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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro heard Rin moan then gave her a confused expression. "Rin, you okay?" He asked before shifting his gaze over to Jean. "Nothing just did this" The teen replied pulling Rin's curl again before bringing his hand back to his side. "Suzumaki, do your guardians not send you money or something?" Jet asked as he slightly raised a brow.

@Zyra Charlotte
Rin yelped when she felt her curl being pulled again.She stands up,grabs Jethro's collar and punches him.HARD.
"HEY!" Jethro immediately stood up after getting punched by Rin. He looked down at her and furrowed his brows at the girl. "What's your problem, huh? If you didn't want me to do it then you could've just told me so! I would've stopped! You don't need to punch me!" With that, Jet walked away from the others and exited the cafeteria.

@Zyra Charlotte
Miyamura Sato

As he was watching the phone he blinked a couple times then sighed, but just as he did his phone buzzed again which caused him to jumped, letting out a yell.

"Gaah!...dammit! Dammit Omi!" He cursed the poor guy even thought he's done no wrong...

Once he read the message he set the phone down in a very calm manner, walked over to the already opened window then began to step out.

He's lying on the couch with his face buried in the cushions again.


Suzumaki flinches as Jethro got mad and started yelling...which is new for her...new for everyone.

She looked up at Jethro with wide eyes; her mouth still full of food. "N-ne...should I go console him?" yes she's being serious.

Looking around, Suzumaki noticed a few people staring so she stood up and made monkey noises then gave them the old Japanese insult in sign language.

"Umph. That'll do it." She said, grabbing her last bread, pat Rin on the back and gave her a thumbs up then followed after Jethro.

"Wait...wont I just make it worse?" Her thoughts began to make her nervous.

@Zyra Charlotte
Jean watched what happen confused and worried. "Rin why did you punch him?" Jean asked not raising her voice or anything to show that she's not picking sides. She walked over to Rin and sat next to her. @Zyra Charlotte

Omi stared at his phone while munching a little on his fruit salad. "He's not coming." Omi said with a sigh. @Suzumaki Arakai
Rin replied to Jean,sobbing."W-well,h-he pulled *sob* on m-my curl.A-and my curl i-is *sob* really s-sensitive...l-like,m-my major e-zone.."
Jean nodded. "I could tell, but punching him isn't going to solve that. Next time hold back the urge to punch whoever pulls your curl and tell them to stop instead. Well unless it's an asshole the punch them all day long." Jean said smiling to calm the blonde girl. She hugged Rin and shushed her. "When you're ready we'll go and apologize to Jet okay?" Jean said looking at Rin. @Zyra Charlotte
Jean patted Rin on the head avoiding the curl. "No problem." Jean said she got up and walked back to her seat and grabbed her Pocky. She walked back over and sat next to Rin and offered her a stick. "Suzumaki is probably talking to Jet right now so let us wait a bit. Pocky?" Jean offered. @Zyra Charlotte
Jethro took a few breaths once he made it outside. He walked back into the school building before going up the stairs. The rooftop was a place he had spotted out the previous day. Jet never really had the chance to revisit it again though. Of course, that was until now. Within a few moments, Jet reached the rooftop and walked over to the fence. Why does it smell like smoke? He thought to himself as his gaze shifted over to a few cigarettes squished onto the ground.
Jean smiled and grabbed a stick and stuck in her mouth, letting it hang to the side. She looked around the cafeteria to see if anyone else was still looking this way. Thankfully no one was, Suzumaki's monkey strange sign fiasco must've made them lose attention. It was just the two girls. @Zyra Charlotte

Suzumaki looked around a bit but couldn't find him...but then she realized he was just about right in her line of view; and then he was gone again.

Once she started running after him she finally caught up and was standing at the bottom of the stairway that leads to the rooftop, trying to catch her breath to she could holler for him.

Finally she caught her breath, "Je-..." he went through the door. Suzumaki gradually climbed the stairs the threw herself through the doorway and laded face first on the ground.

She laid there for a second before getting on her hands and knees and dragging herself over to him and using his arm to pull herself up.

Her breathing was rough and she pointed at him, "Why...do....walk...fast...so fast."

Jean shrugged. "Yeah alright let's go see if we can fine them." Jean said and stood up putting the Pocky box in her pocket. She chewed on the one already in her mouth while she waited for Rin. @Zyra Charlotte
Jean walked and looked around to see if she can find Jet. "So how are you liking school?" Jean asked. @Zyra Charlotte
"Why...are you here?" Jethro asked Suzumaki without shifting his gaze over to her. He just stared beyond the fence as an attempt to calm his own thoughts down. The teen wasn't really mad though. Been through worse. Jet thought to himself before turning around and leaning onto the fence. "Go back to Jean and make the most of your lunch time" He bluntly stated still not looking at the girl.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Rin smiled a little."Oh..it's f-fine.W-Well,fine until I p-punched that b-blonde....I don't w-wanna make e-enemies this e-early..."
Jean rubbed that back of her neck. "Oh yeah right. Well Jet is really nice person so he'll forgive you!" Jean said grabbing another Pocky stick and putting it in her mouth letting it hang. 'But I never seen him yell like that before.' Jean said shivering a bit a the memory of a fe minutes ago. @Zyra Charlotte
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura slowly sat up off his couch and wobbled to his feet. He began wondering if there was a way out of the situation..."I could move to America...pfft who am I kidding!? I'd be mistaken for a woman!" He pinched the bridge of his nose and headed out of his office; proceeding down the hall.

"Aww shiet! Look...there's the door..." He looked around to see if there was anyone he knew to idly chat with...the only person was the principle.

Leaning against the wall he gave a smile, "Heya ya old Gorou..." but the short old man just drudged passed him...very...very slowly.

Miyamura made a funny face that said, "How did I see that coming?"

The man decided to give up and give in. He stepped towards the door, slammed it open, stepped into the room, and slammed it shut.

Looking up he gave an irritated, defeated expression and sat down in one of the students desks like a student.




Suzumaki noticed the blond boy not looking at her, somehow it confused her so she stood directly under him and stared up at his face; tilting her head.

"Nani?~" blinking a couple tips she presses a finger to her bottom lip in confusion, "Why would I go back alone? I mean...I came here to get youuu.~" She said in an attempt to poke him in the nose but instead she just returned her hand to her chest and gripped it with her other.

Giving a nervous smile she took a step back; leaving his personal space, and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I-I don't think..th-that she meant to..I mean..she...she..u-uwa-uwaaaaaah!" Suzumaki was now crying; continuously wiping her tears...

The poor girl is emotional when it comes to the reunions/partings of families or friends. Not for any specific reason...it doesn't make her sad she just starts crying but this time is a bit different...she felt pressured.

Jean patted Rin on the head. "It's alright thought. Suzumaki will probably get through to him and things will be back to normal." Jean said biting down on the Pocky stick in her mouth. @Zyra Charlotte

Omi was looking at his fruit salad and nibbled on an apple slice with his chin resting on his free hand. When the irritated Sato came in and sat down Omi didn't jump, nor looked surprised. He just continued nibbling on the apple slice with his chin still on his hand looking at Sato. "I'm surprised you actually came." Omi said and finished the apple slice now nibbling on his fork. @Suzumaki Arakai

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