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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro paused and looked at the crying Suzumaki not too far from him. He glanced around the area before gently bringing the girl in for a hug, "...Don't cry okay? I'm not mad". The teen glanced down at Suzumaki and gradually rubbed the girl's back as an attempt to comfort her, "Relax, the punch was sudden. As a reflex I raised my voice. I didn't fight her though. Besides, I should've not done that curl thing to her anyway". Jethro stopped his actions before looking at Suzumaki. "I should've figured that the hair thing only works for you and me" He said before smiling a bit.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean stopped to think for a moment. "He likes hanging outside that's for sure. So lets try the roof, since we're getting close to the roof's door." Jean said nodding and started walking again toward the roof. @Zyra Charlotte

The small girls tears gradually stopped as she was hugged; still sniffling as she listened to his words. Wasn't she supposed to be there to calm him down? How did the situation change?

Her hands were clasped together and tucked into her chest as she looked up at him and nodded, a couple leftover tears rolled down her little cheeks.

As he made a small joke about the hair, Suzumaki smiled; showing all her teeth, and touched her own head gently, giving it a small pat.

"Yeah...nihihi." She still had the soft voice of a person who just got done crying but it would go away soon.

"Sorry.." the small girl said as she lowered her head. "I was supposed to be making you smile...but it turned out differently." She gave a lousy thumbs up.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura's face went blank as he listened to Omi's words. A small vein popped and he stood up with his fist in the air; turning chibi.

"You told me that if I didn't you'd come after me!"

Short time skip.

He's now sitting back down like a sophisticated, grown man, with his legs crossed and his head resting in his hand as it sets elbow down on the desk.

"What'd you wanna talk about?"

Jean saw the roof door. "It's over there." Jean said walking toward the door and opening it. She didn't even see Suzumaki and Jet instead she was looking at the view in awe. "Wow this place is awesome." She said looking around at the sky. @Zyra Charlotte @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier

Omi watched his friend have a fit, knowing this would happen he just listen to Sato yell.

Omi finished his salad by the time Sato calmed down and was drinking his orange soda. "I talked to Ringo about our problem and he said it's not healthy for us and we should let our feelings out and based off of our feelings continue on from there." Omi said sipping the soda afterwards. @Suzumaki Arakai
"Suzumaki, you always make me smile" Jethro stated while looking at the girl. "If you dare to disagree though . . . " He paused to look out beyond the fence again and into the sky. "Let's just say that I'm quite the master at holding my own emotions in. I'm a ninja" The teen admitted shifting his green eyes back to Suzumaki. Jet retained a pretty serious expression too. He saw Jean enter the area and nodded at her to acknowledge her presence.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
Jean blinked and saw Jet nod. "Jet, Rin has something to say to you." Jean said pushing Rin a little in front of her. "Go ahead Rin, Jet is really nice like I said." Jean said giving Rin a thumbs up. @Zyra Charlotte @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier

Suzumaki's eyes opened a little wider than before and she averted her gaze to the side; giving a little scratch to her chin from embarrassment.

She was prepared to boast about her awesomeness at making him smile but he suddenly spoke up again.

Thinking he was about to say something scary she narrowed her eyes, grit her teeth and held her breath. Luckily he just looked back and said something about being a ninja and her eyes lit up; along with her jaw dropping just a bit.

She jogged in placed for a second, lowered her head then threw it backwards with a cheer.

"Banzaaaai!~" Turning around she saw Jean and ran towards her, passing by Rin.

"Jean! He's a ninja!" Her excitement was seemingly noticeable...like usual.

Suzumaki was back to normal and ready to finish her last yakisoba bread...that she hasn't yet noticed is missing.

@Zyra Charlotte @RyanJXavier

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura turned chibi again and stared at Omi for a second...okay maybe a little longer than a second.

He blinked a couple times and said something but no words came out, then again, and again. And finally he stood up and stepped towards Omi; still in chibi form, and began to raise his voice.

"You whaaaaat!?" He was now appearing in different/random spots of the classroom while throwing a tantrum.

"Why would you do that!?" He said near the door.

"Now everyone's gonna know!" He was on someone's desk...

"Are you an idiot!?" He was looking out the window.

"Omi! Explain to me what 'our' feelings are!" He's now no longer in chibi form and is standing over top of Omi...I guess you could say he took the opportunity because he's shorter than him by a bit and never has the chance to do so...so...

Rin whimpered and began fidgeting.She took a deep breath and:


She said quickly,trying to avoid causing more trouble.

((Also,she was waving her hands around,while she said that.))
Jethro looked at Jean once she caught his attention. He then shifted his gaze to Rin who looked nervous as heck. As usual, Suzumaki's scream hogged his attention causing him to laugh a bit at her ninja exclamation. Rin's whimper forced him to pay attention to her words though. Jet gently took Rin's hands and put them back to her sides to stop them from waving around, "Hey, it's no problem. I forgive you . . . and you don't need to make anything up to me. I apologize too for raising my voice earlier. I'm not mad at you though so calm down, Rin. We just met". He concluded his side with a slight smile before letting go of her.

@Zyra Charlotte
Rin looked at him nervously before saying "Really?B-But..I hit y-you!T-That's inappropriate!S-Surely,there's something I-I can d-do!"
(When they stared at each other I just could see one of those random leaves just fly in xD )

Omi watched his friend stare at him for a minute and then start freaking out once more and sighed. But then Omi blinked surprised when Sato stood over him asking what their feelings are. "I believe... we like like each other." Omi whispered the last part. He himself couldn't believe he just said that. He also couldn't believe he was fighting over the urge to kiss him. @Zyra Charlotte

Suzumaki was randomly giving an explanation of Jet's ninja powers when suddenly she turned around and pointed, "See! He-" For some reason her heart stopped for a split second after seeing Jethro touching Rin, sending her back on her bottom. She clutched her chest and turned chibi.

"Jean. Tell me father I love him. And that I never did pay gramps back for that candy bar."

Taking the position of a dead person she closed her eyes and sighed, "I don't want a funeral. Burn me."

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura blinked for a second at Omi's calm words then gave a small laugh...after that ended he cleared his throat and once again freaked out.

"Absolutely not!" He began pacing back and forth, "It's just not possible for me. Get it? I love women! WOAH MEN!" He turned chibi for a split second and pointed at Omi, "It's your fault!" then returned to being normal again...if you want to call it that.

Sato sat back down at the desk and sighed, burying his face in his hands with the shake of his head.

"It's not right."

Jean blinked looking at Suzumaki fall on the ground. "Suzumaki you are just experiencing jealousy. It i not contagious and will NOT kill you." Jean said face palming. 'She's no better than Jet.' Jean thought shaking her head. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi sighed and walked over and patted Sato on the back. "There there. I like woman too, but sometimes things just don't work out, and you fall in love with your best friend." Omi said calmly. He had no idea what he was saying but he thought if he said it calmly. It wouldn't be that bad. @Suzumaki Arakai
"Yes, really" Jethro replied to the still nervous girl that stood in front of him. "I know it is, but what's done is done. Nothing will happen if we just complain . . . now will it? All I need to do is ice my stomach area later. No need for you to do anything" He guaranteed before seeing Suzumaki fall to the ground. The teen walked over to the orange haired girl and looked at Jean, "What Shakespeare tragedy is she acting out now?"

@Zyra Charlotte

Suzumaki opened one and at Jean's statement, "Jealousy?" and began to stand up.

"What is this jealousy you speak of?" She crossed her arms and held her chin, looking back and forth between her and Jethro as she waited for a reasonable explanation.

@Aero @RyanJXavier
Rin nodded and smiled."Hey,this guy's pretty nice..."she thought to herself before seeing Suzumaki on the ground.A look of worry flashes across her face."Is...s-she okay?"
Jean sighed. "Jealousy is what you feel when you see a person you like or care for a lot, hang out with someone else and you fell excluded and angry at that person." Jean explained the best way she could. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki looks at Rin then back to Jean, she gives her a nod the stands in front of her as though she's guarding the girl. Pointing at Jethro she furrows her brow, "I may not be a ninja but you can't have Rin! It makes me jealous!" She then turns and gives Rin a high five following after is a thumbs up.

"There we go!"

@Zyra Charlotte
Jean shook her head. "No no that's not what I meant! Okay, well yeah it sort of was but-ugh! Between you and dying with jealousy and Jet with every girl he sees blush think they're sick I'm going to have a headache." Jean said sighing, but still couldn't help but to smile. "Suzumaki when we get back into the school and sit down, I'll let you look up what jealousy is." Jean said chuckling. @Zyra Charlotte
Jethro was spaced out again. Just kidding, he was distracted by a bird that flew into one of the teacher's windows. That's probably the same thing that woke me up this morning. He thought to himself before snapping back to reality and hearing Suzumaki. " . . . Okay?" He replied watching the bird fall to the ground. Jet kind of tuned the girls out right after that though.

@Zyra Charlotte

Suzumaki blinked at the girl with confusion; wondering why she seemed uncomfortable. Looking at Jean she tilts her head, "Did I say something wrong?" She then looks at Rin again and smiles, "What's your type?" Of course Suzumaki has no idea what this really means...even I don't know what's going through her head.

But before the girl could answer Suzumaki's question; Jean spoke up.

With a turn on her heel Suzumaki pranced back into the school and down the stairs. It doesn't take much to catch up to her because her legs are short.

@Zyra Charlotte

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