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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


Ryuzaki opened his eyes a little at Yumi's unexpected actions, he stopped and adjusted his bag on his shoulder with a sigh. "Man...you don't give up do you?" He said, turning to head in the correct direction; he couldn't stay mad for some reason...why? Who the hell knows?

He now walked side by side with the persistent brunette; his brows furrowed as though he was pissed or something.

Looking down at he clicked his tongue, "Why's it bother you if I'm not even around you when I do it?" He asked, not really caring though.

@Leaf Fi
Matoko was oblivious to the actual meaning behind her reaction, and was a bit surprised, when Satsuki asked him to Show him around the gym .Huh, that seems a bit weird...but, eh. The Boy shrugged, and shifted his gaze from Riika, towards Satsuki. "Uhm, sure, i think i still remember my way around." The Little walk around the School yesterday, turned out to have been quite usefull, several times now. He re-ajusted his satchel, and gave the three Folks in front of him another smile, letting his gaze rest a Little longer on Riika than the rest of them.

"Alright then, Follow me!" The Boy exclaimed, gesturing towards Satsuki.

@RyanJXavier @Hobbesisalive
Jean heard the bell ring and set her sad drawing of Mr. Cluckles on Tachibana-sensei's desk. She packed up her things and head toward the Nurse's Office to check on Suzumaki. Jean noticed Miyamura acting weird and left. Jean shrugged and headed into the office looking at Suzumaki sleeping. She chuckled happy to see her friend is fine. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi woke up from his nap after Sato left. He yawned and looked around the room and saw a new stack of papers on Sato's desk. "Damn it I missed him." Omi said currsing himself. He sighed and went to the printing room to see if the maps printed out.

Suzumaki continued to sleep peacefully; sadly the small girl was going to miss half of gym, maybe all of it. It's her favorite class of the day too...not that she's ever even attended gym class before considering this is her first year ever being in public school.

Yumi's lips turned upwards in a bright, victorious smile as soon as the boy switched around to go in the right direction. He seemed pretty annoyed, but she was in too good of a mood to even let the thought bring her down.

Unlike the previous time, Ryuzaki actually matched her pace so she wasn't having a complete work out to try and keep up. She had to admit, it was nice. With her hands resting behind her, Yumi's eyes flickered up to the other's face, "'Cause smoking is bad. It doesn't matter whether you do it in company or alone; the result is still the same for you." She explained before averting her gaze.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Riika smiled to Matoko but was relieved when he and Satsuki left for gym. Her eyes shifted towards Jethro and she sighed. 'Well sorry about that, but I am going to Gym now, thanks.' She smiled and grabbed her bag, still a little dazed from her reaction. She hated the lovely-dovey things and girls all being in love now she looked like she could be the protagonist in a romance anime or mange. Something she absolutley hated and denied. HE IS NOT MY CRUSH! The thought kept spinning around in her head and she got more like herself by every step she took. No, she she was Riika, she could never be.

@BobbyW @RyanJXavier

Satsuki rolled his eyes and followed the boy towards the gym room. Of course he knew where it was, but he had to do something before the situation took a weird turn. 'Hey Matoko, how did you met Riika?' They looked already kinda close and Satsuki was curious how that happened. His thoughts wandered off to Ringo. Do I look close with him? He shrugged and didn't really mind, Ringo was a fun guy and that was all that mattered.

Jean smiled patting Suzumaki on the head and then walking out heading to the gym.

Mitsurgi had gone over the list of names of the students coming and picked out the nicknames he was going to use for all of them. He sat on the gym floor criss crossed style. He had his usual big grin as he watch students fall in.
"NOO!! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Ryu yelled running down the halls to his gym class once the bell rang. He look back to see Kaede running after him holding something shiny. He didn't want to know what it was, considering what happened in the car. He still wondered how all those things popped up. Guess it would still be a mystery.

As he was thinking about that time, Ryu didn't hear the pounding footstep of his sister, but when he did, it was too late. She jumped on his back, making him topple down to the ground. Kaede smiled smugly down at her brother. Ryu looked scared for his life.

'You dropped your glasses in class,' she typed. Ryu raised a brow. "You sure it was just that?" He questions suspiciously. "And not a knife?" he added after a moment of hesitation. Kaede cocked her head in confusion. 'Did you want it to be a knife?' She answered on her phone. That got him. He lightly pushed his sister off and sprinted down the hall again.

Ryu entered the gym class, seeing his classmates settle in. Since there didn't seem to be many people in yet, he leaned against the wall.


Kaede shook her head, clearly amused at her brother's reaction. She held up the object in her hand. He forgot to take his glasses.. she thought, walking towards gym. Oh well, I can hand it to him during gym.

After a moment of walking, she halted her steps. I'm lost, was her thought.


Ryuzaki nodded sarcastically towards the girls statement, "Ah~ I see. I should be more careful then." he let out a small laugh before returning to a completely nonchalant expression...

As the two walked Ryuzaki noticed how much taller than the girl he is, then he noticed that their feet were almost in sync with each other, after that he noticed how her hair gently sways as she walks and how she holds her head high with confidence but then he realized he was staring at her and quickly looked away, hoping she didn't notice.

"What the hell man?" He scolded himself.

@Leaf Fi
Ichigo heard the bell, knowing it was for Gym. Ichigo didn't really like gym, Girls sweating and the time to time getting hit the face. She had to endure it though. She had spotted the gym and smiled sheepishly. She then sighed as she saw the inside. "You can do this, Ichigo!" She thought as she walked towards the the gym, with her casual expression in her face. Ichigo hoped it was nothing too active.
Matoko was moving towards the gym room, with Satsuki following him, when said Person suddenly asked him how he met Riika. "Why do you ask?" The Boy questioned him, sounding a Little harsh, what he immediatly noticed. Crap, that came out wrong... "Sorry about that... we met on the school's rooftop yesterday, it was really a coincidents, that we met in the first place... but since then, it's like we're tied to each other by some Kind of bond... literally, you wouldn't believe how many times we crossed path's yesterday."

Jethro watched as Riika left his side. He mentally shrugged off whatever just happened, and left the room. The teen began to make his way to the gym as well. Jet decided to take a different route though. Which ever way the wind blows. He thought to himself before feeling the wind blow in the opposite direction. Hm, challenge accepted. His thoughts continued to run through his mind while he walked. Maybe he would just take the back way it blew toward. That path usually led to the gym anyway. Not much of a challenge. He thought while becoming slightly bored again. "Kaede? Why are you walking around here? Gym's that way" Jethro asked seeing the mute girl enter his line of sight.

Yumi pouted at the pure sarcasm dripping from his tone. Making sure he knew her annoyance she exhaled loudly and nudged his side with her elbow. "If you were more careful, you would stop smoking, you know." She knew it would be a tough task to get him to fully stop, but she made it her mission for the end of the year that he'd quit for good. How? God only knew.

Green eyes stayed trained forward as she concentrated on getting to the new class, her face relaxing with every step. For a moment, she felt like someone's eyes were studying her, and she glanced around briefly, but couldn't find the culprit. "Huh..." Yumi pursed her lips in thought for a moment before shaking her head. She was just being silly.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Riika just wandered till she entered gym. They were supposed to change clothes now right? She shrugged and got in the change room for girls, pulling the gym clothes on and got ready to enter the gym field. The girl was still a little nervous for the time when she was going to see Matoko again, bur she remained calm and decided to just ignore it.


Satsuki raised his eyebrows at the harsh reply he got, but it seemed the boy noticed as well and he quickly smiled again. "Just since yesterday? Well yeah you are right. You two stick together." He laughed and patted Matoko on the back. "But you are friendly with everyone so I think I can understand." The teen slowed his pace a little to have more time to talk. "And already got an eye on a certain someone? I think Ichigo will really suit you." Ha Satsuki liked to fish on things and was getting rid of the Ichigo problem as well now. Altough Ichigo had claimed that she didn't mind, he still wanted her to be with someone. How sooner how better. And Matoko was the kind of person everyone could feel at ease at so it wouldn't be that hard to shio him.


The two were growing closer to the gym and Ryuzaki decided to take a detour in the direction of the vending machine, knowing the girl would follow him.

He stood there, facing the large dispenser and studied for what he wanted. Of course he didn't look interested at all, his blank expression made it difficult to understand his emotions.

After a second he put a coin in and chose black coffee; then put another coin in and out came a bottle of sweet green tea. It wasn't really normal to find a vending machine with sweetened green tea so he took the opportunity.

With a swift turn on his heel he began walking to the gym. Once Yumi came back into sight through the corner of his eye he looked forward again and held the tea out to her. "Take it."

@Leaf Fi
Matoko slowed down as well, when he noticed that the other male did the same. He chuckled a bit at Satsuki's attempt to set him up with Ichigo,"Ichigo is a nice Girl, but..." The Boy re-enacted the Events that have took place between him and Riika until now, which caused his Expression to Change into a small smile. ...Am I... actually starting to... grow Feelings towards Riika? The Boy sinked into his his thoughts, without realizing it, But managed to snap out of it after a few seconds. "Uhmm... I.. think i already have someone else in mind."

He rubbed the back of his head, now locking his eyes on to Satsuki himself. "What about you? have you already met someone...'Interesting' yet?"

Kaede didn't seem to hear Jethro as she seemed to daydreaming, but it was short-lived when she bumped into him. She stumbled back a little before looking up. 'Oh hi! What are you doing here? I know I'm lost. ' She typed on her phone. The brunette was oblivious to what he had said before.


(Sorry I was away for a while)
As 'they' arrived in front of the doors to the gym, Yumi inwardly patted herself on the back. The boy would have one less cigarette smoked today, so she felt proud of herself. Baby steps were better than none, after all. The brunette turned to praise him for this small achievement, but was met with thin air. He had disappeared, it seemed. "Oh no..." The girl's eyes widened as she looked around, trying to spot Ryuzaki among the other sea of students. So far, there was no such luck.

Letting her feet carry her, Yumi wandered around like a lost lamb for a moment before catching sight of the dark haired boy by the dispensers. A sigh of relief escaped her, and she quickly caught up to the other, waiting patiently against the wall adjacent to him. She only shifted once he begun to walk again, and once she was right by his side she found a drink being held in front of her eyes. "Oh?" Her green eyes moved from his face to the tea, and she gently cupped the drink in her hands, almost like she was holding fine china. "Thank you!" The girl beamed cheerfully. "You know, you didn't have to get it though. How much do I owe you?"

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jethro watched Kaede continue to walk toward him. She seemed to be stuck in some kind of trance. His gaze momentarily shifted away from the girl, but returned to her once they bumped into each other. Jet quickly put his arm around Kaede when he saw her stumble back a bit to keep her from falling. His hand returned to his side once she looked up at him though. "I was taking this path to the gym. It leads there, ya know? Well, for the most part" The teen replied to Kaede. "Come on, don't want to be late now do you?" He said before continuing his walk to class.

Satsuki chuckled and slapped him on the back. "Well I won't interupt with your life anymore. Thanks for showing me the way!" He smiled and ran off towards the gym classes.


Ryuzaki waited a split for Yumi to take the drink; when she did her whole self lit up, sending a smile towards him. He flinched a little and looked away with a furrowed brow and puckered lip.

The boy thought on the girls words for a second and his demeanor changed a little, looking back towards the gym door.

"I don't like sweet things." He says; although a better translation of that would be "I didn't mean to buy it so I figured I'd just give it to you."

But, of course, he did mean to buy it.

Once they made it to the gym door, he turned to face Yumi and pushed the door open with his back.

Leaning down for a second he smirked, "You can just pay me back using your body."

Ryuzaki then disappeared behind the door, letting it shut on the dumbstruck brunette.

@Leaf Fi
"Su-"Was all Matoko managed to say, before Satsuki ran off, after thanking him for showing him the way. He ignored my questioned... Interesting. Matoko rubbed the back of his head, Standing in the hallway for a few seconds, before moving inside the Gym room, specifically the locker room, as well. He quickly changed into a proper gym Outfit, and moved back into the main room. God... i hate sports... it's not as bad as math... but still... He sighed heavily, and sat down on one of the benches, looking at the other students.

@Anyone who wants to interact with Matoko
Aiko waited for Hajime outside of her class room. She knew about yesterday's accident and really wanted to make sure she was okay. When she finally did come out, she smiled at her and jumped to her side. "Hey, Hajime-chan!" She said, linking arms with the surprised girl. "Hey..?" She responded, a bit confused for why she waited for her. When she didn't seem excited to see her, Aiko went to serious. "I heard what happened." She said, looking at the ground as they head to gym. "Are you alright?" Concern was easily read on her face as Hajime frowned. "Yes, I'm fine. Nothing happened, and nothing ever will if that situation happens again." Hajime's voice sounded harsh again, more like her usual self. Aiko stopped and looked up at her. "You told me that last time." Her voice was a bit shaky. "Come on, Aiko. You don't need to get all emotional, emotions are messy." She said, continueing to walk. It was obvious that she didn't really want to talk about ti. "Has Max done anything?" Aiko questions again. With a sigh, Hajime said, "No... He doesn't even know about it yet." Aiko nodded and bit her lip softly. "So you promise you're f-" Aiko was cut off by a now agitated Hajime "I'm fine. Please, believe me for once."

Aiko said nothing after that point and neither did Hajime, both of them said nothing when they entered the locker room and changed for gym class.

The tardy bell rang. Mitsurgi stood up and pointed his kendo stick toward the center of the gym. "Soldiers front and center!" Mitsurgi yelled with a smile.
Yumi chuckled lowly to herself as his hardened, expressionless demeanour moved aside as he glanced away from her. She found it rather amusing, actually. At his explanation for the drink, her amusement grew even more, but she decided not to push her limits with him at the moment. After all, she did like green tea, and she didn't want the drink to go to waste.

On their way inside the gym, Ryuzaki did what he does best, and made her completely and utterly uncomfortable. Then, in a similar fashion, he just left, leaving her standing at the entrance of the gym cringing. "Eww..." The poor girl shuddered at the thought and stuck out her tongue. He was far too blunt for his own good... With her cheeks slightly pinker than usual, Yumi headed into the locker rooms and began to get dressed before heading into the main room

@Suzumaki Arakai

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