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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Hajime only shurgged. She didn't care either way. The only thing that was bothering her was the scum on the floor and poor Suzumaki. 'What has she been put though?' It bothered her to think that the way that her cousin just behaved has happened to her more than she could think of.
Jean looked over at Suzumaki. She had already piece together the situation while walking here but just hearing it from Suzumaki just made Jean ten times more sadmad. Jean put her hand on Suzumaki's shoulder. "So I'm guessing you weren't able to kick, punch, and bam boom him this time." Jean said with a little smile but her expression was more of concern than happiness. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi looked at Sato and blinked when he patted his back wishing him luck. "Oh God what did I get myself into..." Omi said smiling a bit.

Suzumaki noticed everyone glance over at her every now and then, she smiled nervously until Jean spoke up, "Uwah..haha..yeah..guess not."

She says with a smile, she wanted to begin acting goofy so as to cheer everyone up but she didn't know if it was a good idea.

To answer Jethro's question; Suzumaki has always been a goofy, fun-loving person. But because her height and enthusiasm annoyed her cousin he would hurt her to shut her up.


Miyamura Sato

The lady present the two handsome men with their drinks and gave Miyamura a seducing grin, "It's on the house tonight."

Miyamura gave cheers to the air towards Hakari and then clinked shots with Omi then refilled his with the tall, slim bottle of Flame Thrower.

"This stuff's great." He said, almost feeling tipsy after two shots.

"Alright we'll take you in for the night then" Jethro said looking at Hajime then at Yumi. His green eyes shifted to Suzumaki though after she responded to Jean. "Oi Suzumaki. If anyone does anything to you like that again...you tell me huh? I don't want you to get hurt again" He said in a concerned tone before facing his dorm mate again. "I guess us three should head back ahead of the rest then? I need to make a quick dash to the store too so" Jethro stated while being open to any other suggestion.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi
Hajime nodded, standing up and surprisingly keeping her balance, though wobbling a bit. "Let's go before the police show up, I suppose." She said, starting to walk towards the door and requiring her hardened personality again.
Jean nodded. She knew Suzumaki wanted to laugh this off, but it was inappropriate at this time. Jean smiled at bit at Jethro's kind words and concern face. It was awesome having the friends she has. "Suzumaki, do you wanna stay here and wait for the police to come? If so I'll stay with you. Dorm mates stick together you know." Jean asked. Jean felt Suzumaki will need someone to be goofy with after all this is over. @Suzumaki Arakai

Omi joined Sato in a cheer. 'On the house? Sweet!' Omi thought as he clinked shots with his friend. Omi swallowed the shot and his face became a bit red at the spiciness of the drink. The burning sensation in his throat was painful, but at the same time it felt pretty darn good. Omi refilled his shot glass and chuckled how Sato already looked a bit tipsy after the second shot. "It sure is." Omi said smiling, it takes more than two shots to make him tipsy.
Yumi nodded and stood up, making her way to Hajime and Jethro. "I'll clean her up and give her new clothes whilst you head to the store then." She nodded before following after the girl, nearly on her heels. If she fell, Yumi would be able to catch her a lot easier. "If you need some support, just say, okay?" The brunette told the other girlas she opened the door for her.

@Corgi @RyanJXavier
The teen looked at Suzumaki for a bit then nodded. "Yumi, I think it's best that we stick together. One girl with another injured girl isn't enough for a night like this" Jethro said while walking out of the place and holding the door for the both of them. "I'll just be really quick at the store. It's close by anyway" He stated looking back at Yumi.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Corgi
"I'm not terribly injuerd, you know. He just gave me a good hit to the lip, it's not like her tried to murder me or anything." Hajime said, folding her arms. "Though I guess you carry some logic with you." She said, giving him a compliment. It was probably the best one she could give at the time, but she got embaressed saying it, so that had to mean something.
"... I suppose that's true..." Yumi agreed with the two, nodding in thanks as her dorm mate held open the door for the two girls. "But don't worry about us too much, Jethro, you shouldn't underestimate girl power. Right, Hajime?" She smiled at the other girl.

@RyanJXavier @Corgi
"Thanks Hajime" Jethro mentioned. "I'm not underestimating girl power, Yumi. I've got a younger sister. I expect her to beat all the jerks that come her way especially when she's our age" He explained while momentarily making eye contact with the girl. The teen eventually reached the store, dashed around, bought the stuff, and exited the place. "Alright to the dorm!" Jet announced.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi
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Hajime nodded, dabbing her lip with her finger. It was a bit swollen but it wasn't bleeding anymore, but it would damn hurt if she were to smile. 'That's probably not going to happen soon...' She thought, letting the other two lead the way. She was still worried about the cousin and Suzumaki. She felt bad for not kicking his ass anytime sooner. Although, it's not like she could do anything. Hajime mentally slapped herself. 'Why didn't you bring the weapon?! Every girl should have one just in case. Ugh, you idiot!' She yelled at herself, sighing quietly as she shook her head.
"I think she could beat up half of our year group already, let alone when she's our age." The brunette said with an amused shake of her head, waving him off as he ran into the store. It didn't take long until Yumi spotted the blond hair of her dorm mate as he came to the exited, and she swiftly followed after him, smiling as he cheered. "For cookies!" She fist pumped once before dropping her hand.

@RyanJXavier @Corgi
Within a few moments, the group arrived at the dorms. Jethro held the door open for both Hajime and Yumi. "Yo Hajime where exactly are you hurting huh? I got a first aid kit from the store too and some other stuff" He mentioned while gesturing over to the bag he held in his other hand. "Just take a seat, Yumi and I will be with you in a moment" The teen added smiling a bit.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi
RyanJXavier said:
Within a few moments, the group arrived at the dorms. Jethro held the door open for both Hajime and Yumi. "Yo Hajime where exactly are you hurting huh? I got a first aid kit from the store too and some other stuff" He mentioned while gesturing over to the bag he held in his other hand. "Just take a seat, Yumi and I will be with you in a moment" The teen added smiling a bit.
@Corgi @Leaf Fi
"If you just give me the first-aid kit we can quit playing doctor and you two can make cookies." Hajime said, not trying to be cute or shy in the slightest bit. She honestly wanted them to stop worrying about her so that she could go to her dorm. 'That is exactly what I want.' She thought, trying to cover her doubt that she was feeling at the time.
"Alright, alright fine" Jethro replied putting the kit down onto the table. He began to unpack some of the stuff he had bought from the store. "...Did you finish your homework?" The teen asked his first dorm visitor. It wasn't really the best question in the world, but it was better than nothing. Jet went over to the sink to wash his hands after he finished unpacking everything.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi
Hajime grabbed the first-aid kit and lestened to his next question. "Of course I-" She stopped responding. Did she? No, of course she didn't. She was to busy glaring at everyone earlier today. Her eyes suddenly widdened. "Aiko." She mummbled, bolting for the door, though it wasn't something she should've done. She was still shooken up from earlier events and she fell. "You idiot. You absolute idiot!" She told herself, clenching her fists as she quickly pulled out her phone and called Aiko.

Aiko felt her phone ring and she answered. "Y-" "Aiko?! Are you alright?" Hajime asked. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" She questioned suddenly curious. From the other line, she heard a sigh of relief. "Good. Where are you? I'll come get you and pick you up." She offered, completely dodging the question. Aiko shook her head as if she was standing in front of her. "I'm fine. I'm almost to the campus." She said, smiling at how much Hajime cared. Aiko found it refreshing, really. She almost never lef ther side, and when Hajime did, it didn't feel right. She'd probably talk to her about it later, but it was just nice to know that she didn't just completely forget her. "Just, please. Be careful." Hajime said. Aiko made a noise of agreement as she continued to walk down the sidewalk.
Jethro finished washing his hands and looked over his shoulder just in time to see Hajime run out. Hajime runs out take two. He thought to himself as he jogged after the girl. It didn't take him that long to reach her anyway especially since he found her lying down on the ground...again. "Hajime, you shouldn't run like that right now" Jethro said eyeing her on the ground. He put his hand out toward the girl as he waited for her response.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi
RyanJXavier said:
Jethro finished washing his hands and looked over his shoulder just in time to see Hajime run out. Hajime runs out take two. He thought to himself as he jogged after the girl. It didn't take him that long to reach her anyway especially since he found her lying down on the ground...again. "Hajime, you shouldn't run like that right now" Jethro said eyeing her on the ground. He put his hand out toward the girl as he waited for her response.
@Corgi @Leaf Fi
"I'm sorry." She mumbled looking down at the phone with the 'END CALL' on the screen. "It's hard not to worry about her, you know?" She asks, looking up at Jet. "She's just to vulnerable for such a cruel world that I don't want to see her get hurt." Hajime said, feeling a bit to open about the situation. "But yeah... Sorry." She said, Hajime often gets this way whenever she's worried or tired. In this case, she's both, she her mind isn't functioning like it should as of now.
Jethro studied Hajime for a moment before returning his hand back to his side. In one swift and smooth motion, Jet scooped Hajime up bridal style and began walking back to his and Yumi's dorm room. Her? The teen thought to himself for a bit before connecting the dots. "I understand. Guess you can say that I feel the same about my sister. I can't be by her side all the time though. She has to learn how to be independent. Don't want her to constantly depend on someone for protection, even if she knows her bros will be there for her. I want her to be strong" He said then paused before resuming. "I got something for you...,Aiko, and Yumi by the way" Jet mentioned while walking back into the dorm room.

Hajime's face turned a crimson when he picked her up. "Wh-what are you doing?!" She yelped, calming down as he started to tell his side of the story. When he explained, she felt relieved that somebody understood and didn't call her an obsessed stalker, not that she is of course. (NO SARCASM SHE ISN'T IS SWEAR!) "U-uhm.. Okay." She said, nodding at him saying he had a gift for the three of them. "Do you want me to call Aiko and tell her to come over here?" She asked, yawning after she said that.

"You can if you want to. You don't need to though" Jethro said knowing about Hajime's unique attachment to the girl. He placed Hajime down on the couch and checked whatever was in the kit. "You sure you don't need help with this?" The teen asked shifting his gaze back to Hajime. Jet would help her if he knew where exactly she needed "patching up" at.

"Okay." She said, her face still red from the earlier events.ot "Maybe? I'm not really sure." She said. She's never been really wounded. The worst she's gotten was probably a broken arm but she couldn't do much in that matter. She doesn't really know how to address wounds. "My lip hurts a bit and my arm where he grabbed me and also..." He face turned a deeper shade of red and she gripped her knees and looked down. "A little below my collar bone hurts as well." She said, barely whispering the last part. When The man grabbed at her shirt collar, her scratched her in the process of doing so.

Jethro sat down next to Hajime. "Alright let's fix you up, Hajime" He said after her first remark. Jet listened as Hajime listed her injuries. Her lip. The teen thought to himself before eyeing Hajime's lips and taking out what was necessary for it. Her arm. His thoughts continued while his gaze shifted to the fridge. Jet quickly stood himself up, and tossed the ice pack into the freezer. He made his way back to Hajime and took his seat as he mentally repeated her last words. Below her collar bone. Jethro thought as he slowly moved Hajime's blazer away and eyed the scratches. "You'll be done in no time" He said taking out the supplies for the scratches as well. The teen glanced at Hajime's face noticing her blush, "...You want me to get you something to drink?"


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