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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro momentarily carried Suzumaki bridal style after removing her from his shoulders. He then properly put her back down then looked ahead of them. For some reason it felt like he was missing some drama. Oh well, he wasn't really a fan of it anyway. Besides, he needed to get his head in the game. This time, it's real. Jet thought to himself before glancing at Suzumaki.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Connor saw what ryu was doing and it made him angry. Wich he never was or rare. he was a class a dickhead and he dosn't deserve a woman like Yumi. "Im taking ryu if anyone else takes him your next" he said as he then clicked his fingers and got ready re painting his war paint. He then begun to get ready for the match. Hopeing that Yumi know's he's a dick and he will only treat her like crap.
Omi dried his hand and opened the door stretching in the doorway and then walked away. When you saw someone in the corner of his eye he bowed politely. "Sorry to make you wait." Omi said and looked up with a shocked expression. "S-Sato!" Omi said. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki gave Jethro a thumbs up and winked, "Un!" She returned to sprinting position in order to take off with full speed.

Her excitement was growing ever so much...


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura glanced over with a polite smile towards the person, "Ah, he-" His eyes widened a little once he realized who it was, "O-omi? What're you doing here!?" He asked...which was pretty stupid considering he works here...

Jean stood up and got into her last position. 'We'll won for sure!' She thought smiling to herself.

Mitsurgi held up his sword once again. "On your mark. Get ready..." He yelled.

Omi rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh well you know. Working... Peeing..." Omi said chuckling awkwardly looking at Sato. His eyes never left Sato's. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki laughed with excitement and shot Jethro another glance along with a sturdy thumbs up. Her eyes were starry and she was ready to take off...this time she'd avoid getting caught so as to pull off hers and Jet's strategy.

She glanced around and saw that Ryuzaki was as unamused as ever...she gave a little sigh to herself then smiled again; her snaggle tooth standing out.

@RyanJXavier @TheOthers


Ryuzaki ignored anyone around him, he had no interest in the game anymore...yeah he'll admit that he got into it for a second during the first round but now his lousy spirits were shattered and he just wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Speaking of cigarettes, his lungs were somewhat shaky after that running he did...maybe he should stop. Yumi was right...it's bad for him.

@Leaf Fi @Aero @TheOthers

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura looked away nervously, "Oh yeah...silly me." He cleared his throat and stepped around Omi...continuing to let out a monotone laugh.

"I'm gonna...y-you know..." Pointing towards the bathroom, "Yeah.."

The long haired fellow hurried into the bathroom and locked it; he began to do his business.

Let's go! Let's go! Jethro mentally chanted as he began to see lines, x's, and circles being drawn out in front of him. It was just his imagination though. The gym floor now looked like a football playbook to him. He blinked a couple of times to erase the illustrations that seemed so real. Just as long as it . . . ah forget it. If something doesn't go accordingly then we'll just wing it. Other than that, the probability is high that the plan will work out. The teen thought to himself before seeing Suzumaki give him a thumbs up.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean's eyes sparkled with determination. She was ready.

"BATTLE!" Mitsurgi let out his loud cry once more. Jean stepped back more ready to do more guard action. @Gym Class

Omi nodded and let Sato pass as he went to the bathroom. Omi sighed and shrugged planning on talking to him later about Ringo's advice. Omi was about to walk off until the cry of Mitsurgi made him jump. "Ugh, I'll have to talk to him about that later!" Omi said shaking his head. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki was about to take off sprinting but then stopped and grabbed Jethro; she felt bothersome in the process though.

She gave a nervous smile and whispered, "When do we do it?" Her voice was shaky with excitement...



Ryuzaki just stood in place and waited for others to come barreling at him.

It would happen soon enough...


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura finished up but decided to stay in the bathroom for longer to make sure that Omi went away; he had to be absolutely positive that the gorgeous man...normal looking man was gone.

"Now" Jethro said immediately picking up Suzumaki like a football and sprinting to the other side of the court. He ran in a straight line right down the middle of the second half of their "battlefield". His gaze shifted around to see the other students running all over the place. They would only pull through with the rest of their round two plan if someone stepped in their way.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean continued staying on guard tagging anyone who tries to go near the flag. She saw Suzumaki and Jet converse while tagging one student. 'What are they up to?' Jean thought smiling to herself. It was probably something good. Jean watched as the two sprung into action and couldn't help but to laugh.

Mitsurgi was laughing his butt off watching Jet and Suzumaki. In all his years he had never seen that happen before and of course being the awesome coach that he is allowed it.

Omi walked away and headed back to the teachers lounge. He sat back down at his desk and sighed looking at his black laptop screen. "I need something to do." He said leaning back in his chair. He couldn't get the advice Ringo gave him out of his head. As well as the scene when Sato tried to kiss him. Omi held his head and sighed. @Suzumaki Arakai
I thought you slept! xD Okay nvm. You do your thing! )))


I guess this is the kind of thing where Suzumaki's size comes in handy. The small girl was not yet ready for the actions that Jethro took, she let out a small gasp as he picked her up and began running down the court, "Uwayayaya!" She closed her eyes for a second; thinking maybe he'd drop her but then she remembered how much she weighed...

Putting on her game face; Suzumaki began to cheer as Jethro ran around with her in his arms, preparing for someone to block them.

@AnyoneOnRyuzaki'sTeam @Wataru

Miyamura Sato

After a minute Miyamura remembered that he was in the middle of teaching one of his classes so he gasped and darted out of the bathroom, returning to his duties.


((I didn't feel comfortable doing that anyways >.<))
Jethro laughed at Suzumaki's random noises as they ran down the court. Didn't the girl understand their plan from earlier? Then again, it was Suzumaki he was working with. The teen caught sight of Ryuzaki motioning someone over to him. "Suzumaki, get ready. I think Ryuzaki's making Koichi come at us" Jet said glancing at the girl securely tucked in his arms.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean laughed as she watched Jet and Suzumaki get ready to take on the other team. "Good luck you guys!" Jean shouted to the two.

Mitsurgi was really interested now. He wanted to see how Jet Fighter and Shotgun get out of the situation they're in now. He heard Javlin cheer them on but didn't really mind her his focus just stayed on Jet Fighter and Shotgun.

Suzumaki braced herself for anyone who was ready to take her and Jethro on; she was feeling invincible right now and her heart is racing due to the excitement from the game...and her face is red because of the heat. Don't misunderstand those simple facts due to the situation she's in right now.

She let out a little laugh as she prepared herself for the inevitable!

@Wataru @Aero @RyanJXavier
Koichi wasn't very pleased at all. "Well I'm under no obligation to do anything for the team". And Koichi simply sat on the ground as if nothing was happening, ignoring whatever around him. "Some people just don't get the meaning of TEAM WORK, maybe i should open a vocabulary club"

(Moody Koichi is moody)

(ops, nobody was ready for Koichi's moody demeanor)

Ryuzaki clicked his tongue at the kid and decided that he would make the move; not that he really cared or anything...

He began running towards the two at an easy pace. Once he was close enough he shot a hand out and made an attempt to skim blond boy across the arm; placing him in jail if he made it.

Jethro watched as Ryuzaki made his way over to him and Suzumaki. "Here we go" He said throwing Suzumaki forward and up in the air just before he did a back flip away from Ryuzaki's hand. The teen got back on his two feet and sprinted toward the his left side then immediately switched over to his right in order to juke Ryuzaki out. Within a few moments, Jet was running right behind Suzumaki.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Aero

The girl was thrown into the air within the blink of an eye as soon as Ryuzaki made an attempt to swipe Jethro. In the process of being air born she managed to pull off a front flip as she then landed behind Ryuzaki, facing towards his flag.

Suzumaki took off into a sprint; Ryuzaki left dumbfounded.

Once she made it close enough she swiped the flag up into her hand and turned immediately with a large grin plastered on her face.

@Wataru @RyanJXavier


Ryuzaki didn't know how to take in the events that just happened before his eyes...first he was getting ready to tag blond boy but then he did a back flip? And midget girl flipped over him...then he got tricked by blond boy...and now they lost?

He just kind of stared off into space with a blank face, "You've gotta be kidding me." He thought with a twitch of the eye.

@RyanJXavier @Aero
Mitsurgi laughing about what just happened pointed his sword at Team Ion Bomb. "One to One! Team Ion Bomb has captured the flag! In a very amusing way I might add! Nice job Jet and Shotgun! " Mitsurgi shouted.

Jean couldn't believe her eyes. "That was amazing!" she said running up to Suzumaki. @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier
"VICTORY! HAHA! WOO!" Jethro ran to Suzumaki and picked her up. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" The teen cheered while tossing the girl up in the air then catching her in a hug. He knew they still had one more round left, but that win was so awesome. Did that actually happen? Jet thought to himself while looking around the court. It did! Woo! His thoughts continued while he hugged Suzumaki.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki smiled and rubbed the back of her head, looking to the side. "Maah~!...I know!" She pumped her fists and twirled around it a circle before giving Jean a high five then running over to Jethro, ready to give him a high five but was suddenly swooped up, thrown into the air then hugged.

She grew really red for some reason and began stuttering when she spoke, "Y-y-y-yeah...we won...a-a-ahaha..."



Ryuzaki walked over and sat down...still somewhat confused. "I've never seen someone get so into gym activities..." he began popping his fingers just because they felt irritated and like they need to be popped.

He began looking around at everyone and noticed Jethro tossing the midget girl into the air and hugging her; with a yawn he laid down on the bleachers and closed his eyes to wait for the next round to start.

Jethro paused once he noticed Suzumaki stuttering and turning red. "Suzumaki, you okay?" He asked looking at the girl in his arms. His gaze then shifted over to Jean, "Yo, what's happening to her?" Jet put Suzumaki back down to examine her for a bit. " . . . Come on, we have another round coming up. Let's win this" He stated before smiling a bit.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
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Claire arrived to Gym class later than the rest as she needed to sort out some last minute things to do with her enrolment and once again, everyone was already all grouped together, she really needed to learn to make in with these people letting out a sigh of defeat she walked over and sat down across from some guy..... was he sleeping? She looked at him briefly and shrugged before she turned her head and watched what was going on.

@Suzumaki Arakai

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