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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Hajime stared in awe and admiration at Jet and Suzumaki's team work. "That.... Was awesome." She whispered to herself, her eyes falling onto Jethro. Her eyes widened and face felt warm. She then quickly moved her eyes to Suzumaki and felt a hole in her stomache. She wrapped her arms around herself and felt kind of... Angry? No... It was strange, but she felt like running up to them and seperating them. She turned away amd gritted her teeth. 'Stop it! Control whatever that feeling is and focus on the game!' She told herself, her face growing stern as she got into position, hands clenched.
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Matoko rubbed the back of his head, as Response to the other guys sudden escape, he is the one who asked him to come over, after all. "So.. uhm.. who was that?" The Boy asked Riika, when Suddenly, Mistrugi started yelling, announcing that the round was starting. Hmm... i guess i'll have to ask her later. "Oh.. well, you heared the man, we'll talk later ok?" He was about to pat her on the back, but his Hand froze mid-way attempting it. Matoko wasn't sure on if he should actually pat her, but then decided different. "W-Well anyways, see you later!" he quickly moved towards his teams's side of the room, and just acted as if he was actually playing along. Then, their Team managed to capture the others flag, and shortly after, the opposite happened. Well, i guess it's round three. Although he wasn't really interested in the game itself, the way Jethro and Suzumaki gathered his team's flag, did amuse him.

@Hobbesisalive @Gym Peeps
Riika looked at Matoko and wanted to answer, when he got called over, she shrugged and chuckled when the boy acted weird. Well can't say that I didn't act weird. They lost the first round and Riika was about to punch Ryu to show her frustration, but held in. She didn't know why though, what would Matoko think if she punched somebody? All those question creeped through her head. The girl cheered together with Jethro and Suzumaki and laughed when the boy hugged her. When he let her go Riika high-fived the little girl and grinned. This Gym lesson was way more interesting then she thought it would be.

@Suzumaki Arakai @BobbyW

Suzumaki placed a hand on her own forehead and gasped, "You're right! I can't get sick now! But f-feel! Your sudden attack caught me unexpected!" She said, taking Jethro's hand an placing it on her head. She was warm and of course still red, "wait it could also be from the heat, no?" She tilted her head a little, waiting for some confirmation from the blond boy when suddenly a girl same up and have her a high five. Suzumaki loved high fives...they suit her in a way.

She looked up at the girl; forgetting about her emotions and perked up.

"Nishishi! Awesome right!?" She bounced up and down with excitement.

Jean laughed at Suzumaki's attempt to tell Jet that she wasn't blushing. "Aww Suzumaki's blushing.~" Jean teased. @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai

Mitsurgi looked at the time. 'Crap gym is almost over.. And I was having fun time watching these soilders too.' Mitsurgi thought frowning. "Alright back to your sides! We only have a few minutes left of gym but it's enough time to score once more!" He yelled.
Riika clapped her hands like a retarted seal over there little victory. 'That was awesome! We are going to win for sure.' She grinned and started bouncing next to Suzumaki as well. God, she could get energetic when winning and playing a game. It just boosted up her mood.


Hearing Jean's words sparked Suzumaki's conscience. She widened her eyes a little and stepped towards her, "this blush you speak of...is it permanent!?" She gave a worried tilt of the head and balled up her fists to prepare for whatever might come next.

But when Matsurigi Sensei suddenly yelled out, Suzumaki darted back to her see of the court and got ready.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @Hobbesisalive
Jean rolled her eyes and smiled. "It's not permeant, it's just when something nice or your nervous or something embarrassing happens you blush. It goes away after a while." Jean said and walked back to her spot. @Suzumaki Arakai
Claire occasionally looked over before resting her head in her hands "I take it you aren't a sporty person?" She said as she looked over at him, she wasn't expecting to make friends in a split second like that but eh, a bit of idle chitchat was a start at least.@Suzumaki Arakai
Honestly, Yumi hadn't even comprehended the fact that she was in the boy's arms. Not only the fact that Ryuzaki would have wanted a hug was, to her, completely uncharacteristic, but the overall gentleness and care was something she couldn't have even dreamed to be within him. She just stood in place for a moment, her face awkwardly buried into his shoulder, allowing a stunned silence to fall between the two, before her arms wrapped around him in reply. The brunette had to admit; it didn't feel that bad and, dare she say it, she was a little disappointed that they had to break it for the next match... What was getting into her...?

The next match went horriblely thanks to her dorm mate and the little ginger haired girl. Suzumaki practically flew through the air and before Yumi could even wrap her head around the event, the opposite team had won. "Really...?" She sighed, rubbing her temple. "Don't worry guys! We'll get it next time!" She called to her team with a confident nod, determination shining in her eyes.

@Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Everyone on her team

Ryuzaki raised his eye brow at the girl trying to idly chat with him. He looked away from her and sighed, his mind still one the hug that was shared between Yumi and him. Standing up he spoke back to the girl, "Basketball." Of course...he wasn't very specific. What did he mean by 'basketball'? Does he like it or not?

Anyways, he slumped back over to his side of the court and stood in front of the flag next to Yumi and looked down at her for a second; somewhat of an unintentional glare, then looked away.

@Nonalaka @Ryuzaki'sTeam


Suzumaki tilted her head at Jean's words and blinked, "Embarassed?" She gave a triumphant and daring pose; both hands on her hips with her head held high. "The great Arakai doesn't get embarrassed!" She lifted a finger to prove a point, "I was merely terrified." giving a positive nod she then returned to running position but then stood back up and pondered on what to do next.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @Ichigo'sTeam
Claire simply shrugged, at least she tried to make a friend, he didn't need to be so rude, it wasn't like she was trying to flirt or anything, she laughed to herself at the thought, pfft she couldn't flirt if her life depended on it, she wasn't interested in such things. She continued to watch from afar, she supposed she could have joined, but what would be the point?, gym class was already almost over. She hoped the rest of the group werent so dismissive.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi watched as Ryuzaki paced back over to her, blinking up at him in slight question. No reply was met, just the narrowing of his eyes before her glanced off side. 'Is he annoyed by the fact we lost...?' The brunette pondered to herself before focusing her attention on the girl he had left. She looked... Deflated? Yumi couldn't tell. "Hey!" The green eyed girl shot her one of her sweet smiles and waved, hoping to catch the other's attention. "Do you want to join us? We don't mind!"

Mitsurgi pointed his sword at Claire. "Catapult! Get on your team! (Teams are in the OOC around pg 300)." Mitsurgi yelled. @Nonalaka

Jean chuckled and rolled her eyes. "She was totally embarrassed when Jet hugged her." Jean mumbled in her position. @Suzumaki Arakai
Claire waved back at the girl and smiled. Just as she was about to stand up she heard a yell, causing her to jump and let a small yelp. She quickly made her way over to her team.

@Aero @Leaf Fi

Ryuzaki looked off, his eyes darted around on their own with no specific target. He heard Yumi holler over to, maybe the girl he was sitting with, and invite her over.

He didn't look though, just continued glancing around. Reaching his hand down in his pocket he turned on his phone without pulling it out; it took a second for it to revive though, but when it did, it shot out buzzes like crazy. How many messages did he receive within the hour?

Pulling the phone from his pocket he glanced at it with a somewhat irritated but surprised facial expression; each message read:

Re: Sakura


Re: Sakura

"Message me!"

Re: Sakura

"I hate you!"

Re: Miemi

"Dude, text Sakuragi back."

Re: Sakura

"Didn't you get Miemi's text!? You asshole!"


Ryuzaki just clicked his tongue and little veins could be seen popping up on his forehead. Placing the phone back in his pocket he decided to return his attention to the game before it starts.

@Leaf Fi @Team
Since the game nearly begun Connor went over to Yumi to tell her something. "Hay yumi just so you know we have to go three laps after sports sorry about that it happend when we went outside since i tried to calm you down" . He said looking at her as he then waited for her to reply maybe in a few days he should tell her. Maybe soon she has the same feeling's for him. He Liked her. He liked her a lot and cared about her. He then wondered if she felt the same he knew ti was only two day's but still she treated him with kindness when no one else did.

@Leaf Fi
Mitsurgi raised his sword once more. "On your mark! Get set..." Mitsurgi yelled.

Jean cracked her neck and smirked. "Bring it." She mumbled.
Ichigo high smiled anther team, winning not so much at the love triangle. Her team won the first round after all...and the second round. It was a happy feeling for her and kept a nice feeling in her stomach. Although the teacher, was About to begin the other round, she had a bit of confidence from winning. "Let's just win once more" she thought, smirking.

@Ichigo's Team
Hajime cracked her knuckles and got into her running stance. She was ready to take them on. She was also angry... So that may not be the best thing. She could also, probably get hurt in the process of being her reckless self.

Suzumaki smiled and twirled on her toes, looking over at Jethro she gave a thumbs up. "If we win this one! You get to buy me orange juice!" She spoke of it as though it was an honor...she probably wasn't thinking.

@RyanJXavier @Aero


Ryuzaki rolled his eyes as everyone got pumped up for the game, he just wanted to go smoke a cigarette or return to his dorm room to go to sleep...and maybe figure out how to block Sakuragi and all of her friends from texting him.

He placed his hands in his pocket and decided he would just stand there and wait for anyone to try reaching their flag.

Riika looked Jean in the eye and smirked back as she was placed at the opposite from her. 'Oh, I am going to bring it.' For a second she really looked like someone who was about to kill another, but soon her smirk changed in a smile and she waved at the red haired girl. Riika had fun and wasn't one that troubled it for the others with being too fanatic.

Yumi beamed over at Claire as she came over to them, opening her mouth to speak when Connor came over. She frowned with a gentle whine, smacking the heel of her hand against her forehead. "Really?! That's awful..." She sighed with a frown, groaning softly. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to get us in trouble..." She sighed. Her attention was then drawn to the teacher and she nodded, bouncing on her heels. They'd win this round; she knew it.

@Nonalaka @Her team
"don't worry about it i think it isn't a punishment at all with you around i think of it as a pleassure to be in your company" he said almost as if he was flirting with her as he then smiled at her before heading back wondering if she would react to it he really did like her. A lot even he would treat her with uttermost respect if he returned her feeligns but he wouldn't tell her yet since it was way way to soon. But he will sooner or later

@Leaf Fi
Jean smiled at the white haired girl and waved back. She was super excited, and this was really fun. She went back to being serious with a smirk when Migsurgi swung his sword down. @Hobbesisalive

"BATTLE!" Mitsurgi yelled once more.

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