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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Yumi, now finished with the class work, let out a relieved sigh as she leaned back into her chair. Even for her, the work was long and tiresome.

Only when she had finished had she noticed one of the new girls- the shy one- had taken a seat beside her, and she twisted her body to look over at her with a friendly, welcoming smile. "Hi there, I'm Yum-" Her sentence was cut off as soon as Ryuzaki yelled out in frustration and stormed out of the room. "Not this again..." She sighed, giving the girl an apologetic look before standing up. "I'll get him, sensei." Yumi didn't even wait for a reply- she'd probably get none anyways- and chased after the pissed boy. "Ryuzaki! Come back!"

@Zero Gravity @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean slowly but surely finished the work. It was tiresom and so she turned to a fresh page in her notebook and started to doodle random things. She stopped doodling to watch her favorite ship walk out the door and smiled. She then looked back down at her notebook and continued to doodle.

The tall boy was stubbornly making his way through the halls when suddenly he heard Yumi call our for him. With a little flinch he turned around and glared at her, "You!~" Stepping really close he bent over top of her and growled, "I only raised my hand because of you. See what happens!?" The boys face wasn't red or anything but he was embarrassed...which is kind of cute for Ryuzaki considering his personality.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi instantly regretted her decision of coming out of the classroom. Before she could even think of running back to the safety of the other room, Ryuzaki was literally hovering over her, causing her whole body to tense up. Awkwardly, she leaned backwards a little with a timid laugh. "Well, he isn't the best teacher, to be fair..." She mumbled whilst scratching her cheek. But then something hit her. Was that a bit of embarrassment coming from his tone...? Her brow raised in the slightest, and she looked up at him questionly. "Wait... Because of me...?" She gave him a teasing smile, but kept it at that. He always knew how to get back at her, so she was goingb to try and be a little bit more careful with playful comments.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Rin was just staring at everybody in the classroom.so far,the only friends she's had are Jean and the noisy girl...

Ryuzaki tightened his fists and he could be seen shaking from...even I don't know why? But he looks pissed...

With a sturdy turn on his heel he walked off to the roof in that one fashion that most stubborn anime guys stomp away in...yeah that one.

His hands were resting in his pockets now too so it looks even more like it.

After a second he turned his head and looked at Yumi, "You comin'?" there was a slight growl in his tone.

@Leaf Fi
Rin,looked over to some seats and noticed that some people are missing.She grinned and fist-pumped the air.She headed outside and saw a male,and a female.The guy looks pissed,and she wondered why.Shrugging,she followed the two silently.Wait....who am I kidding?She's like Canada!Of course nobody will notice her....
Okay, yeah. It was that reaction she was referring to before. Definitely that one. With her smile completely wiped from her face, Yumi gave the classroom one last, desperate, sorrowful look- almost like it would be the last time she'd set eyes on it- before gazing back to the teen storming ahead of her. "I'm coming..." It wasn't like she had much choice anyways... The brunette forced her legs to move, and she followed after the boy with her eyes trained to the ground. She had a bad feeling about this...

@Suzumaki Arakai
Corgi said:
Kameko straightened up slowly when she noticed that only one person waved. She waved back and smiled before she looked over at Kiyomi, patting her head. The blonde headed girl skipped off to sit next to a red-headed boy. It was the first seat she came across, and she was to lazy to find another one. She didn't really want to work at that moment, so she wrote it down on a simple piece of paper, and took out her camera. The lense was a bit smudges from being in the bag for a bit. "Aw man.." She mumbled, grabbing a wipe from her camera pouch and starting to clean it.

@Leaf Fi
Koichi noticed the girl arriving, and was glad that he sat next to him."Now i have someone new to chat with, woo!". The boy decided to write a note and give to her, as an innovative way to introduce himself

"Hey! Nice to meet you, I'm Ichikawa Koichi, but you can call me whatever. Let's enjoy our time as deskmates!"
Rin felt sorry for the girl.It seems as if she didn't want to,but the guy forced her to do so.She growled and continued following.
Kenta saw others leaving before class was even up and let out a sigh. He looked back at the clock and back at his desk. "I just want to lift. It's leg day." He said under his breath and began to write down his workouts he was planning for after school. Most sports clubs wanted him to join because of his size. Kenta just goes to the gym at the school usually since there is no public gym close by.

Ryuzaki wasn't really thinking when he asked if she was coming...he didn't even know where he was going anymore. At one point he took a turn straight towards a dead end and played it off like he knew it was there the whole time and just wanted to show it to her.

Now he's making his way up the stairs to the rooftop.

Once he stepped through the door he didn't hold it open for Yumi because he forgot she was even there...he's still focused on the fact that he raised his hand and didn't get called on. The boy took a seat somewhere near the fence and leaned his back against it as he sat on the ground.

Looking up he glanced at Yumi, "Oh yeah...she came." He didn't pull out a cigarette or anything because he knew she'd just take it from him.

@Leaf Fi
Wataru said:
Koichi noticed the girl arriving, and was glad that he sat next to him."Now i have someone new to chat with, woo!". The boy decided to write a note and give to her, as an innovative way to introduce himself
"Hey! Nice to meet you, I'm Ichikawa Koichi, but you can call me whatever. Let's enjoy our time as deskmates!"
Kameko saw the boy slide a note over onto her desk and she smiled, looking over at him and sitting up to get the note. She read it quickly and wrote, "Hello! I'm Akahana Kameko, noice to meet you too! Also, is you'd be kind enough to be friends with the bob haired girl named Kiyoko, That'd be great!" She said, quickly drawing a little drawing in the corner. It didn't take her long to send the note back with the drawing in the corner. She started cleaning ehr camera again, making sure to not miss a spot.

Jean noticed students in the class starting to leave. She made a note saying she was going to the vending machine and walked up to the teachers desk. She left the note on his desk not caring if he sees it or not and walked out to the vending machine.

Suzumaki finally finished her work and was just about to lay her head down when suddenly the teacher stood up and began taking everyone's papers up...

"But some people aren't done..." She thought as she then looked down and realized she forgot her name...right as she was about to fix that Akashi Sensei grabbed her paper from off her desk and continued to take the other's.

She shot her head back and pulled her hair, "Nooooo!~" The girl was now internal screaming to the top of her tiny lungs.

And of course now she's beating her head down on her desk...

Rin slumped in her seat,before grinning evilly.She then laughed insanely,ignoring the fact that that there are people around.
((Front Of Class

Aaron & Hajime & Keade & Riika & Akari & Mori

Aiko & Ichigo & Ryu & Satsuki & Akima & Rayisho

Ashe & Koichi & Kazue & Suzumaki & Haru & Riku

Claire & Jean & Makoto & Chihiro & Kuma & Zoe

Connor & Jethro & Matsuo & Ryuzaki & Len & Zane

Emiko & Juvia & Maya & Yumi & Rin & Lizabeth

Kiyomi & Kameko

Back Of Class))
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Jean bought a melon soda and headed back to class. When she got there she saw Rin laughing insanely, most of the class still gone, and Suzumaki beating her head. "Wow I leave for five seconds..." Jean mumbled as she walked back to her seat. She saw that her paper was gone so she assumed that Akashi-sensei grabbed it.
Just following Ryuzaki made Yumi fear for his mental well being; he was going in no absolute direction at all, and, funnily enough, tried to show her the wonders of a dead end before starting up the journey again. Was he so pissed off that his anger completely fogged the layout of the school to him? She couldn't help but wonder on it.

After what felt like hours, it seemed like Ryuzaki had finally found where he wanted to go. The rooftop. Thankfully, the couple of feet of distance between them seemed to be useful, as when she hopped up the stairs to walk in after the boy, the door shut right in her face, a few millimetres away from her nose. "Dammit, Ryuzaki..." Yumi sighed before opening the door, making sure it closed quietly behind her, before making her way to the teen. She didn't speak or scold him for his actions, but instead took a seat beside him, closing her eyes. If he wanted them to talk or stay in silence, it was up to him.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Ichigo noticed that the teacher was picking up the papers as she had hers perfectly flat on the desk. She had let the teacher take it, with her self proclaimed perfect paper, she felt happy when she got it but began doodling on herself. A little star with a moon became present on her wrist that had been drawn on with a sharpie. It looked like a tattoo but, it was sharpie. She looked up to see Jean at the doorstep to be surprised. She walked up to her and said, "Don't worry, it's probably not even a grade" she said as patted her in the shoulder.

Jean shrugged drinking her soda. "I don't really mind, I just was hopping I was here to see the impossible, become possible. Akashi-sensei moved and did something productive in the class! If he talks then wow I will be surprised." Jean said looking at Ichigo. @Kawaii

Ryuzaki watched as the girl sat down beside him and closed her eyes; for a second he looked over at her and noticed that she had long eye lashes...but then he furrowed his brow and looked back up at the sky, "Don't be gross man." He scolded himself.

After a second he decided to close his eyes just as she was doing. He then leaned over and sat his head on her shoulder...not intentionally though...the boy was already asleep...

@Leaf Fi


Akashi finished taking up papers and walked up to the board before sitting back down. He picked up the chalk and wrote down what seemed like another assignment but instead it ended up being homework.

It read: Homework Assignment- Read pgs. 32-50. Answer Questions on pgs. 35, 45, and 55.

It turns out this humble looking teacher isn't so humble after all...he seems to be giving the students about as much work as it seems like he does on a secondly basis.


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