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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

After the gym class, Koichi was already getting back to his usual self, feeling refreshed it was finally over. "I wonder who will join the music club" the boy could not stop think about that club, and was getting really excited to join it, most people would think he is being overly enthusiastic but he just likes music that much. History class began, and Ichikawa did wanted to do the activity, but for some reason, that surprisingly wasn't the Music club, he just could not focus. After glancing at Jean's notebook the red- head handed her a note


Matoko was now trying to relax himself a Little, before actually arriving at the class. He definitely wouldn't enter that room, as red as he was. The Boy again, breathed in, and then breathed out. It actually managed to calm him, at least enough to Change his... Tomato-like appearance. ...Now may actually be a good time to apologize, because of yesterday. "Uhmm... Riika... by the way... i'm sorry for yelling at you... yesterday." The Boy rubbed the back of his head, and actually started looking at her again, when the two of them arrived at their classroom."I'll.. see you after class." He moved towards his desk, and sat down in his chair.

Jean watched Sato introduced what seem to be his brother. 'They're total opposites.' Jean thought to herself. She was going to start reading again but received a note from Koichi. Jean looked at the note a giggled quietly. She wrote on the other side of the paper and passed it back to Koichi. "You watch Hetalia!" @Wataru
[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]Kiyomi was walking towards class, brown bobbed hair swishing back and forth as she walked. She pushed up her red glasses, humming softly as she clutched her bag. She had to go to history, and she was already a bit late. She definitely picked up the pace, wrinkling her nose as she caught a whiff of some dust. She wished Kameko, her best friend was around, but she was nowhere to be found. Her skirt swished around her small legs, and she continued to hum to herself.

Kameko hurried down the side walk, eating toast as she did so. She was so, so late. She didn't realize that class started yesterday, and today, she woke up very late. "Gotta hurry, gotta hurry!" She said, talking to herself as she took and other bite of bread. She quickly entered the gates, sprinting at full spead and she swallowed down the rest of her bread. The girl's honey blonde hair flew behind her as she made sure to keep her camera safe that was strapped onto her shoulder, a long with her backpack. Her bright brown eyes scanned the area as she burst throught doors. Kameko was at a loss, unsure of where to go. "Map... where's my map?" She, once again, said to herself as she moved her camaera to the side and searched through the leather bag. "C'mon..." She mumbled, her face litting up right as she found it. "Yes!" She cheered as she looked at it. She was really happy she took a picture of it the night before, or else she would have no clue where to go. Kameko made her way to the history room. Since she was looking down, she didn't notice the girl walking in front of her, and she bumped into her.

"Oh! Sorry!" She said, looking up and seeing Kiyomi. Her eyes widened with happiness and her smiling turned into a huge grin. "KIYOMI!" She yelled, jumping up and tackle-hugging the brown, bob haired girl. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GOING TO THIS SCHOOL?!" She shouted, straddling the poor girl.
Corgi said:
Kameko hurried down the side walk, eating toast as she did so. She was so, so late. She didn't realize that class started yesterday, and today, she woke up very late. "Gotta hurry, gotta hurry!" She said, talking to herself as she took and other bite of bread. She quickly entered the gates, sprinting at full spead and she swallowed down the rest of her bread. The girl's honey blonde hair flew behind her as she made sure to keep her camera safe that was strapped onto her shoulder, a long with her backpack. Her bright brown eyes scanned the area as she burst throught doors. Kameko was at a loss, unsure of where to go. "Map... where's my map?" She, once again, said to herself as she moved her camaera to the side and searched through the leather bag. "C'mon..." She mumbled, her face litting up right as she found it. "Yes!" She cheered as she looked at it. She was really happy she took a picture of it the night before, or else she would have no clue where to go. Kameko made her way to the history room. Since she was looking down, she didn't notice the girl walking in front of her, and she bumped into her.
"Oh! Sorry!" She said, looking up and seeing Kiyomi. Her eyes widened with happiness and her smiling turned into a huge grin. "KIYOMI!" She yelled, jumping up and tackle-hugging the brown, bob haired girl. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GOING TO THIS SCHOOL?!" She shouted, straddling the poor girl.
"A-ah! Kameko-chan? I-I didn't know that you were coming here either!" The brown-haired girl squeaked as she was tackled, definitely not expecting it. She had a wild look in her eyes, and she had to push up her glasses as they had fallen off her face. Kiyomi smiled anyways, hugging her best friend back. "I'm so glad to see you though! But, you know we have to get to History, or we're going to get in big trouble, you know." She stated, furrowing her brow as she realized they were still sitting on the floor, and they weren't making any move to get to class. "Get off me, silly! Let's go!" Kiyomi huffed, trying to lift the older girl off her hips.
Koichi was kinda aloof until Jean passed the note, he quickly wrote another one, and gave it to her

"I do! I started to watch it when i was in middle school, but i still haven't finished T^T By the way i really want to steal your notebook :) "
Ichigo looked at all the motion, that was going on. All she did was finish her work with nothing to do. "What is happening?" She thought as she looked around to see what was happening. She sighed and just rolled with it. She then saw some girls together, and it looked they were fighting. Ichigo shrugged and made eye contact with them to stop the noise then ignored them. She then made 7 paper balls to shoot across the class room. She was bored, so whatever.

Kenta sat in the middle of the class quietly with his notebook out and leaning back in his chair. He spent quite a bit of energy in gym class. He leaned back and cracked his back against the chair then proceeded to crack his knuckles and neck.
Jean was reading the required reading when the note was passed to her again. She giggled once more and wrote on the back once more giving him the note. "Cool! I just started watching it recently and I love it so much ^^. Noo not my notebook." After passing the note Jean looked up at the two girls who busted into the class. @Wataru @Corgi @Zero Gravity
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Corgi said:
"You bet I am! I'm not walking any sort of miles to get to any other highschool!" Kameko said, super excited to not having to face a bunch of people by herself. "Oh right! Class!" She said, eyes widening out of realization once again, "I forgot! We're already late!" She yelped, rolling off of Kiyomi and jumped up. Kameko grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her up, dragging her along. The girl ran as fast as she her legs could to get to the class room.
Once she reached the door, she swung it open and bowed, practically yelling, "I apologize for being late!" Kameko stayed like that for a bit, trying to catch her breathe from just running so much. 'A good first impression, huh?' She told herself, smiling. 'Oh, shut up...' The girl was strange. It was like her left brain and right were fighitng each other sometimes, which eneded up her thinking or talking to herself. Sometimes she does it to hear herself speak, though. It's not that she's crazy at all, though, it's just that she's a very talkative person.

@The Whole Class

@Suzumaki Arakai
'Oh my,' Kiyomi let out a shaky breath, fiercely blushing as Kameko swung the door open and screeched at the top of her lungs. "S-sorry!" The brunette stammered, Kameko still clutching her tightly. She didn't really expect to be dragged into class, but whatever, it was Kameko after all. She pushed up her glasses quickly once more, amber eyes wide with embarrassment. Not too many people seemed to notice thankfully, but it was still quite a fault in her way of presenting herself. She looked around, stumbling a bit as Kameko continued to clutch her tightly.
Ichigo heard a popping noise as she threw things to the trash can, she slowly turned around to see who was making that noise. It was a tall guy who was cracking his knuckles. She sighed as she made a little spinner and threw it to the guy. It read, "Hey, Can you stop cracking your knuckles? it's kinda loud, Sorry if I annoyed you,

Sincerely, Girl with the two pigtails and green eyes"
The note said as she threw it at the tip of his desk, mouthing, "It's me" towards the guy.

Kenta looked up and saw the note. hmm a puzzled look came across his face as he is not used to getting notes. Once reading it he looked up at the girl and sent a half smile before writing down "I'm Sorry, didn't know it was so loud. Sorry to disturb you." He sent it back over to the girl @Kawaii
Ichigo got the note and replied, "Oh and by the way, My name is Ichigo" she wrote down as she threw to his desk again as she turned back to her desk. The guy didn't seem that bad, and he was about the same height as Ryuzaki. Ichigo continued to look around as she waited for class to be over.

Kenta took the note and opened it up. Ichigo he said to himself. He quickly wrote back, "My Name is Kenta. Nice to meet you." He wrote. He tossed it back over and just looked up at the clock. Time was dragging and it seemed quite noisy in class. @Kawaii
Yumi was working hard on her work when the classroom door slammed open, making her jump in her chair. Two new girls were standing there; a lively looking blonde and a more timid, shy brunette with bright red glasses adorning her face. They both looked nice. Smiling in amusement, Yumi shot them both a wave before continuing with her work, a little more lively this time.

@Corgi @Zero Gravity
Ichigo got the note and wrote, "Nice to meet you, Kenta. I'm bored (- 3 -) What about you?" she wrote as she finished the assignment at hand. She had it neatly on her desk with noted organized on her page. A perfect paper to grade. She sighed as looked up to see Aiko and decided to throw a note at her as well, just later.
Corgi said:
Kameko straightened up slowly when she noticed that only one person waved. She waved back and smiled before she looked over at Kiyomi, patting her head. The blonde headed girl skipped off to sit next to a red-headed boy. It was the first seat she came across, and she was to lazy to find another one. She didn't really want to work at that moment, so she wrote it down on a simple piece of paper, and took out her camera. The lense was a bit smudges from being in the bag for a bit. "Aw man.." She mumbled, grabbing a wipe from her camera pouch and starting to clean it.

@Leaf Fi
Kiyomi waved back timidly, following behind Komeko to go sit next to the polite girl who had waved at her when she walked in. She pulled out her bag with all the books in it, and picked out her history textbook. She noticed that the teacher didn't say anything about them running into class and screaming, and he was still sitting there silently. She shrugged and began to hum to herself, drumming her fingers on the books while she read it. 'How weird. The teacher is so quiet, it's almost if he's not there at all,' Kiyomi thought to herself, tilting her head a bit.

@Leaf Fi
"I'm bored too. I just want to go to the gym. Do you go to any clubs?" Kenta wrote down on the note. He wasn't used to talking to many people and let alone girls so he says his normal things. His work finished for the class. He was a decent student, never in any trouble and makes sure to hand things in on time. @Kawaii
Jet did the assigned classwork and finished it straight. Afterwards, he put his head down and just chilled in his seat. Ah, the pleasures of not sitting in the first row. He could hear some talking still, but he didn't bother to take part in the discussions around him.
"I don't, well not yet anyways" She wrote down as she shook her head at him. She didn't skip class and didn't want any detention. Ichigo sighed as she saw Jethro doing nothing, "Another person to talk to." She thought as she looked at the teacher who seemed a bit...quiet.

Ryuzaki was lazily doing his work; he didn't really care if he got any of it wrong...I mean...he already knew he'd get it right.

Looking back and forth between the clock and his work he began to grow impatient.

He was going to get up and leave the class but figured he'd do it the right way this time so he raised his hand; still holding his pencil.

....the teacher didn't look...so he waited....and waited....and now he's pissed.

He stood up and threw down his pencil like a little chibi, "Oh come on!" and stormed out of the room. Even after that the teacher showed to reaction; just continued to work on the computer.

@Leaf Fi @AnyoneInClass

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Ichigo excused himself from the paper conversation and made a paper airplane to throw at Ryuzaki. "You do know, you can leave the classroom whenever; He doesn't care!" She wrote down as she threw at him, straight at his desk. Ichigo sighed as she waited for his reaction.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"What clubs are you interested in?" he asked back actually enjoying the conversation. The teacher hasn't noticed and it seems like they don't care. Kenta glances at the clock. "I'm starving" he says to himself as he can feel his stomach rumble @Kawaii

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