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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro just eyed Suzumaki as she went around him and lightly punched him. The girl managed to land an unexpected final punch though right on his stomach. Jet looked away then back at Suzumaki to momentarily study her. The teen slightly furrowed his brows at the girl. He gave the chocolate chip cookies to Suzumaki then rapidly returned his hand to his side, "There, eat your cookies". His hand swiftly moved through his hair while he attempted to divert his attention to something else.

@Suzumaki Arakai
((Sorry @mikko I had to send Claire home, if you still want to interact with her just pop up somewhere :D ))


Claire woke up with a yawn and a stretch, she groggily looked around to find her alarm clock which was screaming at her, she focused her eyes on it the backlight from it still straining her tired eyes as she lazily reached over to switch it off. She got out of her bed, got a quick shower and put on her school uniform, straightening out the creases as she made her way to the kitchen to pour some cereal for herself, keeping a keen eye on the time as she ate. She didn't really take time to notice if she actually had a roommate or not, she didn't see anyone around so perhaps not. Not that it mattered of course. After finishing up her cereal and putting the bowl in the sink she grabbed her school bag and made her way to the door. Stepping out and walking to the school building to attend her first day of school.

@anyone who is free?
Conor's phone begun to ring "hello...yeah....yeah i know.....I SAID I KNOW!!!!!.....sorry....yeah it's kind of hard right now to alk about it. I know you there dad..and mum to...the other's are fine.. i only told one...i trust her okay....she's going to talk to me tonight after....today...okay il see you outside the gate.....love you to dad.." He said as he put his phone away that shout can be heard threwout the dorm's as well as insid the rooms he was to loud. He then calmed down and returned to his more fraindlyer nature but he could tell the other's heard him

@Leaf Fi @Aero @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @True Queen Ashe
Hajime finally woke up after most likely being a bit late to class. It didn't effect how quickly she did anything, probably because she didn't really care much. She was still thinking of the words Jet said last night. With a sigh, she got up and went to take a shower, dry her hair, and walking over to her wardrobe to get dressed. She didn't especially want to wear a blazer so she put on a button up shirt and navy pants before taking her book bag and walking out the door. She looked like a pretty big mess at the time, a section of her lip looked a bit swollen and her arm was bandaged. Though, once again, it's not like she cared. She made her way to the classroom and entered silently before sitting down. She kept and eye on Aiko while doing so, but was trying not to be to over protective of the girl. 'This is hard...' She thought, sighing and slamming her head on the desk.

Ringo yawned as he found himself sprawled out on the floor of his small office. He stared at the ceiling and chuckled. This happened quite often, since he dislikes going home anyways. He gets up, running his hands through his pale hair and walking over to the cabinents, pulling out a spare change of clothes, tooth brush, toothpaste, and another flower crown. He did all he needed and yawned again, stretching and putting the clothes in the bin that he takes home to wash clothes. It's not necessarily his home, at all, it's his dorm at the college he's attending. He wiped his eyes and left the room, energetic as always
Rinshara Yoshida lazily dragged his body at the direction of Kyoto High. Today, he felt especially lacking of energy and just wanted to spend the whole day in bed, but unfortunately, he had business to do. Probably. Not even he was sure of his own teaching schedule, if any. He supposed he'd have to ask the headmaster about that, but frankly, the less he had to talk with that man, the better. As he voluntarily wore out his own legs, he thanked whatever gods may be for the relative nearness of the school to his apartment.

Several minutes pass and the white-haired man finally reached school grounds. Now was the matter of getting to the infirmary. At least that was easier. Unlocking the doors, he entered the facility, muttering a half-hearted, "I've arrived...", mostly for courtesy's sake. It wasn't like there was anyone to answer it, this early into the day.
[QUOTE="Lazy Rocktime]Rinshara Yoshida lazily dragged his body at the direction of Kyoto High. Today, he felt especially lacking of energy and just wanted to spend the whole day in bed, but unfortunately, he had business to do. Probably. Not even he was sure of his own teaching schedule, if any. He supposed he'd have to ask the headmaster about that, but frankly, the less he had to talk with that man, the better. As he voluntarily wore out his own legs, he thanked whatever gods may be for the relative nearness of the school to his apartment.
Several minutes pass and the white-haired man finally reached school grounds. Now was the matter of getting to the infirmary. At least that was easier. Unlocking the doors, he entered the facility, muttering a half-hearted, "I've arrived...", mostly for courtesy's sake. It wasn't like there was anyone to answer it, this early into the day.

"Welcome back Yoshida-chan!" Ringo said, lively as ever. He skipped around and got everything prepared, re-laying the heets of paper over the beds, cleaning up a bit, and definitly dusting. "How was your sleep?" He asks, not looking at him to tell since he was to busy cleaning. He sounded tired when he said he arrived, so Ringo'll probably tell him to go lay down and rest and let him do the work needed.

He noticed a rather unfamiliar voice call out his name, which was strange since last he checked, he was first and only person in the infirmary. Looking around, he caught sight of a petite-looking boy with white hair just like him, but splattered with a few shades of pink and blue. Ririn felt like he should now this guy, but....didn't. Did he miss anything?

"Uhh....my sleep was fine, I guess," he awkwardly answered and followed with his own question. "Forgive my memory, but...who are you?"
Lazy Rocktime] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17998-corgi/ said:
He noticed a rather unfamiliar voice call out his name, which was strange since last he checked, he was first and only person in the infirmary. Looking around, he caught sight of a petite-looking boy with white hair just like him, but splattered with a few shades of pink and blue. Ririn felt like he should now this guy, but....didn't. Did he miss anything?

"Uhh....my sleep was fine, I guess," he awkwardly answered and followed with his own question. "Forgive my memory, but...who are you?"
Ringo chuckled at his question. "I'm you're assistant/appretice thing. I'm here to help out, basically, and learn." He said, already knowing much about him. He actually knows a lot about the people here already. He likes to know who he's working with and/or taking care of. "Name's Ringo!" He said, now standing in front of him and giving him a welcoming smile.
Ririn met the boy's bright smile with a softer one. Quite frankly, he didn't remember having an assistant at all, but help he could not complain about. But now that he knew he worked here, there were other questions in mind? Did he live inside the infirmary?

"Right then, nice to meet you. Since you're my assistant, I suppose you've heard about me. You're quite the early bird, aren't you? Showing up here this early takes quite the dedication."
[QUOTE="Lazy Rocktime]Ririn met the boy's bright smile with a softer one. Quite frankly, he didn't remember having an assistant at all, but help he could not complain about. But now that he knew he worked here, there were other questions in mind? Did he live inside the infirmary?
"Right then, nice to meet you. Since you're my assistant, I suppose you've heard about me. You're quite the early bird, aren't you? Showing up here this early takes quite the dedication."

"Indeed I have." He said, smiling and continuing, "I fell asleep in the office area back there. It happened so often at a different school that I made sure the leave a change of clothes and anythign I needed in a small corner in a cabinent." He said, explaining what happened. "Sorry if that's weird." He said, nervously laughing. "So.... Uhm..." He said, unsure of what to say, "Are you a morning person?" He asks, curious about him.
As much as a klutz as he was at times, but scores more prepared. Turning out to be a nice assistant, this one. His question was, for him, a bit peculiar.

"As you can probably see and as many others would tell you....no, I'm not a morning person," he replied with a jokingly snide tone, complete with a smug smirk. "If it wasn't for work, I'd still be in bed right now."
[QUOTE="Lazy Rocktime]As much as a klutz as he was at times, but scores more prepared. Turning out to be a nice assistant, this one. His question was, for him, a bit peculiar.
"As you can probably see and as many others would tell you....no, I'm not a morning person," he replied with a jokingly snide tone, complete with a smug smirk. "If it wasn't for work, I'd still be in bed right now."

"Ah." He said, remembering that he helped otehrs yesterday and put them into the computer, "I already know how to do what I need to, so you don't have to teach me. If you'd like, you can sleep for a bit and I can take care of what needs to be taken care of." Ringo offered. He enjoys helping others so if he could help multiple people at a time, he would.
Rinshara nodded in approval. He liked this guy. "Alright, then. Wake up when someone calls for me, I'll be in my office," and with that, lumbered off towards his sparsely decorated office.

(Be sleeping after this btw)

Suzumaki watched Jethro with a nervous expression, "Come on!"

She had been wanting these cookies for a while now and the time has finally come.

Jethro allowed her the cookies and she grabbed them with a cheer, "Banzai!~"

While cheering she decided to give Jethro a hug and eat two cookies at the same time.

"Tank you Jefro!"

Her mouth was full as she spoke with a closed smile and big round cheeks.

@RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @Aero
Asher stood in the classroom watching as people walked in. He wanted to get to know someone but he didn't want to take the chance of coming out as some weird person. "Would anyone want to talk to me?" He thought.
Emiko walked around her dorm in a towel, grabbing her clothes and checking them out before putting them on. She then went back to the bathroom and hopped up on the counter and dried her hair. Today she put it up in a messy ponytail leaving some hair down in the front as well as her bangs. She added a giant red bow. She put on a little bit of mascara and smiled at her reflection. She grabbed her phone and headphones, putting her headphones in and slipped her phone in her pocket. She grabbed her backpack as well and slung it over her shoulder, finding her recent favorite song by Andy Black and putting it on replay. She hummed softly while she walked, on the way to class already.

Kazue stood by the bleachers on the track, his arms raised and his breathing shallow. He looked around, the sun barely peeking over the tree tops. He wiped the sweat from his forehead onto the back of his palm and walked over to the fence, grabbing his shirt and throwing it over one shoulder. He walked back to the dorms, his morning ritual of running four miles complete. He walked to the dorms and up to his dorm, hopping into the shower for a quick one before school. He jumped out and decided to put on a loose fitting hoodie with no sleeves, a pair of khaki's, and his torn vans. He grabbed his backpack and went back down stairs, walking to class.

Ryuzaki made it to the group and looked down at the short girl with cookies parading her mouth as she hugged Jethro, then he looked at Yumi with a raised brow. Basically he was asking; just without words, "You gonna let her do that?"

Looking back behind him he checked again to see if the 'one and five' girl followed him.

Matoko noticed a Boy, Standing in the middle of the classroom, with a doubtfull Expression on his face. Huh, i didn't see him yesterday in class, he must've arrived today. Matoko felt bad for the Boy, since most of the students already managed to make friends, including himself. He smiled at the guy, giving him a Little wave, trying to make him come over, then exchanged a glimps with Riika, but quickly locking his eyes back on to the Student.

He looked pretty average, and like a nice enough Person to converse with.

@AsherConte @Hobbesisalive
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Jethro smiled a bit at Suzumaki and hugged the girl back, "You're welcome, Suzumaki". He let go of the girl before looking around, "Yo, let's get to class". It was starting in a couple of minutes. The teen looked over at his dorm mate and did the same thing she had done with him earlier. Jet gently grabbed her wrist then began walking to their first class.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi happily hugged the small orange haired girl with a smile on her face. "Morning to you too, Suzumaki!" She greeted back, waving to Jean once she was released. "Morning to you as well," she chirped before glancing back at Suzumaki, just in time to see her hopping around Jethro like a boxer in a match before punching his stomach. He didn't seem to react too much to it though; instead handing over the cookies to the mini fighter who happily began to eat them.

The sounds of footsteps distracted Yumi for a second and she turned to see the source. The tall boy stopped not too far from the group and he shot her a questioning look. The brunette rose an eyebrow in reply, blinking in confusion, 'What do you mean by that?' Her actions asked back, and Yumi was about to vocalise it when Jethro had taken her wrist and began to walk off. "Hmm? Oh, yeah..." Her green orbs glanced back at Ryuzaki. She'd have to ask him later.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Aero @RyanJXavier
Emiko made it into school, and looked around for the class, she was lost since she really didn't "go to class" the other day. She took her headphones out and looked around, trying to see if anyone knew where to go. "This is what I get for falling asleep in my room the other day." she sighed out. She already had a poor sense of direction so not knowing where to go was even worse for her.

Kazue stuffed his hands in his pocket, walking down the hall and looking for his little pink friend. He spotted her thanks to her off colored hair and red bow. He jogged over to her and saw that she looked confused. "You ok, Em?" he asked her and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked like she was totally lost, now that he thought about it, he didn't know where to go either. "Aw, shit."
After a while, Jethro released Yumi's wrist and continued walking toward the room. "Glad our work paid off" He stated regarding the cookies they had made the previous night. Suzumaki really seemed to like them. The teen began to recall the events from the previous night. That was only the first day of school. He thought to himself before glancing at Yumi.

@Leaf Fi

Suzumaki happily ate her cookies and followed Jethro and Yumi to class along with Jean, she glanced back at Ryuzaki who was just watching them all go with a blank expression; she threw her hands in the air and turned to face him but continued to walk backwards towards the school building.

"See yaaaaa~!" She yelled with a smile.

Once they made it to class Suzumaki sat down in front of Jean's assigned seat and pulled out her notebook.

"Do we take notes in here?" She thoughts as she began doodling.


(quick update on connor for you all :3 )

Connor was in his farther's car. Well adopted farther. Thay begun to ride towards the graveyard as he then had something in his had. He had a small music box.This music box was given by his mother the day before she died. It was supposed to be vinnie's but thay given it to him instead to remember him. He was 2 years old when he died of SIDS. He then walked close to the graveyard and went to the center. He then sat down on the floor nearly in tears and begun to play it. He wound it up till it can't be wound no more. And let go and placed it on the ground. He listened to the tune. It was saddening he begun to cry bucket leads of tears begun to trickle down his cheeks. He couldn't handle it with a straght face he just couldn't.


"Mmm! She wasted no time in eating them, anyways," Yumi laugh with an amused shake of her head, the image of Suzumaki with puffed out cheeks flashing in her head. As soon as her wrist was released, she planted both hands behind her back, stepping in time with her dorm mate. Her eyes flickered up to his face, and her brows furrowed as his expression changed briefly. What emotion it was, she couldn't tell. "Everything okay?" Yumi asked as she opened the door to their classroom, blinking.


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