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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


Suzumaki continued to sleep, Jean's alarm didn't seem to wake her up.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura was sleeping soundly when all of a sudden the simple movements of Omi woke him up, he realized that he was hugging something.

Looking upwards a little brought his nose to Omi's and his eyes widened.

He sat there for a second...."Uwaaaah!" He shot himself off the bed and landed bottom first on the floor.

"Ah! W-wha?" He was speechless, "What happened last night!?" He thought to himself, hoping nothing strange happened....

Connor woke up early then the others he brushed his teeth and went outside wearing a blackis purple shirt and black jeans along with black snake skin shoes. He then went towards the main room in the dorm. As he waited for the others, He was going to be different today more sociable even though he was afraid he was going to give them the right impression but first he needed to speack to yumi he needed to know if she read his letter.

Connor woke up early then the others he brushed his teeth and went outside wearing a blackis purple shirt and black jeans along with black snake skin shoes. He then went towards the main room in the dorm. As he waited for the others, He was going to be different today more sociable even though he was afraid he was going to give them the right impression but first he needed to speack to yumi he needed to know if she read his letter.

Ryuzaki reached over and turned off the annoying alarm; laying back down in bed he covered himself with the blanket.

"Fucking school man..."


Miyamura Akashi

Akashi was already up and prepared to head to work; he sat down at his dinning table and ate himself a healthy breakfast with some milk.

As he ate, the daily newspaper sat in his hands as he read through it; sipping lightly on his drink.

"I wonder if Sato is up..."

The tall man wondered about his brother, "I'll call him before I leave."

"morning Suzumaki it seems you b woke up earlyer then evryone else would you like some of my signiture tea im planning to be a bit more sociable now that im at the school" he said looking at them ti turns out he had a big tray of teas and coffees all lined up in a cup tray he didn't know if thay liked tea or coffee so he made 8 tea's and 8 coffees' the suger and cream and milk. Wee all aliened tot he cups he placed the tray on the table smileing for a change

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Matoko woke up without any assistance, a few minutes before his Alarm would start that annoying beeping. He turned off the Alarm, even before it could start off, pushed his blanked aside, and moved directly to the bathroom, where he quickly jumped into the shower, and after that, brushed his teeth. Alright... now i'll Need to find my spare Uniform... The Boy started scrambling through his backpack, and after a while, found his Uniform. He quickly put it on, grabbed his phone which was still lying next to his bed, and moved towards his Classroom.

@Anyone who wants to interact with Matoko
Riika saw a familiar shape heading towards the same building as her. She speeded up her pace and quickly walked next towards the figure. "Ey Goldy, how was your sleep?" She smiled and adjusted her backpack a little that slid off her shoulder evrytime she took a step.

"Of course she's still sleep." Jean whispered. She stood up and walked to her closet. Jean grabbed her uniform while huming Remote Control. Jean went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After that she brushed her hair, after ten minutes she gave up brushing her hair. It stayed curly and messy. Jean sighed and got dressed.

Omi blinked when there noses touch. "Wha- huh!?" Omi said and jumped when Sato fell off the bed. Omi shook his head and realized what was happening. "You okay?" He asked even though they were in a weird situation, Sato was his friend and he had to ask. Omi looked down at Sato with a concern look. @Suzumaki Arakai
Satsuki rolled over in his bed and woke by the sounds of chatting students. Did he set his alarm? His gaze drifted towards the clock and he immidiatley jumped out of his comfy bed. "Dangit!" The teen quickly changed into his uniform and washed his face, then left towards the school building.
"hello evryone i made evryone coffee and tea i hope you all have a pleasent day today and i apologies for my freack out yesterday." he said looking at the others as he then begun to pour his own tea. He continued to look at all the other people wondering what thay think. Would thay think he was nice fraindly not the scared little boy inside covering his true nature by a facade. He then poured in his milk and suger and begun to drink his tea.

@Aeron @Suzumaki Arakai
Hobbesisalive said:
Riika saw a familiar shape heading towards the same building as her. She speeded up her pace and quickly walked next towards the figure. "Ey Goldy, how was your sleep?" She smiled and adjusted her backpack a little that slid off her shoulder evrytime she took a step.
Matoko heared someone moving in his direction, and smiled when he saw that the Person turned out to be Riika. "Pretty ok, and how did you sleep, Catlady?" He, of course, teased her back, both of them now Walking next to each other, in direction of the class.
Riika shrugged and felt happy that the two of them were back to normal. "I slept like a cat." She chuckled and looked on her hand where the girl had scribbled her classes to memorize. "Looks like school is really beginning." Her gaze was locked on the school building and she sighed once more. Riika was happy with her class, but she would never be happy with school itself.

Matoko chuckled at her pun even though...no, ESPECIALLY since it was bad. He noticed the Little writing on her Hand, but wasn't able to completely identify it, although he did manage to tell that they were associated with her schedule, in some way. He sighed in annoyance, as a responce to her comment. He... didn't HATE School, but, really didn't enjoy it. "It sure is..." The Boy added, as they entered the School building.


Suzumaki began to move around in her sleep and eventually fell off the bed. Sitting up while rubbing her head she looks around...then realizes where she's at.

With wobbly, morning legs she stands up and walks to her dresser and pulls out a wrinkly uniform, "Ah..." "It's wrinkly..." she continued on with her thoughts.

Looking down at her PJs she sighed and made a pouty face; she began to hug herself and twirl around.

"It's so comfy!"

She accidentally fell then decided to hurry up and get ready, after her uniform was on she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth while Jean was making an attempt to brush her hair but is now getting dressed.

"GOOD MORNING!" She says loudly with a yawn, her eyes began to water with each yawn.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura looked up at Omi, "W-what..." then shook his head really quick, "No! I-I'm fine...I'm good..." He slowly stood up, rubbing his back and looked at the time. "I should get ready.."

Looking at Omi he still held a bit of an awkward expression, "Do you have clothes? If not you might as well borrow some of mine...the bathroom is in the same place it's always been..."

He heard the phone ringing and quickly exited the room.

Picking it up, he heard his brothers voice, "This is the only time I'm glad to hear from him!" he thought as he spoke rushed.

"Hello!?...yeah I'm fine...not yet...okay...bye."

He hung up and went back to his room where Omi Sensei was and grabbed a suit from his closet to get ready.


Miyamura Akashi

Miyamura finished his breakfast and cleaned his dishes; after that, he walked over and picked up his house phone and dialed his brothers house phone number.

After his brother answer the phone, Akashi spoke.

"Sato?...are you okay?...okay, have you gotten ready yet?...alright, I'll be heading to work now....bye."

He frowned down at the phone after hanging up, "He sounded frantic..."

The man left his house, locking his door behind him, and headed to Kyoto; the high school in which he taught history.

@Aero @Anyone
Riika noticed that the boy wasn't too fond of school, like herself. She smiled and walked in the schoolbuilding while stretching her arms, when she suddenly faced a really fammiliar back of someone. Long blond hair, tall person, black skinny jeans..."IZUMI?!" Riika shouted while she jumped before her four year older sister. "RIIKA!" The woman grabbed Riika by her shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug. "Matoko! Get help!" She laughed while saying so and embraced her sister. "What are you doing here?" The girl asked. "Well I was searching for my boyfriend." Riika immidatley let go of her sister and took a step backwards. "What did you do? How old is he?" It wasn't surprisinf that her sister had a new one already, but here? "Ah he is 18, like you but ehm I don't know ah I see him!" She suddenly ran towards a tall boy which Riika didn't recognized, he must been from a different class. Her jaw fell open and she locked her eyes on Matoko. "Geez, sorry about that." @BobbyW
Rays of sunshine came in through the windows, illuminating the dorm, this natural alarm told Koichi that it was time to get up. The boy took a fast shower to completely wake himself up and then changed into his brand-new uniform. After looking at the time on his phone, Koichi decided to organize to finally organize his bag which took him quite a long time. When he was almost completely ready he remembered that he didn't wake up Aiko yet. She looked so peaceful as she slept, the red-head could gaze her for hours, but she needed to attend the classes too. "Aiko-chan. Ohayo." he said with a serene tone on his voice "Let's have a nice day."
Matoko noticed how Riika locked her eyes on to a.. what seemed to be a Girl, analyzing her, from the top to the bottom. Suddenly, that Girl turned around, rushing towards Riika and hugged her. ...Izumi?... isn't that the Name of her sister?...bu-.. Oh... He chuckled as a Response to Riika's call for help, and now analyzed Izumi himself, starting at the bottom, and moving to the top. She seemed like a normal Little Girl, nothing too Special about her, but you were able to see that they were Family. Matoko's eyes widened when he heared, that she was talking about her... boyfriend. ...She is joking right now.. right? Then, Izumi dashed towards a random Student, making it clear that she was telling the truth... and.. was completely serious. The male turned his head towards Riika, and shook his head slowly, in disbelieve. "...I-Is she serious about that whole boyfriend Thing?", he completely ignored Riika's comment, what just happened before him caught him Off-guard.

Wataru said:
Rays of sunshine came in through the windows, illuminating the dorm, this natural alarm told Koichi that it was time to get up. The boy took a fast shower to completely wake himself up and then changed into his brand-new uniform. After looking at the time on his phone, Koichi decided to organize to finally organize his bag which took him quite a long time. When he was almost completely ready he remembered that he didn't wake up Aiko yet. She looked so peaceful as she slept, the red-head could gaze her for hours, but she needed to attend the classes too. "Aiko-chan. Ohayo." he said with a serene tone on his voice "Let's have a nice day."
Aiko heard the shuffling of Koichi as he walked around the dorm, but even then, the bed was so comforting and warm that she didn't want to get up. When her started to wake her up though, she kind of had to. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing the read-headed boy lingering over her. "Ohayo." She mumbled, too asleep to even be nervous or embaressed about how close her was. "Yeah..." She stap up, avoiding to hit him in the head. "Of course." She said, glancing at the clock. "I should probably get ready." She said, yawning and stretching as she made her way to her wardrobe to pull out the uniform and go to the bathroom. A quick shower, a change into her clothes, and brushing her hair and teeth, she was ready in under 15 minutes. Her hair was still wet, but it was short so it wouldn't take long. She often didn't put on make-up either, only on rare occasions, so she left the bathroom as quickly as she entered and grabbed her book bag. "Wanna go to class?" She asks, only half awake to realize that she was sharing dorms with her crush, talking to her crush, and supposively walking with her crush to class.
((I'm pretending Matsuo went back to the school grounds when everyone else did and she just passed out on her bed))

Matsuo Miharu

Location: Dorm room | Mood: Neutral

Matsuo sits up, her hair going wild. Has my alarm gone off yet? Picking up her phone, she checks the time. Oh, it's 6 a.m.! I've got time! Getting up, Matsuo takes the lid off of Nasazumi's playpen and walks into the kitchen. "Hmm...," she wonders, tapping her chin. She opens the fridge, taking out the leftover pizza. Taking a slice and heating it up, she fills up a glass with water. The microwave beeps and she takes it out, eating it and downing the water. After she's done eating, Matsuo walks into the bathroom to get ready.

After her shower and brushing her teeth, she gets out her clothes. She picks out a thin elephant-print cardigan, a black corset-type shirt, high-waisted light-wash denim blue jean shorts, and high-top floral print Vans. She puts the outfit on, then brushes out her hair. Grabbing a dark grey beanie, she tucks her hair into it, fitting it around her head and leaving a few strands out. She grabs her bag, putting her printed-out two-page essay for Mrs. Mirirel into it neatly. Checking the time, Matsuo sees that it's about seven thirty.
Okay, I'll be there early this time. She starts off toward her classoom.

((I'm pretending Matsuo went back to the school grounds when everyone else did and she just passed out on her bed))

Matsuo Miharu

Location: Dorm room | Mood: Neutral

Matsuo sits up, her hair going wild. Has my alarm gone off yet? Picking up her phone, she checks the time. Oh, it's 6 a.m.! I've got time! Getting up, Matsuo takes the lid off of Nasazumi's playpen and walks into the kitchen. "Hmm...," she wonders, tapping her chin. She opens the fridge, taking out the leftover pizza. Taking a slice and heating it up, she fills up a glass with water. The microwave beeps and she takes it out, eating it and downing the water. After she's done eating, Matsuo walks into the bathroom to get ready.

After her shower and brushing her teeth, she gets out her clothes. She picks out a thin elephant-print cardigan, a black corset-type shirt, high-waisted light-wash denim blue jean shorts, and high-top floral print Vans. She puts the outfit on, then brushes out her hair. Grabbing a dark grey beanie, she tucks her hair into it, fitting it around her head and leaving a few strands out. She grabs her bag, putting her printed-out two-page essay for Mrs. Mirirel into it neatly. Checking the time, Matsuo sees that it's about seven thirty.
Okay, I'll be there early this time. She starts off toward her classoom.

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"Oh matsuo you'v woken up early would you like a cup of my signiture tea" he said smileing handing her a cup from the tray. he then continued to look at Matsu smieling lightly knowing that she and him talked a few moments/ He contiued to look at atsuo smiling for a change rather then his saddend expression."Would you like suger milk anything at all just ask me" he said smileing "i have coffe to if you don't like tea" he said placeing the tea down and looking at the the woman sieling cheerfuly.

Riika poked Matoko in his cheek and chuckled. "Yup she totally is serious, but she changes from boyfriend from time to time. I was just surpised this one is actually younger then her." She stated and walked into the classroom. "Don't mind it. She looks like a normal girl but totally isn't" the girl continued speaking while throwing her bag on her seat, then turned around to face Matoko again. "We are family after all"

Matoko squinted his eyes, as Riika poked his cheek, and followed her to their classroom Wow... when she spoke about her sister earlier... i had a different imagine in mind... The Boy dropped his satchel next to his seat, and turned towards Riika once she started adding to her previous sentence. He chuckled as a Response to that, and then poked her in the side, as 'Revenge' for earlier, with a grin starting to form on his face.


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