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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Satsuki grinned to Yumi and gave her his thumbs up. "Sure!" He was in a overly happy mood which didn't happen very much. Satsuki looked over Yumi and faced Hajime. "That outfit suits you really well. But I like the other one more.." he smiled and added. "Because I think the other one is more like you." The boy again rubbed his neck and crossed his arms behind his head. "Anyway, to history'"

@Corgi @Leaf Fi

Riika put her hands in the pockets of her sweater and raised one eyebrow when Matoko started to make weird sounds. "What? Do I have to guess which animal you are?" She chuckled and adjusted her back before facing the boy again. She noticed his gaze that went everywhere except for her eyes. "Sure, ask away." Riika smiled and slowed her pace a bit. She was curious but didn't want to let him know. Riika would always stay cool, except for the other events she had gone through with him.

Ichigo looked at Hajime, thinking that the 4th wall was broken. It kind of was anyways. She walked over to Jethro. "Oh my a lady crush, do tell!" She said to him in English. Ichigo's team won, happy

about it.

She went to the changing room, dressing back into her uniform. Ichigo didn't mind skirts, but they did have their cons and pros, mostly because they were elastic enough to jump or run anywhere, you would just have to be careful for flashing at anyone. Ichigo walked back outside to see Hajime again. She didn't talk to her, but made eye contact with her. Ichigo went to a vending machine, inserting some money, and then settled with some Strawberry lemonade. "To History Class..." She said as she walked out of the gym.

@RyanJXavier @Corgi
Matoko had the urge to just jump out of a window, when she made that joke, regarding the noises he made. Ugh... why did i even ask her... well i can't back down now... "A-Alright... let's say... you were... uhh... fond of someone... but... the Person you like, is also a friend of yours, and you didn't want to risk the friendship, between you and... the Person... what would you be doing?" He pressed both of his index fingers against them, and took glimpses of Riika's Expression every now and then, waiting for her reaction. Oh Boy... she's going to put two and two together and.... oh Boy...


Suzumaki lightened up once Jean answered with a yes. She twirled on her heel and took the coin with a bow.

After popping it into the vending machine and buying her orange juice she offers a smile to Jean and decides to head to class alongside her.

"Best roommate! Is!."

Suzumaki pretends she playing a drum and makes the sound effects with her mouth then points and Jean with both hands; her orange juice tucked tightly under her arm.

"This girl!"

She gives a little laugh.



Once Ryuzaki made it to class he sat down in his seat and sighed, leaning his head back to stare blankly at the ceiling.

For some reason he thought he had a cigarette in his mouth and he could be seen reaching for it; he flinches then looks at his hand for a second.

"Oh..." with an irritated grin towards himself he closed his eyes and decided to wait for the teacher to enter the classroom.



Akashi was almost finished signing papers and would be in class momentarily.

Jethro looked at Ichigo and raised a brow in confusion. He made his way to the locker room before changing back into his uniform. As he walked over to History class, it started to hit him. Team Strawberry won! Jet headed down the hall way attempting to hold in his victory dance. It didn't work though. Yes! The teen thought to himself as he walked down the hall in a much more happy manner. He was slightly nodding his head to some distant music from another room. Jet finally made it back into the class and took his seat.
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki grinned to Yumi and gave her his thumbs up. "Sure!" He was in a overly happy mood which didn't happen very much. Satsuki looked over Yumi and faced Hajime. "That outfit suits you really well. But I like the other one more.." he smiled and added. "Because I think the other one is more like you." The boy again rubbed his neck and crossed his arms behind his head. "Anyway, to history'"
@Corgi @Leaf Fi

Riika put her hands in the pockets of her sweater and raised one eyebrow when Matoko started to make weird sounds. "What? Do I have to guess which animal you are?" She chuckled and adjusted her back before facing the boy again. She noticed his gaze that went everywhere except for her eyes. "Sure, ask away." Riika smiled and slowed her pace a bit. She was curious but didn't want to let him know. Riika would always stay cool, except for the other events she had gone through with him.

Hajime looked up when Satsuki started speaking to her. Her face turned red and she looked away. "I-I-It's not that great..." She said, then hearing the last part. Her head shot up and looked at him. "Y-y-yeah..." She said, a small, genuine smile playing on her face. She looked down, feeling happiness in her heart. "Right. History." She continued to look down and smile to herself.
Jean put her wallet away. She laughed while walking with Suzumaki to History. "Aw shucks. I would like to thank my sponsors who supported me on this journey." Jean said with a laugh. "I hope you enjoy your orange juice." Jean said smiling. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi walked into the classroom and stuck the maps of the school in one of the drawers of the desk. Omi looked and waved at the students who were in the class waiting for Akashi and then walked out.
Yumi glanced between Sutsuki and Hajime a few times, raising her brow in the slightest. It felt like something was going on between them- maybe something growing?- but she couldn't place a finger on what it was. The brunette didn't want to disturb the two, but at the same time she didn't want to walk to class alone, so she paused to think. Then an idea hit her. Grinning up at the two, she grabbed Sutsuki's hand before linking it with Hajime's, grabbing her other hand before skipping ahead. "C'mon! We're gonna be late at this pace, you two!"

@Corgi @Hobbesisalive
Connor begun to walk towards history class it was his least favoret class. He then begun to take his stuff out of his bag he then begun to sit at his seat. After a while he waited for the other's to turn up he knew he would have to calm down from that little from earlyer it wasn't his fault he was like that. If only thay knew.... He then begun to wait for the others and the teacher awating the lession to start.
BobbyW said:
Matoko had the urge to just jump out of a window, when she made that joke, regarding the noises he made. Ugh... why did i even ask her... well i can't back down now... "A-Alright... let's say... you were... uhh... fond of someone... but... the Person you like, is also a friend of yours, and you didn't want to risk the friendship, between you and... the Person... what would you be doing?" He pressed both of his index fingers against them, and took glimpses of Riika's Expression every now and then, waiting for her reaction. Oh Boy... she's going to put two and two together and.... oh Boy...
Riika blinked a couple of times by his question and actually got worries. Did he like someone? Was he asking advice from her? Did he see her as a sister? All kind of thoughts run trough her head but she shrugged and smiled his way. "Well." She paused and looked to the ceiling. "Just kiss him or her." The girl grinned and faced him. "You'll avoid awkward conversations and if you think that you are friendzoned you will get out of it. And in the case he or she doesn't like you back then well you know what then. A friendship is automaticly ruined when one falls in love without or with telling it the other. It can only be solved with well having a relationship." Her expression was serious and she wondered why she gave him this advice. What if he was going to use it on some chick? "Like pokemom they have to evolve so does yoir friendship when you fall in love."



Satsuki just walked casually thinking about nothing in particular when Yumi suddenly grabbed his hand and linked it with Hajime's hand. Firts he didn't even notice and just kept walking holding her hand when suddenly the whole situation struck him. "Eh?" The boy looked down at their connected hands and back to Hajime. Before he could even say anything he was dragged along with Yumi.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi

Suzumaki laughed and giggled the whole way to class. once they got there she darted off to her assigned seat and sat down; looking around at all the students who were laughing and having fun.

She then pulled out her notebook and pencil; laying them down for when the teacher comes in.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3231251c_MiyamuraAkashi.jpg.600af021841dc01b5d4ad7852570aede.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3231251c_MiyamuraAkashi.jpg.600af021841dc01b5d4ad7852570aede.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jean chcukled at Suzumaki's goofy behavior and followed in behind her. She sat down in her seat in front of Jethro's desk. She looked at the teacher and tilted her head. He just stood there looking bored and like he didn't give a crap. 'This is going to be a fun class.' She thought sighing. She pulled out her History notebook that had Hetalia characters all over it and a pencil.
Hobbesisalive said:
Riika blinked a couple of times by his question and actually got worries. Did he like someone? Was he asking advice from her? Did he see her as a sister? All kind of thoughts run trough her head but she shrugged and smiled his way. "Well." She paused and looked to the ceiling. "Just kiss him or her." The girl grinned and faced him. "You'll avoid awkward conversations and if you think that you are friendzoned you will get out of it. And in the case he or she doesn't like you back then well you know what then. A friendship is automaticly ruined when one falls in love without or with telling it the other. It can only be solved with well having a relationship." Her expression was serious and she wondered why she gave him this advice. What if he was going to use it on some chick? "Like pokemom they have to evolve so does yoir friendship when you fall in love."


Satsuki just walked casually thinking about nothing in particular when Yumi suddenly grabbed his hand and linked it with Hajime's hand. Firts he didn't even notice and just kept walking holding her hand when suddenly the whole situation struck him. "Eh?" The boy looked down at their connected hands and back to Hajime. Before he could even say anything he was dragged along with Yumi.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi
"Wait... wh-" Her arm was them linked with Satsuki. Her eyes widened and she yelped slightly as she was dragged by Yumi. "Yumi!" She said, becoming more and more flustered by the second. She started running at the same pace Yumi was as they approached the classroom.

@Leaf Fi
"hay suzumaki you feeling better now" he said smiling hopeing she was better then back in at art. He then continued to look at her hoping she was okay "i was the one who put you in the infirmary i thought something bad happened so i kind of helped you out a bit" he said smiling slightly hoping she's better now and won't be haveing any more of her spills anytime soon.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi just giggled innocently in reply. "What? We'll get there quicker now! See?" The girl pointed towards the classroom door before opening it for the two, bowing to the teacher in apology before taking her seat behind Ryuzaki. She pulled out her stuff quickly before looking up at the front.

@Corgi @Hobbesisalive @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki looked at Connor, she was a little confused considering she doesn't even remember what happened.

After a second she just gave up and pretended to remember, "Ah yeah! I feel great now! Shishishi!" she gave him a thumbs up then continued staring at the humungous teacher..."He's so tall! W-wow!" He eyes were sparkling and she was imagining herself on his shoulders.

@drummerboi @Anyone


The man decided to write an assignment down on the board before class started; if he doesn't have to say anything then he wont.

Picking up the chalk he began to write down, (Read pg. 5-25 then answer questions 1-20 on pg.30)

Once he was finished he sat back down and began typing certain things on the computer; writing things down, and every now and then he would pick up his phone to send emails maybe?

Connor smiled lightly drawing things on his notepad he saw Yumi walk in he waved at her lightly and smileing at her before looking at Sizumaki "good" he said continuing to draw on his notepad. He was drawing a butterfly that turns into a bird. He continued to draw it until he saw the teacher wrote the assessment down. He then got his book and begun to read page 5. The Black death he was well knowledge in the plague.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean blinked. "That's it?" She whispered. 'I got prepared just for him to right on the bored and play with his electronics?!' Jean thought to herself a bit irritated. She opened her book to the required page and began reading.
Satsuki let go of Hajime's arm as soon they arrived in class. He poked Yumi on the head before heading towards his own seat. Geez what a day already, what was wrong with this class. Altough the thought sounded negative, the boy was smiling on the outside.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi
Hobbesisalive said:
Riika blinked a couple of times by his question and actually got worries. Did he like someone? Was he asking advice from her? Did he see her as a sister? All kind of thoughts run trough her head but she shrugged and smiled his way. "Well." She paused and looked to the ceiling. "Just kiss him or her." The girl grinned and faced him. "You'll avoid awkward conversations and if you think that you are friendzoned you will get out of it. And in the case he or she doesn't like you back then well you know what then. A friendship is automaticly ruined when one falls in love without or with telling it the other. It can only be solved with well having a relationship." Her expression was serious and she wondered why she gave him this advice. What if he was going to use it on some chick? "Like pokemom they have to evolve so does yoir friendship when you fall in love."
Matoko was taken completely by surprise, when Riika advised him to kiss...well, her. "Y-You want me to kiss y-.." He barely managed to stop himself from Spilling the beans. Does she know that i meant her? does she... really want me to kiss... her? Or maybe she's just joking! Although the Boy wasn't really paying Attention anymore, the advise she gave him was actually usefull, or.. made sense, at the very least. ...Pokemon? Matoko was blushing uncontrollably, to that Point that the Task of...speaking, seemed rather difficult to him. "I-I..." He paused for a second. This was extremely unusual for him, since he never really had any Problems with.. conversing... and just wasn't a shy Person in General. "A-Alright.. uhmm.. thanks for the advise!"

Ichigo walked into the classroom to see a tall teacher. She opened her book to her favorite subject, history. Ichigo loved history, it being her favorite subject. She would finish the assignment fast. Ichigo began reading and then some things coming back to mind from last year and she began writing answers swiftly but carefully not to make any mistakes. She noticed looked like he was emailing people from 100 different countries. She sighed as she continued writing stuff down.
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki let go of Hajime's arm as soon they arrived in class. He poked Yumi on the head before heading towards his own seat. Geez what a day already, what was wrong with this class. Altough the thought sounded negative, the boy was smiling on the outside.
@Corgi @Leaf Fi
When she felt Satsuki pulled away, she felt her happiness immdeiately stop, but she kept the look on her face, pulling away as well. She quickly apologized and went to her seat, starting the work with a blank mind.
Riika looked from the corner in her eye to Matoko and saw him struggling with...well everything? He didn't seem to relax, spoke unfinished sentences and was red like a tomato. "Are you si-" she suddenly stopped talking and her eyes grew wide. He was acting the same as she had done when..when. It was that Riika managed herself from having a panic attack and just smiles to him when he thanked her. But otherwise she had started running and never stopped. Did she just gave advice..to...whut? The girl rubbed her neck and felt her own head starting to glow too. "Ah..y-you are welcome," if she was righr then..then she was or the most happiest person in the world or either the most embaressed person..or both?


Suzumaki's jaw dropped at the sight of what was written on the board, she threw her head back and screamed silently.

After that she began working on the assignment...the reading was okay but wait until the questions come...


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura made his way into his brothers classroom and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "I bet he didn't give them his name..."

Entering the room he looked at all the familiar faces, "Heyo kids. I take it this guy right here didn't introduce himself. I'll do it for him. This is Miyamura Akashi...but call him Akashi Sensei so as to not mix us up kay?"

After that he shot his brother an irritated glance then left.

Even after all of that, not once did the tall purple haired man take his eyes off of his work.

Kiyomi was walking towards class, brown bobbed hair swishing back and forth as she walked. She pushed up her red glasses, humming softly as she clutched her bag. She had to go to history, and she was already a bit late. She definitely picked up the pace, wrinkling her nose as she caught a whiff of some dust. She wished Kameko, her best friend was around, but she was nowhere to be found. Her skirt swished around her small legs, and she continued to hum to herself.

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