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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Yumi was soon finished with the dishes and left them out to dry on a drying rack, humming a soft tune under her breath. As soon as she dried her hands, she made her way to her side of the room and pulled out her school clothes and threw them over her arm. "I'm going to change in here, just knock if you need anything." Yumi told Jethro, pointing to the bathroom with her thumb before stepping inside. Swiftly, she locked the door and got herself ready for the day. Her green eyes locked on to her image in the mirror, smiling at herself as she quickly spun in a quick circle.

"Perfect." She concluded with a confident nod, unlocking the door and stepped outside. Jethro was fulled dressed now and she grinned, skipping up to him. "C'mon, we still have time left before class, so let's check up on everyone." The teen grabbed his wrist and walked out the door and into the hallway, locking it quickly before running off in search of her friends.

@RyanJXavier @Everyone

Suzumaki's hair was finished and she took a nice long look in the mirror, "Uwahaha! Thank you!" with a laugh she hugged Jean then heard someone knocking on the door.

She went into 'ninja' mode and snuck to the door, opening it gently and quietly. She peeked out of the small crack that she created and saw who it was.

Flinging the door open, she steps to the side with a bow.

"Oh! Conner! Come on in. OHAYO!" She speaks loudly and spirited then closes the door behind him as he enters.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura and Omi both headed out the door and down the road, "Luckily I live close by right?" he said with a laugh.

Adjusting his watch on his wrist he looked at Omi for a second then looked away, "H-hey..." he pondered on ow to ask the question he was needing an answer to.

"About...last night...do you think?" Miyamura was scratching at his cheek awkwardly; hoping that Omi would get the gist of the question without him having to say it completely.

"AHH" he said as he then enarly dropped the tea "Jesus christ dornt dae at" he said looking at her suddnly going to his this scottish accent speacking english again. He then calmed down and started saying japonease again "sorry it's just im a little jumpy today you know." he said looking at her "anyway jean how you been havn't spoke to you in a while i made you and suzumaki some tea i hope you both enjoy i also made coffee if you don't like it" he said smieling lightly as he then placed the tea and coffee's down.

@Aero @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean hugged her friend back. "No problem!" Jean said laughing. She watched Suzumaki move strangely to the door. When she opened the door it was there friend Connor. Jean walked next to Suzumaki. "Hi Connor." Jean said smiling. She saw that he had brought the two drinks and clapped her hands a bit. "Yay! I love tea!" Jean said excitedly. @drummerboi

Omi walked beside Sato and chuckled. "Yeah." He said. Omi knew it was coming, and Sato finally asked the question about last night. "I honestly don't think we did, 'it'. We both woke up with our clothes on so we probably either just spooned or canoodled." Omi said rubbing the back of his head, blushing a bit. It was weird thinking he did this with his friends. @Suzumaki Arakai
Ichigo replied, "Ichigo, Ichigo Shizuka. Nice to meet you." She said as she looked at him, bowing slightly. The guy was tall and seemed a bit annoyed for some reason, but it was nothing probably. She sighed mentally as she looked at her thumbs.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki looked at the drinks and perked up, "Oh wow! Thank you!" she grabbed some coffee and took a sip. "My dad always said I'm never allowed to drink coffee again, I dunno why though? I've only drank it once! Shishishi." She hugged he coffee to her chest, gently though so as not to spill any.

@Kawaii @Aero
"Yeah, why?" She questioned as she looked back at him. Ichigo was a bit happy that he didn't comment on her name meaning "Strawberry". He was a smoker, quitting as soon as some teachers came. Ichigo has seen him around the class, talking with a group sometimes.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki just shrugged at her words, "I dunno. I think I've heard your name during roll call."

He noticed the girl smile very lightly for a split second at her own thoughts, "What's funny?" He asks with a raised eye brow; his hands now rest in his pockets as he leans against the brick wall.

"well i hope you enjoy your drinks i won't be in class today il be in the main dorm room if you need me" he said smieling a tthe two before returning to the room sitting back down relazing haveing his own cup of tea he has a crap day ahead so he might as well have a good start before he had to fall back down to depression again. he tehn sighed as he contineud to drink his tea.
Jean looked at Suzumaki with a worried expression. 'She's already goofy, what will she be like with caffine?' Jean thought as she sipped her tea. "Oh I wonder why." Jean said chuckling a tiny bit. "Thank you for the drinks Connor." Jean looked at him and smiled before he left. She watched him leave and continued drinking her tea. @Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi

Omi nodded. "Agreed." Omi's blush started to fade away, when they started talking about something else while the two teachers walked into the courtyard. Omi sighed happily. "Yeah~ I remember those days." He said chuckling. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki smiled up at Jean, "Me too!?" she then chugged the entire cup of coffee and headed out the door to find some others.

But then she realized she left Jean and came back, "Let's go find the others!"


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura was lost in his thoughts as the two carried on; he then paused for a second and face-palmed. "Dammit." He said with frustration in his voice,

"I left my graded papers at home." With a sigh he continued on, "I'll just get them tomorrow."

The two made it to the courtyard then finally to the school building, Miyamura saw Omi off and headed towards his office.

"See ya around man."

Ichigo replied, "You didn't say anything about my name meaning Strawberry" she said as she knew after she said that, he was going to say something about it. People either said it first or the second time, but right now it wasn't important. Ichigo had just noticed he was super tall, about 6'0. Although Ichigo was tall for her age, he was taller. It soon drifted off her mind as she continued to conversation with Ryuzaki.

Ryuzaki looked confused and raised a brow, "I thought it meant one and five..." he scratched his chin and looked at the sky, "I wasn't really thinking about it though until you mentioned it." He looked over at her, "But since you said something...I now know your name means strawberry." He gives a sarcastic grin then his phone begins to buzz. He furrows his brow and lifts it from his pocket; glancing at the screen he sighs and shuts the phone, placing it back in his pocket.

"Annoying." he spoke in an irritated whisper.

Jean finished her tea and set the cup down on the table. She stood up and laughed when Suzumaki left her and then came back. "I'm coming!" Jean said and walked up to her friend. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi looked at his friend when he face-palmed. When he said he left his papers at home he chuckled a bit. When the made it to the school building and had to split ways Omi waved. "See ya bud!" Omi said smiling ans walked toward his class. He rubbed his head a bit. "Ugh, still got a headache." Omi whispered to himself. @Suzumaki Arakai
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"Oh, cool..." She said. Ichigo had giggled at his sarcasm which was funny. She noticed that he said something in a irritated voice, but she didn't want to say anything to annoy him. She had not given so much thought to what talk about. "Umm, What else?" She said, questioning if he was annoyed or not.

Suzumaki made her way out of the dormitory with Jean and looked around for anyone she knew. Through the corner of her eye she spotted Yumi holding onto Jethro's wrist. She began waving her arms around while running towards them, "Yumi~ Jethro~!!"

Once she got close enough she wrapped her arms around Yumi and gave a tight hug then stood in front of Jethro; looking up at him with big puppy dog eyes.

She clasped her hands together and smiled, waiting for cookies.

Jeab followed Suzumaki over to their group of friends. She stood next to Jethro and smiled at Suzumaki's puppy dog eyes. 'Oh yeah they owe her cookies.' Jean thought giggling a bit. @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi

Omi went to his room and slouched down on his chair. He went into his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of Ibuprofen. Omi smiled as he opened up the jar and took two pills swallowing them. He looked at the clock, there was enough time for him to take a quick nap. Omi crossed his arms on his desk and laid his head down. In a minute he fell asleep like that, softly snoring and all. His sleeping face faced the door, this way, if someone comes in and wakes him he can face them without looking like he was sleep.
"Huh, where? Can you get it for me?" She asked as she tried to get it off. She didn't even know she had it in her head in the first place! It was clear that he was taller than she couldn't see the top of her head, but he could. She it wasn't in her hand as she tried to find it, but didn't want disheveled her head.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki watched as the girl fidgeted, "Does it bother her that bad?" he wondered.

When the girl asked him to get it he sat quiet for a second then sighed, he took touching someone as a sign of intimacy so he didn't normally do it...

"Sit still." He said as he used both hands to remove the fuzz from the girls hair.

Once it was out he held it in the air and blew; the fuzz floated off and he watched it sway around with a nonchalant expression.

"You're good."

"Okay." She said as she stayed still, not moving a muscle. She watched fly away from her head as it swayed in the air, "Thank you, I didn't want people to laugh at me or anything." She sighed relieved that it was gone.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki studied the girl and her height, "Only people taller than you would notice." He placed his hands back in his pockets and looked out at the scenery.

The boy leaned up off the brick wall and began to head onto school grounds with a yawn.

"Besides, I didn't laugh did I?" He said, continuing to walk forward as he stared at the ground.

Looking up he notices Jam, Maki, blond boy, and Yumi. Again...he still ponders their names.

"What kind of name is Jam?" He thinks as he approaches them; looking back to see if the girl was following him.

@Kawaii @Aero @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi
Jean noticed out of the corner of her eye, Ryuzaki walking over to them. She didn't see any point to talk to him for he's mostly there just to spend time with Yumi. Jean brought her attention back to her friends, for the smoker will join eventually. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi woke up startled. He had a strange dream of him and Sato were cuddling in Sato's bed and woke up surprised. "Oh wait, that wasn't a dream." Omi said sighing as he sat up. Omi yawned and stood up, he walked over to the window and looked at all the students talking. Most of them in the same group as yesterday, with a few additional people.
Jethro watched his dorm mate get up then suddenly hug him. Yeah, he was surprised. The teen momentarily hugged her back before laughing a bit at Yumi's remark. Connor's unplanned entrance was pretty sudden as well. We left the door unlocked?...wait no, that was probably just me. He thought back to Hajime's departure from their dorm room for a moment before nodding at Connor. "I'm okay, Connor. Thanks for the offer though" Jet replied before pulling away from his and Yumi's hug and eating his pancakes.

While Yumi and Connor conversed about whatever they conversed about, Jethro quickly finished his breakfast and washed the kitchen tools he used. "See ya, bro" He said over his shoulder before placing the dishes away.

After a few moments, Jethro found his dorm mate skipping up to him and grabbing his wrist. He quickly swiped up Suzumaki's cookies with his opposite arm before nodding at Yumi. The two of them walked out of the dorm with Yumi holding onto his wrist. Suzumaki hugged Yumi then looked at Jet with pleading eyes. "Oh what, I don't get a hug?" He asked even if he knew what the whole look was about.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki flinched at Jethro's question about the hug. She began hopping around him with her fists balled up and throwing gentle punches at him.

Moving in for the main attack she accidentally hits him harder than expected; in the stomach too.

"Hiyaaaa~! Oh!...oops....my bad.." She says, scratching the back of her head with a look that says, "I was never here."

@RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @Aero

Miyamura Akashi

Akashi was already in the school with his things laid out; neatly stacked books and papers decorated his office. He decided to go print some files and worksheets out for his students; and check on his brother in the process.

First he checked Omi's office because that's normally where his younger brother is.

Knocking on Omi's door he steps in, "Sato?"

He speaks with few words and no expression like usual.


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