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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool



Suzumaki stood up and cheered...why was she cheering?

She grabbed Jet's hands and jerked him up; beginning to dance him around the room in circles.

"We won! We won!"

Hajime saw this and ran over, head butting Ryuzaki in thw stomache. "Look, you can beat him up later, but not now." She growled, ushering Yuki and Conner off back to gym class. "Sorry." She apologized to Ryuzaki. This waas two occurances that she had hurt him. "It hurts." She said, talking about someone you like, liking another.


@Leaf Fi
Yumi couldn't help but smile as soon as the compliment was given to her. She opened her mouth to repky, but found herself being dragged backwards rather roughly by an unknown force. Her eyes widened and she glanced up to see Ryuzaki's looming fugure in front of her and she gulped. "Please don't... Not here..." She moved herself between the two boys, frowning deeply. Before any other action could be taken, Hajime had ran in and she was pushed away once more, although this time she had Connor by her side. She didn't know what to even think...

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi @Corgi

Ryuzaki was 'not' expecting the gut wrenching head-butt that probably broke his ribs. He gripped his stomach in pain as he dropped to his knees; letting out a little cough.

"What th-.." He paused as the girl mention something about being hurt...he tilted his head; still on his knees with one eye closed at the pain.

"What hurts?" The boy was more dense than some would've thought.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi


Suzumaki instantly stopped dancing when she heard Jethro fix her statement. Her ands dropped to her side, along with her jaw in disappointment.

"Nani?" She carried a blank face as she pulled on Jethro's shirt, standing on her tip-toes and looking him in the eyes, "This isn't right! We've got to win the next round! PAL!" She let go of him and slumped down...don't ask what the whole 'PAL' deal was about...it's Suzumaki.

@RyanJXavier @Anyone
Suzumaki Arakai] [B]Ryuzaki[/B][B] [/B] Ryuzaki was 'not' expecting the gut wrenching head-butt that probably broke his ribs. He gripped his stomach in pain as he dropped to his knees; letting out a little cough. [B]"What th-.." [/B]He paused as the girl mention something about being hurt...he tilted his head; still on his knees with one eye closed at the pain. [B]"What hurts?" [/B]The boy was more dense than some would've thought. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17998-corgi/ said:
@Corgi[/URL] @Leaf Fi


Suzumaki instantly stopped dancing when she heard Jethro fix her statement. Her ands dropped to her side, along with her jaw in disappointment.

"Nani?" She carried a blank face as she pulled on Jethro's shirt, standing on her tip-toes and looking him in the eyes, "This isn't right! We've got to win the next round! PAL!" She let go of him and slumped down...don't ask what the whole 'PAL' deal was about...it's Suzumaki.

@RyanJXavier @Anyone
Hajime sighed. "You're an iduot sometimes. Also, are you okay..? I didn't mean to hit you that hard..." She said, sitting down in front of him. "Can you get up?" She asks, not going into detail about what she meant about it hurting. She didn't feel like sharing her personal life with Ryuzaki. "Should I get a nurse?"
Connor was pissed at him he was atculy about to hit him until Hajime comeing in. He was suprised that she could tackle him like that "thank you hajime...Yumi you okay?" he said looking at her makeing sure that she was okay. He didn't want her to be scared. He then looked at her wondering if she was ok. "If your still scared just let me know okay" he said looking at her hopeing she wasn't

@Corgi @Leaf

Connor was pissed at him he was atculy about to hit him until Hajime comeing in. He was suprised that she could tackle him like that "thank you hajime...Yumi you okay?" he said looking at her makeing sure that she was okay. He didn't want her to be scared. He then looked at her wondering if she was ok. "If your still scared just let me know okay" he said looking at her hopeing she wasn't

@Leaf Fi
"Any plan adjustments you want to make?" Jethro asked looking at Suzumaki. She seemed pretty determined to win which was good for the next couple of rounds. There was another thing he knew that would boost up Suzumaki's attitude. Jet picked Suzumaki up and put her onto his shoulders, "We'll get these next rounds straight, I promise".

@Suzumaki Arakai
drummerboi said:
Connor was pissed at him he was atculy about to hit him until Hajime comeing in. He was suprised that she could tackle him like that "thank you hajime...Yumi you okay?" he said looking at her makeing sure that she was okay. He didn't want her to be scared. He then looked at her wondering if she was ok. "If your still scared just let me know okay" he said looking at her hopeing she wasn't
@Corgi @Leaf

Connor was pissed at him he was atculy about to hit him until Hajime comeing in. He was suprised that she could tackle him like that "thank you hajime...Yumi you okay?" he said looking at her makeing sure that she was okay. He didn't want her to be scared. He then looked at her wondering if she was ok. "If your still scared just let me know okay" he said looking at her hopeing she wasn't

@Leaf Fi
Hajime ushered you two to the gym and qent back to Ryuzaki.)))))

Ryuzaki furrows his brow as she sits in front of him; he puts his hand up to hush her then gets back on his feet.

"Something like that? There's no need for a damn nurse." He spoke with a pissed off tone and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Why the hell did you do that anyways?!" He tightened his fist; don't worry...he'd never hit a girl; boyish looking or not.


Yumi shook her head. "No, I'm not scared... Just... Confused?" She rubbed the back of her neck and let out a sheepish laugh. If she was scared, you'd definitely be able to tell. But for the dear brunette's sake, I won't say anything of the sorts at the moment. That'd be too cruel. Yumi leaned her back against the gym wall behind her, closing her eyes. "Thanks for your concern though. I appreciate it."


The girl began to think about any adjustments for the strategy...she couldn't think of any. As she was about to inform him of that she soon found herself on top of Jethro's shoulders and her eyes lit up with stars.

She threw her hands in the air and cheered, "Banzaai!~ We need capes!" That was her adjustment? Really?

Her wobbling around almost sent her into another accidental backflip but she caught herself by gripping his hair; it was soft.

Suddenly she turned all cuddly and began rubbing her hands through his hair like a cat or something...it was kind of weird.

"Jet the mew mew!" She laughed loudly, continuing to brush the blond one's locks.

Suzumaki Arakai] [B]Ryuzaki[/B][B] [/B] Ryuzaki furrows his brow as she sits in front of him; he puts his hand up to hush her then gets back on his feet. [B]"Something like that? There's no need for a damn nurse." [/B]He spoke with a pissed off tone and pinched the bridge of his nose. [B]"Why the hell did you do that anyways?!" [/B]He tightened his fist; don't worry...he'd never hit a girl; boyish looking or not. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17998-corgi/ said:
Hajime stared at his hand and raised am eyebrow but said nothing. "Okay, good." She said, standing. "Because if you did, you'd beat him up and I'd probably join in, then we both would've gotten into a lot of trouble." She said, rubbing the back of her neck. "Anyways, get back to gym. As much as I hate to admit it, you're pretty good and it'll help you take your mind off of whatever.
"*sigh* look i know that look....Yumi i know when something's wrong....you can tell me were frainds right" he said smieling at her as he then stood in front of her. He then looked at her beautiful eyes again "if it's me then im sorry but i just can't watch ryu hurt you like that it...it makes me feel im taking you for granted..." he said loking down slightly getting scared that he was going to lose her "i...i don't want to lose you your the only true friend i made in this school." he said looking at the brown haird girl that stood in front of him.

@Leaf Fi

((he did ask permission... but eh never mind xD ))
drummerboi said:
"*sigh* look i know that look....Yumi i know when something's wrong....you can tell me were frainds right" he said smieling at her as he then stood in front of her. He then looked at her beautiful eyes again "if it's me then im sorry but i just can't watch ryu hurt you like that it...it makes me feel im taking you for granted..." he said loking down slightly getting scared that he was going to lose her "i...i don't want to lose you your the only true friend i made in this school." he said looking at the brown haird girl that stood in front of him.
@Leaf Fi

((he did ask permission... but eh never mind xD ))
((Nevermind carry on))

Ryuzaki raised a brow as the girl hurried him to return to the gym. Oh just go in Ryuzaki...don't be so sassy.

The boy turned around and head back into the gym without saying anything much; he just gave a sigh and returned his hands to his pockets.

He looked over and noticed Yumi and Connor...giving a click of his tongue he just took a seat on the bleachers.

"That kid's so gross...how can she just let him-" He didn't even finish his own thoughts it made him so irritated...

@Leaf Fi @Corgi @drummerboi
Jethro felt Suzumaki wobble around a little and briefly put his arms around her so she wouldn't fall. She already grabbed his hair though causing him to wince at the sudden pull. Before Jet knew it, Suzumaki was petting his hair and making it look like some kind of bed head style. "Suzumaki!" He said as an attempt to snap her back to reality.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Hajime followed behind him, entering ti gym and avoiding to make eye contact with Jethro. 'What was he thinking?! Complimenting me during a game.. He didn't mean it, of course."' She thought, her face heating up as she tho if ht about it.

Suzumaki came to at Jethro's sudden holler, she flinched a little but didn't fall.

"Oh! Uwah~ sorry!" She said with a nervous laugh then began to fix his hair for him.

"I've got this!" Lucky for her she still got to touch it; for a brief second though...

"You're not going to lose me, honest..." Yumi said with a light sigh, opening her eyes to look at Connor. "And we are friends, honest we are! And I'd tell you anything, but I swear I'm okay. Just a little confused with the events, is all." She offered him a smile before pushing herself off the wall, bouncing back and forth. "So let's just play the game and have a good time!"

Her eyes moved over to Ryuzaki as soon as he came back into the room, and she paused her jumping, studying him for a moment. "I'll be back in a sec," the brunette waved quickly before jogging over to the deflated male on the bleachers, resting her hand on his shoulder. "You okay there, big guy...?"

@drummerboi @Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki's eyes were closed and he didn't notice Yumi until she spoke up; opening his eyes he grew irritated almost instantly. His brow furrowed and he just stared at her.

"You shouldn't let other guys touch you so easily." And there it is. The most cliché statement an anime character can make; for a shoujo type anime/ manga anyways.

He continued to stare without looking away; the look on his face was one you'd give to a man who just murdered one of your loved ones. The look wasn't necessarily directed towards Yumi but she probably doesn't know that..

@Leaf Fi
Connor looked at her what was she doing. That guy was going to punch his head in and she's leaning on his shoulder. He didn't get it he sighed before returning back to his side of the field he had to tell her thay had to have 3 laps around the school after the lession has ended. He then continued to eye Ryu makeing sure that Yumi dosn't get hirt. He then multytasked from the game to looking at Yumi makeing sure she was okay.
"Alright soilders get back to your team's side. We'll start the next round in five minutes, better get a strategy and fast!" Mitsurgi shouted. "Radar are you alright?" Mitsurgi shouted at Ryuzaki. @Suzumaki Arakai

Jean had no idea whether her team was making a strategy or not, so she just sat on the floor waiting for the five minutes to be up.

Omi drank too much water and had to use the bathroom. He left the office and headed to one of the private teacher bathrooms. Omi used his key to get in and ran to a stall, closing and locking the door behind him.
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Suzumaki was still on Jethro's shoulders as they headed back to their side of the court. She waited for him to help her down before doing anything else.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura was in the process of teaching when he suddenly had to use the bathroom; giving the students time to finish their worksheets he darts out of the room and runs to one of the teachers bathrooms that just so happened to be occupied. So he leaned against the wall, waiting patiently.

Yumi just stared back at him in confusion, her hand dropping from his shoulder. Quite frankly, she didn't understand where his anger was coming from. Several times she had told him that Connor was nothing more than a friend, yet he still wasn't letting it go. "It was just a hug..." The protest was the weakest she ever gave in her life, mostly due to the fact that she was completely and utterly at a loss. She didn't want an argument, but with the way the dark haired boy was staring at her, it seemed pretty inevitable. The girl withdrew her gaze with a sigh. "He asked for one, and I gave him a platonic hug. That's it. I've done the same with my dorm mate, and if you wanted one too, then yeah. I'd give you a hug as well. They're just... Hugs..."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Omi finished his business and zipped up his pants. He flushed the toliet and opened the stall door. "What a relief." Omi said with a smile and walked over to the sink to wash his hands. @Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki's gaze calmed as she spoke; his nonchalant expression returned and he reached up, grabbing the girl from the back of the head and pulled her into a gentle hug, of course he was still sitting down and her head was just somewhat tucked into his shoulder...but it was still a hug.

After that, the teacher sent everyone back into formation so he let go of her and stood up.

He returned to where he was during the first round and prepared lousily for the game.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi @Everyone

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura continued to wait for whoever it was that was taking their precious time. Luckily he's a patient man so it didn't bother him any at all. He just glanced at his watch every now and then.


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