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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Ichigo then popped up In front of Satsuki running backwards, with a straight face across her face. "Alright, What did you say, Casanova?" She said as she looked him straight in the eyes. She wanted to see his expression after a girl was serious with him. Ichigo wanted to know what he said so she could to Hajime and Aiko.

Satsuki face palmed himself when the young girl appeared before him. "God man. I just said that she still looked cute. What is wrong with that? I meant it." He quickly explained and sighed when he finished. "You aren't jealous are you?" Now a smirk began to appear on his face. He just liked to tease Ichigo and meant nothing wrong with it.

Connor was sitting at his desk wishing to open it but afraid he would disturb the class "um...is it okay if i open it it has a song inside and i don't want to disturbed everyone teacher" he said looking at the teacher in front of him "and also i hope everyone else doesn't mind it's kind of a sensitive day for me right now" He said looking at everyone in the classroom hoping everyone wouldn't mind hearing the song while he opened the music box. he waited for everyone to say okay before opening it. While he waited he was trying his best to remain calm but so far it's been hard he is still resisting to start crying in the middle of class. He then after a while didn't care that it would bother people he just needed to see his big brother one more time. He open it and inside was a necklace of his brother it was a circuler amulet with his brothers photo inside it wich was given to Connor by his mum. He listend to the song looking at the amulate


@Hobbesisalive @Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean lifted her chin from her hand and folded her arms together on her desk. "I want to join the Cultural Club, it seems fun and I get to help plan for fun festivals all year long!" Jean said excitedly. She loved planning things and putting those plan into action. "What club are you joining?" Jean asked tilting her head a bit. @Wataru

Omi nodded. "Yes Connor you are allowed to open your music box." Omi said. After talking to Connor, Omi was half-surprised to see Suzumaki come up to his desk. Why half-surprised? Omi already knew Suzumaki was goofy so he was prepared for her to come talk to him but surprised becuase he was still a bit drowsy and the question she asked was something he didn't want to talk about after this morning. Omi nodded. "Hi, Suzumaki. Yes, Miyamura-sensei and I are friends." Omi said trying his best not to think too much of this morning. 'Just a friend.' Omi thought to himself. @Suzumaki Arakai
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Zoe sat in her new seat. She figured if no one would talk to her so she put in her ear buds. She only put one in just in case someone did want to talk with her.

@anyone I guess
Yumi continued to huff in her chair after sending her note, arms now crossed under her chest as she glared daggers at Ryuzaki's back. The only time she shifted from her position was when the long arms of the boy rested behind his head, the slip of paper peeking at her from within his fingers. She shifted forward in her chair to grab the paper, but the sound must have caught his ears as he immediately hid his response within his hand. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me..." She grumbled lowly, just loud enough for him to hear her annoyance. Her eyes travelled around the room briefly to check that no one was watching them and she quickly grabbed that damn hand with both of hers. Her tiny fingers fought against his to try and pry them open, but it was ending in vain so far, and her cheeks were beginning to burn. Oh, he was getting a slap later...

@Suzumaki Arakai
Asher noticed a girl sitting alone with her ear buds in. She seemed to have one in so he figured he could try and make a friend. Asher thought she was beautiful. Asher walked up to her. "Hi I'm Asher. I just happened to notice how beautiful you were and thought it would be nice to talk to you." Asher exclaimed

AsherConte said:
Asher noticed a girl sitting alone with her ear buds in. She seemed to have one in so he figured he could try and make a friend. Asher thought she was beautiful. Asher walked up to her. "Hi I'm Asher. I just happened to notice how beautiful you were and thought it would be nice to talk to you." Asher exclaimed
((Omigosh I'm sorry but that was just so cute!!))
Connor continued to listen to the music he felt he could break down at any moment. "come on Connor be a man" He said even though everyone can hear him as he then begun to rub his eye's. "come on don't cry not here not today" he said crying now as his breaths were short. He was defiantly crying now but just soft enough to still hear the music box song. He then looked at evryon "god your embarising yourself come on stop it" he thought but he couldn't he was crying like hell. As he continued to cry he put his head on the desk "why...why...why did you have to go" he said crying from under his desk as the other's could see him crying like a child.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Aero @ZoeAliceChester @Evryrone in the classroom
Ichigo sighed, "Well, she was just beaten up and is new to the femme lifestyle, in other words, she is a baby to flirting" she explained as she ran away from him saying, disappearing from the corridor. She saw Hajime's face red and stepped beside her, "Are you embarrased?" She asked her.

@Hobbesisalive @Corgi
((and welcome to connor's crying show :/ jeeze im giveing my charicter a hard time anyone want to help him?))
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Suzumaki leaned on Omi's desk with one arm, the other one rested on her hip; she looked kind of like a sassy interrogator.

"Yeah I saw a picture of you two in his office, you both had your girlfriends with you. Shishishi."

She laughed, leaning up off of his desk and crossing her arms, "Tsk, tsk tsk, you dawgs!" She turned away for a second to head back to her seat then faced him once more, "Do we have a track team? I wanna join track." She began sprinting in place, "Where you race!"


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura sat in his fluffy chair and stared up at the clock on the wall; little did he realize what was going through his head were the events of this morning.

After he 'did' realize, he once again shot back in his chair. "Uwaaaah~ Dammit! Why!? We didn't even do anything!" He yelled as he began beating his head down on his desk repetitively. "Dammit, dammit, dammit."

He didn't even hear someone enter his room; the person went unnoticed until they lifted Miyamura's head and stared at him like they had just seen a ghost.

"Eh~? Mei-chan." He said as his demeanor changed due to the sight of a pretty woman.

"What brings you here?" He asks, standing up from his chair and walking over to the tall, thin woman with a smile.

She asked if he was okay.

..."O-oh...yeah...I just had some stuff on my mind; it was nothing really." Without much to say the woman faked a smile and left the room a little concerned.

Takanashi Mei

Mei was strolling down the halls, making her way to the classroom in which Omi Gurin sat with his students. She just wanted to make sure she got there early. As she passed by Miyamura's office she heard some loud noises and backed up a little to stand before the door.

She listened for a second but the beating didn't stop so she knocked...no answer. Finally she opened the door to find Miyamura Sensei beating his head against his desk; quickly she walked over and stopped him.

Of course, he perked up and acted like it never happened.

She furrowed her brow and spoke up, "Sato-san are you alright?" She asked with concern.

He answered awkwardly and said he was fine so she just decided to leave and continue to Omi's class.


Ryuzaki felt the small hands of Yumi grasp for the paper; he tightened his grip and continued to keep it from her with a smirk.

After a second he felt his phone buzz and dropped the paper to answer it, looking down at his phone he noticed it was his ex girlfriend once again.

He sighed and opened the text, "Ryu-kuuun, why don't you text baaaack~ -Sakuragi"

Ryuzaki clicked his tongue at the message and decided to write back, "You're 22 years old Sakura. Grow up. -Ryu-kun"

"What the hell is Ryu-kun?"
He thought in disgust.

@Leaf Fi
Zoe looked up at a boy who seemed to come off pretty strong with his greet. She took out her ear bud. "Um... Hi Asher I'm Zoe. Thanks for the compliment." She said she looked at the boy with confusion. Zoe looked down hoping the boy would go away.

Yumi's hands continued to battle their way to that small piece of paper to the bitter, bitter end. Her red cheeks only burned brighter as the fight continued, the aspect of getting caught only growing by the second. What would the others think if they saw the two like this? Yumi dreaded the rumours that would come from it. The kiss was enough, she didn't need anything else being spread around at the moment.

Just as she was about to throw in the towel, Ryuzaki had suddenly released the paper, and her hands scrambled to catch it before it fell to the ground. Once caught, she cradled the note to her chest, almost like her life depended on it. With her face burning, it was all or nothing more, and she opened the note to read the message. '... I went through all of that... For this!?' Oh, if Yumi wasn't in class, the things she'd do to him... She crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it at the back of his head in anger, growling under her breath. "You are absolutely horrible..." It was evident she was very pissed off with the struggle she put up to for that piece of paper.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Asher looked at the girl she seemed pretty shy. He decided that he would leave her alone. Asher sat back in his seat hoping to try and make another friend. "Wow I hate trying to make friends it's to hard!" He thought
Omi blinked and looked at the girl with her sassy stance. When she mentioned the picture Omi blushed a little. 'He has a picture of us together. ' Omi thought. He moved the thought aside when Suzumaki asked about the track team and nodded. "Yes there is a track team, you guys have gym after English/Art class. Ask Mitsurgi he'll probably have thesign up sheet." Omi said hoping Suzumaki wouldn't see the blush on his face. Just to make sure, Omi covered his face but made it look like he was rubbing his head. He heared crying and looked behind Suzumaki to se Connor hiding his face. "Connor are you alright?" Omi asked in a concern tone. @Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
((thank you aero :) ))

Connor continued to cry on the desk still listening to the music. not even responding to the person he was just so much in a state he couldn't even handle it he heard someone tell him if he was alright. Did he even look alright he begun to think that there's no one who is going to breack his walls no one. The only person he truly trust's is Yumi. Connor couldn't contain his crying any longer he was full on crying. He was wailing a little from his crying that's how bad he was. it was clear that everyone in that classroom could hear him crying over the loss of his brother and his mother. All in the same week.

@Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @ EVRYONE IN THE CLASSROOM

Ryuzaki turned his phone off to avoid further conversation with his ex girlfriend and suddenly felt something hit him gently in the back of the head, "Hm?" he said, turning to face Yumi. He looked at her, his eyes more open than usual. He had forgotten about the letter, "What's up?"

His voice was nonchalant as his eyes then returned to being lazy. The longer he looked at her the more he began to realize she seemed mad.

He shifted himself in his chair; sitting backwards then crossed his arms over the back of the chair and rested his head on them.

"Hm?" He mumbled, referring to the question he just asked her just with different meaning. But before she could answer him, someone near the windows was balling their eyes out. Ryuzaki's brow furrowed as he looked over to see who it was, still facing the wrong way in his seat.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi


Suzumaki nodded and turned to head to her chair; noticing Connor crying again she looked back at Omi Sensei but he had already began asking what's wrong so Suzumaki decided she'd step towards him as well.

She poked his shoulder, "Oi..." and waited for him to look up.

((No problem but could you please cut down on all the drama. I understand Connor is in a rough place but school just started and the whole death and father escapes from prison that's for another time please. I'll let it slide though since Omi and Suzumaki already have taken action. Also, control Connor's crying please you can't just randomly start crying while everyone is in mid conversation and expect Rpers to drop whatever conversation or whatever they're doing and rescue Connor. I get that you're trying to add an autistic character into the rp and I think that is awesome and different, but please not even autistic people cry as much as Connor does. Trust me I have a friend who is autistic and he can handle tough things. So please, no one likes a depressing Rp. Especially this early in the Rp, since the week just started and it's only the second day of school. @drummerboi ))

Omi walked up behind Suzumaki and asked Connor the same question but a bit louder hoping that he can hear him.
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Whilst Ryuzaki's eyes were widened, Yumi's had narrowed. Her cheeks were still burning a bright crimson, and it was easy to tell she wasn't impressed at all. Many a thing were running through her mind; all different words and ways to tell the dark haired teen how she was feeling, but none of those words came out. All she could do was glare for the moment.

Eventually, she decided on what to say. Her lips parted and her tongue was about to spit Hell at him when a loud wail sounded through the room. Yumi's whole body language and expression quickly changed into a more caring, worried feature, and her eyes darted over to Connor. A frown adorned her features and she quickly followed the others surrounding him. "Connor...? C'mon... Look up at us... Please?"

@Suzumaki Arakai @Aero @drummerboi
(( okay and as i said before he hasn't been diagnosed im just speculating that he might have it and there are people with autism who are very emotional i myself am included also i just want the rp to be realistic that the world there in isn't all sunshine and rainbows out of everyone in there class at least a few or one of them has problems and plus if you look at Connors background a person like that is going to be emotional whether autistic or not if i sound roude i apologys @Suzumaki Arakai

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