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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro watched Kaede for a bit before glancing into one of the classroom's windows and spotting the time. "Yo we need to rush" He simply stated before swiftly picking up Kaede over his shoulder then running into the gym. They had a minute left. The teen put her down and switched into his gym clothes managing to enter the main room again just as the bell rang. He tilted his head a bit at his teacher's first words then made his way "front and center".

Aiko and Hajime lined up quickly with stern looks on their faces

One thing that everyone would learn quickly, is that Aiko amd Hajime are both very competitive. If they're put on opposite teams, they're battling to win. Dodgeball is especially bad. It normally will end with those two throwing as hard as possible at each other and both getting out. If they're on the same team, their teamwork is unmatchable. A dominating team that will win at any cost. Well... Not any, but you get the point. They're machines when it comes to playing games.
Ichigo walked into the gym, seeing people walking in there. "Oh well, it's just gym." She sighed with a smile on her face. She would at least pretended she liked gym before anyone said anything. Ichigo was still in her uniform but she was about to change, anyways. Ichigo saw more student coming into the gym, but it would be over soon, right? Maybe not. Ichigo sighed as she walked inside the dressing rooms, beginning to dress into her gym clothes before jogging outside where the gym coach was.

Ryuzaki had already made his way into the locker room and changed and hade made his way out.

Listening to Mitsurigi Sensei he followed the orders directed towards each student; he was just lacking enthusiasm.

@Aero @EveryoneInGym
Kaede was startled by Jethro's action, but she didn't have time to ask about it as he plopped her down and went away. She shrugged, got dressed, and entered the gym just as the teacher started yelling something.


Ryu heard someone talk to him and looked to see Riika. "Yea, where have you been-" but his sentence was cut off when the teacher called students to form a line in the 'front and center'. He mentally groaned. Gym. "Lets go before he starts screaming bloody murder. We can catch up later?" His last statement came out more as a question.

Matoko rolled his eyes, and slowly did as the teacher requested. He really didn't enjoy sports, and you were clearly able to notice that. Uff... he's a weird one... His thoughts were directed towards Mitsurgi, as he locked his eyes onto him, Analyzing the man from top to bottom. Seems to be enjoying Kendo... Matoko thought, after noticing the sword in the teachers Hands.

He wasn't going to use that for anything, right?

@Sports Peeps
Riika rolled her eyes at the teacher started to yell and laughed at Ryu's comment. "Sure I'll just catch up with you while doing push ups." She joked and walked behind him towards the line that was created by her classmates.


Satsuki got ready too and lined up next to Ichigo. He gave the girl a smile and shifted his gaze towards the yelling teacher. "Geez that man got a voice," he chuckled and crossed his arms. Waiting for the teacher to yell something like move or come on. Satsuki enjoyed gym but didn't care wether he lost or won.

Once the students got in the center of the gym he walked around them. "My name is Coach Mitsurgi and this! He pointed his kendo stick at Makoto. "Is my Kendo sword!" Mitsurgi smiling. He moved his sword and continued walking around them. "Each of you will get your own nickname in this class, and I don't care whether you like it or not! For example, Riika you will now be known as Rifle!" Mitsurgi yelled.
Yumi couldn't help but take a step back as soon as the yells from the new teacher met her ears. Although she was at the end of the gym, she could hear him as clear as day. Quickly, she jogged over to where the others were, and stood as straight as she could. Her eyes flickered over to 'Rifle' and she winced inwardly. She took back her previous statement; gym wasn't going to be fun. It was going to be awful
Hajime and Aiko were both enjoying this teacher very much. If he taught anything but gym, they probably would despise him, but they both love sports to much that they wouldn't let anyone in the way of their enjoyment. Plus, he seemed pretty fun and most likely seemed like the type of teacher who supported competitiveness, which both of the girls needed.
"Rifle?" Ryu asked, indicating to Riika. His facial expression showed that he was amused at the nickname Coach Mitsurgi gave her. It sounded manly, and Riika being Riika, was a sturdy girl. He didn't get why the teacher even chose that name, but he went with it. Ryu could use this opportunity to tease her about it.


Suzumaki shot up out of the bed in the nurses office and looked around, she gave her chin a confused scratch, "Eeeh~? Where am I?" She stood up and walked around for a second the realized she was in the infirmary, "Ah...I see." Looking up at the clock she got a glimpse of the time and let out a squeal; she's now darting down the halls, out of the school building, and into the gym.

Slammed one of the doors open she stands in place, taking in deep breaths like a maniac.

"I'm...here...from...infirmary...okie!~" She gave a thumbs up and slowly drug herself to the locker room to change.

@Aero @EveryoneInGym
Matoko's eyes widened as 'Coack Mitsurgi pointed his Kendo Stick at him, leaving only an Inch of space between it and his nose. Ugh... i'll.. better just Play along. He thought, put shifted his gaze towards Riika once the Coack announced her Nick Name. The Boy chuckled a bit, as a Response, but then locked his eyes back onto Mirsurgi. I like Kitty-Cat better He thought to himself, a small grin forming on his face.

@Gym Peeps
Riika blinked when she heard her name and she blinked even more when the coach gave her that nickname. Well whatever, she didn't care and it sounded dangerous. So she could live with it. The girl turned around towards Ryu and shoot a couple of 'oh no you are not going to use it against me' glances. Otherwise she would teach him what it meant to be called 'rifle'. The teacher also pointed his stick at Matoko and her eyes kinda lingered on him. But no, she wasn't going to admit it and quickly faced the coach again. "Rifle it is then," Riika smirked.

@AceXCrossix @BobbyW
Mitsurgi looked over at Suzumaki who burst into the gym. "Hello, you must be Shotgun. Omi and Sato told me about you. You have a lot of energy, so use that energy to get your butt over here in the center." Mitsurgi yelled. He looked at the students again. "Alright soldiers, I'm not going to bore you with stupid rules so I'm just going to get right to it! Today we'll be playing Capture the Flag. Team captians are Radar," he pointed his sword at Ryuzaki. "And Ion Bomb." He pointed his sword at Ichigo.
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Aero said:
Mitsurgi looked over at Suzumaki who burst into the gym. "Hello, you must be Shotgun. Omi and Sato told me about you. You have a lot of energy, so use that energy to get your butt over here in the center." Mitsurgi yelled. He looked at the students again. "Alright soldiers, I'm not going to bore you with stupid rules so I'm just going to get right to it! Today we'll be playing Capture the Flag. Team captians are Radar," he pointed his sword at Ryuzaki. "And Ion Bomb." He pointed his sword at Ichigo.
Aiko and Hajime both smirked at the announcement of 'Capture the Flag' They looked at eachother and hoped they were on seperate teams, it would ve a lot of fun for them. 'I wonder what Aiko's nickname's gonna be...' Hajime thought, repressing her laughter before anyone could notice. 'This teacher is too great.' She decided, looking at everyone and thinking about the nicknames they might get.
Satsuki couldnt help but chuckle at the nickname of Riika, but the nickname of Ichigo sounded even weirder and the boy had a hard time holding in his laughter. What was wrong with this teacher? He shook his head and felt excited. Exactly what a gym coach had to do.

@Kawaii @Aero
Mitsurgi looked at Satsuki. "Yo Safe House is there something funny?" Mitsurgi asked with his usual loud voice. @Hobbesisalive

Jean sat there and stared at Mitsurgi. 'What is up with this guy.' Jean thought smiling.
Haven't played that game in a while. Jethro thought to himself while trying to remember the rules. Right, kind of like flag football now that I think about it. His thoughts continued once he remembered playing the game back at middle school. The teen patiently waited for Radar and Ion Bomb to pick whoever was on their team. The combination would be interesting. Jet heard Safe House next, and mentally laughed to himself. He was quite the master at holding his emotions back. How's he going to remember all these nicknames?

Suzumaki jumped when the teacher yelled over at her, she gave a quick salute, got changed and darted back out to line up with everyone else.

She was more energetic than earlier due to have a nice nap.

"Shotgun reporting for dutaaaay!~" She says loudly, following up with a laugh.

@Aero @Class


Ryuzaki wasn't paying much attention to anything Mitsurigi was saying until suddenly a sword was pointed at his chin.

He looked down at it but his facial expression didn't change, he just kind of blinked then looked Mitsurigi in the eyes then watched him continue on.

"Leader? Radar?" He questioned the gym teachers words in his head.

Shifting his feet around for a more comfortable standing position, he looked over at Ichigo and recognized her features, "What was her name again?...one and five?....oh well." He shrugged it off and readied himself lousily for whatever would come next.

@Aero @Class
Okay, she sorta took that back. The nicknames were actually quite funny. Yumi bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from going into a complete giggle fit, but let the tiniest of smiles pull her lips upwards.
Ryu shrugged stared at Riika. Then Matoko. The back to Riika. Did something happen between them? Whatever it was, he was going to find out. He turned to face the teacher just as Kaede slid up next to him. 'These nicknames are weird,' she commented on her phone. That, he had to agree with. He heard the teacher yell Safe House while pointing to a dude that he has yet to meet. But that nickname... He could tell Kaede was trying to hold back her laugh, and so was he.

Kaede's body shook as she held in the laugh that was about to erupt as she waited for the teams to be chosen. This game of Capture the Flag could turn a little violent..
Matoko let his gaze shift over to Ichigo, as soon as Matsurgi announed her as...Ion Bomb. I'm sorry, but i'll definitely have to tease her on that one... it's just too good. Then, he immediatly turned towards.. 'Safe House', The Boy was really getting a kick out of this. This... just... this. He thought, while stretching himself. he never really was the Kind of Person to go out and Play with his friends, not even when he was Little.
Satsuki bursted out in laughter when his nickname was named. "Hahaha that is just so me. Perfect" he grinned and rubbed his neck. The teacher was really something special, well he could expect that his classmates were going to tease him. But well the boy didn't care, he loved it as much as they did.


Suzumaki couldn't help but laugh once the guy a couple people down from her began laughing at his nickname, "Safe House."

She thought she had met that same boy in class today...but then again it could be someone else.

Looking at Mitsurigi for a second, she waited for his reaction.



Ryuzaki just stood there, un-amused, with his hands relaxed in his pockets.

"Why am I a leader...I don't even know this game."

He clenched his fist and glared at the ground as a vein tightened on his forehead.


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