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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Connor ran int he class room "miss miss im sorry im late i went to the counclrs office and wait....what class am i in English... crap i better ask in japonese" he said in English. He then went back into Japanese language. "um sorry i late miss um what class am i in" he said looking at her as he then wondered what class was he in and what he was going to do. He then walked towards the teacher waiting for her reply

@Suzumaki Arakai
Takanashi Mei

Mei stopped writing on the board and looked over at the boy who had just entered the classroom, she blinked a couple times and spoke in English.

"If you know fluent English the go to art. You can speak to me in English boy...I'm American." She says with a smile and continues to jot stuff down like she was before.

"oh Scottish thank you for showing me where to go il be off thank you again" he said smieling as he then went to art wondering what he was supposed to do. He then saw jean. "hay jean what are we supposed to do and where's the teacher" He said looking at her wondering what he was supposed to do and where was the teacher. He contineud to look around wondering what he was supposed to draw he then saw a chicken maybe thay were supposed to draw that.

Jean looked over at Connor. "Hey Connor. I'm not sure where the teacher is but we're suppose to draw the chicken Mr. Cluckles." Jean said. @drummerboi

Omi drank the rest of his water with a blush on his face as he watches Sato try to figure out the situation. When Sato finally declared that they just shouldn't speak to each other the whole day Omi's heart broke a little. He watched Sato leave the room with a frown. "Okay." He mumbled putting his head down. 'But he's my buddy. Who else can I talk to? Mitsurgi will just bug me about my "crush".' Omi thought sighing. He shrugged and threw away his cup. He then sat down at the desk he was before and started typing on his laptop again. @Suzumaki Arakai
Ringo left the nurses office after he let the nurse sleep for a bit. He went to the counselor s office, bored out of his mind. "Hey there counsellor!" He said, waving as he came in and sat down on one of the chairs. "You, my friend, look bothered." He said, offering a smile. "What's up?" Ring leaned forward and rested his head on his hands.

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Yumi nodded up to the teacher. "Uh, yeah! I'll go get him." She pushed back in her chair and left the room quietly. 'Honey-suckle and butterflies...?' What even did that mean...? Yumi couldn't quite figure it out. But she had her mission anyways, so she kept her mind on it.

It didn't take her long to find the closest bathrooms, and she paused momentarily outside the male's door. With an awkward knock just to check if anyone was in there- no answer was given- she then entered the toilets, glancing around momentarily. "No sign here..." She concluded with a sigh before exiting. Just where could he be...? Yumi allowed her legs to carry her off in a random direction, and she eventually found herself standing at the entrance of the roof top. She opened the door, shutting it gently behind her, and there he was. Sleeping. "You've got to be kidding me..."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she walked over to Ryuzaki, her feet stopping just a few centimetres away from his shoulders. She planted her hands on her waist, leaning forward to stare down at him with narrowed green eyes. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Yumi questioned loudly as she tapped him with her foot.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki's concentration was broke due to Connor's entrance, she looked up from sitting in the floor and gave him an enthusiastic wave. "Oiiii~" She then pat the floor beside her, "We're drawing a chicken! Sit!" Looking around the room, you could notice Suzumaki as the only person in the floor.

Not really surprising that she stands out...


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura let out a long-drawn sigh as he stared up at the sky, his eyes were beginning to loosely close; the breeze ready to put him to sleep.

He tried not to though, he shouldn't be sleeping on the job anyway...he decided to get up and quickly head home to grab his graded quizzes so that he wasn't heading into class empty handed.

"Might as well...I have time." He thought as he stood up and began to do just that.



Ryuzaki's brow furrowed as his sleep was interrupted, opening his eyes he could make out a familiar figure; and voice once the girl spoke up.

He stared up at her with a blank expression, head still resting on his hands with relaxed behind it.

"What am I doing?" He glances down for a second; looks as though he took a peek at her legs, then looked back up at her.

"I'm being flashed." He said before turning his head back towards the sky and closing his eyes.

@Leaf Fi

"Wha..?" She followed his gaze and immediately turned cherry red. Her hands darted to her skirt and pressed it right against her legs, trying to save whatever dignity she had left. "You're such a... A p-pervert..!" The brunette accused as she moved backwards, evidently flustered. Yumi pressed her lips together, trying to ease her stammering heart by exhaling loudly. "W-we have cl-class, you know... R-right now!"

@Suzumaki Arakai
Connor smiled and sat on the floor with suzumaki "so did you enjoy you coffee" he said smiling as he then continued to look at her. he then begun to draw a chicken breathing flames it was from his favored online show Good Mythical Morning. He smiled lightly as he looked at suzumaki "i hope i made it as you liked it" he said smieling lightly at her while drawing his fire breathing chicken.

@Suzumaki Arakai

The girl st-st-stuttering made him laugh on the inside, he stood up and stretched his arms out; returning them to his pockets and walking over to Yumi.

He randomly ruffled her hair with one hand, the other remained in place.

"Hai, hai. Don't get conceited, you just happened to be standing over top of me." He walked passed her and headed down the stairs, walking slow enough for the to maybe catch up to him; unless of course she didn't want to return to class by his side.

@Leaf Fi


The girl had forgotten about the coffee from this morning until Connor plugged it back in; her eyes widen and she turned her head to look at him. The way she moved was similar to a robot.

Moving her mouth like she was talking made her look a little dumb considering the fact that no words were coming out.

Suzumaki stood up, her book and pencil dropping to the floor. She then began to exit the classroom because she began to feel sick...she didn't make it far before falling down; knocked out was what happened.

Or passed out? Whatever you want to call it.

Either way she's still lying, face first on the ground in front of the classroom door.

@Aero @drummerboi @mikko
"Suzumaki!" he said running to her "suzumaki do you hear me!" he said looking at her. He then begun to wonder if she was okay he checked her pulse "oh thank god she has a pulse Teacher i'l take her to the infirmary" he said picking her up in his arms before running to the infermary with her in his arms. he then glanced at the other door's. He then finally found the infirmary he opened the door and put her on a bed. "Suzumi can you hear me Suzumi" he said giving her a nickname.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jean started to draw another chicken listening to Connor and Suzumaki talk. She watched Suzumaki walk to the door but then she passed out. "Suzumaki!" Jean said and ran over to her after Connor. @drummerboi @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi looked over at Ringo. "Oh hey, Ringo. It's nothing really." Omi said biting his lip he looked back at his laptop. @Corgi

After a second Suzumaki began to snore...I guess this is why her dad told her to never drink coffee again.

The girl probably wont be waking up for a while so it's safe to leave her be.

Suzumaki is now resting peacefully in the nurses office...she'll probably have a head ache when she wakes up though due to hitting her head.

@drummerboi @Lazy Rocktime
Aero said:
Jean started to draw another chicken listening to Connor and Suzumaki talk. She watched Suzumaki walk to the door but then she passed out. "Suzumaki!" Jean said and ran over to her after Connor. @drummerboi @Suzumaki Arakai
Omi looked over at Ringo. "Oh hey, Ringo. It's nothing really." Omi said biting his lip he looked back at his laptop. @Corgi
Ringo raised his eyebrow at his response. "Oh, really?" He asked, his smile turning into a smirk. "Alright... If you don't want someone to talk to about it and me possibly being your owlnly option... I suppose I'll leave." He said, slowly getting up and taking vert slow steps towards the door. "You know... You may have no one else to talk to.... At all... In all eternity..." He said, sighing and swooning as he continued on.

Yumi stubbornly looked away from Ryusaki as he began to get up. Her lips were pressed together and forced downwards into a frown. As soon as he began to ruffle her hair, she let out a soft grumble in protest, but made no move to stop him. "O-oi! I'm not conceited, y'know!" She called after him in protest, balling her hands into fists before dashing after him, slowing as she reached his side. She was still annoyed, but it didn't stop her from walking next to him.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"hmhm should have given you dcafe" he said smiling he then searched for a ice pack and put it on her head he then left her a note " Next time im getting you decaf you don't have to thank me :) Connor gray" He then went back to class and went towards jean "don't worry Suzumi's okay" he said smileing as he continued to wonder if she was she looked tired out maybe it was just the coffee

Jean sighed in relief when Connor told her Suzumaki was okay. "That's a relief." Jean said. She sat back down at her table and started to draw once more. @drummerboi

Omi chuckled at Ringo. "Alright, alright I'll tell you." Omi said closing his laptop rolling his eyes. Omi told Ringo about drinking with Sato and then sleeping over his house. He left out the cuddling part and said ever since he couldn't stop thinking about Sato. @Corgi

Ryuzaki continued to walk, because his legs are longer than hers she probably had to exert more effort into keeping up with him.

He smirked to himself when the girl reached his side.

"You're too nice." He said; his gaze continuing in the direction the two proceeded.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki began dreaming about ramen...nice ramen. The ramen was laid out very neatly; it looked kind of like corn rows in a cornfield.

She began to smile in her sleep when suddenly a chicken; a chicken? Appeared out of nowhere and began to eat all the ramen. The small girl began to pout now...

Aero said:
Jean sighed in relief when Connor told her Suzumaki was okay. "That's a relief." Jean said. She sat back down at her table and started to draw once more. @drummerboi
Omi chuckled at Ringo. "Alright, alright I'll tell you." Omi said closing his laptop rolling his eyes. Omi told Ringo about drinking with Sato and then sleeping over his house. He left out the cuddling part and said ever since he couldn't stop thinking about Sato. @Corgi
Ringo silently fost punped the air and sat down in the seat again, listening to his story and problems. Once he fi ished, he nodded and started chewing on his thumb's nail. "That seems to be quite the perdicament you've gotten yourself into." He said, then looking directly at Omi, "Do you want me to tell you what's happening? I could either beat sround the bush, sugar coat it, or just come right out and tell you." Ringo said, staring straight at him. He was almost 100% sure he liked Sato, considering he had felt the same way towards another man before as well.
"Only noticed?" Yumi teased the taller teen with the slightest of a smile before shaking her head. A hand reached up to her hair and she began to smooth down the locks he had ruffled. "It's not a bad thing though, is it?" She shrugged her shoulders before readjusting the flower clip at the front of her hair.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Omi smiled at Ringo's fist pump and was happy to see him listening to his problem. "Well, if you're going to say I have a crush on him. Then you should just right out and tell me." Omi said sighing. @Corgi

Riika looked at the clock more then often and was glad that for once he stood one minute before the bell. She smiled and turned around on her seat to face Matoko. It didn't matter anymore, the bell was going any minute now and she wanted to chat a little with him before moving on, but the girl couldn't wait and thus already turned around to see him, giving him a small smile.



Satsuki was happy that the lesson almost ended and looked with a proud expression to the notes he took. He liked to study and English, so it was okay for him to pay attention. The teen shifted his gaze towards Hajime and decided to pass a note towards her. Ya okay? Was written on it. He had thrown it beneath her feet, waiting to be picked up.

Aero said:
Omi smiled at Ringo's fist pump and was happy to see him listening to his problem. "Well, if you're going to say I have a crush on him. Then you should just right out and tell me." Omi said sighing. @Corgi
"Oh, okay. You like him and ignoring him isn't a very healthy way in getting over him." Ringo said rsther bluntly. "You two already know that you like each other, right?" He asks, continueing to chew on his nail. After a bit of thought, he decided what would be the best idea. "You'll both have to sit down and go over whether you want to act upon thise feelings. If not, then don't bring it up, but don't let it get in the way for the froendship. If you do, then congradulations!" He said, smiling and stroghtening up. "Do you feel better?" He asks, wanting to make sure he's actually okay.


Ryuzaki looked over at her as they reached the classroom, before entering he gave a shrug towards her question.

"It could be." Of course he's never very specific so I guess you could say he creates a lot of confusion and misunderstandings.

This time it might just be confusion, he looked at the clock as he sat down in his chair; the correct way, and began listening to the teachers lessons.

He didn't need to write any of it down on paper; it was easy enough to remember and whatever he didn't remember he'd just ask someone else.

@Leaf Fi

Takanashi Mei

Mei continued on with her lessons; turning around to see two students returning to class.

She continued on for about fifteen minutes then put down her book and chalk. Walking over to sit down at her desk she looked out at the students with a smile, "If there's anything you didn't catch just ask me and I'll re-inform you. Use the next five minutes to converse however you like."

She blushed and gave a wink, "Keep it pg." She then smacked her head down on the table and began to nap.

Hobbesisalive said:
Riika looked at the clock more then often and was glad that for once he stood one minute before the bell. She smiled and turned around on her seat to face Matoko. It didn't matter anymore, the bell was going any minute now and she wanted to chat a little with him before moving on, but the girl couldn't wait and thus already turned around to see him, giving him a small smile.



Satsuki was happy that the lesson almost ended and looked with a proud expression to the notes he took. He liked to study and English, so it was okay for him to pay attention. The teen shifted his gaze towards Hajime and decided to pass a note towards her. Ya okay? Was written on it. He had thrown it beneath her feet, waiting to be picked up.

Hajime barely saw the note, but she did feel it. She glanced arlund to see if it was meant for her, and she saw Satsuki's eyes on her and she glanced at the note. She 'accidentally' knocked her pencil off of the desk and bent over to pick it up, picking up the note in the process. Hajime read it and simply wrote, "I'm fine." On it and threw it over to him when the teacher wasn't looking. She was thinking he was talking about when she ran off after he called her cute, which brought her face to become a bit pink at the thought of it.

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