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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

RyanJXavier said:
Jethro sat down next to Hajime. "Alright let's fix you up, Hajime" He said after her first remark. Jet listened as Hajime listed her injuries. Her lip. The teen thought to himself before eyeing Hajime's lips and taking out what was necessary for it. Her arm. His thoughts continued while his gaze shifted to the fridge. Jet quickly stood himself up, and tossed the ice pack into the freezer. He made his way back to Hajime and took his seat as he mentally repeated her last words. Below her collar bone. Jethro thought as he slowly moved Hajime's blazer away and eyed the scratches. "You'll be done in no time" He said taking out the supplies for the scratches as well. The teen glanced at Hajime's face noticing her blush, "...You want me to get you something to drink?"
"I-I'm fine!" She said, avoiding eye contact as she looked down at the scratch. it stretched down slightly, which worried her about how far it went. It stung, but sometimes if she doesn't know the would goes on, ofr her, it doesn't really hurt. 'Whatever, anything's fin at this point.' She thought. "So.... Uhm..." She mumbled, unsure of where she was going. "Did you think I was a guy?" She asks, a bit curious now.
Jethro got up and took a paper towel from the kitchen area. He wet it a bit before walking back to Hajime and sitting down beside her. "Honestly, yeah. Sorry if that offends you. I know, it was wrong of me to assume" The teen scolded himself before eyeing Hajime's lips. "I'm going to just pat over your lip gently 'kay? You'll have to wash it by yourself later with some soap and water" Jet stated while lightly patting the wet paper towel over the wound.

Hajime shook her head. "It's fine, honestly. A lot of people mistake me for a male as well. Probably because I look like one." She said, the last sentence was her mainly talking to herself. When he started speaking she only nodded and let him work on her lip. She occasionally winced, but kept quiet for the most part.

((SORRY GUYS! My mom threw a party for me for my birthday... Drinking with your parents is legal though in case you guys didn't know that.))


Suzumaki smiled up at Jean and shook her head, "I'm fine with whatever...I feel bad though..." She spoke with guilt.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura laughed continuously during every sentence that escaped his mouth.

"I ain't drank with you since...what? Our second year of highshool!?" He asked with a smile and a refill of his shot glass.

"Alright, lip is done. I'll let you ice that later" Jethro said after taking the paper towel away and setting it aside. "I'll have to do the arm a bit later too since the ice pack is still cooling up" His gaze shifted to the rest of the supplies as he thought about the last wounded area. "Don't forget to lightly wash your lip well so it heals faster. That's basically all we can do now for those two though" The teen stated slowly removing Hajime's blazer then putting it aside. "Probably the only reason why you look like a guy is because of the clothes, the posture, and the fact that you don't smile most of the time" Jet said looking back at Hajime.

((Ooooo that sounds fun))

Jean shook her head. "No don't feel bad, it's not your fault your cousin is crazy and not the good kind of crazy. Even if you did warn everybody, he would still be here. Things happen." Jean said trying her best to make Suzumaki feel better.

Omi chuckled, he was starting to slur. "Yeah! At that wild party that ended up being in a bar. Those were some good yearss." Omi said tipsy and refilling his shot glass as well.
RyanJXavier said:
"Alright, lip is done. I'll let you ice that later" Jethro said after taking the paper towel away and setting it aside. "I'll have to do the arm a bit later too since the ice pack is still cooling up" His gaze shifted to the rest of the supplies as he thought about the last wounded area. "Don't forget to lightly wash your lip well so it heals faster. That's basically all we can do now for those two though" The teen stated slowly removing Hajime's blazer then putting it aside. "Probably the only reason why you look like a guy is because of the clothes, the posture, and the fact that you don't smile most of the time" Jet said looking back at Hajime.
Hajime nodded, trying to stay calm in the situation, but her heart still was beating faster than normal. "Makes sense..." She said, wanting to see what would happen if she did smile, but she didn't want to hurt her lip more than it already is, she she didn't, she only moved her clothing to the side so that he can clean it better.
Jethro paused for a moment and looked around the room. Wasn't Yumi in here just a few moments ago? He thought to himself before looking back at Hajime. She was probably somewhere in her own space. Jet took out a cotton round and put some alcohol on it, "Hajime, this might hurt a bit since that dang guy went a bit deep with his nails". The teen began to lightly rub the cotton onto Hajime's injured area. He didn't really realize how low the cut was going though since he was so focused on playing doctor.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi

Suzumaki grew happy and jumped towards Jean and wrapped her arms around her. "Uwah! Arigato!!"

She wiped her random tears on Jean's shirt but laughed at the same time she cried.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura continued to laugh along with Omi, "And that time I flirted with this girl but she turned out to be a man!? You remember!?"

He refilled his shot glass and realized that they had finished off the bottle, he waved his hand and bought another; he had to pay this time.

RyanJXavier said:
Jethro paused for a moment and looked around the room. Wasn't Yumi in here just a few moments ago? He thought to himself before looking back at Hajime. She was probably somewhere in her own space. Jet took out a cotton round and put some alcohol on it, "Hajime, this might hurt a bit since that dang guy went a bit deep with his nails". The teen began to lightly rub the cotton onto Hajime's injured area. He didn't really realize how low the cut was going though since he was so focused on playing doctor.
@Corgi @Leaf Fi
Hajime never once looked at Jet once he started cleaning her injury. He face was bright red again a she winced from time to time from the wound. "I-I'm just happy Suzumaki won't be hurt from that-" She took a sharp breathe in and winced, but conitnued on, "cousin of hers." She finished, lightly biting the inside of her cheek from the pain.
Corgi said:
Aiko felt her phone ring and she answered. "Y-" "Aiko?! Are you alright?" Hajime asked. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" She questioned suddenly curious. From the other line, she heard a sigh of relief. "Good. Where are you? I'll come get you and pick you up." She offered, completely dodging the question. Aiko shook her head as if she was standing in front of her. "I'm fine. I'm almost to the campus." She said, smiling at how much Hajime cared. Aiko found it refreshing, really. She almost never lef ther side, and when Hajime did, it didn't feel right. She'd probably talk to her about it later, but it was just nice to know that she didn't just completely forget her. "Just, please. Be careful." Hajime said. Aiko made a noise of agreement as she continued to walk down the sidewalk.
Koichi was completely alone with Aiko, going back to the campus, both of them haven't said anything, they were just silently waking side by side, the by actually wanted to talk with her, but his mind was blank, completely blank, he didn't know what to say. "Aiko-chan" he said, finally figuring out the words "I completely understand if you don't want to share the dorm with me, and wouldn't mind if you asked to trade with someone" the boy then made a brief pause "But I'd really like to share the dorm with you!" His tone was decided but at the same time calm. "How will she answer?"
Jean laughed and hugged Suzumaki for a little bit. "No problem!" Jean laughed and then realized Suzumaki wiped her tears on her shirt. "Hey, I'm not a tissue!" Jean said but still smiled for her goofy friend was back being... well goofy! @Suzumaki Arakai.

Omi's chuckle became a laugh as they drank more. "Oh my God yeah that was soo weird! The guy followed you for the rest of the party thinking you two were a hing or ssomthin!" Omi said laughing. @Suzumaki Arakai
Wataru said:
Koichi was completely alone with Aiko, going back to the campus, both of them haven't said anything, they were just silently waking side by side, the by actually wanted to talk with her, but his mind was blank, completely blank, he didn't know what to say. "Aiko-chan" he said, finally figuring out the words "I completely understand if you don't want to share the dorm with me, and wouldn't mind if you asked to trade with someone" the boy then made a brief pause "But I'd really like to share the dorm with you!" His tone was decided but at the same time calm. "How will she answer?"
Aiko finished the call and sighed lightly, continuing to walk side by side with Koichi. Neither of them didn't say anything for awhile. When he did speak up, she gave him her full attention. "Yes?" She asks, feeling slightly excited. When he mentioned the dorms, she became flustered. "O-oh! Uhm..." She looked down, fiddling with the end of her shorts again. "S-sharing a dorm s-seems like fun to me!" She said, giving a smile afterwards and continuing to walk. Although she seemed to be less flustered on the outside, on the inside, her heart was pounding to what seemed like 1000 beats per second and her stomach felt like butterflies were going to jump out.
She must be stuttering from the pain. Jethro thought to himself before lightly blowing on Hajime's wounds. "Don't worry Hajime, I'm almost done with this" He stated in a calm manner while continuing to rub the alcohol onto her. After a few moments, Jethro lightly blew on her wounds then turned to the table. The teen brought out an ointment tube and put some on his finger, "Just gotta do this and take a band-aid out. I don't need to put band-aids on all of them though".

Corgi said:
Aiko finished the call and sighed lightly, continuing to walk side by side with Koichi. Neither of them didn't say anything for awhile. When he did speak up, she gave him her full attention. "Yes?" She asks, feeling slightly excited. When he mentioned the dorms, she became flustered. "O-oh! Uhm..." She looked down, fiddling with the end of her shorts again. "S-sharing a dorm s-seems like fun to me!" She said, giving a smile afterwards and continuing to walk. Although she seemed to be less flustered on the outside, on the inside, her heart was pounding to what seemed like 1000 beats per second and her stomach felt like butterflies were going to jump out.
"Really?! Great! I'm looking forward to sharing it with you'' Koichi said, and smiled back. "I don't know if this is love, but it doesn't matter right now, i just feel so good around her~" . The boy could not stop smiling. The unknown feelings only grew more and more inside his chest. ''Ah~ i wonder, how is it like to share a dorm with her? I know i just met her a few hours ago but still..." The world seemed so lively to the red-head that moment, yet unconscious that what he felt was love. Without noticing, he was trying to reach for her hand, and when he did, he blushed shyly "Sorry! It was j-just an accident"

(Sorry for any typos or stuff, i'm just so sleepy T^T)
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Ichigo sat at her dorm, looking at social media through her computer. Ichigo had just showered and her was damp, wetting her pillow. Wearing a big button up shirt that reached her thighs with some shorts meaning she was going to sleep very soon or she was going get comfortable enough to sleep, especially what happened today. She sighed as she thought about what happened earlier.

She hoped the girl was ok but, it soon drifted of her mind.

She got up and went to her couch, kind of happy that her partner was asleep.Ichigo made some tea and sighed as she looked out the window. "What does the school year have for me?" Ichigo thought as she sipped her tea.


The Weekend is Over Classes begin Today!

Please start wrapping up what you were doing and head back to school and attend your class. Not many people responded to my post in the chat so you might be sent to English Class even though you are fluent of the English Language.

@Aero please put up who's attending which class.​

Suzumaki finished wiping her tears and smiled, "Sorry, Shishishi." She looks out the window and notices how late it is.

"We gotta head back!"

She exclaims as she begins running out of the karaoke bar and heads home along with Jean.


Miyamura Sato

The man throws himself backwards into a laugh, "I know! I finally got him off me after a week of telling him I was married. He finally moved to Australia!"

Looking down at his watch he sighed; still drunk.

"Shit...time to head home." He glances at Omi Sensei.

"Can you make it home? If you have to you can spend the night at my place. I live just down the road and the second train leaves in about..." He glances at his watch again, "five minutes if you can make it."

Matoko checked the time while browsing through his Handy, and noticed how late it was. Time to head back... The Boy stood up from his seat, and started heading outside, moving in the direction of the School. The Sky was already turned dark, and he was able to feel the cool breeze of the wind, similar to the one on the Roof, earlier. His footsteps were echo-ing through the empty streets, but he didn't feel uncomfortable, the opposite was the case, the silence had a rather calming, Relaxing effect on him. After a Little while, Matoko arrived at the School gate, from where he headed directly to his dorm; Then quickly changed into some simple sleeping wear, and threw himself on his bed.
Connor just layed there on his bed. He didn't really wanted to talk to his dorm mate. He then tossed and turned in his bed then finaly even though it's not even light's out he then sighed and finaly drifted off to sleep. He wondered if Yumi was ever going to read his letter. It was highly unlikly she wouldn't he will ask her tommorow if she hasn't then he will ask her to read it then and there regardless he wanted her to know. He then finaly rifted off to sleep.
Riika was tired and didn't sing any song in the end. The thing with Matoko just really pushed her mood down. It was something so small and still it felt like something so big. The girl ran the last couple of meters to the dorms when she arrived at the school gates. Her door creeked when she opened it and she plopped down on her couch, switching her console on. Let's smash someone's head in. Riika pressed the buttons and gazed at the start screen of her favorite game where you had to fight other characters. The usual tune was playing on the background and she leaned her head against the couch. God dammit, Matoko get out of my head! The boy kept creeping up in her thoughts and the teen decided to take action. Riika wasn't the waiting type, so she got on her feet and opened her door to the hall. Setting foot on the carpet laid out there made her reconsider what she was going to do, but she already decided to do something so the girl closed the wooden door behind her and walked towards the dorm of Matoko. When she finally arrived and faced the wooden texture, the nerves started to awake. C'mon Riika. Finally what felt like a hour, she knocked on the door. Waiting for an awnser.

Matoko was about to fall asleep, when he suddenly heared someone knocking on his door. It made him jump a Little, since he really didn't expect someone to visit him that late. ...I wonder who that is... The Boy pushed his blanket aside, and slowly got out of his bed, heading for the door. He didn't open it right away, The Boy some-how had an uneased Feeling about who the Person on the other side was, some might call it Intuition. ...Why am i not opening the door?... The Boy suddenly snapped out of it, grabbed the door handle firmly, and slammed open the door, a bit overzealous. Matoko scanned the Person in front of him, starting at the bottom, and slowly moving his eyes to the top, when he suddenly realized who that female was. "...R-Riika?" Matoko still felt bad for yelling at her, he knew that he might've over-reacted, but he thought that it'd be too early to apologize for it.

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Riika could hear the movements like walking and blankets. Was he already sleeping? Did she wake him up? Suddenly the girl felt really nervous and just really wanted to turn around and run away. But before she could do that she heard the door knob turning and she froze where she stood. Seeing the face of Matoko really surprised her, he first scanned her feet then her head. And she could she the shock that hit him when he recognized her. What was I going to say again? Riika looked at him for a moment and then just closed the door. Gyaaaaaah! Her heart was pounding and she just turned it into a real mess. She started to walked around and panicked at the same time. Should she go back to her own dorm? Should she just ignore it? God, what was this whole situation. It looked like they had a feeling for awkward situations. Once again Riika stood before the wooden door and wanted to knock but pulled her hand back at the same moment. This wasn't going according to plan at all.

Matoko noticed her surprised Expression, similar to his, but that only confused him even more. SHE knocked on his door, after all. ...Did she mix up the dorms? maybe she intended to get someone elses Attention! The male established eye-contact with Riika for a split second, when she suddenly slammed his door shut, completely out of the blue. W-What?... He started blushing, but couldn't explain himself why. Should i open the door again? but she probably had a reason for shutting it! maybe that was her reason to visit in the first place! JESUS CHRIST WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW! Matoko started panicking, the Situation started to move in a similar direction as the... 'Boop' incident. He smacked his forehead with his Palm, thinking about that. After a few seconds, of just Standing in front of a shut door, frozen, he decided to open it again, since he could hear Riika pacing around in front of it.


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