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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jean pouted playfully. "Whatever." Jean said turning her back on Suzumaki. She smiled and giggled her chicken looked awful but she was proud at least it looked like a chicken. With long legs. Jean sighed, "I'll never get the hang of drawing." She said. @Suzumaki Arakai @Art Class

Omi blinked and moved back as well smiling nervously. He took the cup of water Sato handed him and nodded. "Thanks." He said and sat down next to Sato on the couch. "Yeah I remember. She was very pretty." Omi said awkwardly sipping his water. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki picked up the piece of paper she had crumpled up and thrown down; she uncrumpled it and showed it to Jean with a smile, "Mine's bad but not that bad." She said, continuing to giggle.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.213eb4cd37471bd3118a93f798533154.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59561" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.213eb4cd37471bd3118a93f798533154.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura continued to stare at the ceiling; taking a sip from his water every now and then.

He glanced over at Omi for a second then quickly looked away, "She's getting married to Mei-chans brother."

Sato laughed at the thought and finished off his water; that was quick...

He situated himself to a more comfortable position with one ankle resting on the other's knee; technically his legs are crossed.

Then he began staring at Omi without thinking, "If I had to say...he's about a...9? 10 maybe? Wait isn't that just personal opinion? Why do I have an opinion of that sort? Wait maybe it's normal...I'll have to ask Mei-chan later...or maybe it'll weird her out...pfft nah~ she loves that kind of thing."




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Rin woke up and glanced at everybody in the classroom.Seeing that they were busy,she went sat up straight and debated whether she should talk to Jean or remain sitting.
Jean looked over at Rin for a little bit when she was sleeping. 'She looks so peaceful.' She thought smiling. She then looked back at Suzumaki and her drawing and started laughing. "Oh my God! I feel so bad for Mr. Cluckles." She said between laughter. @Zyra Charlotte @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi drank his water on the occasion looking at Sato out of the corner of his eye. "No kidding? Who would've thought." Omi said laughing along with Sato. He wasn't finished with his water and looked over at Sato who was staring at him. "What's up? Is there something on my face?" Omi asked tilting his head a bit and putting his hand on his cheek.

Suzumaki began to laugh, she kicked her feet around; still sitting in the floor.

"I got hungry halfway through the drawing." She said with a breathy voice then looked over to see a blonde girl glancing at her and Jean. She gave the girl a wave, "Oi!!~ come over-" but the girl was already making her way over so Suzumaki just smiled.

@Zyra Charlotte

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura was still stuck in his thoughts; he didn't notice Omi trying to figure out what he was staring for.

Without thinking, he leaned forward; legs no longer crossed, and got really close to Omi's face.

Just as he was about to plant a kiss on his lips he came to and widened his eyes.

He's now hiding behind his window curtain with his head poking out; throwing his finger around at Omi.

"Quit with that seductive behavior! It's not right! Do you see what you've done!?" And now his actions are somehow Omi's fault.

Jean chuckled at Suzumaki response. She then focused her attention on Rin. "Hiya Rin. I hope you're doing away better job than us on the chicken project." Jean said giggling. @Zyra Charlotte

Omi continued to look at Sato confuse until he was about to kiss him. "Woah Sato!" Omi said removing his hand from his face, he watched Sato move away and hid behind the window curtain and blame him for being the seductive one. Omi's face was completely red from blushing. "W-what? How am I the seductive one! I was just wondering why you were staring at me!" Omi said pointing back at Sato. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki laughed towards the girls attempted compliment, "I hope ours aren't better than yours...if so...we've got a problem." She laughed between words as she showed the girl her chicken doodle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.724fcd4dfa7b08241fc8f94f1b0d7def.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59582" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.724fcd4dfa7b08241fc8f94f1b0d7def.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
@Aero @zyra

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura dropped down into a crouching position; still hidden behind the curtain. He hid his face in his hands, "I-I don't know! I was staring because you had this look that said come at me! Kind of like the one women give you when they're all flustered and I wasn't thinking man!" He plopped down on his knees and slithered over to Omi, grabbing his knees.

"Maybe I need to see a counselor or something...you know any good counselors!?" He asked with pleading eyes...a counselor asking for counseling.




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Jean laughed. "I agree with Suzmaki, your's is probaby waaayy better." Jean said showing Rin her chicken smiling. @Zyra Charlotte

http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f264/Braithwaite_87/My Aesop Fable/chicken-dance.gif
Omi blinked. "Well I'm sorry my look gave you the wrong idea?" Omi said. He watched as Sato slithered over grabbing his knees asking for a counselor. "Well, uh. Other than you I don't know any other counselor. But Mitsurgi-sensei gives out good advice." Omi said with a smile patting his friend on the head trying to comfort him. Then he remembered what Kenichi said and shook his head blushing again. "No nevermind don't ask Mitsurgi-sensei for advice!" Omi said with a sigh. @Suzumaki Arakai
Claire took out her pencils and what not to start drawing, she glanced over at the other students, who had seemed to already have grouped together and she didn't see anyone else.., why was she so slow at fitting in? Oh well, she decided she should focus on drawing what she was asked to draw which wa-....a chicken? She gave the teacher a confused look before shrugging and drawing the chicken.

@mikko @anyone
Jean smiled. "Well, can I see your chicken drawing Rin." Jean asked curious to see what her new friend has drawn. @Zyra Charlotte
Rin's eyes widened,before showing Jean her work."H-Here..."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cluck.jpg.74f56f149b2bda4c98884ade6effec8f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cluck.jpg.74f56f149b2bda4c98884ade6effec8f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Suzumaki was now drawing another chicken; her attention towards it was full on. Nothing could distract her now.

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura was making a mental note to ask Kenichi for advice but erased it shortly after Omi shot him with a nevermind.

He played the events that just happened back over again and realized that what he did was actually a big deal in its own way, "oh wow man...dude I was gonna kiss you." He made an attempt to pull at his hair but realized that it was pinned up and he didn't feel like having to fix it.

He returned to sitting on the couch like a normal person a buried his face in his hands.


((Heads up, it's 3 am and I gotta sleep xD nighty night!))
Jean chuckled at Suzumaki's concentration. She looked at Rin's chicken one more time and looked at it in awe. "That looks awesome!" Jean said staring at the picture. @Zyra Charlotte

Omi patted Sato on the back. "Yeah, you were and what was weirder is that I was going to kiss you back." Omi said. When he realized what he said he took his han away from Sato's back and hid his own face in his hands. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that! Well I did but wait no-ugh!" Omi mumbled in his hands. @Suzumaki Arakai

((I'm going to sleep as well, night!))
Rin thanked her.She then showed Jean a drawing of herself."J-Jean....I-I know you might find t-this creepy....b-but....w-what d-do you think?"
Jean looked at Rin's drawing of her and smiled. "That isn't creepy at all! We're friends right? So I don't mind I love being a model!" Jean said giggling and posing like the thinker. She then went back to a normal pose and nodded. "I think it looks really good." Jean said giving a thumbs up. @Zyra Charlotte
Jean smiled. "I would love to draw my friends but with my terrible drawing skills it wouldn't look good." Jean said with a sigh. @Zyra Charlotte
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura flinched at Omi's words, "Oh god! We both need counseling...this isn't like us, not at all! We always got the ladies back in the old days remember? We're not...y'know..." Miyamura spoke through his hand in a whisper, "gay.." After whispering it his face turned red but sour at the same time. He stood up and began to pace back and forth, holding his chin; his other arm crossed.

"Maybe we're just still dumbstruck from this morning...let's not talk to each other for the rest of the day." He says confidently with a nod and a rough thumbs up towards Omi.

He then marched out of his office and quickly headed to the cafeteria; the vending machine, and bought himself a granola bar then headed outside.

Once he was in the courtyard he laid down on the bench where he and Omi had talked yesterday and began staring up at the sky.

"I've just gotta avoid him."


Takanashi Mei

Mei continued to read her book; looking up every now and then to see if the students were listening. She began to jot more things down on the board with the definition and translations in Japanese along side them.

She was just waiting for Yumi to retrieve Tanaka.

@Leaf Fi


Ryuzaki had fallen asleep on the roof; hands rested behind his head and one leg propped up.

The breeze from the rooftop felt nice and it relaxed him; sleeping is his favorite hobby...if that's what you want to call it.

The boys hair fell back a little off his forehead due to the position he was laying in; not that he has too much hair to begin with.

Little did he know that his peace and quiet was about to be broken by a certain someone.

@Leaf Fi
Matoko noticed the glares Riika took of him from time to time, and replied wih a smile, everytime their eyes met, which happened quite alot actually, since he was doing the exact same thing. '...I don't know why.. But i really like her, ' He thought.


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