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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Hajime took off right as the teacher took in a breathe to say battle. She sprinted throught the first line of people... Then the second... Then she was almsot to the flag. Instead of running, she lunged for it, trying to get her mind off of the occurance that happened with Jet and Suzumaki. 'Grab it. Grab it. Grab it!' She yelled at herself, extending her arm and reach for the flag. Suddenly, pain spread throughout her body, starting from beneath her collar bone. "Fuck!" She yelled, wincing and quickly falling flat on the ground, gripping her wound.
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Connor saw Hajime "STOP THE GAME!!! WE GOT WOUNDED!!!" he said shouting before running towards Hajime "you okay Hajime" he said looking at her hopeing she was okay even though she was in pain "we need to take you to the Infermary it looks like you pulled a muscle or something can someone take her/" he said looking around hoping someone would take her there.

Mitsurgi stood up and walked over to Hajime. "You were too rash and hasty, no wonder your wound would open." Mitsurgi said with a serious face. "Some one follow Hammer down to the nurse's office please!" Mitsurgi yelled for Hammer had just walked out. Jean raised her hand. "I'll follow her!" Jean said and jogged after Hajime. "Hey wait up." She said walking up next to her. @Corgi
"I'm fine." She mumbled, stomping off towards the office. Her face was red from embaressment. 'That was so idiotic of me...' She thought, lifting up her hand to see that the blood from her wound leaked through the bandage and onto her shirt. "Now it looks like I've been shot. Great." She said, walking even faster towards the nurses office. "Just go back to gym." She said, heading into the office and shutting the door behind her quickly. She sat down on the bed and unbuttoned her shirt a bit to look at it and wait for the nurse.

@Lazy Rocktime
Ichigo jogged up to Hajime, who probably pulled a muscle or opened her last incident. She was a bit pissed of her reckless behavior but she sighed and saw blood all over her. "Aish, Poor Hajime" she said quietly. She looked around to see surprised faces. She part of her opposing team. Ichigo had about the same statistics has Hajime, so she took her place. "Hajime is going to the nurse; she will be fine." She said to her team, that was a bit shocked.

@Ichigo's Team
Jean blinked and nodded. She headed back to gym. Mitsurgi was already sitting back down with his sword in his lap. "How is she Javelin?" Mitsurgi yelled. Jean shrugged. "I guess she's good, she headed to the nurse's office." Jean said.

Ryuzaki was struck confused by the incident that had just occurred; giving a scratch to the back of his head.

"This is crazy." He thought nonchalantly, looking up at the clocked he noticed that gym was almost over. "Can't we just hurry up with this?" He mumbled to himself with irritation.



Suzumaki saw as Hajime was stuck with pain, she blinked a couple times as the girl coiled up on the ground and was about to ask if she was okay but the girl had already left the gym, along with Jean.

When Jean returned, Suzumaki heard what she had to say then made an attempt to return her focus to the game.

Wait...she looks over at Mitsurigi, "Do we have time to even play another round?" she asks.

Mitsurgi shrugged at Suzumaki's question. "I suppose you can continue the round if your team can score in five minutes." Mitsurgi smirked seeing if the soilders will accept the challenge. @Suzumaki Arakai
Suzumaki grabbed Jet's hand and put it to her head. He wasn't really an expert about blushing either. Jean seemed to know about it though. Jethro kind of spaced out when Jean was explaining blushing to Suzumaki. Before Jet knew it, it was time to start round three. He looked over at Suzumaki and gave her a nod. Within a few moments though, Hajime got hurt. Jet was about to run to her, but Connor had gotten there first. He decided to check up on her later.

"Five minutes? Challenge accepted! Right, Suzumaki?" He asked looking over at the girl. This was it. This was going to be their big win.

@Corgi @Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
Matoko was a bit confused on what all that fuzz was about, but it seemed like someone got wounded. Huh, how did he injure himself in the first place... He rubbed the back of his head, watching as Hajime left for the Infirmary. Alright... that might just Sound a Little.. harsh, or selfish... but maybe we're going to stop, since the guy got injured? The Boy bit his nail, and shifted his gaze over the other students. Some seemed uneased, or worried, but he was more interested in finishing the lesson as soon as possible. Then, Mitsurgi actually gave Suzumaki the freedom to decide on what to do, either continue the round, or finish up. She's going to want to continue, i bet. The male sighed, leaning himself against the wall.

@GymPeeps @Whoever Wants to Interact
Mitsurgi laughed. "Alright, continue!" Mitsurgi yelled. Jean ran over back to her post as guard. 'We can do five minutes.' Jean thought smiling.
Jethro quickly picked Suzumaki up again and sprinted over to the other side of the court. He eyed the opposing team members to prepare himself for their next plan. "Ready, Suzumaki?" The teen asked before momentarily looking at the girl once again tucked into his arms like a football. His gaze didn't stay for long though since he had to look back at the other team.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki was once again picked up and carried away in Jethro's arms, she began mentally preparing herself for what to do next...she forgot for a moment but it soon hit her again.

Looking at Jet she gives a reassuring smile; a goofy one, then returns her focus to the others on the court.

@RyanJXavier @OpposingTeam
Yumi cupped her hands over her mouth to call to her team. "Guys! We need people to mark Ryuzaki and Suzumaki, right away! Someone stay by the flag!" Her competitive side was beginning to show as she hopped backwards, glancing around at the opposite team. There was a narrow space between Jean and the flag, so if the brunette could just slip past that...

Blocking everything and everyone from her mind, the girl nodded before dashing across the enemy line. They had to win this.

(( Too bad they don't ))

@Both teams
Connor begun to look at the teams he then ran near to his flag to protect it when He saw yumi he Then begun to try and block her from geting to the flag smileing lightly wondering what direction she was going to go "come on yumi where ya going to" he said smileing wondering where and what she was going to do smieling widly. Atculy haveing fun

@Leaf Fi
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Thanks to Yumi's call, a few people began running toward Suzumaki and Jethro. "One more time Suzumaki" Jet said before sliding Suzumaki onto the ground under a few people's legs as he flipped right over the person that was in his way. Thanks to the uniform and the fact that they were on the gym floor, Suzumaki was able to slide at quite the distance. Jet caught up to the girl then ran in front of her. This was it. The two just needed to trespass Ryuzaki.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean smiled as she watched Jet and Suzumaki do their plan once more. "Two more minutes!" Mitsurgi yelled.

Suzumaki laughed as she was thrown between the legs of students and slid across the floor before jumping up and running on her own.

Noticing Ryuzaki she gave a little click of the tongue, "I've got this." With a big jump, Suzumaki jumped towards the tall boy, taking the tag...well it's her own fault she got tagged...Ryuzaki wasn't going to anything.

But, she took the fall so that Jethro could snatch the flag away while she distracted Ryuzaki.

@RyanJXavier @Aero
Ringo hears the door open, and since he finished typing, he left the room and saw Hajime. His eyes widened before chuckling. "Haji!" He yelled, attackign ehr with a tight hug. "Wh- GET OFF OF ME!" She yelled, squirming and pushing him off easily. He pouted and crossed his arms, "B-but.. Hajiiiii!" He whined, standing up. "I told you before not to call me that." She said, glaring knives at the man. "Oh, fine. What can I help yo-" Right when he said that, she moved her hand to show her wound. Ringo sat down in a chair and pulled out a bag. He sighed and pulled down her shirt a bit more so that he can work on the wound better. Hajime didn't complain, Ringo and her father had been really good friends and they've been pretty close as well.

Once her finished, he got up and noticed her outfit. "Wait... You do know that girls have to wear the school uniform, right?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Hajime's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Ringo, I've told you before not to lie to me." She said, pulling up her shirt again. "I'm not lying. It's in the rules." He said, pulling out a small in the girls uniform. "Go get changed." He directed.

Hajime looked scared as she took the uniform and pulled back the curtain. She's never worn anything... Girly before. Skirts, dresses, bows, nothing. She quickly changed and walked out of the curtain. Ringo looked absolutely surprised. "You... Look so cute!!!" He yelped, hugging her. "Aww, you're so girly and feminine, I wish you dressed like this before!" He squealed. Hajime was to much in shock. "It feels so... airy.." She said, blushing furiously at his comments. "Oh, knock it off!" She yelled, pushing him off again. "Give me a little spin, please?" He begs, using his puppy eyes. Hajime clenched her fists but took in a deep breathe in. Hajime knew that he knew that she had a weakness for puppy dog eyes. "F-fine.." She muttered, taking a breathe and spinning twice.

When she did, it was surprisingly... elegant and graceful. She looked like a girl. A nice, cute, feminine girl. Once she finished, her face immediately turned a bright red and she covered herself. "This is unnatural! Don't clap!" She yelled at Ringo, who was clapping. He stopped and then smirked as he watched her bang her head against the wall. He chuckled and pulled her off of the wall, and leading her to the door. "Now get to class, if I get called that you weren't there, you're in big trouble with your father!" He threatened, smiling. Hajime held her breathe when she nodded. She slowly started walking back. 'What am I doing? Why am I in a skirt?! I swear Ringo, you're gonna pay for this someday.' She thought, angery and nervous. She walked, trying to keep her thighs together. 'Lets just get this over with..' She thought, sighing and entering the gym. She was staring at the floor, trying her best to cover herself as she went over to the bench and sitting down.



Matoko watched how Jethro and Suzumaki managed to trick their way pass his Team-Mates, and was quite amused by the way they did it. Well, that was unique, i'll give them that. He chuckled as he saw The two moving towards his Flag, at quite the Speed, and was awaiting Ryuzaki's next Action, When Suzumaki, suddenly, jumped towards the tall guy. He rubbed his head in confusment, until he locked his eyes on Jethro. Oh... Distraction... clever Matoko thought about maybe joining in, and at least let it come to a draw by buying some time, but in his oppinion,Team Ion Bomb deserved the victory.

Yumi bounced side to side whilst smirking at Connor. "Awww, don't be like that. I thought you were my friend!" She teased playfully and pushed out her bottom lip. Her eyes flickered behind him to the flag, and she smiled sweetly at the boy. "I just wanna get the flag... Please?" As soon as the words left her mouth, Yumi ran to his left side before jumping back, hoping it tricked him, before dashing to the right of him. Hopefully he wouldn't catch her now; she was so close!

Jethro glanced at Suzumaki. That wasn't a part of the plan at all. He noticed Matoko heading out toward him then threw himself to the ground. Try tagging me now. The teen thought to himself while performing an air flare(look it up if you don't know) and snatching the flag at the same time. It was a known fact that no one wanted to get a kick in the face. It was quite the challenge to get passed Matoko though. So Jet just slid himself right under the guy's legs before darting over to Team Strawberry's side. His gaze shifted over to the gym teacher. Jet was about to say something, but he just stayed silent. Something...or someone else caught his attention. The teen heard the gym doors close before seeing Hajime sit down. She actually looked like a girl.

@Corgi @BobbyW @Suzumaki Arakai
Connor Knew she would do that she was a brilliant girl but she was to predictable he ran to the right and stood directly in frontt of her smieling he then tapped her nose and tagged her "boop sorry Yumi...you can pay me back when we have are talk tonight" he said smieling at her as he then looked at her eyes again "and also il bring some marshmallows" he said smiling as he then made sure she got to the ail safely before returning back to the game. He then got back into it

@Leaf Fi
The bell rang when Jet crossed over to his team's side. "Team Ion Bomb for the win! Alright soilders I'll see your butts here pronto tomorrow!" Mitsurgi said and stood up he went around and started putting up the cones.

Jean sighed happily. This game was so much fun and her team even won! Jean went over to her bookbag and grabbed a water bottle. It was suppose to be for lunch but with all the excitement that happened she needed a drink before heading to her next class.

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