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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Corgi said:
Hajime barely saw the note, but she did feel it. She glanced arlund to see if it was meant for her, and she saw Satsuki's eyes on her and she glanced at the note. She 'accidentally' knocked her pencil off of the desk and bent over to pick it up, picking up the note in the process. Hajime read it and simply wrote, "I'm fine." On it and threw it over to him when the teacher wasn't looking. She was thinking he was talking about when she ran off after he called her cute, which brought her face to become a bit pink at the thought of it.
Satsuki smiled when he saw that she was writing a note back, or she was just taking notes. But before he could already drop his hopes, the piece of paper landed on his table. The boy rubbed his neck and looked around him before folding it open. He looked at the words for a while and then ripped it apart. He didn't have to worry any more, or she was lying but he had done his best for knowing. That was enough. Satsuki looked eagerly at the clock ticking away the time. After this they had Gym, hm. He felt like he wanted to chat with Ringo before taking any classed, but it seemed like the boy had to wait.

Omi nodded. "Yeah I feel better. But sadly Sato is avoiding me ever since he tried to kiss me." Omi said but then covered his mouth. "Don't tell him I told you about that." He said mumbling in his hand. @Corgi
Yumi blinked in slight confusion at his answer, but before she could question him on it, he had already made his way into the classroom. She paused momentarily at the door before heading in, shooting Mei an apologetic smile before heading to the bank of the classroom and sat down. The brunette listened carefully from then on, taking the occasional note, until the class was finished, and the teacher passed out on her desk. "... That's something you don't see everyday..."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Aero said:
Omi nodded. "Yeah I feel better. But sadly Sato is avoiding me ever since he tried to kiss me." Omi said but then covered his mouth. "Don't tell him I told you about that." He said mumbling in his hand. @Corgi
Ringo's eyes widened and he chuckled. "That makes things more interesting." He said, getting up. "I won't say a thing, promise." He said, winking and then stuffing his hands in his nurses coat as he leaves the room, heading back to thw nurses office. When he spotted the girl on the cot, He sighed, "I always miss the good stuff.." He m it tered, pouting as he goes into his office, knowing the other guy already took care of her. He turns off tnhe lights and starts typing in WordPad.
Matoko sighed in relief, as a reaction to the Teachers comment. He stood up from his chair, and walked towards Riika, his usual smile brightly painted on. "I mean, i know i'm handsome, but you shouldn't let my magnificent appearance distract you." He stated, chuckling. He was referring to their little stare-off they had going on in class, in a joking manner of course.


Ryuzaki relaxed his hands behind his head and tilted back in his chair; closing his eyes he began to fall asleep.

His chair was tilted back far enough to almost touch Yumi's desk...let's just say that if he were to fall back he'd probably send her and her desk both flying...

@Leaf Fi

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura had lost track of the time while looking for where he sat those graded papers; once he found him he darted back to school.

At one point in time he bumped into an attractive woman and flirted with her for a split second before running off again, trying to make it back before the bell rang.

Once he made it to the school he sighed, sitting down on the bench in the courtyard.

"Damn..." He thought as he tried to catch his breath.

"I should work out more..." He laughed that one off really quick...

Riika followed the movements of Matoko and smiled when he arrived at her desk, but the words he spoke caught her off guard. She could feel her head burning. AM I TURNING RED? She did try to hide it with suddenly grabbing her bag, hiding her red face behind it. 'Well you kept looking at me too! I suppose I have a beautiful back?' Good I can speak normally. The girl peeked from her hiding spot and chuckled, knowing how weird she was.

Omi smiled and watched as Ringo headed out with a wink. Omi looked back at his laptop and started printing off maps for his students. Omi sighed and walked back to Sato's couch and laid down. He fell asleep. @Suzumaki Arakai

Mitsurgi was in the gym setting up for a game of capture the flag. He couldn't wait for his new set of soliders.
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Yumi was doodling idly in one of the pages of her notebook when the chair in front of her began to groan lowly. A brow rose as her eyes flickered upwards to see Ryuzaki dangerously close to her desk, and it made her feel a little uneasy. "Uhm... Ryuzaki...? You okay there...?" She asked softly, as to not surprise him. The result of that would probably not end well for her...

@Suzumaki Arakai
The way Riika suddenly grabbed her bag, just Holding it in front of her face confused Matoko a Little. ...What is she doing? "Ha, well that's true!" He said, moving his hand to her shoulder, and letting it rest on it. He didn't really think about why she might've hid her face, or at the very least, witnessed her redness, and was oblivious to it. "Actually, while we're at it, would you mind giving me your number? i mean, you already have mine, that way we'd be even!" The Boy blushed a Little, realizing how that might have sounded, but still kept with his request.


Ryuzaki furrowed his brow at the voice coming from behind him, he didn't know what she was talking about, "Why wouldn't I be okay?" he thought as his eyes remained closed.

He continued to rock back and forth on the two back legs of his chair, he didn't think of the consequences that 'could' happen but probably wouldn't because Ryuzaki's a cool character and I wouldn't want to give him a lame moment....

@Leaf Fi
Ichigo saw Suzumaki fall and was about to get out of her seat. She tried to help her but fortunately, Connor helped her go to Nurse. She sighed then finished her Chickens. She knew that Aiko was in her class so, she asked her, "Which one is better, Z-Chicken or Kawaii Chicken?" She asked, curious for her answer. She was going to go visit Suzumaki later, so she would go see Connor and Suzumaki.

Riika panicked from the inside when Matoko touched her shoulder. What was she doing? There was nothing to worry about! The girl sighed and put away her bag, her face was already less read and she pulled her phone out of her pocket. 'Ya want yo call me?' She said teasingly locking her eyes on him. What he could, could she too.

Jethro gladly switched over to his new seat and leaned back in relaxation. Within a few moments English class began. Jet took notes and all that before the five minute hang out thing was announced. His gaze shifted around the area. Wonder what'll happen in gym. He thought to himself while sitting at the edge of his seat and waiting for that class to end.
Satsuki got tired from sitting and walked up to a guy he didn't met yet. The teen that he was about to approach had blond hair and green eyes. He leaned on his desk and smiled. 'Hey, we have gym next right?' Satsuki wasn't really sure and didn't like to be wrong the very first day so he just asked. He noticed that the boy was looking at their class and he chuckled. 'Seeing any cute girls?' The teen just meant it as a joke, not to be the Casanova in class.

Matoko was Feeling daring today, and wasn't going to back down on her tease. He let his gaze wander from her top, to her bottom, and back to her top. He then took another step towards Riika, closing the already small gap between them. "...Maybe i do." He stared her straight in the eyes, what was actually possible now since she dropped her bag again, and waited for her reaction. A daring grin was displayed on his face.

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Jethro nodded at Satsuki. He laughed a bit at the guy's next question. "I'm just looking around, but yep. Our class is pretty lucky to have so many of them" Jet replied truthfully to the guy he'd never spoken to before. "I'm Jethro by the way" The teen stated putting a hand out to Satsuki.

Riika was sure that Matoko would just call her Kitty cat again or something, but instead he took a step forwards and looked straight into her eyes. She could feel her heart pouncing and the girl blinked a couple of times before becoming back on earth again. 'Uh...Y-you..uh?' All the emotion was drained from her face and was replaced with a red colour. She grabbed her bag and smiled quickly swifting over to the door. Anything to escape that stare. Her pace was quicker then usual and she added herself by Satsuki and Jethro, her face still bright red. 'I'll just call you.' She said before facing the two boys. 'God cover me you two!'

@BobbyW @RyanJXavier

Satsuki smiled at the comment of the boy and nodded when he introduced himself. It was nice to have someone who thought about the girls in this class too. He just wanted to introduce himself when the girl from before quickly got closer to them. Her face was red and she said something like cover me. Satsuki followed her trace and found Matoko standing there. A little grin appeared on his face and he patted Riika on the shoulder. 'Don't worry, we got you!' Then the teen faced Matoko and put his thumbs up. Yes, this class was indeed fun.

@RyanJXavier @BobbyW
Jethro's gaze quickly shifted to Riika. He immediately moved the girl behind him for protection. The teen paused though when he saw Satsuki's actions toward Matoko. Confusion overcame Jet as he looked over his shoulder to see Riika. "Sorry, instinct I guess" He apologized before facing Satsuki and Riika regularly again still unsure about the whole situation.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Yumi couldn't help but wince as soon as the rocking motion started, and she pressed her back tight against the backof the chair. "Ryuzaki...? I think you should stop that... You might fall..." Her tone was very cautious and worried. Mostly for her own wellbeing. She nearly got hit by a thrown desk yesterday, she didn't want the something of the sort to happen and actually make a connection with her. As a result, Yumi slid her chair a little bit back and prayed her doom wouldn't come.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Matoko gathered all of his willpower, to stop himself from laughing right then and there, so he could savour the Moment. But, when Riika actually started running away from him, he just couldn't help it. Ha! i should consider becoming an actor....heh Satsuki from earlier, one of the guys she actually ran to, gave him a thumbs up, to which he responded with even more chuckling, and the other one, Jethro, moved the Girl behind him. "I was just joking Riika, honestly!" The Boy quickly grabbed his own bag, and jogged towards her, and the two others, a few chuckles still coming from him.

@Hobbesisalive @RyanJXavier
Takanashi Mei

Mei shot up out of her seat the second the bell rang through her ears, she gathered up her things and quickly left the room to go teach another class.

"Uwaaah~! I hate not being early to my classes!



The boy didn't pay much mind to the nervous Yumi sitting behind him, he was already slipping into a deeper sleep. Due to that, his chair slowly relaxed onto the floor correctly as though he was heeding Yumi's warning when in reality he didn't even truly hear the girl.

Once the bell rang he opened his eyes and looked around, not moving his head though; he just kind of used his peripheral vision.

He glanced up at the clock and thought for a second,

"Gym...is next?"

The boy stood up and grabbed his bag, throwing it loosely over his shoulder and slumping out of the classroom to go smoke a cigarette on the rooftop before heading to class.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki still lies in the infirmary...asleep.



Miyamura finished sorting out his thoughts on the bench in the courtyard and decided to return to his office; he had other classes to teach after that as well. Once entering the room he noticed a sleeping Omi and averted his gaze, he sat his graded papers down and picked up a different stack. Quickly pacing to the door to make his way out...but then he stopped.

Turning his head slightly, he caught sight of Omi but couldn't see his face.

After realizing what he was doing, Miyamura slapped himself and accidentally spoke a little loud, "Get ahold of yourself!" Even 'he' was startled by the tone in his voice and quickly left the room before Omi could wake up...if he did.


She was relieved that the two guys did help her, she noticed Satuski's action though and flicked him on the head. 'Are you mad, now is he coming towards here!' She crawled behind Jethro again, acting like she lost something on the ground. The words from Matoko didn't make it any better, it had shocked her and now it turned out to be a joke, what actually dropped her mood a little. Wait, I should be happy that it was just a joke right? The girl got on her feet again and appeared from behind Jethro. 'Matoko! Don't scare me like that.' She chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. Don't make me happy for nothing.


The boy laughed when Matoko actually followed Riika and laughed even harder when Riika tried her best to hide herself behind Jethro. He looked at the situation and noticed that Riika wasn't really acting relieved, well a bit. But Satsuki had enough experiences with girls to know that there was something behind it. He poked Matoko on his shoulder and smiled. 'Hey, could you show me around to the Gym? I don't know where to go.' Now the girl would be able to calm herself instead of embarrassing herself in front of them. Satsuki made a little sign to Jethro, hoping that he would understand the situation.

@BobbyW @RyanJXavier
The sweet sound of the bell lifted Jethro's spirit. Finally, a class that most likely wouldn't make him bored out of his mind. He listened in all the other classes, but there wasn't really anything hands on for them to do aside from reading in the classroom and doing the homework that was usually assigned to them. Anyway, back to the current situation. Jethro was confused, man. He didn't know what was going on. The teen just blinked at Satsuki's words. What's this guy trying to imply? Jet thought to himself.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW
Yumi had never been more thankful to hear a bell in her life. As fast as a shot, she jumped out of her seat, almost as if she was waiting for the dark haired teen to make his descent down to her desk. Fortunately, it didn't happen, so the girl instantly calmed and began to pack her things away.

Yumi made her way out of the classroom with a small hop to her step. For once, she was actually looking quite forward to Gym, but for what reason she couldn't actually say. From the corner of her eyes, she spotted Ryuzaki heading in the completely opposite direction- most likely the roof again- and she frowned. "Oi!" She leaned up on the tips of her toes and waved an arm so he could see her. "You're going the wrong way, you know!"

@Suzumaki Arakai

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