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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Motoharu Jushiro

"What's wrong with this kid?" He thought as he tightened his grip on the boys arm, "Stop being a spoiled brat and come with me."

Jushiro was pissed off at the kid due to being kicked earlier, he began to pull the boy with him to take him to his office.

@Corgi @Anyone

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura smiled and began to walk with Omi Sensei off of school grounds and in the direction of his favorite bar.

"You ever been to Shady's?" He asks, speaking of the bar.

Jethro furrowed his brows in confusion before glancing at Yumi, "I just told Hajime the truth . . . wait girl? Hajime isn't a guy?" He was only getting more confused by the second. Every second he was getting more confused, and every second Hajime was getting farther away from them. Well, that's how Jethro saw it. He grabbed the door handle, but paused to look over his shoulder, "Yeah let's go". The teen swung the door open and exited the room just in time to see Hajime get dragged away. Jet decided that he would just ask for Yumi's clarifications later. He furrowed his brows and caught up to the familiar employee, "What's going on here?"

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Corgi
Hajime continues to struggle, kicking, punching, squirming under his grasp, but it didn't seem to help. He started to become scared. Scared for his life? Not really. It was more scared for what this man could do to others. It didn't excite him to find out. He became angry at the thought of it and he raised his arm, taking the man's with it and biting his arm.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Ichigo finished with her song and what not, she had felt happy performing it and it was fun to laugh at the end of it. Ichigo saw Aiko somewhere around, happily walking to her. "Hello stranger, where have you been!" She said, using English sprinkled in it. She hadn't really talked to Aiko since clubs, so yeah.

Motoharu Jushiro

Motoharu was caught off guard by the blond boy from earlier and managed to get bitten by the boy, anger swelled up in him.

He couldn't hold back his anger anymore, he reared back his fist and knocked the boy to the ground; busting his lip and maybe even loosening a tooth.

"Fuck!" He stood there with a balled up fist, staring down at the kid.

He reached down and grabbed him by the shirt, accidentally ripping it and revealing some lace....lace?


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura got excited when he heard that Omi had never been there, "They have the best Flame Throwers! You have to try one."

Once they made it to the bar and sat down, a woman approached them with a smile. "Been a while Sato-kun."

Miyamura nodded, "Yes it has. This is my pal Omi Gurin." He said, point at Omi with his thumb, "And Omi, this is Hakari Nana, call her Nana." He laughed.

"Nice to meet you handsome." Said the lady with a wink, she then pointed at Miyamura, "The usual?"

Miyamura nodded then the lady looked at Omi, "And you?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c310b226b_HakariNana.jpg.af2ee84e085afce3603b8def2919b8fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c310b226b_HakariNana.jpg.af2ee84e085afce3603b8def2919b8fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Miyamura Sato

Miyamura got excited when he heard that Omi had never been there, "They have the best Flame Throwers! You have to try one."

Once they made it to the bar and sat down, a woman approached them with a smile. "Been a while Sato-kun."

Miyamura nodded, "Yes it has. This is my pal Omi Gurin." He said, point at Omi with his thumb, "And Omi, this is Hakari Nana, call her Nana." He laughed.

"Nice to meet you handsome." Said the lady with a wink, she then pointed at Miyamura, "The usual?"

Miyamura nodded then the lady looked at Omi, "And you?"

Hajime didn't expect that. 'You're an idiot.' He thought, sucking on his lip and not realizing that his shirt had been ripped, he reacted quickly to he man's hesitation and head butting him before attempting to slither out from under him and kick him back.
Jethro watched as Hajime began to attack the man that was dragging . . . her/him? Soon enough the man began to attack Hajime. It looked like sparring to the teen. Jet quickly grabbed onto the guy's collar and raised him up from his already defeated position on the ground. Though the employee already looked beat up, Jet thought it still wasn't enough. His fist swiftly punched the employee about three times before he wrapped his arm around him and flipped the man over, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO HER?!"

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi
"... Maybe I shouldn't have said that..." Yumi awkwardly laughed, suddenly finding interest in the locks of her hair that fell over her shoulder. For a minute she didn't speak- just focused on plaiting the ends of the brown hair in her hands- and when she opened her mouth to continue, Jethro had already made his way to the door to the exit.

"Hey, wait up, please!" She hopped out of her seat and dashed behind her dorm mate, running into her back at the sudden stop he pulled. "Ouch!" Yumi held her nose before stepping a few paces back, moving to the left to see Hajime and the employee from earlier on the ground. Her eyes widened in shock and she fumbled in her pocket to find her phone to try and contact the police, but immediately stopped when Jethro tackled the guy, punching at his face. "Stop it!" She lunged over to her dorm mate, wrapping her arms under his armpits and across his chest, trying to pull him back. "This guy isn't worth your time! We just need to get out of here! For Hajime's sake!"

@RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi
Hajime didn't realize how scared she was until she stood up. Her legs were shaking and she felt like she was going ot fall down any second. She also didn't feel that tears the fell down her cheeks. She slid down the wall and hugged her legs, and she began to cry. 'Why am I crying? It's not like situations like that haven't happened before. Well, of course not to me. How did Suzumaki not be utterly terrified from the moment that happened to her?' Hajime thought, 'Pull yourself together! This person could be a killer for all you know!' She thought quickly pulling out her phone and contacting the police and giving them the informaiton they needed.
Motoharu Jushiro

Motoharu was once again beaten by a high-schooler and know lies on the ground KOed so he'll be ready when the police arrive.


Suzumaki woke up due to some commotion going on outside the karaoke room and decided to take a peak.

The first person she sees is Yumi, she taps her on the shoulder, about to ask what happened she then looks over and it's pretty much laid out before her eyes.

"W-what the hell happened?" She asked, walking over to Jethro who was standing over her cousin.

@RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @Corgi
Jethro kept his intense gaze on the man. It took him a few moments to calm down after feeling Yumi's arms wrap around him. "He attacked Hajime" Jet stated bluntly to Suzumaki. His gaze shifted over at Hajime. He now knew for sure that she was a girl. That conclusion was supported by the lace he could see. The teen calmly made his way to Hajime and sat down beside her. Jet waited for the police call to end before he spoke to the girl.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi @Suzumaki Arakai
Ichigo was freaked hearing people shout out like there was a fire. She saw Suzumaki and Aiko's friend was specifically on the floor. "Oh my goodness, Are you ok?!" She said as she feel on her knees, trying to help her. "What's going, on? Did he do anything bad?" She said, being hysterical seeing that it could happen anytime.
"I'm fine." She stated rather bluntly. Hajime wasn't in the right mood to be consoled at the moment, what she wanted was to question Suzumaki. "Suzumaki?" She asks, lifting her head to look up at her. "Are you sure you don't know him?" She asked. It seemed rather fishy that the man would go and get herself when she saved Suzumaki, so she wanted to have her word for it. Hajime seemed more calmed, although she probably wouldn't be able to stand without falling, so she stayed where she was.

@Kawaii @anyone else in the hall

Suzumaki looked at Jet wide-eyed then down to Hajime, her question caused guilt to rise in her.

She looked down and the ground with her hands behind her back, "H-he's my cousin..." She said soft and quietly.

Continuing to stare at the ground, "I'm sorry...I should've warned you.." she said as she kneeled down and hid her face; not crying, just hiding.

@Corgi @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi
"It's alright, just curious. I didn't get hurt so it should be fine." Hajime said, easily seen to be lying considering her lip is busted and her arm is bright red, but she was trying to get her mind off of what just happened. She looked down and noticed her shirt was torn, showing her bra. "Oh... Well then." She said, face turning pink. She looked over to Jethro and asked, "Can you go get my blazer, please?" Hajime was being unrealistically polite, very unlike her. Though, what just happened was still leaving her in shock, so others deal with shock in different ways, this was supposively hers.
Ichigo calmed down sitting down, still breathing quite heavily. She knew someone called the police, looking up at the ceiling. She had never met the girl laying down, but saw her before. Why did he do it? Why did he hurt her? She sighed as she hoped the police came soon, "Sorry, Hajime?" She said, questioning her.
"You should have warned her?" Jethro repeated looking at Suzumaki. "Suzumaki, did he do something to you before?...you don't need to explain, but did he yes or no?" He questioned in a stern manner. The teen paused for a bit before gaining a more calm composure, "Sure Hajime". Jet walked back into the room and momentarily returned with Hajime's blazer in his hand. "...Hajime will you be able to walk back to school with us? I can help you if you want" Jethro offered glancing at the girl.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi
Hajime thanked him for retrieving what was her and she quickly pulled it on. "I'll be able to walk by myself." She said simply. She would rather not owe him anymore than she has to. Though, the question with Suzumaki did make her feel guilty for not beating up the guy earlier. Though the answer would already be yes, since he tried to kidnap her.
Yumi's breathing slowed as soon as Jethro began to untense under her arms. Once she was sure her dorm mate wasn't going to attack the employee once more she released him from her grasp, taking a few steps back. This whole situation was crazy... Suzumaki revealed the unconscious man's identity, but even at that, it was hard to join the pieces as to why he attacked Hajime. It didn't matter anyways, all that mattered now was to have him arrested.

Slowly, she made her way to Suzumaki, wrapping her arms around the girl tightly, a hand resting against the back of her head. Yumi didn't say anything to her friend, just held her. Her gaze moved to Hajime and she frowned, glancing him up and down. "Should we take her to our dorm and get her patched up?" She asked Jethro. "I don't want Aiko to see her like this..."

@Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Corgi
Jean after a walk around most of the bar she comes back and blinks. She sees a brown-haired guy on the floor, her group of friends and a girl who looked a little ruffed up but okay. She sees Suzumaki putting her head down and Jean linked two and two together. The cousin. Jean walked over to the now seems a giant group of people. She slithers past some students and stood beside Suzumaki. She was already talking to the girl who a bit roughed up so she didn't inturrupt. Jean notice Jethro's attempt to help out the roughed up girl. "What the hell happened here..." Jean whispered in English. @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi and @Everyone who is at the scene

Omi followed Sato into the bar. He sat down next to his friend as he was introduced to a very pretty woman. "It's a pleasure to meet you Hakari-san." Omi said calmly. After Hakari took Sato's order, naturally she asked for his order. "I'll try a Flamethrower." Omi said. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki lifted her head at Jet's words and looked to the side, "Yeah...I lived with him for nine years..." She says with a sickened expression.

She stands up after being hugged by Yumi and pauses, "I'm fine, shishishi." She speaks with a smile then looks at Hajime; guilt still stuck on her expression. She looks at Jean and frowns, "My cousin...happened to Hajime." Considering that Jean knows about Suzumaki's cousin she let her piece it together.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura laughed as Omi ordered a Flamer Thrower, he face-palmed and pat his pal on the back. "I wish you luck my friend."

The lady smiles and walks away, preparing two Flame Throwers; two because that's Miyamura's usual.

"I don't mind us taking Hajime to our dorm and helping her" Jethro said to Yumi before looking at Hajime. "Up to you though. What's your take on the suggestion?" He asked while sliding one of his hands into his pockets. Suzumaki probably experienced traumatizing things within her time of being with her cousin. It was amazing how it didn't seem to affect her overall personality....or did it?

@Leaf Fi @Corgi

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