... can't believe what just happened. The boy noticed that the female was returning to her bench again, obviously trying to Lure him over there, which she managed. So... Running isn't an Option anymore, huh? The male stood back up, brushing the dirt off his clothes, and then slowly dragged himself in her direction, when he noticed Suzumaki, who seemed to be trying to... Free-load a meal, from Riika.

"Uhmm... Hi there, Suzumaki." He gave her a Little wave, but then turned towards the White-haired one again. Matoko breathed in, and breathed out, making sure he wouldn't... repeat what happened before. "Well... Sure!" He answered her previous question, concerning the Food, and took an Onigiri out of her bento. But Right before taking a bite out of the treat, Matoko shifted his gaze over to Suzumaki, and then moved it to Riika's bento. She'd give her one anyway. The Boy thought, and grabbed another Onigiri out of the bento, handing it to Suzumaki. "Eat up!" At that Point, Even though Matoko himself thought that his Action was a Little rude, Riika and him were Close enough that it really wasn't that big of a deal, Át least in his opinion.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Hobbesisalive
Yumi let out a sigh of relief, "That's good... I'm not the fastest runner, after all..." She admitted under her breath with a sheepish glance to her left. The brunette then looked over at the door where his thumb was pointing towards, reciprocating his shrug not too long ago. "I think he said he was going to get ingredients for when I visit him later," she guessed, twisting the lid back on to the water.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki continued to beg as Matoko did his thing, she would glance at the food then back up at Riika every now and then until suddenly Matoko took the onigiri that she had her sights set on. Looking over at him as he ate it she began to pout but then the boy reached towards the light haired girls bento once more; handing Suzumaki an onigiri. Her eyes lit up a little but she still wanted the one that Matoko has grabbed first.

"Tank gyu." She spoke after taking a bite of the rice and gave Matoko a thumbs up.

@BobbyW @Hobbesisalive


Ryuzaki listened as the girl spoke, but not with all of his attention. He was looking around the gym; thoughts on basketball ran through his mind when suddenly something Yumi said caught his attention.

He raised his brow and looked down at her, "You're going alone? To his room?..."

@Leaf Fi
"Yeah, he invited me." Yumi explained, but grew confused at his raised brow. It wasn't a really big deal to her; she did this all the time with her other friends when they all went to school together. It'd just be like those times. Her own brow raised, mirroring him, and her face just read 'is there something wrong with that?'. Not in a sassy way; but in genuine question.

@Suzumaki Arakai

The boy furrowed his brow when she mimicked him.

Averting his gaze, he began to grow a little irritated and turned away to leave the gym, "I don't see why you've gotta go there..."

After a second he turned around and motioned like he was going to ask something but decided not to then continued on his way. Going through his thoughts were the simple facts that Yumi shared a room with a boy who can't take a hint...similar to himself, and that Connor liked her.

@Leaf Fi
Riika just ate when the boy grabbed something out of her bento, even when he grabbed another one for Suzumaki. She didn't really care and liked to share with everyone, how good of a cook she was. When the girl finished her onigiri, she faced Suzumaki. "So are you and Jethro going out?" She asked as that question flowed through her head for a while now. Riika cleaned her hands and grabbed a bottle of water in her pocket. Brushing with her arm against Matoko's shoulder. Suddenly she became aware of the random 'means nothing' touch and felt her heartbeat race. Crap. Quickly the girl turned to Suzumaki again and acted like nothing was going on with her.

@Suzumaki Arakai @BobbyW
Yumi blinked as Ryuzaki went to leave the gym, her confusion only growing further. Much like before, his frustration was being too grow, and she could feel in starting in the air. A frown pulled her lips downwards and she started to jog after him, grabbing his wrist with her free hand once she caught up to him. "I don't see why it's annoying you.." She tugging him back a little to stop the boy in his tracks, staring up at his face. "He's just a friend of mine... Honest..."

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki ate the food cheerfully and rocked back and forth as she sat on the ground.

Suddenly the girl spoke up and asked a question about her and Jethro going somewhere

The small girl finished the onigiri and stood up, dusting herself off with a confused expression.

She then crossed her arms and held her chin in thought, "Hmm~...not that I know of...no." She gave Riika a smile then twirled on her heel, "But I wouldn't mind to!" Of course Suzumaki is probably causing a couple misunderstandings right now...people will begin to mistake her stupidity for feelings towards Jethro.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW


The boy wasn't expecting to be halted so when he was, he turned around a little and states down at her with a furrowed brow.

The girl began to explain her relationship with Connor but somehow it made him feel even more irritated.

"Shouldn't you explain that to him. Being too nice can give someone the wrong idea " of course these are just words of frustration that popped up off the top of his head.

@Leaf Fi
Matoko smiled at Suzumaki, as a reply to her thumbs up, and noticed how she kept eye-ing his... Onigiri, even after she had one herself. It confused the Boy a bit, but he didn't think much of it. ...She's weird, but oddly likeable. He sat down next to Riika on the bench, and immediatly turned towards her, when she questioned Suzumaki about her relationship with Jethro. "Riika..." He said with a some-what monotone voice. And although it didn't look like it, he was curious himself, now, but didn't want to come off as nosey. He took a bite from his Onigiri, and noticed how Riika... brushed his Shoulder, with her arm. Huh?... He was a Little confused by this random Action of hers, but... found it oddly enjoyable, especially since he... Kind of aknowledged his Feelings towards her. Then, the Boy locked his eyes back on Suzumaki, and was... a Little surprised by her... honest? answer. "...Well does he know that you.. uhh... like him?" Of course, Matoko would think that she was actually talking about her Feelings towards him, and since he didn't really know Suzumaki, he had no reason for doubting it.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Hobbesisalive
Riika looked at Suzumaki after she gave the happy awnser. She didn't say anything and just nodded when Matoko questioned her. It was something how pairs were already created after just 2 days? For a second Riika shifted her gaze towards the boy and thought the same. Were her feeling towards him wrong because she just met him or. Wait, feelings? Gaaawd I hate this crap. She didn't want to feel something like that. It was the only thing in the world that could make her insecure. A feeling the girl absolutley wanted to avoid. She was Riika after all and couldn't be insecure about herself. Right? Just this one feeling made her nervous, little and weak.

@BobbyW @Suzumaki Arakai
"But he knows I just see him as a friend." The brunette insisted with the slightest of pouts, eyes softening. The taller boy's words rang through her head, and it made her pause in thought. Was she being too nice? 'No, no... I'm like that with everyone, they treat me the same,' Yumi inwardly shook her head, shutting her eyes momentarily. "What do you suggest I do then?" The words dropped from her tongue before she could even think of them, and it set her back a little. It was rather unusual for her to speak without evaluating, but she put the others words to blame for that.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki tilted her head at Matoko's question and paused for a second.

After that she perked up and gave a confident nod. "Of course he knows!" She began reenacting the events that had occured on the rooftop a little bit ago.

"I was in the rooftop trying to calm him down but then I was the one being calmed down. Then Rin and Jean showed up and Jethro touched Rin's arm. And I swear my heart stopped! I was like..." Suzumaki laid down on the ground like she was dead and clutched her heart.

After a second she stood back up and continued, "but then it turned out I was just jealous or something like that. Jean said this 'jealousy' can't kill me so I'm okay! I think I just don't want Jethro to touch Rin because she's awesome and Jethro will make her face turn red with some strange ninja attack so I've gotta look after her."

Finally the small girl took a breath and gave the two a thumbs up using both hands.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW


Ryuzaki looked down at Yumi with a raised brow like usual as she spoke.

"Tch..." he didn't like how she was trying to clarify for the clingy boy...Ryuzaki's clingy too if you think about it.

Suddenly Yumi spoke up and asked something that surprised him a litte, since when would this girl ask for his input.

But due to being irritated, Ryuzaki didn't feel like joking. He just retrieved his arm from the girls grip; I guess they forgot about that, then turned away.

"It's not up to me. And if it was...I don't think you'd like me very well."

The tall boy then proceed to exit the gym, his water still in hand.

"Why am I so damn pissed?"

@Leaf Fi
Matoko listened to Suzumaki's Story quietly, only nodding once in a while, to let her know that he was paying Attention. Well.. uhmm... it sounds Kinda legit... The Boy scratched his cheek, and shifted his gaze towards Riika, establishing eye-contact. It almost seemed like they were having a telepathic conversation, going through the Facts of Suzumaki's Little Explanation. He gave the Little Girl a thumbs up as well, and the briefly cleared his throat. "Well, it's a good Thing, that you're so calm and, 'open' about it." He frowned, as he was referring to his own Situation at that Moment.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Hobbesisalive
Riika listened to the story of the girl with a blank mind. Did there actually excist people like that? Her sister made her watch a ton of romance movies and Riika had seen enough just to know that Suzumaki was actually in love, or well showing interest in Jethro. "Well you'll be alright was all she said with of course a thumb up. Then Riika grabbed her bag and got on her feet. God I need to play a game. She wanted to game and think about nothing else. She wanted to set these feelings right as well, and she wanted to hang out with Matoko... the girl sighed and grinned. "I uhm.. I am going to the dorms for a bit." Quickly she turned around and ran towards her room. I need to call my sister!

@Suzumaki Arakai @BobbyW

Suzumaki smiled and twirled on her heel, throwing her arms in the air then returning them to her side after the twirl ends.

She gave a short, random now and looked at Matoko.

"I like you too!" Then she glanced at Riika, "and I like your onigiri!" Of course she had to yell this due to the fact that the girl had darted off.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
This time, Yumi let the boy go. She could feel her anger begin to raise once more, and the hand that had held him was now balled into a fist, her fingernails digging into her palm. She wanted to scream at him; yell that he was being a child, that he was overreacting, but no sound escaped her open mouth. The most she could do was send his back a glare, sniffling as she stormed into the changing rooms. It felt like her emotions were shoved into a washing machine; they tumbled over the other, mixing together at times, others separating, but all of them fighting for dominance within her body. Not only was it annoying, but it made her head and heart hurt. It was awful...

The girl shoved on her clothes with a huff before glancing down at the water bottle in her hand, staring up at her innocently in reply. She forced herself to tear her eyes away, throwing it in a nearby bin before heading out of the changing rooms and gym to the outside world. It was a little windy, but it wasn't so bad. Yumi breathed in the air with closed eyes, feeling herself relax little by little. She still needed to eat, but at the moment she wasn't in the humour at all.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Matoko chuckled as a Response, to her Statements, but watched as Riika rushed off, into the dorm Building. "Well, that was... sudden." He scratched his cheek, shifting his gaze towards Suzumaki again. "So, what's your opinion on the School?" The Boy asked, trying to make some simple Smalltalk. He would've loved to ask her some more questions, concerning her relationship with Jethro, but refrained from doing it, since the Boy thought of it to be rude.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Connor begun to get a little worried that yumi wasn't turning up so maybe she couldn't come it was fine with him he just fixed himself some sandwiches for himself. He then begun to walk towards school doors when he saw Yumi in another state "hay you okay yumi?" he said looking at her from a distance to see if she was okay he begun to eat his sandwiges " i fixed some sandwiges instead. you don't have to have them now if you want you can have them later." he said looking at her. He wasn't stalking her or anything he was atcuuly on his way to find Suzumaki and Jean to ask if thay want to come round his.

@Leaf Fi
One green eye fluttered open to look over at the newcomer. "Huh...?" The girl paused for a moment before nodding, smiling awkwardly. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just needed some fresh air." Yumi explained before looking up at the sky overhead, watching a few clouds float by before focusing on Connor once more. "... Hey... Is being too nice a bad thing?" She tried her best to play the question off as causal, but didn't know if it really worked.

Connor looked at her he then knew something was wrong so he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder "Look all you can do is be yourself. And your a nice person a helpful person but you can only be nice to people if thay be nice to you in return. For example if someone was being horrible to you if your nice to them thay'll only do it to you again. I know how it feel's because sometimes im to nice i let those people bully me in the past. But there is one thing i learned is to never change my personality. Of course there are a few things that i need to to change for the better but the good things i will not change. And also this isn't like you did something go off?" He said concerned for her "And also if i seemed a bit to clingy i apologys" he said looking at her

@Leaf Fi

The tall boy made his way to his dorm room and into his bathroom. He stood there for a second and looked in the mirror before clicking his tongue and rinsing off his face with ice cold water.

He then walked over to his bed and laid down; staring at his ceiling as the urge to skip the class to come began to overwhelm him.

Rolling over on his stomach he turned chibi. The events that just happened played through his head, over, and over, and over. Ryuzaki's sat up really quick and scratched furiously at his hair with both hands, "Gaaah what the hell! You're not Romeo!"

Time skip...

He's now lying back down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Arms sprawled out as his legs hung off and rested on the floor by his feet.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki sat down beside Matoko and chewed her thumb nail, "What do I like about it?...Hmm..." She then invaded his personal space with a large smile and laughed, "Everything! Banzaaaai!!~" After that she leaned back on the bench and stared up at the sky, kicking her feet back and forth as they couldn't reach the ground due to her height.

"How 'bout you?" She questioned towards him.

Once Riika arrived at the dorms she memorized that her sister was actually on the school grounds. She grabbed her phone and searched through the numbers, a name drawing her attention. Matoko..hm I promised him to call. A small smile was formed on her lips as she pressed the buttons on her phone. A few seconds later the usual beep that appeared when calling someone could be heard. Riika smirked a little waiting for him to pick up. He had to pick up! And at that same moment a familliar figure walked her way. Riika looked confused but quickly recognized the figure as Izumi, her sister. She smiled and signed that she was calling someone. So Izumi dashed over and pressed her head against the ear of Riika. Of course trying to listen with her, and possibly wanted to mess it up


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