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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jean followed him over to a table and sat down across him. She pulled out her lunch and laptop from her bookbag and set it on the table. She turned on her laptop and while waiting for it to load she grabbed her sandwich. @RyanJXavier
Jethro continued to eat his sandwich and paused once he reached the halfway mark. His gaze shifted around the area before stopping at a girl he hadn't seen before. "Yo, you need something to eat?" He asked Rin while waiting for Suzumaki. It was after all the cafeteria. All she was doing though was watching people eat. Jet momentarily looked back over at Jean once she placed her laptop on the table, "You just can't get enough of an electric screen, can you?" His green eyes moved back to Rin though to catch her response.

@Zyra Charlotte @Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
Rin shook her head and looked over at the blonde dude before her.She mumbled a tiny "no" and covered her face with her hands to hide her blushing face.
Jean smiled and shook her head. "Nope." She said and started typing away on her laptop, her brown eyes looking at the sceen. On the occasion her one hand would stop typing and she'll eat a piece of her sandwich and start typing again. She took a break to see who Jet was talking to and waved. "Hiya Rin!" Jean said and then looked back at her laptop screen. @Zyra Charlotte
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura got up from his desk and grabbed a newspaper before heading to the cafeteria to buy something to eat since he and Omi had to rush to school

His stomach was growling like a mad dog so he walked at a quick pace...also trying to avoid Omi Sensei.

Each turn he came to he would stop and peek around before taking it. And every door that opened in front of him sent him against the wall like he was trying to blend in with it or something.



Suzumaki walked away from the food ladies with a largely exaggerated sigh as she sat down at the table in which Jean and Jethro conversed. She laid her head down on the flat surface and groaned, "Gwuuuuh~..." the little sections of hair that normally stand up on the side of her head were down at the moment...that happens when she's really hungry.

"I should've got my sweets from the doooooorm uwahaha!" She cried out lousily.

@Aero @RyanJXavier
Corgi said:
Kameko finally finished with cleaning her camera and put it down, then getting out her sketch book. Besides being a photographer, she developed a love for art as well. She started to continue a drawing she never finished. She pulled out her charcoal out of her bag and started to draw it again, happy because of the silence that surrounded the class room. It was calming and helped her concentrate while she drew.


Piling up his books without any rush, Koichi didn't notice that he and Kameko were among the last people to remain inside the class. The boy was about to leave, when he took notice of the girl and her drawing, he wanted to talk to her, but she seemed so concentrated and he didn't want to be a burden. He silently wrote a note, left it at her desk, and headed to the cafeteria.

"It looks amazing. Seriously, I wish i could draw like this. So long, Meko-chan~"

Arriving at the cafeteria, he spots Jean who was in front of her laptop. "You know what i want? PASTA!" Koichi said, as he sat in front of the other red-head.

@Corgi @Aero
Omi was in the lunch line getting a fruit salad and an oragnge soda. He bought his lunch and headed to A-2. He hummed a bit while heading up to the room. @Wataru @RyanJXavier
"Suzumaki, at least eat something. It's bad to starve. Come on, ya won't retain this cuteness of yours if you don't eat" Jethro said before looking at Rin. "Rin's the name, huh? I'm Jethro. Nice to meet you Rin" He introduced himself after hearing Jean call out Rin's name, and finished the rest of his sandwich before doing anything else. Someone randomly sat down next to Jet. Jet didn't really mind, but he never actually met the guy in a formal manner, "You...I've seen you before. Hey". He slightly waved at Koichi.

@Wataru @Zyra Charlotte

Suzumaki sat up and stared at Jethro with a blank face for a second...the realized what he said. Quickly she clutched her heart and fell backwards out of the seat she was sitting in. "It happened again!" She said, breathing heavily as her hand remained in place.

Pointing at Jethro as he spoke to Rin, she didn't want to interrupt, she spoke in whispers. "I'll get you back one of these days!" and now she's fake coughing while slowly wobbling to her knees.

After that was over she quickly stood up and pouted at Jethro, "I don't have any moneeeeey~!" She clasped her hands together and did to him what she did to Jean earlier when she wanted orange juice.

"I neeeeeed~ moneeeeey~!"

@Zyra Charlotte

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura hid behind a door that was coming open and clutched his newspaper to his chest. He soon noticed that it was just Takanashi Mei so he gave a sigh of relief and wiped his brow.

The woman looked at him like he was an idiot as he spoke to her, "You seen Omi?" he asked with a pleading smile.

She just shook her head and made a smart comment...for some reason she didn't like him because he 'hogs Omi Sensei'...well that's how she puts it anyways.

Miyamura gave a grin and nudged her with his elbow, "Come on Mei-chaaan~ don't be like that!" he tried to pick with her but she just gave a grossed out look and wiped away his germs....leaving him dumbfounded as he slumped over and scratched his cheek in confusion.

"Huh...alrighty then."

He then turned around on his heel and began marching to the cafeteria again when suddenly he saw Omi coming down the hall.

"Giyaaaa!" Why did he yell? Why would he yell?



Ryuzaki made it to the cafeteria and is now sitting at his own table eating with a pissed off expression...not that he's mad or anything.

Jean rolled her eyes playfully and laughed at Suzumaki's dramatic act just because of Jet's complement. "Oh Suzumaki..." She said shaking her head. Jean looked around in her lunch bag while Suzumaki begged for money once again. "Here have a Pocky stick." Jean said handing the Pocky box to Suzumaki. @Wataru

Omi heard the yell and looked around. "Was that Sato?" He asked himself. He shrugged it off and headed to the room liked plan. @Suzumaki Arakai
Jethro looked back to Suzumaki in time to see her on the ground. "Oi Suzumaki! Are you-" He was about to ask her a question, but was cut off by her whole money chant as she stood up and pouted at him. "You don't have money?" The teen questioned before pulling out his wallet. "Alright, how much do you need Suzumaki?" He asked looking back at the girl.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki froze in place, the only difference was that her head was now turned towards Jean and her eyes were open really wide. As Jethro prepared his wallet she leaned her head towards Jean's hand and took the pocky stick with her mouth like a puppy or something. She then turned back to Jethro with beaming eyes and put up three fingers, "300 yen!" While waiting for Jethro to, maybe, give her some money she turned back to Jean and got into a begging pose. You could almost see dog ears and a tail...

@Aero @RyanJXavier

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura didn't know what to do...a little closer and he would be face to face with Omi Sensei. Without a clue as to where the other man would be going, Miyamura darted back to his office and shut the door then threw himself on the couch; placing the newspaper over his face to look asleep.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh shit. What do I do?"

Jean giggled. "I'm guess Suzumaki wants some more Pocky?" Jean said with a smile. She pulled out at Pocky stick and waved it around Suzumaki's face. @Wataru @Zyra Charlotte

Omi walked to the A-2 room and sat his lunch down. When he looked at the tray, he just couldn't bring himself to eat it. 'I need to talk to Sato and resolve this before I starve to death.' Omi said and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He texted Sato: Meet me in A-2 room. I got some more advice and want to talk. @Suzumaki Arakai
Jethro gave three hundred yen to Suzumaki right before standing up and taking the Pocky stick into his mouth. "Don't play with food" He said while balancing the edge of the stick in his mouth. The teen didn't eat the whole thing yet, he just kept it there. His green eyes shifted back to Rin though, "Hm, you have nice hair".

@Zyra Charlotte @Aero @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean blinked and pouted. "Aw Jet I wanted to see if I could make her roll over." Jean said chuckling. Jean took a Pocky stick out of her box and bit it, holding the rest of the Pocky in her mouth moving it around. Jean put away her laptop knowing that she probably won't use it this lunch. @Zyra Charlotte
Rin stared at the people eating Pocky."Speaking of Pocky,I wonder if they know about the Pocky game..."she mumbled.
Jethro consumed the rest of his Pocky stick as he eyed Rin's hair. It looked fluffy. There was especially this one curl that stuck out to him though. For no actual reason, Jet just randomly pulled Rin's curl. At least he didn't mess her hair up the way Suzumaki did that to him. That was just madness. It was as if his hair was some kind of fluffy dog...like a corgi perhaps? When it obviously wasn't.

(as you requested@Zyra Charlotte ) @Corgi (because I mentioned a corgi)
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Suzumaki watched the pocky stick be waved around in her face; very focused is what she was.

After she noticed Jethro hand her the money she lost her sight of the pocky and now he had it. Her jaw then dropped and she began to pout, punching him in the arm a couple times then going to buy some food. Of course, she soon forgot that she was mad once she returned with three yakisoba breads.

"Uwahahaho! Lookie, look!" She sat down and began to pig out.

@Zyra Charlotte

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Miyamura Sato

The man was still lying on the couch; face hidden by a newspaper when suddenly his phone began to ding, only twice though.

He sat up and approached it slowly then stopped for a second and made a face; the kind you'd make when assuming someone's a dumbass, "What am I doing? I'm an adult..."

Miyamura picked up his phone and read the message in a very calm manner, sat down the phone, walked over to the window, opened it, then began to step out.

Now he lying on the couch with his face buried in the cushions. "Gaaaaah! I can't! I just can't!"

He sat up and looked at the ground, resting his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward. "Maybe I'm stressed..." his thoughts began to overwhelm him.

After a second he blinked and pulled the phone from his pocket; he had put it there after stepping down from the window.

"I should probably text back though." The words he typed were: "I'm sorry what? I didn't hear you." but then he erased that and mentally punched himself in the face.

Now he typed:
"Okay." then set the phone down next to him on the couch and began to stare at it.

Jean ate her Pocky stick and watched Suzumaki punch Jet a few times before she left to buy something. Suzumaki came back with some bread. Jean chuckled watching Suzumaki pig out until she heard a moan. Jean blinked and looked over to see Jet with his hand on Rin's curl and Rin with her mouth cover. "Jet...Rin... whatcha doin?" Jean asked looking at the situation. @Zyra Charlotte @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi looked at his phone and saw that Sato texted back. Omi smiled and texted: Cool! Oh and actually come or I will come find you mwahaha >:3

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