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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro nodded at Yumi before entering the room. He sat in his favorite seat ever...just kidding. The teen sat down in his assigned front seat just as the bell rang. His green eyes paused at the teacher who opened his laptop. Why am I the only one in the front row? He thought to himself as he looked to his right and left. Everyone else wasnt there yet.
BobbyW said:
Matoko giggled at their reactions regarding his Little joke, but layed his Hand on to his shoulder, once Emiko hit him. That... actually hurt a bit. The boy then turned towards Emiko, when he noticed that both she and Claire weren't moving, and waited a bit for Claire to catch up on them. "Alright then, let's go!" Well, good that i showed up when i was needed. A smile slowly started to form on Matoko's face again, as they then reached the Classroom. He almost instantly shifted his gaze towards Riika, and waved at her, trying to say something like 'I'm back!' The teen suddenly came to a halt, and turned his head towards Claire. "Hey Claire, since today is your first day, you should check in with Gurin-Sensei really quick." Matoko gestured over to the teacher, and then continued moving towards Riika again. He wasn't sure how much time he had left, but, it would most likely still be enough to check in with on her.
Riika heard a familiar voice and she raised her head to face Matoko, she smiled as greeting and watched him getting closer. 'So sir, you helped a couple of lost students. Goldy.' The teen chuckled and locked her eyes on Matoko. 'Where is your seat?' She wanted to know how far they would be separated from each other, but she could throw far, so writing notes to him would never be a problem. Still, she would be happier if he was close by.
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki shrugged, as far that was possible when your head was laying on a desk. 'I just chuckled.' He raised his head and studied the boy a bit more. Long eyelashes... He looked a little longer and then turned his gaze towards the window. He would love to be outside right now, dancing between the plants or something. He chuckled again and sighed. If I just had enough money.
Hajime sighed. 'Chuckling again.' She thought glancing uo to see him looking outside. "Satsuki.... Is an interesting name." She murmured, trying to get more out of him. All of this chatting was just waiting for class to start. It felt like ages since she's been in here.

Suzumaki noticed the movements of Omi Sensei and paused...then she continued drawing.



Ryuzaki lifted his head with a yawn and stared up at the ceiling; thinking about her question.

"Maaa~ I guess."

It didn't occur to him to ask the question back, he just continued to stare at the ceiling as he played with his eraser.

@Leaf Fi
Corgi said:
Hajime sighed. 'Chuckling again.' She thought glancing uo to see him looking outside. "Satsuki.... Is an interesting name." She murmured, trying to get more out of him. All of this chatting was just waiting for class to start. It felt like ages since she's been in here.
Satsuki flicked Hajime on his head and rolled his eyes. 'Laughing is good you know?' He grinned and nodded to his compliment. 'Thank you, I guess. I don't hear that much.' The boy replied nicely and was surprised by his long eyelashes again. They would be perfect if he was a girl. Quickly he waved the thought away and continued looking out of the window.
Hobbesisalive said:
Riika heard a familiar voice and she raised her head to face Matoko, she smiled as greeting and watched him getting closer. 'So sir, you helped a couple of lost students. Goldy.' The teen chuckled and locked her eyes on Matoko. 'Where is your seat?' She wanted to know how far they would be separated from each other, but she could throw far, so writing notes to him would never be a problem. Still, she would be happier if he was close by.
Riika's greeting made Matoko smile just as well. "Well, i didn't really expect to cross their ways either, but, pretty much, yeah.... Kitty-Cat." He rubbed his head as a Response to her question, and started looking around, when he then, pointed to a seat, that was actually, pretty Close to her's. "Right there!" Oh cool, our seats are Close.

"That's good to hear." Yumi nodded her head once and found herself yawning as well, thanks to Ryuzaki's contagious yawn. She hadn't really expected the question to be shot back to her, so it wasn't a huge deal when silence fell over the pair. It was a little nice, actually. That, and Yumi had a hunch he probably wasn't a morning person, so she didn't want to bombard him with questions. Listening to the idle chat around the room, she rested her chin on the palm of her hand and glanced out the nearest window, zoning out.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki flicked Hajime on his head and rolled his eyes. 'Laughing is good you know?' He grinned and nodded to his compliment. 'Thank you, I guess. I don't hear that much.' The boy replied nicely and was surprised by his long eyelashes again. They would be perfect if he was a girl. Quickly he waved the thought away and continued looking out of the window.
Hajime nodded. "I know." She said, staring out the window now. It was.. Calming. She wanted to ask if he knew that she was actually a she, but she felt that was rude so she would only tell if he asked. "It's nice." She said, referring to the outside
Emiko and Kazue found their seats (I may or may not have forgotten who they sit by.). Emiko sat in her desk and stretched her limbs. She then put her headphones back in and laid her head on her desk. Kazue on the other hand looked out the window. He was zoning out and hoping no one would disturb him.

@Whoever wants to talk to them

Riika grinned as Matoko pointed to the seat where he was placed. "Prepare for things being thrown at you." She stretched her arms while saying so and smirked towards the boy. There was nothing so good as messing with him. Riika stood up and walked towards her own seat, signing Matoko to do the same. Sweet he is right in front of me! The girl turned around a bit to face him and poked his shoulder. "I can even reach you from here." Again her smirk grew bigger by the words that she said.


He was surprised by the voice of the boy. Was it a boy? How longer Satsuki looked at him, the more the shape of a girl appeared. A bit shy he rubbed his neck and decided to just ask, he didn't like awkward scenes and was straight forward. "Hey Hajime, ehm are you a girl?" The teen locked his eyes on hers and chuckled a bit. "If so, then I am sorry that I mistook you for a boy."


"Eh?" She turned and looked to the top of the class room "oh, right...but wouldn't he be already notified of my arrival?...I suppose then again I don't have an assigned seat yet.." she replied as she looked around "Thank you" she said quietly before going to the front of the class to see where her seat would be.

((So my character hasn't been given a seat in the overview, am I stuck until someone updates? ;- ;) )
Asher stood in the front of the class. "Um... Where do I sit?" He asked.

(Asher wasn't given a seat yet so should I just have him sit in the back or something?)
Hobbesisalive said:

Riika grinned as Matoko pointed to the seat where he was placed. "Prepare for things being thrown at you." She stretched her arms while saying so and smirked towards the boy. There was nothing so good as messing with him. Riika stood up and walked towards her own seat, signing Matoko to do the same. Sweet he is right in front of me! The girl turned around a bit to face him and poked his shoulder. "I can even reach you from here." Again her smirk grew bigger by the words that she said.


He was surprised by the voice of the boy. Was it a boy? How longer Satsuki looked at him, the more the shape of a girl appeared. A bit shy he rubbed his neck and decided to just ask, he didn't like awkward scenes and was straight forward. "Hey Hajime, ehm are you a girl?" The teen locked his eyes on hers and chuckled a bit. "If so, then I am sorry that I mistook you for a boy."


Hajime smiled slightly. Her lip hurt but she smiled anyways. "I am." She said, starting to explain, "I dress like a guy because the clothes are easier to move in and the shorter hair is easier to maintain. Sorry for the confusion, and don't feel bad, it happens a lot." She lifted her head and put her hand to her mouth. She softened her features and it surprisingly made her look more feminine.
Front Of Class

Aaron & Hajime & Keade & Riika & Akari & Mori

Aiko & Ichigo & Ryu & Satsuki & Akima & Rayisho

Ashe & Koichi & Kazue & Suzumaki & Haru & Riku

Claire & Jean & Makoto & Chihiro & Kuma & Zoe

Connor & Jethro & Matsuo & Ryuzaki & Len & Zane

Emiko & Juvia & Maya & Yumi & Lizabeth

Back Of Class

(( Random Narrator: The new seating chart was given and everyone moved from their current seats to their new ones.))

After getting her seat she made her way over to it and sat down, she wasn't anywhere near the people she had met earlier from what she could see but at least it was a window seat she smiled as she looked out the window, spacing out a bit.

Asher took his seat and stared out the window since it was right there. He thought about making some friends. He figured it would be easy to make friends because everyone seemed so nice.
Ichigo sat down in her new seat, a bit dreamy but feeling nice and refreshed from sleep. She took out her notebook and what not then put her head in the palm of her hand, then looking at the sky which seemed painted on and no too bright to her. Ichigo let go of it as she saw others talking and what not, "Ah, boring..." She said to herself as she drummed the desk with her fingers. She saw that Hajime was more feminine than usual which was great for her, Ichigo glancing at her but smiling at her briefly. "Hey Aiko, What's up" she said casually.

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Satsuki stared at the girl for a moment and blinked before grinning. "You are actually more interesting then I thought." He smiled and took a closer look. "But still, you are cute" the teen laughed and got on his feet. "Damn, my seat isn't here anymore." He sighed and grabbed his bag, shoving it towards his new seat. "It was nice to meet you Hajime," were his last words before he disappeared to his new seat.

Kawaii said:
Ichigo sat down in her seat, sleepy but feeling nice and refreshed from sleep. She took out her notebook and what not then put her head in the palm of her hand, then looking at the sky which seemed painted on and no too bright to her. Ichigo let go of it as she saw others talking and what not, "Ah, boring..." She said to herself as she drummed the desk with her fingers. She saw that Hajime was more feminine than usual which was great for her, Ichigo glancing at her but smiling at her briefly. "Hey Aiko, What's up" she said casually.
Aiko moved to her seat and waved at Ichigo. "I'm good, how about you?" She asks, smiling. She was haooy she had friends. It was fun spending time with others, honestly. (that was really short, sorry.)
Jean frowned. 'Great not only do I still not have my window seat. I still have nobody I know beside me, at least Jet's behind me.' Jean thought to herself letting out a sigh. She looked over and envied the girl who zoned out looking out the window.

The tardy bell rang and Omi stood up and took attendance based off the seating chart. It only took a minute and he set down the clipboard. "Alright class, the English teacher will be here in about nine minutes or so. Those who are not fluent in the English language will just sit were you are now and wait for the teacher. Those who are fluent in English will head over to the Art room and have art class with Tacibana-sensei." Omi went to the board and wrote the names of the students in the right class. Once he was done he looked at his class. "Also, I apologize for not getting these to you sooner. But when you have me for reading and writing in the afternoon I will pass out your personal map of the school. You can do whatever you like to them." Omi said smiling calmly like always.

Suzumaki stood up with a pouty face and drug her stuff to her new seat, slamming the seat out from under the desk, she takes a seat and slams her head down.

After a second she looks up at the boy beside her and grins wide, "Hello!~ I'm Suzumaki! Nice to meetcha!"

Then she turned her attention towards Omi Sensei who had began talking.



Ryuzaki moved to his new seat and noticed that, once again, he was sitting in front of Yumi.

He didn't say anything; just stayed silent as he listened to Omi make announcements.

@Leaf Fi
"I'm good, but I am still wondering the mysteries of Hajime, she is weird but, not so much" she said with her eyes staring at Hajime, almost glaring at her. Ichigo was about the same height as Hajime, maybe taller or shorter but still wondered why to give up her feminity just to protect someone. She sighed as she said to Aiko, "Is she your sister or something?"

Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki stared at the girl for a moment and blinked before grinning. "You are actually more interesting then I thought." He smiled and took a closer look. "But still, you are cute" the teen laughed and got on his feet. "Damn, my seat isn't here anymore." He sighed and grabbed his bag, shoving it towards his new seat. "It was nice to meet you Hajime," were his last words before he disappeared to his new seat.
Hajime, raised an eyebrow at hia first semtence. "Oh, really?" She said, eyes widening at his next sentence. Her face became red as she looked away, not saying anything as she got up and moved to her assigned seat. She put her stuff at the desk and left the room. Her face was burning and she didn't know of she was mad or what. It was confusing. She quickly went to the womens bathroom and held her breathe for a bit to calm her down if she was mad.
Kazue sighed when he had to move seats. So much for not being bothered. He sat in his new seat and looked around. Great, he knew no one. Except for a girl he met briefly the other day. What was her name? Ichi? Scratchy? Ichigo! Yeah that's right. She didn't sit directly by her but it was close. He heard the girl to his side and looks at her. He flashes her a smile and nods to her.

"Hey, Suzumaki. I'm Kazue. Nice to meet you too." he said and turned his attention to the teacher.

Emiko stood up and moved seats, seeing she was next to people she really didn't know. She bit her lip and looked around.

"At least I'm still by the window and in the back." she said and looked at Omi-sama when he spoke.

"Hey I speak pretty good English!"

@Suzumaki Arakai

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