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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

(I just got back so sorry for being absent for so long. I had play practice. I don't know how to respond >~<)
"my mum...she....she was the best evry night she would make her haggis evry sunday i remember the oven was old and it make a clacky noise evry time it went on. haha i remember that i needed to be careful on the wooden floor otherwise i would get a splinter "don't you run" she would say. i also remember the time that. I wanted to go to the sea side. I was a kid and i didn't know we lived in poverty so my mum said "we'l make are own" so haha she would um buy some cheap sand and get some water and make a little ditch in the sand in the front. We made sand castles all morning that day before schoo. I remember the teachers saying why are you coverd in sand haha as for my brother. He died before i was born SIDS" he said looking at the councler after he said that @Suzumaki Arakai
After placing the letter securely in her notebook, Yumi glanced up at the board in the front of the room, watching the teacher. Her eyes widened momentarily as the English words were wrote down, and she dreaded that the class was going to turn into another science lesson, but she calmed as soon as the Japanese equivalent was wrote down. Thankfully she wasn't as ruthless as Mrs Miriel.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Anyone in English

((Gahh, I got distracted by Ace Attorney! Sorry the reply isn't the best >n < ))

nagisa sat expectantly on his desk, all plans set and prepped for the day. it was his first class, and he'd be damned if he wasn't gonna make the most of it. he watched as students filtered in, a big smile on his face. he was center stage, and this was his time to shine. he kept quiet, listening in vague interest to their conversations as they waited for him to, hell, arrange seats or partners or whatever shit teachers did on a class day? where was the fun in that? waiting as more and more students came in, he shifted uneasily. it was time. jumping from his perch, he landed on the ground with a heavy thump. "alright losers, it's class time." he commanded, grinning impishly. crossing behind his desk, he lifted a cage that was seemingly about half his size. placing it on the desk, he opened it up, releasing a chicken in a bow tie. "this is your teacher, mr. cluckles. i'm her assistant, nagisa." he grinned, waving. "your first assignment? draw mr. cluckles. i'll allow it in any style, so just be yourself, alright?" his laugh was boyish and gentle, and it almost made him seem normal, which was absolutely horrifying.

@the art squad

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura crossed his legs, patting Connor on the head. "You're mother sounds like she was an amazing woman. She didn't deserve to be treated the way you say your father did her."

He stood up and walked over to a water dispenser and poured a cup, handing it to Connor.

"But just think...how would your mother feel if she saw you the way you are now? I'm not saying to dismiss the pain you feel, you need to face it head-on and fight back. Try not to seclude yourself from the other students as well. You're a tough kid Connor, don't think too hard on what has already happened and what 'might' happen later on. Focus on what's happening right now."



The excitement the Nagisa Sensei put out was contagious to Suzumaki. She began kicking her legs in her seat, "Banzai~!" She yelled after seeing a chicken with a bowtie.

Picking up a drawing book she began to doodle what looked like a cat...with a trunk?

Looking at her face, anyone could see that she was excited as she scribbled all over the paper; not even glancing back up at the chicken.

@mikko @ArtClass
Aiko finally ended up getting to class,only to see Mr. Clucklez. The chicken squacked and ran towards her when she entered, dancing around her feet. "Why, hello." She said, smiling gently as she picked him up. "Sorry for being late, Tachibana Sensei." She said, bowing politely and placing Mr.Clucklez back on the desk. She took her seat and asked, "Repeat the assignment, please." She said, pulling out her sketchbook and watercolours.
Takanashi Mei

The bell had rang and Mei began to teach, she picked up a book and began to read certain things from it. You could notice that some of the words on the board were details from the book she was reading.

She paused for a second and looked up, noticing that the tall boy from before still hadn't returned.

Looking at the girl who seemed to be close with him earlier she pointed, "Can you go find your friend? You two were all honey-suckle and butterflies earlier." She says with a blush; Mei was very into love and drama. She's a self proclaimed match-maker...

@Leaf Fi @EnglishClass
"ha that's what a lot of people sa i focus on the past and that's it never on the preasent" he said smieling lightly as he then continued to sigh lightly. "thank you i needed this.. can i still come here and talk even after school? as long as it's before cerfue of course" he said looking at the man smileing lightly. "he was kind of glad he got to talk to him about it and of course being compleatly comfidential.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Hajime enteted English class quietly and apologized. "Sorry, Meriel Sensai." She said, taking her seat and looking around. It was odd not being in the same class as Aiko, so she suddenly felt nervous.
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura smiled as the boys shoulders relaxed, "Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're grieving the wrong way. Try to do what makes you feel better." He nodded his head at the boys question, "I'm normally always in my office so yes, come whenever you need someone to talk to pal." He said, patting him on the back before walking over to his desk and taking a seat again.

He began to jot down the conversation between the two and estimated the time that Connor entered his office and the time their session ended.


Takanashi Mei

Mei looked at the young boy who came late to her class and gave a forced smiled, "I'm a substitute...not Mrs.Miriel...call me Takanashi Sensei."

The lady gave a nod then restarted the book she was reading so the girl could catch up with the others; still waiting for Yumi Narusaki to fetch Tanaka Ryuzaki.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi @EnglishClass
Jean sat next to Suzumaki. She chuckled at Tachibana-sensei's introduction and looked at the chicken with a bowtie. Jean sighed when she had to draw the chicken Mr. Cluckles and pulled out a sketchbook. She started of drawing an oval for the head a triangle as the beak and continued on from there. Her chicken ended up like this:

(minus the moving and with a bowtie)

http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f264/Braithwaite_87/My Aesop Fable/chicken-dance.gif
@Suzumaki Arakai

"Oh, it was nothing." Omi said biting his lip. "You're lying!" Kenichi said with a frown. "You always bite your lip when you lie." He continued stopping at the office door. "Tell me. What's up Omi?" Kenichi said with a concern but intimidating look. Omi sighed and told him somewhat of the truth. He told Kenichi about drinking with Sato and then sleeping over his house. He left out the cuddling part and said ever since he couldn't stop thinking if his friend. Kenichi smiled and hugged Omi. "Oh my God my best buddy finally has a crush! But I really thought it would be a woman... Oh I don't care!" Kenichi said. Omi pushed Kenichi away shaking his head. "Oh no. I do not have a crush on Sato. I'm straight for goodness sake!" Omi said shaking his head.
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"Ichigo, Ichigo Shizuka" she replied to the girl next to Suzumaki. She bowed down slightly and then saw the teacher coming. She sat at her desk, quietly putting her stuff on her desk, listening to him. Ichigo saw "Mr. Cluckles" in a cage. "Okay, Let's draw him." Ichigo drew a chicken, but a cartoony chicken, realistic and cute like. She was trying to draw another, wanting to creep him out, a zombie chicken, creepy and abstract. Yeah, totally normal.

@Aero @mikko
"thank you your preety much one of the teacher's that isn't strickt or not even bother'd about there job il see you tommorow. He said running towards his english class "Im sorry im late miss oh crap Japanese forgot" he said not knowing what class he was in "sorry i was late miss i was just at the councler's room" he said smieling lightly as he then walked up to her "i apologys but what class is this again?" he said with a genuine look on his face.

@Suzumaki Arakai maki
Aiko looked at Mr. Clucklez and studied him for a bit. She's never been real good with drawing, but she felt kind if inspired, so she started out with a basic sketch of the body and head. So far, she was thinking it looked quite good.

Suzumaki finished her drawing then ripped the page out of the book and crumpled it up. "I CAN'T DO IT!" She says as she approaches the chicken with a furrowed brow, she begins poking it in the head, "You wanna fight mate?" She says aggressively with a bit of a growl in her voice.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura slumped down in his seat and spoke softly to himself, "Sorry kid...I don't think I helped that much." the man felt somewhat guilty for having other things on his mind while working.

He got up to leave his office when he suddenly felt tired so he decided to lay down on his couch and fall asleep.

Jean sighed as she looked at her terrible drawing of Mr. Cluckles. She watched Suzumaki go up to the chicken threating to fight the chicken. "Suzumaki, it's just a chicken please stop annoying it and don't fight it." Jean said with a sigh smiling a bit. @Suzumaki Arakai

Kenichi chuckled at Omi's rejection. "Fine whatever." He said smirking he turned around and headed back to the gym waving. "You'll accept it soon!" Kenichi yelled and laughed. Omi shook his head and smiled. "He's crazy." Omi mumbled to himself smiling a bit and opened the door to the office. He looked over and saw Sato sleeping. Omi's blush returned again, and the thoughts of Sato and him cuddling returned again. He shook the thoughts away and headed over to his desk and typed away on his computer. "Don't think about it." Omi whispered. @Suzumaki Arakai
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Suzumaki turned around and stomped back to her chair, "I can't draw..." she sighed and slumped down, picking her book up again; she made an attempt to redraw the damn chicken.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura begins moving around in his sleep, a little bit of drool could be seen sliding down his chin. He began to mumble a little; something about turnips and what's on sale tomorrow at the grocery store.

After a second he rolls over onto his side and falls off of the couch, landing in the floor with a thud.

"No! Wait!" He yelled as he sat up really quick, he hadn't yet noticed Omi Sensei sitting at his desk. Pinching the bridge of his nose he sighed, "That damn image..." he mumbled under his breath then stood up. Looking over he notices Omi and turns red in the face almost instantly and falls back onto the couch, accidentally flipping it backwards.

He sat there and face-palmed.

"Now I've done it...why am I so sensitive towards the situation? I've been with enough women to know how to handle being a little too close for comfort!? Plus Omi's been my best friend since what? My second year of middle school? Yeah...we've bumped heads, slept in the same bed, showered and everything together!" He continued on, lost in his thoughts; forgetting that he had even flipped over a couch due to seeing Omi magically sitting at his desk.

Jean patted Suzumak's back. "I can't either, I mean look at my chicken so far!" Jean said showing Suzumaki her chicken.

Omi chuckled a bit listening to Sato mumble about turnips, but jumped a little in his chair when he heard a thud and looked over seeing Sato on the floor. He heard him talk about the images and Omi knew what he was talking about. "So you're having the same problem too." Omi said chuckling. Omi closed his laptop and walked over to Sato holding out his hand. "You need help?" Omi asked. @Suzumaki Arakai
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Suzumaki continued to pout; even as Jean attempted to console her.

She then looked over at the red heads drawing and paused for a second...Suzumaki then rolled into the floor in a fit of laughter, her sides were already hurting.

"Uwaaaah! Ahahaha!! It's, it's perfect! I love it!"


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura took Omi's hand with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head; turns out he hit it during the fall.

Once he was up he walked over and lifted the couch.

"Same problem?" He was a bit confused for a second but then it hit him.

"Oh!...yeah." He then stepped closer to Omi and looked up at him a little ways, tilting his head and holding his chin in thought.

"It's gotta be something with your face..." He studied Omi's features very closely, "You see? I've never noticed that he has very nice eyes. Wait what?" The man thought to himself, feeling somewhat ashamed that he almost thought of a man to be more attractive than a woman.

After she finished drawing Rin slumped in her seat.She took out her sketchpad and began to draw Jean.She knew that it would be embarrassing if Jean found out,but,she took the risk anyways and continued drawing
Jean tried to frown but she couldn't she just smiled. "Hey, don't patronize my chicken!" Jean said giggling, she was glad Suzumaki was getting a kick out of it.

Omi looked down at his small friend. "My face? Yeah sure that may be it." He said and started studying Sato's features leaning in closer to his face. After a while of studying each others faces Omi began to blush realizing how close they were. 'His skin looks so soft...No! Don't think that way!' Omi thought to himself. @Suzumaki Arakai
She sighed and wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and looked proudly at her work.Rin then put her sketchpad in her bag.

Suzumaki sat up from a laying position but was still in the floor; she wiped her eyes and look at Jean's chicken again to get another laugh.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's just that...it needs to be put in a museum!"

She said while laughing again just this time a little calmer.

@Aero @Corgi @ArtClass

Miyamura Sato

After a second, Miyamura realized how close he had gotten to Omi's face and backed up a little, scratching at the back of his head with a nervous laugh.

"Well this is just awkward...and weird." He thought as he walked over to his water jug and poured two cups of water, holding one out for Omi. "Water?" He asked...technically.

After that he once again took a seat in his couch but didn't lay down in case Omi, too, wanted to sit.

Miyamura leaned his head back after taking a sip of water and stared up at the ceiling, "Remember that girl I used to date? Makise?" He asked randomly; trying to brush away the silence.


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