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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Matoko was taken by surprise, when Jethro threw himself on the ground, and before he even managed to react according to that, he started performing an airflare. Jeez.. that guy is athletic... Matoko wasn't really able to stop Jethro, from grabbing their flag, since Walking into him, Airlfare-ing, would've only ended with a broken nose, for him. Well, what am i going to do no-... crap. Jethro managed to slide back on the field, through Matoko's legs. The Boy didn't even try to run after him, at that Point he knew, they've lost, but didn't really care.

Yumi's smile immediately dropped into a frown as she lowered her head. "You're horrible, Conor..." She mumbled before dragging herself off the the jail. Luckily, she didn't have to wait long as the bell rang, and she raised her arms up happily. Despite the loss, she was pretty pleased with herself nearly getting the flag. She skipped out of the jail and began to head towards the changing rooms.

Connor felt a little guilty about earlier. He didn't know Yumi was being sarcastic so he thought she atculy meant it he walked up to her "hay yumi im sorry i didn't mean to be horrible were still frainds right...." he said looking at her worried that he done something wrong also he needed to remind her that thay had to do three laps across the field because of her problem earlyer. "also we still need to do those 3 laps....im sorry if done anything wrong" he said looking at her his head down not looking at her

@Leaf Fi
As the bell ran and the class ended Claire lifted her bag to go get changed, she looked around a bit before instinctively following the girl who called to her earlier, she seemed nice so Claire decided to stay with her for a bit, as long as she didn't mind of course that was.@Leaf Fi
Yumi glanced over to Connor, blinking in confusion. "You weren't horrible though...?" Her brows furrowed for a moment before she got on to what he meant. "Ooooh... I was joking about that! Honest," she laughed, patting him on his shoulder. "And the teacher hasn't spoken up to us, so I think we're good." Yumi said with a shrug before glancing backwards, noticing the girl from before. "Hi! Sorry we couldn't talk much earlier. I got a bit into the game. I'm Yumi." The brunette smiled to the other, stopping so she could catch up to her.

Hajime finally got the guts to look up at everyone, only to see them not even pay attention to her. She was both angry but relieved that they continuede on with their buisness. She got up and saw that Connor was talking to Yumi. 'Yumi was the girl Aiko was talking about, right?' She thought, shrugging it off and going over there. "Hey, you're Yumi, right?" She asks, completely seperating Yumi and Connor from each other, not paying any mind ot the boy. "I heard you have to run three laps, want me to accompany you?" She asks, simply smiling. 'If she's a friend of Aiko's she's a friend of mine.' She thought, linking her arms with the girl. She then noticed the other girl. "Oh... hi." She said simply, not knowing who the girl is at all.

Claire chuckled lightly and shook her head "Its fine, I'm a bit competitive with such things myself, Ah, I'm Claire, nice to meet you!" She said as she caught up to yumi and extended her arm to offer a handshake.

@Leaf Fi

Claire turned to look at the other girl that had approached them, though she could have sworn she was in male attire before, she tucked that thought aside for now as she introduced herself to the second girl "I'm Claire, nice to meet you aswell!"

Matoko stretched himself as the bell rang, and made his way to the changing room. He quickly changed into his uniform, and slowly made his way towards his Classroom. History... huh, i guess that's ok. He thought, while taking a quick glimps at his phone. He noted down his schedule on it, for the convinience. The Boy pocketed his phone again, and quickly sank into his thoughts I need to talk to Riika, because of earlier... and, to make a few things clear. His heart started beating faster, at the thought of that. Damnit, do i really want to risk it? Riika i really like her, she's fun to be around, and i just generally feel connected to her...Well and she's beauti- "Damnit, just stop it!" The Boy thought out loud, grabbing his head with both of his Hands, but only realized a few seconds later, what he just did. He started blushing, but quickly moved along.

@Whoever wants to interact
Jean went to the dressing room after a quick drink of water changing back into regular uniform. She hated wearing a skirt again but shrugged it off. Jean walked back out of the dressing room and grabbed her bookbag and swung it onto her back puting her arms throught the straps. She walked out of the gym humming as she headed to History.
"uh excuse me" He said looking at hajime standing up for himself for a change he was fed of being pushed around now "you don't' just interrupt a convosation" he said looking at her saying it in the kindest way possible. He was fed up now first ryu taking the mick no hajime what day was it make conor pissed off da. He then looked at the girl who interrupted him he wasn't giving her a look or anything he just found it kind of rude.


Ryuzaki went into the locker room and changed back into his uniform then headed out of the gym. He was wondering where Yumi could've run off to but realized they have class together next anyways.

He continued on with his coffee in his hands and threw it away in a nearby trash can because it had gotten cold.

"Damn..." The boy thought as the urge to sleep on the rooftop grew over him.

He decided not to though because it would probably cause trouble for Yumi...wait what? Since when does he care?

Either way, he's now making his way to history class.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki cheered after they won the game and she ran to the locker room, after fist bumping Jethro, to change her attire; after that, she darted out of the gym and ran to the vending machine outside of the dormitory.

Studying all of the drinks she decided on one, the orange juice.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a coin and was just about to pop it in to buy the delicious beverage when suddenly someone from another class bumped her; she dropped the coin and it rolled under the vending machine.

"Gaah! What the hell!?" Looking around she realized that the person was already gone and she slumped down to the ground in an attempt to retrieve her coin. "Come on!"


Miyamura Akashi

Akashi was in the principles office as, and after, the bell rang. He wasn't worried about being a little late because he had a lot of different paper work to fill out and papers to grade from other classes.

Besides, he doesn't like how loud the students are when they first enter class; too much excitement for him.

Nonalaka said:
Claire chuckled lightly and shook her head "Its fine, I'm a bit competitive with such things myself, Ah, I'm Claire, nice to meet you!" She said as she caught up to yumi and extended her arm to offer a handshake.
@Leaf Fi

Claire turned to look at the other girl that had approached them, though she could have sworn she was in male attire before, she tucked that thought aside for now as she introduced herself to the second girl "I'm Claire, nice to meet you aswell!"

drummerboi said:
"uh excuse me" He said looking at hajime standing up for himself for a change he was fed of being pushed around now "you don't' just interrupt a convosation" he said looking at her saying it in the kindest way possible. He was fed up now first ryu taking the mick no hajime what day was it make conor pissed off da. He then looked at the girl who interrupted him he wasn't giving her a look or anything he just found it kind of rude.
"Nice to meet you too." She said, nodding at her. She heard Connor and turned around to face him. "You've been hogging her the whole day, give her some room." She said, moving Yumi slightly out of the way in case this got a bit ugly. She knew this guy wouldn't hold back if he got mad enough. She then turned around and linked arms with Yumi and Claire, walking off towards History class.
Riika laughed and stretched her legs a bit, her gaze drifted to Matoko and she followed his example with stretching his arms. She moved quickly in to the dress room and got her self in the usual school uniform. The girl smoothed her skirt and ran out of the room. Always after gym she was way to energetic and a topic like history didn't really get her attention so she enjoyed the last minutes outside the classroom. On her way she spotted Matoko and the girl quickened her pace to reach him. 'Hey Looooseer,' She teased him referring to the game. He looked a bit in trouble, but mostly with himself as he grabbed his head. 'Can't stand that we were an awesome team?' Riika chuckled and patted him on his head, stretching her arms to reach his hair.

Connor was a little ticked off the majority of his day was shit but he just took it in "okay fine with me il speack to you later yumi" he said fakeing a smile but gave a genuin one to yumi before making his own way to history, He was just pissed off at the moment first ryu now hajime he felt he needed to vent out his anger some how other wise he was going to burst but didn't know so he just held it in until tonight. That way him and yumi can just talk privately without interruptions. He then continued to make his way to history. Probably will be taking the piss out off by ryu or hajime again. It wasn't his fault if he was a bit clingy yumi was his first ever fraind he made here. his second true fraind.
Yumi glanced over at Hajime as soon as their arms were linked together. Her mouth opened to greet the fellow girl when she noticed something completely different about her. "Are you wearing a- Oh, we're going? Okay!" With her free hand she waved Conor off before following after the two girls, grinning. "You look really pretty, Hajime! The skirt really suits you." The brunette complimented her friend with a giggle, and she leaned forward a little to look at Claire. "It's nice to meet you, by the way!"

Matoko jumped a Little, when he heared Riika stating something like, 'Loser', or something like that. "U-Uh? Oh.. Yup, you guys were pretty good..." He started biting his nail, trying to avoid eye-contact with the female. I need to calm down... take it easy... Matoko breathed in, and breathed out, deeply, and moved his Hand away from his mouth. "So... uhmm.. why did you.. or, the other guy, call me over, earlier? He moved his Hand back out of his pocket, and started Scratching his other arm. The boy just wasn't able to relax.. or at least, act like it, no matter how hard he tried.

While walking to history she heard someone scream, 'Gaah! What the hell!?' 'Suzumaki.' Was the first thing that popped into Jean's head as she walked over to the scream. Sure enough, she saw her friend trying to get something underneath the vending machine. "What are you doing?" Jean asked Suzumaki, standing beside her. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi walked out of the printing room with the maps and looked over to see Akashi. "Hi Akashi-san." He said smiling.
Claire smiled happily as they walked along, after hearing Yumis comment Claire nodded in agreement, although she herself wasn't one for skirts, if she didn't have to wear one as part of uniform it'd be great but that didn't mean she couldn't think it looked nice on others.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi
Satsuki got out of the dress room and made his way towards Yumi and Hajime which were linking arms. He was about to greet them when he noticed that Hajime wore a skirt. 'Whoa, you..' His words drifted away and the boy just rubbed his back unable to say it. 'Well you two don't mind if I walk along eh?' He smiled brightly and patted Yumi on her head. 'I am Satsuki by the way, nice to meet ya!' His grin grew even wider and his eyes lingered on Hajime for a second when shifting them back to Yumi.

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@Leaf Fi[/URL] @Corgi

Riika slapped him on the back when Matoko began to stutter. 'Come on it was just a game.' She was blind for the true reason but blinked when he asked about Ryu. 'Ah..Ryu was just messing with you, he saw how much I was looking at you and decided to call you over.' The girl laughed and waved away the idea. 'Just kidding, kidding...' Although it was the truth, she spinned it around to look like a joke. So she was not lying right? 'He is just a little weird.' This was also not a lie and Riika smiled to the boy while she could feel her heart pounce.

Nonalaka said:
Claire smiled happily as they walked along, after hearing Yumis comment Claire nodded in agreement, although she herself wasn't one for skirts, if she didn't have to wear one as part of uniform it'd be great but that didn't mean she couldn't think it looked nice on others.
@Corgi @Leaf Fi
Hajime blushed lightly when she mentioned her skirt. "O-oh.. uhm.. Thanks.." She said, smiling sheepishly. "Uhm, say, if that boy ever bothers you, just tell me, okay?" She said, compelte seriousness in her voice. The kindness she was showing Yumi was normally only with Aiko, but Yumi was Aiko's first female friend besides her and she didn't want to mess it up for her. When she saw Satsuki, she looked down, hoping he wouldn't recognize her. She heard him start to speak but he stopped himself. Relief struck over her when he just asked to walk with them. "No one's stopping you." Hajime said, her usual roughness coming back in her voice.
"Huh?" Yumi blinked, staring at Hajime for a second with wide eyes before calming herself. "Uhm, sure! Will do. I don't think he'll do anything though..." She admitted. One of Yumi's eyes shut as soon as the newcomer patted her head, and she gently swatted his arm with a giggle. "Nice to meet you too, Satsuki! She nodded up to him with her usual, friendly smile. "I'm Yumi Narusaki, but you can just call me Yumi." The brunette introduced herself before nodding along with Hajime's comment.

Matoko's eyes widened a bit, when Riika answered his question, claiming that she was looking at him, but then quickly returned to normal, once she announced it as a joke. Alright i'm going to ask, and be completely straight with her, that's it. "Mah..ha..." Was all, the Boy managed to press out of him, he obviously didn't have the guts to do, what he planned, at least not now. ...Crap... what was that! Matoko rubbed the back of his head, and started blushing, his eyes trying to look anywhere but Riika. But before giving her time to respond to his... Noises, he suddenly asked her a question. "U-Uh.. Riika.. can i ask you a... completely rhetorical question?"


Suzumaki was about to give up on the orange juice when suddenly she heard a familiar voice coming at her, she jumped up and smiled towards Jean.

"Jean! Jean! Will you buy me orange juice! Someone made me drop my money!" She pleaded with her hands clasped together.



Akashi heard someone call out to him but didn't pay it no mind; he was buys and when he's busy...well he's always busy.

The large man never takes his mind off of work and never stops working, it's basically what he lives for...work. Instead he just gave a backwards wave to whoever it was that greeted him.

Claire waved politely at the approaching male her eyes drifted to the side as she noticed Hajime's sudden change in attitude she looked between her and the boy briefly wondering was something going on or what? Perhaps shed ask Yumi later.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi @Hobbesisalive
Jean blinked and nodded. "Oh, sure." She said and went inside her bookbag. She got out her wallet and pulled out a coin handing it to Suzumaki with a smile. "Here you go." @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi rolled his eyes at Akasi's wave. "Okay see you later." He said chuckling and headed to the A-2 classroom to drop off the maps.

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