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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Kenta looked up. "Yeah I'll do my best." he said with a slight smile. "Just let me know what to do." Kenta added. Kenta brushed the hair out of his eyes and touched his hands to the ground to stretch. Think of it as a preworkout cardio, he thought to himself. "I'm Kenta." He added. @RyanJXavier
After the nice conversation with Koichi, though he left to go talk to another group about something. Jean stood up and walked over to her team's side and looked at the line. 'So don't cross this line and I'll be fine.' Jean thought to herself. She wasn't much of a runner so she plans to just stay back and try to go after anyone who goes after the flag. Nevertheless, Jean still looked determined to help her team win at any cost.

Mitsurgi walked over to the side and sat at the end of the center line. "Alright, remember to stay safe and not cheat! If you get tapped make sure you go to jail! If you grabbed the flag and you get tapped make sure you put the flag in the right place. I will allow you to pass the flag like a hot potato if you would like. When getting someone out of jail, no holding hands equal the chance for that team to tag both of you and put you in jail. Whatever team gets to five points win! Are you ready!!" Mitsurgi explained and then held his kendo sword in the air. "Get set...."
Connor walked towards his team he got some war paint from his pocket and put some on his face. He took sport's very seriously he wasn't going to lose for no one. He then looked at the others "Everyone get in a line formation we can tag them all if we get in a line!" he said making sure the other team didn't hear as he then got in the center of the line. he then looked at the other team. He was going to have a lot of fun.

"Alright we'll play it by ear first then maybe form a plan later. Sound good?" Jethro questioned looking at Kenta. "I'm Jethro by the way" He added before crouching down a bit and eyeing the other team. "What get in a line? Then no one will retrieve any flag...that won't be fun now will it" Jet said after hearing Connor so that only Kenta could hear.


Suzumaki had never played the game they were about to play. She frantically prepared herself and listened to Mitsurigi Sensei explain the rules.

She knelt down; ready to take off running for the other teams flag.

"Yosha!~" she cheered on with a smile and gave Jean a thumbs up; whether she noticed or not.

@Ichigo'sTeam @Aero


Ryuzaki didn't even listen to Mitsurigi announce the rule; he figured it out on his own...also the name gave it away somewhat.

He looked over at Yumi and tilted his head, "Is this necessary?" not really worried about whether she answered him or not; it was kind of a rhetorical question in it's own way.

He looked around at all the student, studying where they all might go next.

"Why can't it be basketball?" He questioned himself.

@Ryuzaki'sTeam @Leaf Fi
Kenta nodded, "Sounds good, I'm usually not to good with plans." He said as he looked over the other team, then at his own. "I agree." He smirked at Jethro. Kenta got down got ready to sprint. "I will get this flag."
"First round's the play around" Jethro commented truthfully. Well, that's at least how he played. He had his own ways of experimenting and observing other players. Besides, the risk wasn't that much if they lost the first round. Jet waited for the gym teacher's go signal as he kept his eye on a few of the other team's players.

Jean looked over at Suzumaki and chuckled. She then brought her attention back on the other team. 'This is it.' She thought. Her heart was already beating fast because of all the tension in the air.
Yumi simply offered him a shrug. "Lighten up a bit! It's just a little fun!" She paused and eyed up the opposite team, trying to figure out what each of them were going to do. She got into a ready position and glanced over at Ryuzaki briefly. "... Radar."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Kenta nodded at Jethro. "You sure know a lot about this game." he added. Kenta only played Capture the Flag a couple times and it has been awhile since the last time he participated. "I'll do my best." he said with a soft smile and then he turned his focus to the other team. His look became more straight forward as he concentrated @RyanJXavier

Ryuzaki sighed and placed his hands back in his pocket, waiting for the game to start.

"This is ridiculous.." the tall boy thought to himself. Anyone could notice the random irritation surrounding him; his aura was just so...uncomfortable.

Little veins could be seen pulsing on his forehead and he grit his teeth, eyes closed, facing the ground.

Suddenly he heard Yumi call him..."Radar"....

The boy shot the girl and irritated glance but wasn't really mad...not at her anyways. He was more ashamed by the nickname I guess you could say.

@Ryuzaki'sTeam @Leaf Fi


The short girl continued to wait for the game to start...she was already sweating due to the heat circulating through the gym.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead then realized something.

Standing up straight she tapped Jethro on the arm, "Hey, hey. Do I look hardcore when I do this?" She bent back down a wiped the sweat from her forehead again...really Suzumaki?

Then she shot him a questioning smile.

@RyanJXavier @Ichigo'sTeam
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"Ya look cute, Suzumaki" Jethro bluntly stated before looking back forward. Suzumaki looking hardcore? That would require more badass-ery. His mind was turning the gym upside down and breaking it to little pieces. Strategy, strategy. He thought while studying the gym for a bit. The teen waited for the gym teacher's go signal to finally let loose and get the game going.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi simply giggled the glance at her off. Honestly, she hadn't expected much less, but it still was a lot funnier than what she had planned out in her head. Also, with her lack of a nickname, it meant he couldn't tease her back. It was a win-win, really. She glanced over to the teacher, waiting for him to announce the games to finally begin.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Aero

Ryuzaki noticed the girl smiling at his reaction; thinking of a way to tease the proud girl back he finally came up with something.

He gave a little smirk, "Whatever you say..." and leaned in near her ear; not too close though. If someone was standing near enough to them they could make out what he said but he made sure no one was paying attention.

"Pink lace." Of course it would take the girl a second to comprehend what he meant because, once again, he wasn't very specific.

But he was talking about the events that happened earlier when she came to the rooftop to retrieve him...I think that specifies it enough.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki hadn't really paid attention to the words that Jethro shot out at her.

She continued on in her start off postion; ready to take on the challenge. The events going through her head were somewhat unrealistic of course.

But they made her feel cool as she waited for Mitsurigi to start the game.

@RyanJXavier @Aero
Ryu raised his hand in surrender. "Alright whatever you say," he said to Riika. "I'll leave you two to sort things out.. Bye now!" He disappeared, but not before winking in Riika's direction, letting out a playful laugh. The boy headed off to his group, waiting for the games to begin.

@BobbyW @Hobbesisalive
Aiko was staring at the other team, observing them. "Hey, guys... Half the team charges is, the other half stays back to protect. We take them by surprise and we can throw the flag to our side so that we can win. Does that sound alright?" She asks, thinking that Hajime would be protecting, since she's quite protective. She stayed in the front line, in a running position.

@Ichigo's Team

Hajime, looked at her team, "We need everyone to stay and protect. I think they might charge." She said, staring directly at her and trying her best to read her lips. She didn't see what the other team responded with, she wasn't really paying attention to anyone else except for Aiko, she's her main rival and has to be stopped no mattr what.

@Ryuzaki's Team
"what if evryone protects that way we lose half of are team" he said looking at aiko it wasn't a bad idea but thay need to review all possibility's he was a good strategyst. He played this in his old school and when he was on the team thay won 5 times his lose record was 4 because some of them didn't bother protecting there flag "it wasn't uch a bad idea though we need to figure what there going to do" he said looking at there team. "also get in a circle we don't' want the other's to see what were saying"

Mitsurgi swiped the air downward with his sword. "BATTLE!" He yelled, probably the whole school heard him yell.

Jean stepped back a few steps to be one of the people who guard the flag.

Omi was drinking water in the teacher's lounge when he heard a faint, "BATTLE!". Omi shook his head with a sigh. "Oh Mitsurgi..." He said and continued drinking his water.
"okay guys guard that flag with your life!!!" he said looking at his team "Okay if you want to go go just be careful we don't know what there thinking!" he said looking at the other's as he then looked at the opposite team "okay guys if thay come to are side get into a line formation it's are only chance of tagging them" he said making sure his team and his team only heard that. He then continued to look at his opponents determined to beat them.

@Ichigo'S TEAM
Yumi didn't like that smirk. Not one bit. He was up to something; she could practically feel it. As soon as she felt his breath on her ear, she immediately tensed, squeezing her eyes shut. Oh ho, this definitely wasn't going to be good... The two words rang through her head, and her eyes immediately fluttered open with brows furrowed. What did he mean by 'pink lac-

Oh no.

Her hands darted up to her mouth, jaw hanging open in pure horror. Her red from her face earlier returned with vengeance. It might have taken a minute for her to come to terms with what he meant, but boy did it hit her hard. Completely flustered and enraged, she shoved him aside with her free hand, shaking her head madly. "You're absolutely horrid!" She hissed lowly with narrowed eyes, dropping her arms by her sides with fists balled. Quickly and in a complete panic, she glanced around to check if anyone had heard Ryuzaki's comment. Oh please say no one did... She wasn't even focusing on the fact the game started; she was too horrified at the moment to even recognise it.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki wasn't prepared for the loud yell that echoed around the gym and probably the school; he looked around and saw people running towards him...one fell and he raised an eyebrow but brushed it off as he stepped back to stop anyone from, maybe, reaching their flag.

"What the hell..." It looked like that movie 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' in Ryuzaki's mind.

He nonchalantly laughed at thought off though because his sense of humor is kinda weird.

"They look like they planned this shit out or something..." The tall boy was confused because he wasn't too into the game...not as much as Connor anyways. He didn't notice how he made Yumi act until Connor randomly pulled her out of the gym. He was about to run after them when suddenly a midget appeared out of nowhere. He grabbed her by the head, turned around, and sat her in prison.

@Ryuzaki's Team


Suzumaki took a couple, lightning speed, steps forward then suddenly the words, "You're cute" echoed through her head. Her eyes narrowed and she paused in place for a second, "Eh?" before falling flat down on her face; legs still in running form.

She pushed herself up a bit onto her knees and rubbed her forehead then realized a bunch of others had already taken off.

As quickly as possible she stood up and took off running again.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" She passed a few people and now, before anyone could say or do anything, she's in prison.

"Come on!?" She yelled, stomping her feet.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @Ichigo's Team

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Connor saw Yumi's state he ran to her and took her to the side looking at the teacher to see if it was okay he took her outside of the gym he then tried to calm her down "Yumi...yumi look at me...." He said looking at her "Yumi..." he said as he looked at her. He was so worried about his friend. He then begun to look at her eyes again. "I need you to keep calm okay for me." he then hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder trying to help her calm down.

@Leaf Fi
Kenta didn't pay much attention to the one giving orders, he began to make his way to the flag. Trying to go as unnoticed as his tall frame would let him.
Koichi had an idea, it could be easily the best idea he had in a long time, and he needed to share it with someone able to help him put it in action, the team leader seemed like the perfect person. "Hey, i have an idea to get their flag, we'll need organize it together with everyone in the team" he whispered to Ryuzaki, but at the same time paying attention to what was happening in the game. @Suzumaki Arakai

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