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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Matoko dashed out of the classroom, the Moment he realized that it was Lunch. ...I...really Need to contact Mom about the lack of... Money i have going on right now... but she was going to send me some anyways, so i guess that's that. He was heading towards the Cafeteria, even though he wouldn't have been able to buy himself anything, But, the Boy managed to free-load a meal yesterday too, so maybe he'd be able to do it again.

Then, while passing through the Courtyard, he spotted Riika, sitting on one of the benches, with what seemed to be another bento with her. The male came to a sudden halt, then quickly ran behind a tree, leaning against it. Damn you Riika!... how am i going to get pass you unnoticed! He knew what would happen if he'd interact with the Girl, since the last conversation they had already showed his reaction. Alright... i'm just going to run... it's not like she's going to follow me, right? And with that, Matoko was about to dash away... but... unfortunatly, tripped over the tree's root in the process. He was now lying on he ground, facing the floor, in full view of... pretty much anyone currently in the courtyard. ...Great.... Just... Great.

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"haha you got a point there. But be careful pride can overcloud your mind" He said smileing lightly at Kameko. He then looked at the two thay seemed nice people. That's what he need's just some people he can talk to this time he would be less clingy "Nice to meet you to Kameko and your giveing me a honorific already im kind of honored" he said smiling slightly blushing. He never heard someone giveing him a honorific before. He then looked at the other girl "Hay can youu give me the recipie to those rice balls. We can exchange some recipes if you want" he said smileing.

@Corgi @Zero Gravity
Corgi said:
"Nice to meet you Connor-chan! I'm Kameko! And of course we're close, we're best friends!" When he talked about the lunch she smiled. She knew that Kiyomi always had bakers hand. Her food was always great, and even better when she tried. 'She always tries, what am I talking about?' She thought, then hearing about the picture. "Bad picture? Never! No such thing. What's the definition of bad?" She said teasingly, waiting for Kiyomi to pose.

@Zero Gravity

Ringo did as he was told and folded his arm, pouting as he sat down on the grass when he put him down. He turned serious with the boy did as well. "Well... I don't really have a story. I just wanted to help others, so I became a nurse. Not really a nurse for life, hopefully. I want to eventually become a doctor." He said, now laying in the grass and staring at the clouds. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" He asks, thinking it was a simple, yet often asked question.


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Satsuki smiled and laid down as well and folded his arms underneath his head. 'Well I can imagine you in a doctor coat.'He chuckled and listened to his question. 'I don't want to be anything, I just want to travel the world and discover all it's secrets.' For a moment Satsuki felt silent and just watched the clouds drive by. 'Well that sounded lame.' The boy laughed and placed his arms over his stomach. 'It's a silly dream, but boy I know I can reach it.' He turned his head towards Ringo and smiled. 'Doctor Ringo, hm what is your last name?' Satsuki asked.

BobbyW said:
Matoko dashed out of the classroom, the Moment he realized that it was Lunch. ...I...really Need to contact Mom about the lack of... Money i have going on right now... but she was going to send me some anyways, so i guess that's that. He was heading towards the Cafeteria, even though he wouldn't have been able to buy himself anything, But, the Boy managed to free-load a meal yesterday too, so maybe he'd be able to do it again.
Then, while passing through the Courtyard, he spotted Riika, sitting on one of the benches, with what seemed to be another bento with her. The male came to a sudden halt, then quickly ran behind a tree, leaning against it. Damn you Riika!... how am i going to get pass you unnoticed! He knew what would happen if he'd interact with the Girl, since the last conversation they had already showed his reaction. Alright... i'm just going to run... it's not like she's going to follow me, right? And with that, Matoko was about to dash away... but... unfortunatly, tripped over the tree's root in the process. He was now lying on he ground, facing the floor, in full view of... pretty much anyone currently in the courtyard. ...Great.... Just... Great.

Riika just started to take mini bites from her favourite onigiri when she heard something cracking near her. She looked around but couldn't find anything in particular. The girl shrugged and continued eating her food when she suddenly heard a faint thud. Again, she looked up only to find Matoko laying on the ground. She blinked and almost dropped her Onigiri when she started to laugh. That boy was something. Before others could laugh at him, Riika got on her feet and walked towards him. 'Want food?' She asked with a small smirk on her face, which grew when she returned to her place on a bench and waited for Matoko to crawl up himself. The only thing she did was waving with her bento, yep she would lure him right in.
"Uh, sure," Kiyomi stilled herself for a moment, knowing that Kameko was trying to take a picture of her. She then pulled her notepad out, scribbling down the recipe for the rice cake. "There you go," she murmured, pushing up her glasses again so that she could put her notepad back. She ripped out the piece of paper and gave it to Connor. "If you need any more recipes just come find me. I have a ton," she stated, crossing her legs and taking the final bite of her rice cake.


Ichigo got out of the classroom, taking a bento box out of her bag. She had a different type of meal inside the bento besides Japanese which was not very weird for Ichigo, her not eating to much from Japan. The bento was big and looked like it was for two people besides just Ichigo. People looked at her weird but, she didn't care of her rather large eating habits. She was some people outside and noticed Ringo was there. "Oh, Hey Ringo and Satsuki," she said gleefully.


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Suzumaki finally made it back to the cafeteria and began looking around where she had sat before for her yakisoba bread..."Wait...I brought it with me!" She then threw her head back and pulled her hair like usual and began to look for it.

"Ya! Ki! So! Ba!" Her thoughts edged her to keep searching; running off and leaving Jean, Rin, and maybe Jethro, Suzumaki found herself huffing deep breaths in the courtyard.

Looking over she noticed a girl with long white hair that she has met before...and then Matoko...

As she was approaching them she heard the girl offer food to Matoko and perked up. She darted over to the girl and began to beg like a dog.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
As soon as the hand left the top of her, Yumi shook it madly side to side for a second, the brunette locks flying around her, narrowly avoiding contact with her cheeks. It probably looked a little strange- almost like she was a dog trying to rid water from its coat- but she didn't mind too much; it was her lazy way of fixing her hair. Somehow, it always looked perfect afterwards... But let's not focus on that for now, mm?

Once the bell released the call for lunch, the girl's stomach grumbled lowly, almost in response. Embarrassed, the brunette clutched her stomach tightly with a meek, sheepish smile. "Couldn't come at a better time, I suppose..." She laughed gently and went to take a step forward, but found a hand gripping her own. Confused, green eyes flickered downwards once before following the arm up to a shoulder, then to the neck, and then up to Ryuzaki's face. The teen just blinked, not fully grasping the situation at hand until, well, her hand was dropped.

"O-oh! R-right..." Yumi nodded to accept his 'apology' and shot a wave to Hajime before following the much taller boy to the cafeteria. Once there, she paused at the doors, groaning loudly. "Darn it, I forgot about my laps!" She grumbled with a huff, her bottom lip pushing outwards in a pout. "I'll see you in a bit, I wanna do them before I eat." She didn't wait for a reply; the girl turned on her heel and ran off to get redressed in her gym gear to do the tortuous punishment. Once dressed, she was much slower leaving to get to the pitch where she would run, not only wanting to preserve her energy, but to huff as well. Stupid laps...

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi @Anyone outside
"Oh crap im sorry girls but i have to go thank you for the recipe" he sad smiling rushing towards the gym remembering he has to do his laps. He then got changed into his gym clothes and saw yumi running. He felt little sad about her liking ryu but i guess he had to move on. He then begun to run running past her not saying a word. As he begun to jog. He then begun to run around the course hoping that yumi doesn't catch him up. He couldn't handle it.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi began to stretch a little as she walked, circling her shoulders and neck as she inhaled deeply. Running wasn't something she loved that much, nor was she very good at, so she would take it at her own pace. She started off in a slow jog, just taking in the view around her, when all of the sudden someone ran past her as fast as a bullet, causing her to squeak in shock. "H-hey!" The brunette speeded up a little, trying to catch up with the boy. "W-wait up!!"

Connor closed his eyes and sighed as he heard her he then stopped and looked at her. He managed to hide the emotions so he doesn't make her feel upset "yeah?" he asked wondering what she was going to say. Probably going to tell him her and ryu were going out. What was he thinking he need's to get rid of these horrible assumptions in his head until she atculy tells him. "what is it?" he said again looking at her smiling lightly.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi slowed to a stop as soon as she reached him, pants escaping her mouth. "W-we have to do th-these together, r-right...?" She breathed, beaming a smile at him. "T-thanks for waiting, by the way. I don't think I could run like that for long..." She admitted with a laugh, wiping a strand of hair away from her forehead.

"no problem i thought hajime was going to do this with you.." He said looking at her wondering why is she doing this with him. He knows that she likes Ryu but why still take the time to run with him. "Yumi...I need to tell you something Hajime told me about you and ryu... I know you like him." He said looking at her Knowing that she was probably going to get mad at him. He then waited for her to reply.

@Leaf Fi

Ryuzaki finished eating and threw away his trash. He decided to step outside and take in the fresh...air.

Walking around he found himself near where Yumi and Connor were supposed to be doing their laps but instead they were conversating.

He decided not to interfere so he just figured he'd wait for Yumi while standing there.

@drummerboi @Leaf Fi
Yumi shook her head. "I couldn't find her, so I thought it would be better to do it now than later." She explained with a shrug. At his next comment, her brow rose, and her eyes gained a confused sparkle. "Yeah, is there something wrong?" Her head tilted to the side. "He's my friend, so of course I'd like him. I like you too! And Jethro, and Suzumaki, Jean, and everyone here!" She grinned, beginning to jog on the spot.

"no i meant she told me you like him like him as in you fancy him" he said beginning to fell that this would be the end of there friend ship. He begun to jog on the spot to about to do the laps. He could feel his heart breaking again. It didn't look like it but he was atculy sad he then was atcuyl kind of afraid on what she will say. Will she be angry will she just say yes and jog without him.

@Leaf Fi

Ryuzaki began to overhear their conversation but he didn't care for it so he walked away for a bit and decided to go buy a drink from the vending machine near the dormitory.

When he did he bought two waters then began to head back.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi
"What...?" Yumi immediately stopped her jog, staring up at him at him with wide, intrigued eyes. She placed her hands on her hips before giggling softly, tapping his leg with her shoe. "Connor, I don't fancy anyone yet. It's too early for relationships, in my opinion." She shrugged her shoulders, taking a few steps forward. "C'mon, we should continue. I haven't gotten anything to eat yet, after all, and I'm starving!"

"really...hmm okay, hell i can make you some rice balls a friend of mine gave me the recipe for it" He said smiling as he then begun to jog at her speed "also im inviting a few people round my place tomorrow want to come?" He said smiling lightly as both of them jogged across the field. "im inviting jethro jean and suzumaki" He said smiling lightly "So have you heard attack on titan sesaion 3's comeing out soon" He said smieling at her while thay were running. To be honest he was kinda glad Yumi wasn't that type of girl. he will take it as it comes.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi smiled as she picked up her speed a little, making the jog a little more active but still leisurely. "Oh? That'd be nice! I haven't made something in forever." The girl nodded as they turned a corner. Well, technically she made cookies the previous night, but it was mostly Jethro who contributed to that. "I'll have to see about coming over to yours as well! I'd love to come, but hopefully there won't be a lot of homework. And I didn't know about season 3! I've barely finished the manga, so I gotta finish it quickly... So much anime, too little time." The brunette sighed.

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"oh and talking about homework i copied the homework for history for you" He said giving her the home work on a piece of paper "unfortunately it's a lot but hay could be worse. Also you like anime that's cool back in Scotland not a lot of people liked anime. Anyway don't worry it won't be out in a while so you'll have time to catch up. I never really thought about it but since im in Japan i was thinking on going to a Vocaloid concert i hear there's one next month." He said still running with her. he enjoyed this just chatting.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi took the homework with a nod, frowning as she all the things written on the sheet of paper. "I guess that's right..." She exhaled before slowing to a stop on the third lap, bending over at the waist with her palms resting against the top of her thighs. She gulped down some air as she wiped her brow. "I'm sorry... I just hate... Running..." The girl completely meant it too; her stamina wasn't the best when she was on her feet, so the majority of sports never really went hand in hand with her. "Thanks... For coming with me... I appreciated that..."


Ryuzaki made it back to the gym and stepped through the already propped open door. He noticed Yumi was still running so he took a seat on the ground beside the door; unnoticed.

After a minute he got up, both waters in one hand being held by the lids, and entered the gym to see if she was done. The girl was bent over; taking deep breaths as Connor finished along with her. He leaned against the folded up bleachers and waited to be noticed or something.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi
"hay it's the least i can do you done well I'l meet you in my dorm room we can make some nice rice roll's" he said smileing at her "and also i won't be the only one cooking okay il see you there" He said smileing. He already had his sport's bottle and drunk from it "you want some? before i get the ingredients" he said asking her if she want's some of his water. He then looked at her smiling. He was glad that he's atcuy open more to people beside's yumi. hajime was in his good books.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi shook her head, inhaling once more before straightening up. As she done so, her eyes immediately focused on Ryuzaki and she beamed over at him. "Hey you!" She called, indicating for the teen to join the two. The girl's pants were still there- evident with her chest rising and falling quicker than usually- but they weren't as bad as before. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm okay." She turned to Coonor and pushed a strand of hair away from her eyes.

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
"okay il see you at my dorm then prepare to cook some food" he said smileing while heading towards the dorm room getting the ingrediants ready "okay got that" he said getting the rice and the stuff thay needed "thank you fraind for the recapy" He said smieling as he then got his apron on getting a spare one for her as he put them all in the little kitchen in his dorm he decided to start a little before waiting for her. After a while he laid out all his ingrediatns and begun to wait for Yumi. This was going to be fun

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