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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Riika managed to keep herself in the hallway instead of running back cowardly. She was the one who always stated to like some action in her life. Was this action? Well it gave the simmiliar feeling. She sighed hundred off times and looked with a expression like: I AM SO SORRY. When Matoko opened the door again. Before one of them could even talk, she walked towards him, grabbed his shoulders and locked her gaze into his. 'Let's stop this.' Were the three words she could think of. The three words that had to solve it all.

Makoto noticed her Expression, and could see that she obviously felt bad for shutting the door in front of his face. He rubbed the back of his head, and was just about to say something like: It's fine or, no worries! When Riika suddenly started moving towards him. What... is she going to do now? His heart started beating faster and faster, Then, when Riika grabbed his shoulders, he felt as if it just stopped beating, at all. "...U-Uhmm.." ...Alright Matoko.. this is your Moment, you have to start speaking, actual, words.... "Y-Yes, let's... just stop."

He fortunatly managed to press that sentence out of him, hopefully, that would put an end to this.

Riika noticed the expression on his face. Was he panicking? She hung her head down while still holding his shoulders and sighed out of relief. There appeared a massive smile on her face when she lifted her head up again and at the same time she let him go. 'God, mam that was weird.' She chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck while walking inside of his dorm. 'Hm, your room looks just like mine.' Riika slowly calmed down and plopped down on the bed. 'Oh, sorry were you about to sleep?' She said hesitating a bit. What had got into her?

Matoko stood there, frozen, while he waited for Riika's next Response... but when he saw Riika's smile, as she moved her head back up, he sighed in relief, and, actually started to chuckle. The smile of her's reminded him of his own, usual smile, which then started appearing too. "Ha, it sure was." Riika invited herself in, but The male didn't really care about it, since he would've asked her to come in either way. He sat down next to her on his bed, and locked his eyes onto her again. "Don't worry, i wasn't really tired, Catlady." Fact is, he was actually just about to fall asleep, but the Boy noticed her hesitation, and didn't want her to feel bad, even if he wasn't really a fan of lying.

She was glad to see that Matoko turned into his old usual self. It got the stress of and she teasingly rolled her eyes when he called her catlady. 'Hm, well I am kinda tired.' Riika stated before letting herself fall onto the bed. She would return to her room soon, now that her mind was set free from the depressing thoughts, she could sleep happily. With that the girl got herself on her feet and stretched a bit. 'I guess I have to go back,' She smiled and turned around to open the door and jump into her own bed. 'Night night.' She said with a grin while reaching for the door knob.

Jean chuckled. All this fun and drama made her lose track of time. When Suzumaki pointed what time it was she panicked. Curfew! Jean ran after Suzumaki toward the school. ((Wait so did the police come in some kind of timeskip or are we just going to leave the KO'd cousin on the floor xD ))

Omi wasn't extremly drunk but still. His eyesight was blurry and didn't want to go on the wrong train because of it and five minutes?! Yeah he won't make it. "Do you mind if I ssleep over? I don't want to be a bother." Omi said. He was still polite even if he was drunk.
...Well, that's taken care of now, huh. Makoto let himself fall on to the bed shortly after Riika did, now lying next to her. He nodded as a Response to her being tired, since she did look exhausted. ..What a day... and a whole year to come... He moved himself back into a sitting Position, and waved her goodbye. "Alright then, Good Night!" He said, when suddenly, a thought shot through his head. "Actually, Riika," The male quickly grabbed a Piece of paper he had lying around, and wrote his number on to it, then walked up to Riika, who was Standing by the door. "I figured that at this Point, i can safely assume that you aren't a psychotic Stalker." Matoko said, in a joking manner, and handed her the Piece of paper.

Riika turned around to grab the paper, but instead she grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to her, now she was facing him from really close. She could almost touch his nose if she wanted. 'Are you sure?' Riika whispered to add a little more touch to her prank. She gazed another 5 seconds without expression at his face and then finally let go of his arm, grabbing the paper instead. She laughed and opened the door. "Don't worry I am only a stalker.' Riika winked and waved with the paper as a final bye.

Makoto didn't know what to say when Riika suddenly, pulled him really, really Close to her, their faces right in front of each other. He didn't respond to her comment, and there was silence for about 4-5 seconds, only with her staring at him, with blank eyes... Then she finally let go of his arm, and started laughing. Matoko sighed, and rubbed his arm, waving after her as a reply to her own wave. After a Little while, Matoko closed his door again, and dashed back into his bed, slipping into his blanket.

Riika opened the door towards her dorm and switched her console off. She was really tired and only wanted to plop down in her bed, now that everything was set right Matoko. The girl yawned and quickly dressed out of her clothes, throwing them somewhere in the bathroom. Then dashed towards her bed and pulled the blankets over her head. What a day.

Satsuki rubbed his head shrugged, not knowing what they could do. It was pretty late already anyway. 'Well, I don't think I am going to stay up al night.' he chuckled. 'Though I would love to, but I have school.' The male continued chuckling and made his way towards the door and left with a simple hand wave. Once Satsuki arrived at his dorm room he quickly changed into his pyjamas and plopped down on the couch, falling asleep on the soft red material.

Wataru said:
"Really?! Great! I'm looking forward to sharing it with you'' Koichi said, and smiled back. "I don't know if this is love, but it doesn't matter right now, i just feel so good around her~" . The boy could not stop smiling, and nothing could make him stop. The unknown feelings only grew more and more inside his chest. ''Ah~ i wonder, how is it like to share a dorm with her? I know i just met her a few hours ago but she makes me feel so good!" The world seemed so lively to the red-head that moment, yet unconscious that what he fell was love. Without noticing, he was trying to reach for her hand, and when he did this he blushed really hard "Sorry! It was j-just an accident"
RyanJXavier said:
She must be stuttering from the pain. Jethro thought to himself before lightly blowing on Hajime's wounds. "Don't worry Hajime, I'm almost done with this" He stated in a calm manner while continuing to rub the alcohol onto her. After a few moments, Jethro lightly blew on her wounds then turned to the table. The teen brought out an ointment tube and put some on his finger, "Just gotta do this and take a band-aid out. I don't need to put band-aids on all of them though".
Aiko blushed at how excited her was to share a dorm with her. 'Why would he be so excited?' She thought, giggling, 'Who am I kidding, I'm happy too.' When she felt her fingers graze his, she yelped slightly, surprised and now embaressed, "I-It's okay! I-I'm just on e-edge I suppose..." She said, wrapping her hand around his. She was looking down by this point, starimg at their hands with a birght red face that could probably illuminate the night.

When they finally arrived at the dorm, she quickly excused herself to go change in the bathroom and climbed in bed, facing the wall. She was utterly tired but still so excited for what's to come. Though, her thoughts didn't last long before she fell asleep.

Hajime nodded, continuing to look away. When he blew on the wound she yelped and covered herself slightly. This was so utterly embaressing for her, how can he be so nonchalant about it?! 'He has a girl room mate. Of course...' She thought, sighing and putting her arms down. "Okay." She said, "I can put the ointment on it if it makes you uncomfortable." She knows that wounds hurt less if you're the one to do it. Such as if you have a would and you accidentally pour alcohol on it, it would hurt way less than if someone else did it. (She knows this because of the internet...)

Suzumaki and Jean made it back to their dorm and Suzumaki plopped down on her bed with a loud groan, "Today....was....CRAZY!" She says, jumping up from her bed and towards Jean, "My cousin got arrested! Uwahaha!!!" She began dancing and cheering around the room.

After a second she stopped then looked towards the bathroom, "Shower!" She yelled, running into the bathroom and jumping into the tub.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura stood up with a wobble and placed a hand on Omi's shoulder, "Yes my good friend, stay! We'll party 'til the sun comes up!" He was waving his hand around in the air but then picked up his jacket and stack of papers and motioned for Omi to follow.

"We go forth!" He began to point in every direction they were going.

Eventually they made it to his house, "You take the bed!" In his living room were stacks of papers, clothes, beer cans and different things. A blanket and pillow lie on his couch; it's basically laid out that he hasn't slept on his bed in a while so he's used to it.

Once they made it to there dorm. Jean sat down on her bed and yawned. "Yeah, what a day." Jean said sighing in relief she could lay down. Jean chuckled Suzumaki dancing and happiness about her cousin arrest. Jean then blinked and was surprised how Suzumaki suddenly went to the bathroom to wash up. 'That girl can never sit still.' Jean thought smiling. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi laughed at his friend's statement. He wobbled behind Sato following him to his house. Omi chuckled when Sato pointed were they were going. "Aye aye captain!" Omi said chuckling like a weirdo. Omi nodded when Sato showed Omi were his room was and walked there. Omi flopped down on the bed not even caring if he was in a comfortable position. In five seconds Omi was starting to drift off. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki played around in the water for a minute then pulled the drain to let the water out, she went from a bath to now taking a shower so she can get her hair cleaned properly.

"Gaaah! COLD!" She yelled when the water first shot out from the shower head but then shortly it grew warm again and she continued.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura watched Omi walk to his room with a laugh, he would probably look like an idiot to anyone who's sober; laughing to himself.

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, he drank it to the halfway mark then went to sit down on the couch but missed so now he's laying in the floor with water on him.

He was fast asleep.

After about an hour, Miyamura began to sleep walk; making it to his room and throwing himself down on his bed he realized he had a body pillow and wrapped his arms and legs around it, once again falling into a deep sleep.


((IT'S SO (<3.<3)))
Jean placed her book bag down on the floor and took out her phone, phone charger, and her laptop. She plugged in her phone of course laughing a Suzumaki's sudden outburst. Jean turned on her laptop. She started to load the video she took of Suzumaki singing. As she watched the video while it load she couldn't help herself to hum along with the video.

Omi was snoring softly in a light sleep. Omi felt someone grab onto him and snuggled a little bit closer to that person. Omi then fell into a deep sleep smiling. @Suzumaki Arakai

((This is perfect!!))

Suzumaki finished her shower, hopped out and dried off with a towel. She walked out of the bathroom wearing a funny nightgown that covered her toes completely.

She did a little dance and jumped towards Jean, "Tada!"

With a laugh she turned around, "Wait for it!" Then she started acting like a cat,

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1.gif.52e495d570c6f945a7f519143d066510.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59196" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1.gif.52e495d570c6f945a7f519143d066510.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
After which, she burst into laughter and threw herself back down on her own bed.


Miyamura Sato

((My favorite ship so far!))



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Jean laughed. "You look adorable!" Jean said laughing. Jean left her laptop open and grabbed her pjs and went to take a shower herself. "I'll be back." Jean said. She walked to the bathroom.

Gurīn Omi

((Yusss! I thought the love triangle w/ Yumi X Jet X Ryuzaki but this just beat it. And it's funny becuase they're both straight xD )

Suzumaki spoke with her face pushed down into the mattress, "Obay."

Eventually she fell asleep; she didn't want to but the weariness from before crept up on her and knocked her out.


Miyamura Sato

((It'll be a perfect turn of events! xD ))
Jean took a shower. After ten minutes she came outside, her PJs was just a baggy t-shirt and some yoga shorts. She looked over and saw Suzumaki asleep. Jean chuckled and walked over to Suzumaki petting her head. "Night weirdo." Jean said. @Suzumaki Arakai

Ichigo shook of her day dream mode and dusted of her Pjs that were already on. She noticed that it was quiet and was almost time for her to go to sleep. Ichigo washed herslelf and got ready to sleep. She got laid in her bed and drifted into state of sleep. "Good Night, Strawberry" she said to herself.

((Should we just timeskip since everyone is pretty much either sleep or settling down to sleep))

Jean's alarm clock beeped, slowly, then faster, faster, faster, SLAM! Jean slammed her hand down turning off the clock and moaned. It was 7:30 am, Jean sighed and looked at her clock. 'That was one heck of a first day. Especially on a Monday.' Jean thought as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She yawned and stretched her arms up into the air. Jean looked over at Suzumaki.

Omi opened his eyes slowly. 'Ugh my head hurts.' He thought. Omi went to move but couldn't, he looked down at the arms and legs around him. "What the...?!" He said.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Riika woke up from the sound of her alarm clock and tiredly tried to put it out. 'Jesus,' The girl only threw the clock on the ground and was forced to stand up. Slowly she hobbled to her closer, took her school uniform out and hopped in it. Then she got into the bathroom and put on some deodorant together with some perfume. Riika looked into the little mirror and smiled while getting her hair right in a braid.

Outside it was pretty hot already and she opened the buttons of her jacket. 'Let's go to school.' Riika mumbled, continued with a heavy sigh.

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