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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

"hm il do them in the evening around dinner time.....when evryone else is in the dorm. Can i tell you something its about why im so clingy over yumi..." He said looking t her as his leg's are tucked into his stomach still haveing his earphone's in his ear's this was going to be the second person he told his story to. He then took them off out of respect.


After a minute the tall man turned off the computer after saving certain files and sending them to his personal laptop then stood up and left the classroom to go print things out on his own time.

There were only two minutes left before the bell would ring so if the students wanted they could go ahead and run to the bathroom or whatever it is they felt like doing.

@RyanJXavier @CLASS


Ryuzaki blinked at the girl for a second, a little confused. "Oh...I didn't think you did."

He returned his phone to his pocket then relaxed his hands behind his head, "She's my ex. Blood type...I dunno. Height...I dunno. Eye color...don't remember. Age...22...she's a college student...wants to be a nurse?" He spoke very monotone as he talked about the girl with a bit of a sour face.

"She's no one important."

@Leaf Fi
drummerboi said:
"hm il do them in the evening around dinner time.....when evryone else is in the dorm. Can i tell you something its about why im so clingy over yumi..." He said looking t her as his leg's are tucked into his stomach still haveing his earphone's in his ear's this was going to be the second person he told his story to. He then took them off out of respect.
"Uhm... You can, but I need to go to class." Hajime said, turning around to leave. "Tell me later." She said, seeing Yumi on the roof. She quickly hurried back into the the school building and running up towards the roof. When she got there, she opened the door and panted, sitting down and closing the door. "That kid, is obsessed..." She said between her gulps of breathe,

@Leaf Fi

@Suzumaki Arakai
Kenta watched the teacher leave. He stood up himself then left. Class was over with and he didn't feel like being in there. "Hmm what's next?" He said as he walked to the machine and grabbed some water.
Yumi couldn't help but give him a 'really?' sorta look. If she was screeching down at him through the phone, wouldn't it make her at least a little important? The brunette sighed and shook her head. It wasn't her place to question him, so she just left it at that. Next thing she knew the door to the roof flew open with an exhausted Hajime coming out. "What are you talking about?" Yumi asked as she headed over to the girl, resting a hand on her shoulder.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi
Jethro watched as Kenta left the room. Great minds think alike. The teen thought to himself before standing up and exiting the room as well. There was definitely something going on around campus that he didn't know about. That was probably why a group of people from the class were gone once he lifted his head up. Jet just mentally shrugged the idea off as his eyes wandered around the hall. This place needs to lighten up a bit. His thoughts continued while sliding a hand into his pocket and exiting the building.
@Suzumaki Arakai[/URL] @Corgi
"I'm talking about..." She striaghtened up and took a deep breathe, "That there's a reason that he's so clingy to you. He said you were his only friend or something like that, I called bull shit." She said, glancing over at Ryuzaki and then Yumi. "...Did I walk in on something?" Hajime asks, slowly backing towards the exit,

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki didn't really comprehend the look the girl gave him...probably never would because he'd forget about it sooner or late.

He then looked over to see the tranny girl, that he still doesn't know the name of, busting through the door to the rooftop.

Raising a brow at her he then listens to what it is that she's talking about.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi


Suzumaki began to look around, she wondered where everyone went. Puckering her lip she jumped up and ran out the door after anyone she thought familiar.

"Uwaaah!" For some reason she felt like she was being chased as she darted down the halls; she wasn't being chased though.

Without paying attention she ran into someone's back, causing her to fall down backwards.

"Ah~" She said, looking up to see who it was. "Shishishi! Jethro Senpai!" There she goes again...making jokes that literally make zero sense.

Kenta walked out of the locker room and into the gym. All to myself he smiled and started stretching. He walked over to the squat raw and loaded up 225lbs. "Warm up." He said. Always to himself. The gym was empty whenever Kenta showed up. He then put his headphones in and started playing music. Kenta put the bar onto his traps and then lifted it off with ease. Down and up, once after another
Yumi's brows furrowed in confusion. "Hajime... I don't know who you're talking about..." She sighed, running a hand through a lock of her hair. And she was being completely honest too; no one popped into her mind at the girl's statement, so she was left a little in the dark. Her mouth opened to question her more on the boy, but her tongue hekd back as soon as the other came out with a question of her own. "Eh?" Yumi glanced back to Ryuzaki before focusing on Hajime once more, eyes going wide. "N-no! Nothing was happening! I swear!" She confirmed with a cherry hue to her cheeks, pressing her lips together.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi
Jethro felt an impact against his back causing him to turn around and see Suzumaki. "Where were you going?" He asked in a serious manner. There wasn't really anything else for him to do at the moment anyway. Maybe Suzumaki had something interesting in mind?

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki stood up; an idea just came to his mind, he walked over to Yumi and placed a hand on her head, leaning down a little.

"Aww come on Yumi, don't lie to the girl." He said with a playful smirk...I think that's the first time he's ever said her name.

He's ever even thought her name!? But his joke was ruined once Hajime spoke up almost instantly after he said it.

His blank/irritated expression returned as the boyish looking girl spoke up towards him, "Eeh?...fine." He means it's okay...guess I gotta translate for him.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi
Jean looked up from doodling noticing pretty much everyone gone. "Did the bell ring and I missed it again?" She said. @Anyone in the Class left
Kenta finished his set, and loaded up another set of plates. "315lbs' He said as he took a quick break and some water. He was really in his element at the gym. Always pushing himself. His escape. Kenta then put the bar on his traps and lifted it off, took a deep breath then started going down and up.
Kameko finally finished with cleaning her camera and put it down, then getting out her sketch book. Besides being a photographer, she developed a love for art as well. She started to continue a drawing she never finished. She pulled out her charcoal out of her bag and started to draw it again, happy because of the silence that surrounded the class room. It was calming and helped her concentrate while she drew.



Suzumaki stood up and dusted herself off as Jethro spoke up; looking at him with a confused expression she tilted her head.

"Nani?" Her eyes blinked a couple times before she then smiled and gave a twirl, "I was being chased!" She spoke loudly and hopped around while making claw hands and growling, "It was a monster. I know it!" She then turned around and looked behind her with a gasp; quickly she now has Jethro by the wrist and is running away while laughing, "Come on!" At one point and time she almost fell but it didn't happen.

@RyanJXavier @AnyoneWhoNoticesThem
"E-excuse me..?!" Yumi squeaked, her eyes immediately going wider, blush deepening. See that? That was the douche part she was talking about. Luckily his facade didn't last for long, as he quickly lost the smirk. The brunette tried to pry his hand away from her head as she frowned over at Hajime, almost as if saying; 'see what I have to put up with?'. "Are you sure about Connor? 'Cause he wants to see me later..."

@Corgi @Suzumaki Arakai
Jethro watched Suzumaki explain her unique chase scene to him, "Monster?" All of the sudden Suzumaki took him by the wrist and began to lead him to who knows where. "Hey!" He yelled out while being pulled along by the girl. The sudden movement threw him off. Maybe next time I should just find some trouble to cause or something . . . Suzumaki's going to make me crazy. Jet thought to himself.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki laughed at the girls attempt to remove his hand from her head, but he did.

He then looked over at Hajime; nonchalant expression once again. The boy was beginning to grow hungry..."When's lunch?" He accidentally thought out loud but right as he did you could hear the bell ringing through the halls.

His eyes light up but not really...you can't tell but they did...

After that he grabbed Yumi by the hand and was about to pull her out until he realized what he was doing...he looked down at their hands then looked at Yumi. He let go.

"My bad." He said before placing his hands in his pockets and heading down to the cafeteria for some food with a blank expression.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi


Suzumaki finally let go of Jethro's hand once they made it to the courtyard, she was breathing hard as she laughed.

"We got away! Banzai!" She gave a small, breathy cheer then turned around and began marching to the cafeteria which they had pretty much just passed.


Jean was walking to the cafateria with her bookbag on her back and playing with her phone. Surprisingly she hasn't bumped into any despite not paying attention to were she was going. @Anyone in the Cafeteria
Right, it's lunch now. Jethro thought to himself before following Suzumaki into the cafeteria. His gaze stopped at Jean as he quickly swiped her phone away from her hands. "You should watch where you're going, ya know" He said smiling a bit then picking up a sandwich with his opposite hand. Jet gave Jean her phone back, "So what do you think of Mr. History teacher?"

@Aero @Suzumaki Arakai
Rin headed for the cafeteria.She was starving and needed some food.

She sat down on a chair in the corner,eating silently.
Jean blinked when her phone was taken away by Jet. "Huh? Oh it's you Jet! Hehe yeah I guess I should pay attention a bit more." Jean chuckled rubbing the back of her neck. Jean put her phone in her pocket once Jet gave it back to her. "Ugh, he was like a brick with purple hair!" She said sighing. @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
"Ha, interesting explanation. I pretty much spaced out the entire time. Well, I did my work at the speed of light, then just spaced out the rest of the way" Jethro replied before taking a bite out of his sandwich. After finishing off that bite, he looked back at Jean. "I'll get a table for us, yeah?" Jet said as he went over to a table and lightly kicked a chair out for him to sit in.


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