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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

(( Suzumaki's mother died on her when she was 8 years old and her dad stayed in America while she moved in with her abusive cousin for nine years...she's all happy and chipper. And I know many people who continue on with their lives happy after they've lost loved ones including one who was a victim of an attempted family suicide.))


Ryuzaki's glance shot back to Yumi for a second as he then watched her dart over to the wailing kid, he rested his head in his arms again and watched to see how the events would play out.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki stepped back as Yumi made her way over, she then decided to make her way back to her seat silently; not knowing how to handle the situation.

"I wonder if I did something wrong?" She thought, scratching at her chin as she took her seat.


Takanashi Mei

Mei made her way to Omi's classroom to begin her class within five minutes or so. she was surprised to see a Omi and a few other students surround a sobbing boy.

Without wanting to interrupt, she made her way to the desk and laid her things out on the desk very neatly. She even fixed up a few of Omi's things.

((im sorry i guess i just created a crap charicter :/ ))

(( i guess i just get to invested i my charicters......))
Yumi offered Connor a gentle smile, leaning over the table a little too pat his arm. "Don't strain yourself too much... If you need to leave, we understand... Today is a tough day for you, after all..." She murmured gently before taking a step back, glancing at Omi. "Sorry, sensei. I'll let you take this from here." The brunette bowed her head before making her way back into her seat, releasing a sigh. "You don't know what happened there, do you?" She questioned Ryuzaki, forgetting the grudge she carried with him at the moment.

@drummerboi @Aero @Suzumaki Arakai
((Thank you. I apologize I re-read Connor's background but that still doesn't mean he has to cry every time he goes to school or sees a mom or a siblings. I get you want to be realistic and that's fine, the world does suck and if Connor needs a counselor or something I will gladly make one or Suzumaki's character Sato can help Connor out. But Rps are about getting out of the real world and having fun! Also, stop saying you made a sucky character becuase you didn't. I love Connor and the whole ideal. But what I really want to see character development. Maybe instead of crying when thinking about his big brother and mother's death he goes and talks to someone about it. Or he starts to open up slowly to those who are trying to help him instead of just Yumi. I too get really invested in my characters I believe everyone does. Stay strong, and try to make Connor more of a character of goals. Like Jean isn't judgmental and I'm trying not to be as judgemental xD . I don't want you to leave or abandon Connor, he needs you as much as that sounds weird it's true. Without the creator to keep building up the character then the character is jusy phewy. If you want you may change Connor or make a new character but you will always be accepted either way. @drummerboi ))

Omi nodded at Yumi. "Thank you Yumi." He said as he watched her sit bacl down at her seat. He turned his attention to Connor once more. "Yumi is right if you want to leave or talk just ask." Omi said with a smile and walked to his desk to see Mei. "Takanashi-sensei I apologize I didn't know it was time to switch or that you came in." Omi said bowing in apologie.

Ryuzaki watched as Yumi sat back down; he continued to face her desk, sitting backwards in his chair.

His brow furrowed at her question, "I don't even know the kids name." he said, glancing back at him for a second then back to Yumi.

"What's his name?"

@Leaf Fi
"He's Connor." Yumi told the dark haired teen with a frown, studying the said male for a moment. "He seemed fine earlier... Poor guy must have a lot on his mind..." She sighed before focusing her gaze on Ryuzaki once more. Of course, she knew what was wrong with Connor at the moment, but she didn't want to tell anyone yet without his permission. It wasn't right in her eyes.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Takanashi Mei

Mei smiled towards Omi and shook her head, "No, don't mind me. You've still got..." she looks at her phone, "Well... I take that back, the bell should ring any minute now." She gave a little laugh, placing her hand on her cheek to hide that she was blushing.

She sat down in the chair right as the bell rang for some students to make their way to art; others who don't know English were to remain here.

@Everyone @Aero


Ryuzaki nodded lazily but didn't lift his head from resting in his folded arms, "Ah.~ Connor...never heard of him." He said right as the bell rang but didn't move, he continued to face Yumi and began staring at her with a blank expression.

After a second he lifted his head and tilted it as students began getting up and heading to art, "What were you mad about?"

He asked, not being specific.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki jumped up from her seat in a flash and darted out of the room with her cookies; she had to use the bathroom really bad.

Once she made it there she sat her cookies on the sink and took the last stall; the big one.

(that would be perfect :D thank you :D im sure Connor would be a lot better if there was a councler at the school @Aero )

"i don't know you but...i appreciate the thought" he said looking at the girl. He then sighed a placed the music box in his bag. To be compleatly honest he just wanted this to end. He wanted to do something to distract him from all this he sighed heavily but after that he smiled of course this was fake but. What was he supposed to do. He then looked at the other's who coverted him he gave them a look that said that he was okay. He then got his books out and begun to write quick notes of the lession that thay were in.
Jean frowned when the bell ringed. "Sorry Makoto I have to go to art. Maybe you can tell me what club you want to join in Gym class." She said and smiled. She got up and went to Art class, humming to herself. @Wataru

Omi chuckled at Mei's blush. "No problem I'll just grab my laptop and head to the teachers lounge." He said right when the bell rang. He grabbed his laptop and waved bye to Mei before headed out the door toward the lounge. 'I wonder if Sato will be at the lounge. For business reasons of course.' Omi thought with a light blush appearing on his face again. @Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi automatically glanced upwards at the clock as soon as it signalled the new classes were about to start. Various students began to exit the room to head to the art room, but Yumi wasn't one of them. Her eyes flickered back to Ryuzaki in front of her. Seemed like he had English instead too. "Hmm?" She hummed in slight confusion, raising a brow before she remembered. Her expression turned slightly more sour as she huffed, "You and your stupid reply what was the matter..." She grumbled, turning her head away from him. "... That and you wouldn't give me the stupid note... And it looked..." Yumi trailed off, her cheeks regaining the pink hue from before.

@Suzumaki Arakai
I'll figure out what a macro is eventually.Takanashi Mei

Mei stood up from her seat and was about to count the students when she suddenly remembered Sato's behavior earlier. She caught up to Omi and grabbed his shoulder for a split second to turn him to face her, "I forgot to tell you. Sato-san was acting strange earlier...he's a counselor but maybe you should talk to him."

She spoke not knowing the actions of Sato were because of Omi.

Turning around and heading back to class she finished taking roll and made a statement, "Hello boys and girls, I'm Takanashi Mei but to you I am Takanashi Sensei. I'm just a substitute...your actual teacher is...Mrs.Miriel." The lady's face went a little sour at the mention of the red hair, science teacher.

She cleared her throat, "Anyway, you've five minute before the bell rings again and then we'll continue with class."



Suzumaki finished up in the bathroom and darted to her art class.

"Gonna draw!~" she sang through the halls as she made her way there.

Once she arrived she peeked into the classroom and realized there wasn't many people there so she decided to stand outside of the door to wait for some friends.



Ryuzaki furrowed his brow as the girl complained about his actions. He was about to retort back when suddenly she stopped speaking and turned pink. Looking around, he wondered if maybe she caught sight of someone who would make her all flutter-shy but didn't see anyone so he returned his gaze to the girl.

The teacher began to speak so he listened to her but continued staring at Yumi with a blank face.

"Hm? It looked...?" He spoke very monotone as he waited for her to finish the sentence.

@Leaf Fi
Connor pact his things he wondered if there was a counclers office he then made a note for yumi "yumi i like to thank you again for evrything" h said smieling before passing a note in her hand squeezeing her hand tightly before removeing his hand from her's it was quick though a quick squeeze before letting go off the note it was like as if he didn't want anyone to see how much she meant to him and he succeded he then walked out and wondered to the door marked Councler's office. He knocked on the door and entered "hello."

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura had decided to go to sleep to take his mind off of the events fluttering through his busy mind. A knock was heard at the door; waking him, he stood up and opened it wearily.

He rubbed his eyes with a yawn and looked at the student, "Oh...Connor, can I help you?" He asks with a gentle, comforting voice as he motions for the young boy to enter his office.

Miyamura took a seat in his chair and gave Connor a reassuring nod, "Sit, please."

Omi looked at Mei and listened while she talked about how Sato was acting strange. Omi nodded. "Okay I'll talk to him if he's not busy." Omi said. He continued walking, worrying about Sato. 'I wonder what's up? Well, at least I get to see him, because of course he's my friend.' Omi thought. While Omi was so focus in thought he didn't see the tanned skin couch walk up behind him. "OMI-SAN!!" Kenichi yelled as he glomped his friend. "Gaah?!" Omi shouted when Mitsurgi grabbed onto him. "Keni-san you almost gave me a heart attack!" Omi said while holding onto his chest. Kenichi laughed and walked beside Omi with an arm wrapped around his shoulders. "So what were you thinking about that you didn't see you best bud behind you?" Kenichi asked with a giant grin on his face.

Jean walked into Art Class and looked around the room. "Nice looking class." She mumbled. Jean wasn't a great artist but this was the only class available other than English. She saw Suzumaki and waved. @Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi's blush only deepened as she tried to find the words to describe the scene. The new teacher offered a momentary escape from those thoughts, but it was very, very brief.

"I..." Green eyes closed tightly as she scrambled for coherent words. "It... It looked like--... Huh?" Yumi paused and looked up at Connor as he took her hand, placing something into her palm. She blinked, about to open her mouth to reply when the boy suddenly darted out of the room, the only sign he was ever there being the note in her hand. Frowning, she glanced at Ryuzaki, shaking her head. "It doesn't matter... Point is, I'm not impressed."

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
"oh....okay...um well i want to inprove my problems and be more sociable...but my past always get's in the way of it...." he said looking at him as he then sat in a very comfy chair he then continued to look at the councler wondering what he was going to say about his current situation at the momment. he then continued to speack "and im i was thinking maybe i need a councler iv just been so emotional latly and i feel i need a place to ventulate them" he said.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Ichigo heard the bell and ran out of the restroom. She grabbed her things put her stuff up to go to her next class: Art. She knew English and is fluent in it, growing up in England and all. She packed up and grabbed her things and got into the next class. "Who's gonna be our teacher?" She thought as she walked and saw her class. She peeped inside and saw Suzumaki inside. "Hey, Suzumaki!" She said as she revealed herself at the entrance. She saw teachers being childish but nothing else. She saw a short male inside, he looked like a student. Ichigo looked around to see it was a Art and Music class, "Nice Classroom." She said to herself.

@Suzumaki Arakai
The note rad "Dear Yumi i really hope we can have are talk this evening it isn't about my problems it's about your problems as well if you ever want to talk to me about things anything at all just let me know im off to the councler's office to discuss my problems hopefuly with your help and the councler's help i can be open towards other people you have been so kind to me i don't know what to do to pay back that kindness so i have concluded on how to pay you back. That is to be your best fraind well try to be if you ever want me to listen to your problems just let me know you'v shown so much kindness to me on the first day. I don't want to see you hirt so i hope we can have that talk we arranged at 8 this evening and don't worry about me il be back soon

From Connor Gray

@Leaf Fi

Suzumaki was staring down at the floor, watching her feet when she heard someone enter the room, she looked up to see Jean waving at her and smiled.

Running over to her she bounced up and down, "You're in art? Sugoi~" She said as she danced around the room, "I wonder where we'll sit?"

She then saw Ichigo enter the room and ran over to her, "Oh hey!~" and began to dance around again, waiting to be seated by a teacher.



Ryuzaki was patiently waiting for the girls answer when suddenly irritation grew over him as Connor took her hand in his. Ryuzaki watched the boy with a glare as he left the room then looked back at Yumi.

"I'm not impressed?"

His glare grew a bit more as he stood up, "Heeh~ That makes two of us." Meaning he's not impressed either. He gave a wave to the teacher, "I gotta piss." The left the room, leaving Takanashi Sensei a little dumbfounded.

He made his way to the rooftop and began to smoke a cigarette.

@Leaf Fi

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura listened very closely to what Connor was saying, nodding after each pause. He leaned forward onto his desk and tilted his head, "Want to enlighten me on what's bothering you?" He asked, continuing to speak with a gentle tone.

He would give people a stare that somehow caused them to continue talking whether they thought he was listening or not...the stare was just...relaxing.

Jean chuckled watching Suzumaki bounce up and down in front of her. "Yeah I'm in art. English was my first language so no point in taking a class about it." Jean said. Jean looked at Ichigo and smiled. "Hi I don't believe we've met. I'm Jean Arkeasandaa." Jean said holding out her hand.

Takanashi Mei

Mei began writing English words down on the board; first she wrote a word in English writing and another in hiragana, the original Japanese writing system.

The bell had not rang yet, she was just preparing for it to so that when it did she was ready to start class.

Turning around she noticed a student waving his way out of the classroom, she left it be.

Takanashi Sensei is not strict at all...after all, she's from America.

"it's....it's my brother's death today and my mother's death in two day's and i just don't want others to just get in trouble for my problems. I just i just want to have a normal life is that so wrong" he said starting to get upset not crying though but upset. He then begun to continue say that he want's frainds and have a good life. "my farther just...he he wasn't a good man...he abused my mum until the point that she died..." he said looking at him hopeing he would help him a little @Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi winced. 'Again with that word...' How it didn't bother anyone else, she didn't know. Perhaps she was just being too sensitive? The brunette decided not to ponder on it as she opened the letter in her hand, reading every sentence carefully, almost as if they contained the world's secrets within them. Her green eyes softened once she finished the letter, a gentle 'aww' escaping her mouth. She noted the time to meet Connor at once more inside her head and stretched her arms upwards, relaxing.

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
((Lol Connor and Ryuzaki have the same backstory xD except Ryuzaki's mom is just hospitalized and his dad is in prison.))

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura continued to listen then stood up, taking a seat closer to Connor. "I'm not asking for many details Connor but, explain to me; do you remember what your mother was like? Or your brother?"

He questioned gently.



Ryuzaki stared up at the sky, smoking his cigarette.

The actions of Connor struck him irritated again and he allowed the cancer stick to fall to the ground; stepping on it to put it out.

He sat down, taking the weight of his body off of his legs, and relaxed his hands behind his head.

"What's with her? Can't take a joke?" He thought, trying to dismiss the fact that it wasn't Yumi's words that bothered him, he was just jealous.

@Leaf Fi

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