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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


Motoharu Jushiro

Jushiro was suddenly kicked in the shin. Buckling down he was caught off guard and let Suzumaki get away.

"Well shit." He thought as he stood up and went back to his workers to have someone else take the students their pizzas.

Hajime kindly smiles at the girl, trying to calm her "You're welcome. Are you here with others?" He asks, his head tilting to the side slightly. "Also, did you know who that man was?" He asks, keeping an eyes out for any suspicious activity.

Ryuzaki was caught off guard a little by her reaction to his attitude, he raised a brow and was about to say something to....maybe....make her feel better but it probably would've made it worse, but she suddenly spoke up again with a "Sorry" then began complimenting the singing girls vocals.

He didn't really know what to do so he just stood up and left the room, making his way out of the karaoke bar.

With a pause, he took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

"I need a cigarette."

He walked across the street to the nearest convenience store and bought the cheapest cigarettes he could afford.


Standing outside of the store he lit up a cigarette and began to smoke.

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki nods her head and stops crying, she spoke in small sniffles, "I'm here with my class and...no I don't know who he was." That was a lie.

She looks up at the girl and studies her face, her entire demeanor changes almost instantly and she points at the girl with a laugh, "Oi! You're the girl who was sitting with Jethro! Shishishi!" Grasping the girls hand with both of her own she begins to shake vigorously, "I'm Suzumaki Arakai! Nice to meetcha!"

Hajime looked a bit puzzeled for as econd before slowly nodding. "Okay-" He was cut off by her speaking. "You're in my class? You know I'm actually female?!" He questioned. Pretty much no one has thought he was female. Just becasue of how he dressed and looked in general, he was always mistaken for a guy. "Uhm.. Hajime Sizuki..." He said, shaking hands with the girl.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi's attention was, once more, drawn to Ryuzaki as he left the room, and she slapped the heel of her hand to her forehead. Great, she did offend him. The brunette sighed as she turned her focus back to the stage where Aiko was with a boy. With closed eyes, she began to zone out with their voices, replaying the days events in her head.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Everyone else in the karaoke place
This is too fluffly. Jethro thought to himself as he watched the couple sing on stage. He quickly stood himself up. Commercial break, a. k. a. get some tea for caffeine. He thought to himself before exiting the room and walking down the hall. The teen lightly rubbed his eyes while making his way back to the place he had seen the employee. His lack of sleep was catching up to him. It was a good thing Yumi would help him back Suzumaki's cookies later. Jet paused once his hands moved out of his eyes. He spoke with another employee, received his tea, then reentered the karaoke room. The teen didn't sit back down though. Jet just leaned against the wall while scanning the area.

Suzumaki looked somewhat confused at the girls question, she tapped her own chin. "Am I not supposed to?" she tilted her head and continued to stare up at her.



Ryuzaki finished his cigarette and looked across the road at the karaoke place then sighed with a face-palm, "What the hell am I doing here?"

His thoughts escaped his mouth, some people walking down the sidewalk looked over at him with pity and others looked at him like "What the hell?"

and then you had a few who just kind of laughed.

Different things began to rummage through his mind screaming "ANNOY, ANNOY"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and decided to head home to finish the work for the classes he skipped out on.

Ryuzaki actually keeps good grades....he's smart.

Hajime shakes her head. "You can know, it's just that almost everyone mistakes me as a guy." She said, leading Suzumaki back to the group. "Let's go and see what the others are doing." She said, relieved that she came out at the right time to save her.

Suzumaki sighed with relief. "Okay, I'm allowed to know. I thought my smarts were gonna rile things up."

She followed the girl back to the karaoke room in which seven pizzas now set on the table in the center of the room.

Suzumaki throws her hands into the air and runs to the pizza, "Banzaaaai~!!!" she cheers, grabbing two pieces and chomping them down with a smile.

@Corgi @Everyone
Hajime watches Suzumaki go and smiles slightly, happy he did something in time. He went towards the now standing Jet and leaned against the same wall. "As you were saying?" He asked, not casting a glance towards Aiko or Koichi.
Jethro watched Suzumaki as she charged into the room and attacked the pizza slices. Where does she get all that energy from? He thought to himself for a bit before hearing a voice beside him. His green eyes recognized Hajime as he replied, "You have nice skin". It was a random line sure, but it was the truth. The lighting really brought it out. Jet knew what their previous discussion was about, but clubs were connected to school. Who wanted to talk about school? He glanced at Yumi, "Yo you're still making cookies with me right?"

@Leaf Fi

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Yumi's eyes fluttered open as she was asked a question, glancing at her dorm mate. "Oh, yeah! Definitely. I have to make sure you don't trip, remember?" She smiled with a nod. For a second she paused, brows furrowing. "Wait... Do we even have the ingredients to make cookies?" Yumi questioned Jethro curiously.

RyanJXavier said:
Jethro watched Suzumaki as she charged into the room and attacked the pizza slices. Where does she get all that energy from? He thought to himself for a bit before hearing a voice beside him. His green eyes recognized Hajime as he replied, "You have nice skin". It was a random line sure, but it was the truth. The lighting really brought it out. Jet knew what their previous discussion was about, but clubs were connected to school. Who wanted to talk about school? He glanced at Yumi, "Yo you're still making cookies with me right?"
@Leaf Fi

Hajime stares at Jet. 'Did he just say... I have nice skin?' His eyes widen as he takes a step back. "Eh?!" He yells, starting to become flustered. "I-I d-d-do not!" He says, looking down at the ground and wraping his arms around himself. 'He said it so nonchalantly too.'
Jethro paused in his tracks at the sudden realization. "I'll rush by a store and pick the stuff up. Forgot today was the first day and there's nothing in the kitchen" He replied to Yumi in a surprisingly calm matter. Hajime's voice caught Jethro's attention again once he yelled. "Oi you okay?" He questioned Hajime while tilting his head a bit.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi
Jean decide to walk around the place to stretch her legs. She waved at everyone sitting by her and started walking. Her hands still in her pocket she looked around the place. @Anyone

Omi chuckled. "Yeah these students don't talk much unless it's school related. I was just about to head home." Omi said and sat on a bench next to Sato. @Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi nodded. "If you want company, I'll come too. We can split the prices between us too." She suggested before stopping, staring at Jethro in confusion. Whether or not she had imagined the random comment called out was uncertain to Yumi, so she decided to question her dorm mate "Wait... Did you just say Hajime has nice skin...?" She blinked, going slightly wide eyed.

RyanJXavier said:
Jethro paused in his tracks at the sudden realization. "I'll rush by a store and pick the stuff up. Forgot today was the first day and there's nothing in the kitchen" He replied to Yumi in a surprisingly calm matter. Hajime's voice caught Jethro's attention again once he yelled. "Oi you okay?" He questioned Hajime while tilting his head a bit.
@Leaf Fi @Corgi
"I-i'm fine!" Hajime said surprisingly loud. "Do you know what to get for cookies?" He asks, trying to avoid the 'nice skin' topic but Yumi brought it back. "Uhm..." Hajime's face turned a bit more red in the process of a few seconds.

Suzumaki finished off seven pieces of pizza and fell asleep on the couch.



Ryuzaki made it back to school grounds and headed to his empty dorm room in which he had no dorm mate, thankfully.

He sat down at his desk and continued his school work.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura smile as Omi sat down beside him and sighed, "I was too until I saw a student by herself, you know me; can't leave a lady alone." He laughs at the last part of his sentence and leans forward, "Do you take the first or second train home?" He asks.

"Nah, it's okay. I can get the stuff by myself. Thanks for the thought though, Yumi" Jethro smiled a bit before noticing both Yumi and Hajime's sudden change of...expression? "Yeah, why?" He questioned Yumi in a calm matter. The teen nodded at Hajime before seeing the guy turn red, "You sure you're okay?" His hand reached out to touch the guy's cheek. It felt a bit warm. Not to the point where he was feverish though. Jet put his hand back to his side and eyed the two he was conversing with. They both seemed a bit out of it.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi
RyanJXavier said:
"Nah, it's okay. I can get the stuff by myself. Thanks for the thought though, Yumi" Jethro smiled a bit before noticing both Yumi and Hajime's sudden change of...expression? "Yeah, why?" He questioned Yumi in a calm matter. The teen nodded at Hajime before seeing the guy turn red, "You sure you're okay?" His hand reached out to touch the guy's cheek. It felt a bit warm. Not to the point where he was feverish though. Jet put his hand back to his side and eyed the two he was conversing with. They both seemed a bit out of it.
@Leaf Fi @Corgi
Hajime yelped slightly at Jet's touch which made her blush even more. "I'm fine! I swear." He said turning away. "Have you never seen someone blush before?" He mumbled, quickly walking out of the karaoke room and towards the exit.
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura stood up and stretched, picked up his papers then gave Omi a questioning look along with a smile, "Care to grab a drink?"

He asked.

Yumi watched awkwardly as the two interacted, more so on Hajime's poor predicament. Jethro seemed to not understand how girls worked... She frowned as the boy left, nibbling on her bottom lip. "Well..." The brunette tapped the tips of her fingers together, "It's a weird sorta compliment. Nice, but you kinda said it out of nowhere, which made it awkward..." She explained with a shrug, looking at her dorm mate. "Should we chase after her...?"

Motoharu Jushiro

The brown hair man was secretly waiting outside of the karaoke room in which the students from before hung out, as he was waiting he noticed someone exit the room; the person who kicked him in the shin.

He reached out and grabbed the boy's arm and yanked him, "There you are."

He said with a bit of a growl in his voice.

Hajime's immediate reaction was to kick... Again. He started to struggle under the man's grip. With his free arm, he punched. Hajime was used to being agressive, so none of this was really new to him, but it still made him scared. "Let go!" He yelled trying to pull away from his grip.

@Suzumaki Arakai

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